Has anybody read the book "Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East". It's the story of a British spy of how he managed to have Abdul Wahab, the founder of Wahabi Salafi cult to destroy Islam and corrupt Muslims of Middle East and the rest of the world. The najis seed that Hempher planted, is now grown into this thorney stinky wild bush, maiming and destroying Muslims with thousands of wounds, emotional, physical, and cultural. Among their many crimes, they have destroyed almost all of the relics that belonged to the prophet of Islam, destroyed the houses where prophet, his family, and his friends used to reside. It's an interesting story of deceit, espionage, Sunni gullibility, how Sunnis could be misled into the kufr of wahabism in the absence of a system of marjaiat, how Shias were never deceived thanks to their system of leadership of ulema, and so on. Some eye opening observations and eiman shaking book for Sunnis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoirs_Of_Mr._Hempher,_The_British_Spy_To_The_Middle_East