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  1. Guest


    Salam aleykom! I have A sister who's very very religious. I have never seen A more religious woman who lives in the west. She prays on time, never skip prayer, never had any contact with any guy, she didn't put makeup until she got married (she got married at The age of 23 in iraq). Her husband seemed good and nice and all that but not very religious. So they got married and after that My sister never slept without crying. He was really bad to her. It have been to many problems between The Two of them for me to write it in here. So in The Holy Quran Allah SWT says "Good women are for good men and good men are for good women". I really dont understand this can anyone explain? I mean My sister she is good, very good and she always listens to him and she pleases him and his evil mother. I could never stand out with the pain she has been through. I would've been crazy within an hour. So she is good really so why did she get such a bad husband? And he abused her 2-3 times. They have been married 2 years now. They had A fight 2-3 months ago and she is considering a divorce. Her husband and his parents knows that but still they didn't care. She is staying with me and our family now.
  2. I'm starting to think that "good" is a poorly defined word, and is not the opposite of evil. I think the opposite of evil is empathy. Can a person who has strong empathy be evil? Can a person who lacks empathy ever be truly good? Can anyone convince me either way? And why does it appear that lack of empathy is becoming more prevalent? Is it really, or am I just noticing it more?
  3. I believe there should be no reason to elaborate further, it is as the title asks; What is your concept or idea of bad? and how do you define it?
  4. I have a very important question that i need some clarification on. I recently saw a lecture by a man named Dr. Nabeel Qureshi who was a former muslim who became a christian and began to dwell on what sin actually means in Islam. He said that the idea of a balance with our good or bad deeds makes no sense as we shouldnt commit bad deeds in the first place and I guess in some certain aspects what he says is valid , but what I understand is that in the quran, there are many verses that speak about a mizan (a scale) that weighs our good deeds. [7:8] And the weighing [of deeds] that Day will be the truth. So those whose scales are heavy - it is they who will be the successful. [7:9] And those whose scales are light - they are the ones who will lose themselves for what injustice they were doing toward Our verses. So if im correct this is not telling me that it weighs my good deeds over my bad deeds, but it weighs how plentiful and dense our good deeds were in order for them to be considered heavy? The thing that confuses me is that what if for example somebody had an almost equilibrium with his good and bad deeds, but has an increase of 1 in good deeds. Does he still deserve paradise? This is one of the points nabeel qureshi used to question and defend his self for leaving islam and I dont feel like he fully understood the complexity of what the mizan actually means, and neither do I. Can anyone define this for me? Thank you, salam
  5. Salam, everyone. The question of whether God created good and evil is a question that has been on my mind for quite some time now. As a former Asharite, I find it difficult to imagine that God did not create these two forces. Recently, I have been doing some reading and I encountered a number of objections to the Asharite claim. The most disturbing objection to this notion follows this line of reasoning: if God created good and evil, ie He decided what is good and what is evil, then it would follow that God is acting arbitrarily. That would be tantamount to saying that God is acting without purpose, which would be blasphemous. Therefore, the only option left would be to realize that God only commands someone to do something because it is inherently good and that God only forbids certain things because they are inherently bad. This seems like a compelling argument, but I have a problem with it. To me it seems like this line of reasoning implies that good and evil are concepts that already exist and that the decree of God has nothing to do with it. This seems to rob God of His absolute authority and implies that good and evil coexist with God and at no point in time did they come into existence. Is this not problematic? It would be appreciated if someone could this explain this in some depth. ~Mithrandir.
  6. I have a big big problem! I was talking to a man with regards to marriage. Him and I live in different countries, have never met but have talked on the phone and so on. So one day, out of the blue he calls me and tells me he did istekhara for our marriage and it came bad! So at first, I began doubting his honestly about this istekhara and thought it was a way out of making a decision but then later on got convinced when he told me he felt bad about it. Well, here is the situation. Him & I live in separate continents totally. We began talking on Whatsapp and Phone. Nothing haram, just genuine talks about life and marriage. So there came a point where there was a certain amount on pressure on him to make a decision about us as to whether he wanted to proceed or not. So instead of meeting me first, talking to me and then making a decision, he does an istekhara! And it comes bad! So he decides not to marry me or even considering marrying me! Is this istekhara even valid? It's driving me nuts. I wanted to really pursue thinking marriage with him but I was so shy in the beginning that talking to him so much about things was making me uncomfortable and he was my first conversation with a man with regards to marriage. He didn't even ask me if he should do an istekhara! I don't know what to do. All I know is I have feelings for this guy. Mainly because he is so nice! Perfect husband!! And he says I'd be a perfect wife! :( I don't know what to do. Istekhara has made me so confused. I really thought him and I were getting somewhere.
  7. Let me know what you think, and we can discuss http://youtu.be/ZwIk6uBBkyo?t=22m38s
  8. In the name of Allah the Most gracious, the Most Merciful By Time! Surely man is lost, Except such as (those who) have Faith and do righteous good deeds and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth, and of patience and perseverance. this is such a short surah but such a powerful message! Sometimes we recite short surahs without pondering upon what Allah is trying to tell us! But look how much TIME we waste every single day! TV, sports, video games, the computer, sinning, all of these things that will not benefit us! We, mankind are lost when it comes to time! Except those of us who use this time to raise our Imaan, our religion, our Faith, do good deeds to please Allah, gather with our Muslim brothers and teach the truth and remember Allah and having patience. We should try to understand our deen and get closer to Allah. We should read books, study Islam, listen to lectures, and try to understand our Deen the way Allah wants us to understand it! so after reading this message type down ONE new thing, even if it's small, that you will do with even some of your time to get closer to Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì
  9. (bismillah) Today I had a debate with a Christian brother and we concluded with this big question. He argued that the concept of good and evil is defined only for the religion itself. Bad and evil, moral and immoral are divine creations only in the context of the religion itself. However, it ceases to exist outside that context. In other words, It is impossible to apply any religion's concepts universally. Is the concept of good defined within a religion's own domain only? Can anyone answer this question? thanks in advance If you need further elaboration please ask. (wasalam)
  10. Okay, here it is again, the neverending topic, music. I know if the music is gina lawhi it is haram. Can someone please explain what is Gina and lawhi and how to judge it. Also is a non islamic song propels you do do something good is is still haram?
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