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Even if I do have to do khums, what money would I have to do it on. Birthday money, eid money, money from doing work?
Salam, I hope everyone is having a blessed Ramadan and inshAllah all our prayers are answered. Can you all please give me some of your favorite charity recommendations so I can donate myself and recommend to others. It can be organizations, fundraisers, orphanages, restaurants, your mosque, anything really even marja links. Please just recommend as much as you can and do try your best to mention ones that have credibility to some level. Wa Salaam
Assalaam Malaikum brothers and sisters, I have a few questions about Zakat as religious duty, as I am trying to learn more about Islam. My first questions is what is the difference between paying Zakat and paying Khums? What are the best websites or articles I could goto to find out more? My second question is if I were to be giving to any charity in general (such as a charity organization for the poor and homeless - but without any religious affiliation) would that be considered paying zakat? Or would I need to pay zakat to strictly an Islamic organization designed for charity? Thank you very much for reading and looking forward to some direction on these questions, Insha'Allah. Alhamdulilah!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته What are the 100% legitimate charities that donate most if not all of the money they gain to their cause that are run by our Shia brothers and sisters, or others for matters such as the Yemen Crisis, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Kashmir, Palestine, and any other matter. JazakAllah Kheir.
Salam brothers and sisters, Is there trustful way to donate Yemeni people? As you know they are suffering hardly... There are a few organizations in my country that claim to do this but some of them are allied with Muslim Brotherhood, FSA or etc, they are on the side of our enemies. Thanks in advance.
Salam Brothers & Sisters, I plan on starting a Non-Profit here in Michigan. For those who live in America, what do you feel is needed in general? At first I really wanted it to be centered around orphaned & Single Parents, but there really isn't that many around here. Any ideas? I realize this is very basic but I'd like to see what ideas you lovely people have, Inshallah we will be able to see it happen & know this Forum had a lot to do with it. جزاك الله خير
Any books anyone would recommend on how to budget money the Islamic way? I want to be very organized with how I deal with money and what I spend it on as well but I have many questions. I went to university in the west and now that I've graduated I have loans that have piled interest. I also want to put a percentage aside of my paycheck to zakat and khums but is there a specific number that is recommended? Also, hypothetically speaking if in the future I had additional money what would be the Islamic perspective on purchasing luxury items?
Salaam Alaikum, Weʼre raising £710 to Build a water well in either Afghanistan, Gambia, Kashmir, Mali, Niger, Pakistan, Senegal or Sri Lanka. Sadaqatul jariyah is ongoing charity (continuous rewards) received by us (for good actions and deeds), that will not only benefit us in this life, but will continue to benefit us after our death. InshaAllah. Access to clean water can transform the lives of entire communities. The gift of a Dig-a-Well can provide access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking, as well as keeping livestock hydrated. The wells draw water from up to 40 metres beneath the ground making them dependable during all seasons. Your Dig-a-Well will be situated in a communal place such as a village centre, school or mosque. The gift of a Dig-a-Well can serve up to 200 people each day. Your reward lays with Allah swt
Salamualaykum Does anyone know how centres and organisations distribute Zakat al Fitr? As in, my Marja says that at least 3.5kg worth should be given per poor person. ALL centres that we have here in the UK follow Maraja who state that 3kg is enough. I have messaged the centre asking them to pay 3.5kg worth on our behalf, but I'm not sure if they will do it. My question is: Does the method in which organisations distribute Zakat al Fitr cover my requirements already? How much do they give each poor person? I have a strong feeling that I'm missing something here. Hope I'm making sense Thanks in advance, any help will be appreciated. Wassalam
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While most of us are planning our Iftar menus, there are people who have trouble getting together basic nutritious food items for their families. $25 ensures Iftar for a family of four for 15 days. Donate generously to feed momin brothers and sisters. *I work for the NGO in charge of this, PM me any questions you might have. To donate, contact our rep in your area. Find a complete list at Follow us on Facebook, we have different campaigns all year round: Support the cause: Spread the message!
SA to all, I am in a bit of dilemma. I give to charity regularly, be it donating online or giving some money or buying some food for the homeless on the streets. I work in Central London so I come across a few. I am not stingy or anything and have no problem with giving to charity. After all the wealth we earn is from Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì and we should use it to do His ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì duties on earth and of course mirror the sunnah of our Prophet (pbuh) and the Infallibles (as) in giving to the most needy. My dilemma is that twice a women has come up to me, claiming to be pregnant, has lost her oyster card (travel pass for London tube for those from abroad etc. who may not be familiar). She first came up to me 2 months ago and again today. First she says, she lost her oyster card, then talks about needing money for a ticket back to Bulgaria to go back to her father, then mentions needing money for a hostel. I just found it too fishy. So on the first occasions I refused. On this occasion, I also refused but bought her some food instead. I was really close to going to the cash machine, taking out £30 and giving it to her as that apparently was enough for one night in a hostel. Money is not the issue, rather I just have a bad feeling that this was a scam so i settled on buying her some food and then I went back to work (i was on lunch break). I feel really bad that i refused her but my heart was telling me its something dodgy. The reason I felt bad is that I keep remembering hadiths from the Imams/Prophet saying "when a beggar comes to you their pride is already broken, don't hurt them more by refusing etc." (can't remember exact wording) I even offered to her that i can call the police/charity who can help her out. Perhaps a charity can take her in but strangely she didn't accept that. I gave the food and I walked off. Then i observed her from a window in my work building. She gave the food to another random lady distributing free magazines and kept the drink for herself. Which made me think more- that if you are a beggar and homeless why would you give food given to you away? Surely you are hungry? I suppose my question is what (whoever is reading this) do? Have you ever had this situation? How have you balanced the moral and islamic obligation to looking after the needy vs not getting scammed Jzk
- As a theory of ethics Utilitarianism is very flawed, so yes, it's good to give money to guide dog charities, but the article makes a good point that we need to pay more attention to the impact our charity will have and try and give charitably in an effective way.
Hello, I am interested in the gift-giving practices which are present within Islam, both historically and today. I am giving a paper on gift-giving within the Isma'ili faction of Shia Islam and I'm interested in the comparison of this to other factions. I am particularly interested in the history, so any information regarding pre-1500 Islam would be particularly valuable. Are there any etiquettes to giving? The Qu'ran warns about giving with the aim of receiving (74.6), would this forbid giving to those of a higher social level? Charity may be viewed in many ways a fundamental part of the religion, does giving amongst equals hold such an important role within doctrine or practice? I would be grateful for any substantiated pieces of information.
Salaam everyone, I wanted to share this great charity with you. It is Development and Relief Foundation (DRF), and it was founded and is run by Seyed Ali Qazwini and his family. DRF has many projects, including Karbala Hospital, a new girl’s junior and senior high school, orphan support, orphan and widow assistance, and food distribution. Their website is and they are on Facebook at You can make a donation and specify to which project you want to contribute.
Muslims ‘are Britain’s top charity givers’ Muslims are among Britain’s most generous givers, topping a poll of religious groups that donate to charity, according to new research. Muslims who donated to charity last year gave an average of almost £371 each, with Jewish givers averaging just over £270 per person. Nearly one in ten of Jewish givers donated more than £1,000. Among Muslim givers, most donated between £300 and £500 Atheists, by contrast, donated an average of £116 when they gave to charity
(salam) Dear Brother's and Sister's, I decided to make this thread, because I seen and heard some thing's that were a little disturbing today. I left the television on, and I was in another room, and I heard gunshots and screaming, and I was wondering if there was some sort of action movie going on in the background. Shortly after hearing the screaming, I came to the room after hearing: "Allahu Akbar!" Out of pure curiosity, I sat and decided to watch the infomercial. The advertisement was for supporting elderly Jew's, who are needy and in Russia. They were Holocaust survivor's, who fled to Russia to get away from Germany during World War II. Again, out of curiosity, I was wondering what Germany and Islam had to do with their suffering, May Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala help them, Insha'Allah. The infomercial was explaining that many of these elderly Jew's were outcastes in the Russian area they dwell therein, and how 'we' people can help them by sending 50.00 dollars to their organization to give a 3 meal's, each week, for one month. I sat and watched, of course I felt bad; naturally, because I don't like to see anyone suffer from malnourishment. What bothered me was the extent that the organization was going to, in order to get people to call-in and donate their money to support the cause. Now, growing up; World History, was probably one of my best subject's, and I never heard anything relating to Islam in relation to World War II. Nevertheless, I continued to watch; and they basically, said: "We are worried about radical Islam, and soon the elderly Jew's wont be able to reside in Muslim countries, etc..." "Please donate to save the Jew's." What was interesting to me; the radical Islamist's today (in the media) are directed to the Shi'ites. The infomercial was playing latom video's and showing pictures of black hijab wearing women (supposedly, these were the radical Islamist's they were referring to). One thing that really bothered me after watching the said video, they made a notion about Allah. A Jewish or Christian (I'm not really sure) said: "They say 'Allahu Akbar' which means God is great, but this is not the meaning. Allahu Akbar means 'Allah the God' is great." "Please donate now before it's too late for the elderly Jew's." Now, I'm not trying to make a mockery of the advertisement, but I still don't see the relevance of adding this information to get people to donate money to feed elderly Jew's. I even got more curious, I was they have website? Sure enough; they did, and it's as follows: I also found another video on the website (if you click video at the top), that also explained that Jews are getting bombed daily by Lebanon extremist's (as mentioned in the video) called "Israel 911" Now, I rarely pay attention to the media; as you can see from this thread, our media is brainwashing people and making false accusation's. It was interesting to me, that you have a window of 30-45 minutes to make an advertisement, and out of that timeframe, you choose to throw Islam into it for good measure. I mean; literally, they mentioned Islam for one minute, and then it was back to the 'story' of feeding the needy. I actually felt really bad for the elderly Jew's; and I still do, because it's unfortunate that people don't have food and medicine (like many other's in the world). I wonder if I called them and said I was Muslim, and I'd like to make a donation, would they accept it? Well, being the person that I am; I did call, and they had no issue taking my money. I asked: "How can you take my money when you told million's of people to beware of Muslim's taking over?" Their response: "Oh, we were just targeting (interesting word he used) extremist's around the world, and those who are threatening Israel today." Well, I pondered, and said: "This isn't the case, because of the video footage you were displaying on TV was directed towards Shi'ite Muslim's." I explained to the man, I felt really bad about the situation in relation to the elderly Jew's in Russia; but I was taken back, because they threw all of Islam "under-the-bus." He said: "We know not all Muslim's are criminal (again, interesting word he used), but we only want justice for the poor." I replied: "I am sure there are bad people in every religion; I don't think it's limited to one. So, if I donate 50.00 dollar's to support your mission, will you let the public know that a Shi'ite Muslim contributed to your organization?" He replied: "No, this isn't about religion, this is about the poor." I replied: "The video footage and the comment's therein would suggest otherwise." I am going to write a letter to the corporation about this interaction. Even if I get no feedback from them, I will do my part to let the public know; I did care, and tried to send fund's. Your Shi'ite advocate and Sister in Faith, (wasalam) AB313
Salaam, Is Edhi Foundation a good charity? All of my research indicates that this organization is doing great work in Pakistan.
SALAM ALAIKUM EVERYONE, It's Johanna Hill and I'm starting this new thread because we are really in desperate need of your help. Please watch our video and help us to relocate from New York to a place that is less expensive. New York has become unbearable for us and please remember the quote below by Imam Hussain (A.S). Thank you and may Allah (SWT) bless you for all your help. Even one dollar helps, it all adds up. "When a poor man begs for your help, his pride is hurt. By letting him down, you are causing another blow to his pride." -Imam Hussain (as)
When a poor man begs for your help, his pride is hurt. By letting him down, you are causing another blow to his pride. -Imam Hussain (as)
Run/Jog/Walk in the British 10K London Run and raise funds for Ansar Youth Project and Peace Youth and Community Trust. If you are interested in taking part in this historic event please inbox one of the admins of this event. Places are limited so please book quick. The British 10K London Run is the UK's most prestigious and sought-after 10km road race which is staged on the world's greatest route through the heart of central London. 25,000 runners fill the streets of the nation's capital and get the unique chance to run past many of the country's greatest landmarks including Big Ben, The London Eye, St Paul's Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and Westminster Abbey. Abilities range from charity fundraisers and recreational runners right through to Olympic champions! The 2012 event is staged just 19 days before the start of the Olympic Games and the excitement and buzz within London at this time should make for a truly special occasion and the best British 10k London Run in its 12 year history. (Please note you must be 15 years old on the day) Ansar Youth Project have teamed up with My Voice Project and Peace Youth and Community Trust to help raise funds towards projects that engage young people from ethnic minority and disadvantaged backgrounds. Some of the projects that have been run include: · Weekly Youth Club Sessions · Leadership opportunities for young people · Developmental day trips · Teamwork and leadership residential trip · Project management opportunities for young people My Voice Project engage over 1000 young people per annum through various activities. Help Young people develop in a holistic manner by sponsoring our runners. Sponsor one of our committed runners and help raise the desperately needed funds required to run our projects. Sponsorship no matter how small can help: £5 will pay for expenses for a volunteer for a day. · £50 will pay to run an hour workshop of conflict resolution, teamwork and leadership, anti crime etc. · £500 will pay for a day trip for 15 young people. · £2,500 will pay for a teamwork and leadership residential trip for 15 young people for 3 days. · £10,000 will allow purchase of a mini bus to help support the youth projects. Please dig deep and help make the lives of young people better.
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The Zahra TrustRamadhan Appeal In the holy month of Ramadhan, many families across the world struggle to obtain the bare necessities to prepare for fasting. That is why we, The Zahra Trust, work with various volunteers to find those families in special hardships and distribute food aid to all those in need, including the elderly and disabled, widows, orphans, refugees and those affected by disasters or conflict. You can help us by donating and therefore increase the amount of aid we can distribute to those in need. Please Donate The Zahra Trust Donation Page Please specify your donation type, with a reference, ie Ramadhan Appeal
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