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Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu! Which are the etiquette to follow with the Holy Qur'an? And,seeking decisions opening the Qur'an is haram? Like thinking about a question in your mind asking Allah to show you the answer(if what you think about is the right choice) and so open the Qur'an to read the first aya that you look at. Or generally open the Qur'an "randomly" is something that we can do? And what the differences of etiquette between the Mushaf(if is this the name) and the Traduction of the meanings of the Holy Qur'an in another language? And the etiquette with the Qur'an in general.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Which are the etiquette with the Holy Qur'an? Is halal to keep the Qur'an and open it at a random page,or is something not to do?
This brother on Reddit needs help... Let's focus on the etiquette [adab] of Mutah as described by Rasulullah (S) and his Ahlul Bayt (A). Let's NOT focus on the rulings [ahkam] (we have thousands of threads on this already, we all know the rules by know, and it's not hard to figure out the rules anyway, all you have to do is check your Marja's risalah)
Salamun Alaikum, Whether it's talking or listening. I'm not comfortable making eye contact with people. I've been thinking about this for a while so I did a google search on it last night to see if there's others who feel the same. Apart from a post on reddit, I couldn't find much. What do you guys think? I personally find that I become self-conscious. That impairs my ability to listen and to empathize with the person I'm talking to. However, I do so much better when I'm not directly looking at them and the conversations are so much better but society dictates that there is something wrong with you if you don't. I do remember coming across a hadith which mentioned something about staring while talking or listening but I can't remember the exact words. I don't think The Holy Prophet (sawa) encouraged it. I don't think it's the norm and I don't know when it became the norm. Please share your thoughts if you feel the same or how you go about conversing with people.
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- etiquette
- art of conversation
- (and 4 more)
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ (May Peace and Mercy and Blessings of Allah Be Upon You) My Shia Muslim Brothers and Shia Muslim Sisters in Islam. Hope you all are Living a Good Life By رَحمة (The Mercy) of Allah الحمد لله (All Praises Belongs to Allah). My Shia Muslim Brothers and Shia Muslim Sisters, as you all know in Islam we all must live a life of Honour and Dignity and Islam is the Only Religion which Gave us the Complete code of Life سبحان الله (Allah is Perfect). I would say It's really such a Blessing for us to be Blessed with Islam. To Become a Muslim Gentleman of Honour and Dignity, We must be careful on actions we do. The way we Walk, The Way we Talk, The Way we Eat, The way we Wear Clothes, The Way we wear Shoes, The Way we Comb our Hair, The Way we dye our Hair, The Way we Take Bath, The Way we Wear Jewellery, The Way we Sleep, The Way we enter someone's home, The Way we are in a Gathering, The Way we Make Choices for ourselves (when choosing a Spouse), The Way we Marry, The Way we Give Time to Our Family and Friends, The Way we deal Ignorant People (Jaahil) in our Daily Lives, The way we Workout , The Way we do Jihad etc. In all situations of Life, we truly are Blessed by the Instructions Given by Islam. I would say it's such a Blessing. Islam wants Muslim Gentlemen to be Better Sons, Better Brothers, Better Husbands and Better Fathers, الحمد لله (All Praises Belongs to Allah). I am 19 and This Rajab I will be 20 انشاء اللہ (If Allah Wills). I really wanna become the Gentleman I know Myself and Live the Life of Honour and Dignity. I Want to be Respected in Society wherever I go. I hope this thread will also be Beneficial (As Muslims we should Benefit Each Other) for All Muslim Teenagers (Brothers) and all Muslim Young Adults (Brothers) who are living their Lives with Aim and wanna Become the Gentleman they know themselves and want to live a Life of Honour and Dignity. So I want an Islamic book on Etiquette and Manners on living Life According to the Sunnah of Master Muhammad ﷺ (Peace and Blessing be Upon Him) and According to Sunnah of Ahlul-Bayt رضي الله عنهم (Allah Is Pleased with Them) and Imams after Them رحمه الله (Allah Have Mercy Upon Them). I came across the Book of Allamah Baqir Majilisi رحمه الله (Allah Have Mercy Upon Him) Naming Tehzib-ul-Islam (Etiquette according to Islamic Laws), This Book was Great but I want more. I want A Big Islamic Book on Etiquette. I know This is ShiaChat and we should only answer in Shia Perspective but I will also Appreciate if You All will give me with some Sunni References . Everyone of Us Gonna Die Someday. Why Not live this Life According to Sunnah. جزاك اللهُ خيرًا (May Allah Reward you With Goodness)
(BISMILLAH) (Salam) I hope you are all in the best of health, both physically and spiritually. I created this topic so that we may share, and examine, each other's cultures and how Muharram is commemorated by people of different origins. For example, in my culture, it is seen as impolite for one to watch T.V. - as in, operas and serials, not 'serious' stuff like News - in the first 10 days of Muharram, though this often extends till Arbaeen and, for some people, till Eid az-Zahra (9 Rabi al-Awal). Does your culture have a similar custom? What other customs do you have?
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