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Salaam all, I haven't traded in over a year, as I do it in summer. I will start again insha'allah in June or at latest July I mostly scalped or day traded back then never holding a stock for long (except once and it bought me a 50% profit margin sooo). However, I used Etoro, which wasn't bad per se wasn't amazing either anyone know any other good UK stock brokers that DON'T ideally need me to send them my passport cuz like bruh. and their min deposit isn't insanely high so less than 100 or even 50 quid or less would be preffered. + Anyone got good trading tips? I liked scalping cuz of the short term gains but twas very stressful I have heard u shouldn't combine scalping/day with swing trading (keeping the stock for longer ) idk why was never given a reason? surely this is counterintutive? I mean wouldn't it diversify risk more to do the opposite?? Im looking for more secure investments AT the same time tho will still be doing day trading too any tips advice indicators etc lemme know not tryna make sum career lol just a few bucks on the side during summer. maybe like a couple hundered at MOST I'd be more than satisfied. oh and btw ive only traded stocks before but wanna diversify portfolios now to reduce risk. Any tips? Im thinking maybe futures, etfs, or forex. Maybe gold and stuff but idk how or where to do that? Crypto tips ALSO I RLLY WANNA INVEST IN INDEX FUNDS BUT CANT FIND ANY GOOD ONES PLS RECOMMEND SALAAM
Salaam, A good relative of mine has recently launched a business, but a lot his in-store and online advertisements are of non-hijabi women wearing or using his products. Some of these advertisements don't necessarily show the most modestly clad women even as per non-Muslim standards. It's kind of bugging me because he's a great relative of mine and I'm not sure if I should say something... Anyway, I just wanted to learn the relevant rules first: 1) Is it halal for a one, for the purposes of advertising, to use posters of women without hijab? 2) Same question as above, but let's say the advertisements are of young women wearing "fitness" clothing or non-professional and relatively revealing clothing than what would normally be seen in society on a normal day-to-day basis at formal or semi-formal settings (e.g. schools, offices, etc.) ? 3) Let's say one doesn't own the business, but is maybe a web-developer and has to set up or facilitate the set up of advertisements of non-hijabi women for their client's business. Would this be halal?
Peace be with you. I've never really understood the business and economy behind investing. Could someone with (advanced) knowledge or rather experience about this, explain it to me? What does the sharia' say about investing in companies and having shares etc. What do the maraji' say? Is this something that is halal or haram? Jazakallah khair. (I have heard incoherent answers that's why i'm hoping someone would clarify this)
In the name of God, the most gracious & most merciful-- My best friend has decided to start his own window & door installation business. He has bought the LLC and is working on getting the liability insurance so that he can be a subcontractor & has asked me to be his "right hand man". The two of us will be working together to install windows and doors on new construction and will branch out eventually to perform retrofits on already occupied houses. We are planning on success and will be reinvesting most of our profits into building this business from the ground up. He has been a window and door installer for five years, but the company he is working for is going to close their install dept & that's what got him thinking about starting his own firm. Me? I need a reliable, steady job with people who can tolerate me (we've been "attached at the hip" for almost twenty years. He met his wife because I introduced them & has said "without you, my daughter wouldn't exist"). The pay is not going to be great as we begin, but that is ok for me because I live in my mother's house without any real monthly bills anyway as I learn the glazing trade from him. I have dedicated myself to this for the foreseeable future, so please, keep us in your supplications that we might have success in business and in our mission to help build homes & protect those homes from the elements. None of this would have even been possible had Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) not been looking out for me, making a plan and giving me a means to perform dignified, honest work for someone who is pretty much family anyway. I have chosen to use this opportunity to model good Islamic behavior to him, the communities we work in, and the other workers that we encounter during the day to day.
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Hi @Hameedeh@Ashvazdanghe@Qa'im Salam Alakum Can you please highlight how shia chat works on following topics .... Point gains per member basis? How the website does the Business? Is there any share holders for website? How many points are required in order to be able to chat and or how the categories from beginner .... Advanced work and what are the switching threshold between the levels? Regards,
Cast your vote to any one you think is better for you.
Salam brothers and sisters I want to know if there are any shias in china Guanghouz and yiuw. as I travel there frequently Also if any of our momin brothers and sisters need any help in china I am always available. Business or personal Khfzz
Please share here your knowledge upon business to earn common denominator in economic i.e. money. I have known some websites but it is quite struggle to earn money.
Salaam, I was fortunate enough to have a mentor when I started my professional life. I went to him a couple of times with some work problems and he said, "(ShiaMan) - don't come to me with problems; come to me with solutions. When you come to me with problems, after a couple of times I will cringe every time I see you because I will automatically think you have a problem. But you come to me with a solutions to problem, all of a sudden you become the answer guy or the guy who solves problems, not creates them" This was the best, professional advice I received and it really works. What's the best business/professional advice you've received?
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Salamun Alaykum I found this website that claims that it will give too much money. What is your idea? [Edit] Can I trust it or not? Best regards
To Whom This May Concern, My name is Hassan Mohaidly and i'm a young Lebanese-Canadian Entrepreneur. I have an important question in regards to which MARJA can I follow While growing up, my father followed Fadlullah and my mother followed Sistani. Growing up I never knew which MARJA should I follow. Now I'm grown up and I want to make a choice to which Marja to follow. And to be honest I don't want to follow someone just because somebody told me to follow him. So my QUESTION is since Fadullah passed away (PBUH) couldn't I follow his son? Also what are some of Fadullah's main teachings and philosophy compared to the other marjas? I'm an indivdiual that loves business and personal development, so is Fadullah's teaching the same thing? ThankYou
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* Get Paid £250 per week * Obtain a Higher National Diploma (HND) In Computers or Business Studies Courses Available in Birmingham, London, Manchester, Luton, Croydon, Entry Test for English & Numeracy { Taking Place Weekly } Courses Starting Soon in April 25 Placements for Computers Left for Birmingham Branch Please Contact / Text : Sarfraz 07539-886450
Salam. My parents are forcing me to become a doctor. I don't want to be a doctor. My average GPA in High School is 4.07 (it's over a 4.0 because I took 3 Advanced Placement classes). I am in 11th grade and have completed Calculus I. I always get A's, and I'm overall a smart kid in terms of academics. I am a hard working person. But here's the deal: After over a year of researching careers, jobs, etc I have found that success lies in business and entrepreneurship. I understand there is uncertainty and risk involved, but business has been very strongly recommended in Islam and Hadith by Ahlulbayt. There is barakat and unlimited potential in business. Starting our own businesses is the way to go, both for individual freedom and for the benefit of the Muslim Ummah as a whole. Us Muslims should start creating new companies instead of working for the Jews. We should be the ones owning the companies and influencing the world. Here are some hadiths about business and Ahlulbayt's recommendation to start your own business: Prophet Muhammad Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÂáå: “If blessings were divided into ten parts, nine would be found lying in trade.” [bihar Al-Anwar, V. 23, P. 5] Prophet Muhammad Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÂáå: “Rizq is ten parts, nine of which are in trade.” [Al-Kafi, V. 5, P. 318] Ammar al-Sabati narrated, ‘I asked Aba-Abdillah (as) about a man who trades but can make the same money by working for someone else. He replied, ‘He shouldn’t work for someone else. Rather, he must seek God’s bounty by trading, for by working for someone else, he restricts God’s bounty for him.’” [Al-Kafi, V. 5, P. 90, No. 3] Imam Ali (as): “Undertake yourselves to trading, for in it lies your independence from what others possess, and verily God, Mighty and Exalted, loves the trustworthy servant who is engaged in a business.” [Al-Khisal, P. 621, No. 10] Imam Sajjad (as): “Investing money perfects courage.” [Al-Kafi, V. 1, P. 20, No. 12] I showed my parents these hadiths. I told them how us Muslims should've been the ones creating companies like Facebook, Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, Acer, and Google. Despite all this, they told me I must become a doctor because "it's the only way to make money, and if you choose ANYTHING else, it means you're trying to take a shortcut and are a loser." But I'm not trying to take a shortcut, my grades and everything show I'm a smart person. I don't want to go to medical school and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and 8 years of my precious youth studying to become a doctor just for that "steady paycheck." I, with the aide of Allah, want to be the one giving the paychecks instead of receiving them. My youth should be spent traveling the world and starting new businesses instead of sitting in classrooms and taking tests to work for hospitals owned by non-Muslims. It's time we look at what the Ahlulbayt have told us instead of continuing to follow tradition. According to Khamenei, it is not obligatory to obey your parents but it is Haram to make them sad or worried. It should be noted that my parents are very helpful and care about me a lot. They sincerely want to help me succeed in life, but they aren't convinced that it will be to my benefit if I go into entrepreneurship and business (I think mainly because they are scared and because it's against the culture/tradition). Or should I simply obey my parents and live my whole life in a career I don't believe in? Should I disobey and choose my career? Any answers would be appreciated (I also would like to hear stories of people who did disobey in terms of their career choice, and I want to know what ended up happening). My personality and abilities and desire is leaning towards business. What should I do?
(salam) I've been working with my father in the family business and have tried to expand our company by landing some lucrative deals. I know, I know, sounds very materialistic, but I want to inject the earnings back into the company because we love what we do. However, so far, all my father and I receive are disappointments and slumps, not catching a break. We tried to participate in two government tenders which, if we won, would give our company a boost. But there is SO.MUCH.CORRUPTION. on SO.MANY.LEVELS. with collusive douchebags on the inside. I just hate life. We had been planning to do these two tenders for nearly SIX DAMN MONTHS and we get screwed over by money hungry fiends. I was going to pay off my school loans with the money we would earn and now I'm back to square one. This has landed me in despair. Has anyone got duas for me which I can recite? Perhaps for a better livelihood and bread-winning? tl;dr - Life sucks and I hate it.
As-salamu 'alaikum! I have been unemployed for awhile and pondering returning to the place I worked before I reverted to Islam insha'Allah as a groundsman. For those who don't know, a groundsman is responsible for general labor during tree-removal/pruning operations and handles everything on the ground including cutting and chipping branches and loading logs into dump trucks for sale as firewood. It's work I have years of experience doing and it would help get me back on my feet insha'Allah but I have been hesitant to start back there for two reasons: first, I heard from no source in particular that cutting trees is haraam, and second, some of my fellow crew-members were a bit...intolerant...of other view-points, so to be honest I've been apprehensive about working with them again. Any advice would be wonderful insha'Allah! Would anyone recommend returning? If so, would it be wrong for me to just remain quiet about my being a Muslim, or should I be open and unapologetic? By that I don't mean confrontational, but rather, honest? Thanks to all answerers for your time!
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Assalamu Alaykum everyone- I live in the United States and would like to open a modest clothing store. For the most part I have to order my clothing online in order to find loose, comfortable, nice looking islamic clothing. Other people I know have the same problem of finding modest clothing in stores including non-muslims who want to dress more conservatively. Clothing is the first phase but would eventually like to expand to some other ideas I have. I am in the process of writing a business plan and compiling information on everything else that goes into starting a business: location, store set-up, merchandise etc. The biggest hurdle thus far is financing. I am hoping there are individuals on this forum who can contribute ideas on securing islamic financing. The start-up cost of something like this is estimated at $50,000. There are a couple of business that provide interest free islamic business loans but you have to have experience in running a business which I do not. There is, but the only problem is not knowing if the money given by a person was earned in a halal way. Any information given is appreciated, shukran!
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. I am interest in doing business in halal way to the world, i.e. export-import. I think Muslimin has to do business to help themselves and others. But I am still at the beginning, so if anybody has an interest and have experience, why not we start discussing. My friend told me he have a friend who own a blog , the product i.e. organic rice/sugar etc. So why not we exchange information about the market possibility. We can discuss it here or if someone prefer to talk personally, my email is
(salam) If you have a million dollars, how will you invest it? What sort of business(es) would you start with it? Let me give some examples: - Factories. Food processing. Textiles. Construction. - Goods transport service. - Trading. Import/Export. - Stock market investment :!!!: - Large scale farming. Livestock. Dairies. Poultry. Fisheries. - Hotel / Restaurant. - Move to Nantucket island and live off of bank interest on the money. :p How would you invest it? ^^
Salamu Alaykum, I just wanted to do some market research. I am starting a business for Muslim T shirts and am planning to have a quote from one of the ahlulbayt or the prophets on the back of the t shirt and the person who said the quote on the front written in caligraphy. I wondered would people be interested in t shirts like this? What quotes would you be interested in having on t shirts? Thanks very much, Ali.
Converted From Sunni To Shia. Must Be Reply
become shia posted a topic in General Islamic Discussion
Do you know any Shia missionary / organization which support? Please tell me if any NGO, Trust working to support Sunni. who wants to become Shia. then how newly Shia (convert from Sunni) can financially support by Shia Community? Email me: 8 replies
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