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  1. Salamun 'alaykum, my background is Sunni and I have to admit that there were a lot of things that I would hear or see from people, who regard themselves as Shi'a, that would make me not even consider Tashayyu' (Shi'ism) to be true and this despite always having huge respect and love for Amir al-Muminin 'Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him). What made me change my mind is listening to the Shaykh Hasan bin Farhan al-Maliki and reading his articles. That's why I would like to give my Shi'a brothers, who are upon the Madhhab of al-Imamiyya / al-Ithna 'Ashariyya (considering that 12ers constitute the majority of Shi'a today) some advice in order not to end up being a reason for people to stay away from Tashayyu': 1. Commemorating the Istishhad (martyrdom) of Imam al-Hussayn (peace be upon him) and that of others from the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) in a manner that people understand the reason behind these tragic incidents and the lessons for us to learn from them. A lot of Shi'a today unfortunately think of it as some sort of ritual, where you have to beat your self in a specific beat or crawl on the ground or do other weird actions and that's it. The outsider will only see these weird actions and not really understand what the matter actually is (like standing up against oppression). 2. Highlighting the importance of depending on Allah ta'ala in all situations and that Tawassul through the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) and his pure Progeny is legistaled and not going overboard. While there is no doubt that asking Allah ta'ala through the Wasila of our noble Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) and his pure Progeny is legislated and has been acted upon by pretty much everyone prior to the emergence of the Najdi extremists (who relied upon the claims of the anthropomorphist Nasibi Ibn Taymiyya), this does not mean that one should call upon them in a manner that is only befitting for Allah ta'ala nor to make ones heart depend on Asbab and become heedless of our Creator jalla jalaluhu. 3. Highlighting the importance of staying chaste and staying away from sexual immortality and not forgetting the wisdom behind rulings. Some Shi'a today will defend temporary marriage as if it's the most important thing in the religion, not knowing that even fellow Shi'a (like the Zaydiyya) may disallow it and forgetting that rulings have a wisdom behind them and that even a permissible thing may lead to sinfulness if taken out of its correct context of application and misused. Take polygamy as an example: If a person marries more than one woman and ends up being injust to one [or all] of them, then he will be sinful despite the contract itself being correct. The Shaykh Ahmad al-Waeli mentioned that Mut'a should only be done, if there is a necessity and he gave an example: A person travels to a land to study for a long time and enters into such type of marriage to protect himself from immorality. I mentioned the above three points, because these three directly come to the Sunni mind and are quite off-putting in that they lead to not even consider Tashayyu' as the correct view.
  2. In the Name of God, the Compassionate & the Merciful I am a first-term MD student in university of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran. I thought that a must-have for the Shi'a and Sunni, and other sects of Islam, is a cooperative community in which every college, undergraduate and graduate student can get together and establish a powerful organization, a flexible and effective one, resembling the Network of Wokala during the time of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq. So, I started this topic to talk with other brothers and sisters about it. There are some cores and other more special things to discuss. 1. the ultimate Goal and Niyah (based on Tawhheed & Imamah, requiring full comprehension of Islam in depth), 2. the status of it regarding others (regarding law, the public, being global, national or local, secret or not, non-profit or not, etc, which is determined by the ultimate goal), 3. Its structure and intra-relations (the hierarchy and the criteria for organizing the people, democratic or not, or democratic in special branches, criteria for choosing and/or accepting members), 4. Communication channels, like shiachat, telegram, other apps, etc, 5. Its resources, funding and facilities, and maybe infrastructure, both physical, virtual, and metaphysical. 6. Its concrete achievement plans and missions, 7. Its laws and policies, etc ... For this, we should fully "solve" the 1st question and truly answer any fundamental question and reach certainty and confidence. For this, we must know how we know and what we know and communicate. We must understand what is the truth value of human cognition, how to improve it, how come that some people go wrong, etc. Or, if possible, go beyond ordinary human cognition. So, It requires to solve intellectual problems and know ourselves. Without it, no one knows what is his/her true position and what to do. That is: من عرف نفسه، فقد عرف ربّه. Is there anyone who may want to take part in it? Here, do not try to answer the questions, but I appreciate opinions on "this project to start" and if anybody could firmly help with starting it.
  3. Salaam all, I haven't traded in over a year, as I do it in summer. I will start again insha'allah in June or at latest July I mostly scalped or day traded back then never holding a stock for long (except once and it bought me a 50% profit margin sooo). However, I used Etoro, which wasn't bad per se wasn't amazing either anyone know any other good UK stock brokers that DON'T ideally need me to send them my passport cuz like bruh. and their min deposit isn't insanely high so less than 100 or even 50 quid or less would be preffered. + Anyone got good trading tips? I liked scalping cuz of the short term gains but twas very stressful I have heard u shouldn't combine scalping/day with swing trading (keeping the stock for longer ) idk why was never given a reason? surely this is counterintutive? I mean wouldn't it diversify risk more to do the opposite?? Im looking for more secure investments AT the same time tho will still be doing day trading too any tips advice indicators etc lemme know not tryna make sum career lol just a few bucks on the side during summer. maybe like a couple hundered at MOST I'd be more than satisfied. oh and btw ive only traded stocks before but wanna diversify portfolios now to reduce risk. Any tips? Im thinking maybe futures, etfs, or forex. Maybe gold and stuff but idk how or where to do that? Crypto tips ALSO I RLLY WANNA INVEST IN INDEX FUNDS BUT CANT FIND ANY GOOD ONES PLS RECOMMEND SALAAM
  4. Salaam Alaikum! This is my first post here! How is everyone ??? I am writing here today just to get some advice as someone living in the UK and soon to undertake GCSE then go to college Insha'Allah what advice to anyone working in finance have for me to progres in the field? I am hoping to work in Investment Banking either in mergers and acquistions or Sales and trading Insha'Allah I don't have much experience besides some daytrading I did a while back? What tips you have for an aspring invesment banker? Hopefully I can work in Goldman Sachs or JP one day Insha' Allah ? (as for college i will be attending UK college but after college for UNI i'm unsure whether I wish to attend British or hopefully US Universities for better grad opportunities but I'm unsure how to go about going uni there!) Ya Ali (عليه السلام) Madad
  5. Salmon Alaykum, I am looking for seminal books on marriage, divorce and child raring in Shia Islam. Recommendations would be highly appreciated. I am also looking for advice in regard to the purchase of Shia books online or offline anywhere in the United Kingdom. Is there a platform like Kindle and Amazon for Shia books? If not is there a place that has a comprehensive selection from which people can purchase books, books like الزواج في القران و السنة للشهيد السيد عز الدين بحر العلوم Thank you in advance for your answers.
  6. Salam, I'm a 30 year old man, unmarried. Not sure if I will marry though. I got a chance but I rejected it because I don't believe in arranged marriage, I believe if I don't love her I will not be full filling all my duties toward her. Even though I will be married but I will be empty inside, I have seen a lot of married man talking and looking with lust at other women . My IMAN will still incomplete And there might come a time that I do fall in love someone. Someone else shouldn't suffer in my account. It's been more than 15 years since my adulthood. And so far I'm virgin. I'm proud of that, Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) helped me ofcourse. Otherwise temptation would have gotten the better of me. Looks or personality is not my problem, but I have always been a deep thinker and saw things more factually. For a decade after my adulthood I didn't pray because I couldn't understand the philosophy behind it. Because most of the mullas were saying mixed up things and my inside voice was telling me otherwise. I did a bit if my own study And I turned to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) and I was bestowed with bounties beyond my expectations. To the point that I witnessed miracles. Literally. So now I pray kazah after every namaz to make up for that. This was last year, I have came abroad in search of a job, I am an engineer. It won't be long that I get a decent job but this is what I'm struggling with., My testosterone levels are quite high from the start and I have been indulging in sin because of that. But that didn't stoped me for wajibat. All my prayers were on time and I got to mosque almost everyday 2-3 time. Sometimes I pray fajar without mosque. But now its getting worse day by day. To the point that it is coming in the way of my wajibat. My namaz is getting kaza once again and now it's different because at first I didn't knew the thing that I know now. A blind and a a person with aight cannot be the same. And so will be there judgement. I believe if that wasn't a part of me I would become a better muslim, hopefully a momin. Every single time that I indulge in sin my soul is getting blacken because of that and my nufs scold me for that but I just can't stop. So I am thinking about vasectomy. I cannot do this anymore. I have to get rid of this. I don't see any other way. Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is Raheem and Kareem. Surely I will be forgiven for such act. This is something I want to get out of my chest.
  7. Guest

    Help please

    I dont know how to say this. posting on a guest account for obvious reasons though. This is so hard to explain and write because what im feeling cannot be put in words. I need advice I know that this is morally and Islamiclly wrong but i have cut myself in the past (6 mnths ago i started, and it continued for about a month) and have attempted to commit suicide. (due to sexual assault but thats another story) I do not have these thoughts anymore (alhamdulilah, thanks to prayer and dua) but I still need advice on how to ensure that I will not try to kill myself again, and that I am safe from myself, and at least happy. Because I cannot remember the last time i was truly, truly happy. jazakum Allah Khayran.
  8. ﷽ Salamunalaikum, Ya Ali adrikni.. Hope everyone who's reading this is doing just fine (Insha'Allah). My name is Hasnain. I am here coz i don't have the faintest idea as to what I am supposed to do with my life... I am in desperate need of help/guidance/advice.. a lot of it. I wanna apologize ahead of time if i come off as a little arrogant, rude, childish and immature.. I really don't want to sound offensive and sorry if this post is going to be a very long one. Before I start sharing my thoughts I would like to say a few things first like I am aware and fully prepared for any kind of response I might get on this also some of you might think of me as a stupid/lazy bum or even criticize me like I am an entitled or privileged person or maybe weird etc., but honestly any of it wont matter coz somewhere deep down I do believe that i deserve stern criticism and wont try to play a victim card I'll gladly welcome any brutal/bitter advice from you brothers as this is the truth and reality. Anyway mincing no words... I am gonna be 30 yrs old in the next couple of months. I have completed my masters and yet I am unemployed. Yup you've read that right I AM still JOBLESS. Not that I am a differently abled person, its mainly because of my anxiety and depression issues. I once was a normal, happy and contented person but some terrible things happened a few years back which made me into what I am today. I've been having episodes lately which I don't feel confident enough to share publicly.. I don't know how to put what I feel in words I just don't know what to do in life, there's this void in me and nothing can seem to fill it. I don't have any sort of phobias for your info Alhamdulillah and also I don't have suicidal thoughts as am aware that its haram and the end result is hellfire and Allah's anger. I Love Ahlebait (عليه السلام) and I pray everyday without any excuse or delay I offer tahajjud prayers as well and I have been actively reciting the Holy Quran and all/various duas and ziarats like Dua e tawassul, dua noor, adila, nudba, kumail, ziyarat ashura, arbaeen, warisa etc. for the fulfilment of desires and rizq.. However, I rarely go out to attend Majalis in the month of muharram and most of the time I watch it on T.V or my device..... I know that I am a sinner and I have sinned heavily in my life but i also do Istighfar abundantly and out of love and fear of almighty.. I cry every night lying on my bed cursing and accusing myself and blaming myself for my amaals not being accepted coz of my past deeds/actions.. never have I ever in my entire life indulged myself in haram activities like smoking, drinking, gambling, womanizing never I swear... I know that no ones perfect or blessed not even me and I even understand that luck has no role in our lives its all based on our efforts & hard work... but I don't know why I cant go out and find some work or get a job.. there's this fear in me that has put me in shackles.. I am concerned that this might be a underlying sickness or some kind of phobia which has cost me a great deal.. all this pressure and stress has been eating me up on the inside.. I lack motivation and I roam aimlessly i am not sure what to do with my career I think this is the end of it.. I DONT even HAVE ANY FRIENDS.. I did have a few in the past but they too left maybe coz I am a worthless guy and they did the right thing I mean who would wanna be friends with someone like me who has panic attacks, depression, anxiety and no future no special talents or set of skills no WORK no social life.. I never leave home I have confined myself behind the walls I never attend events or parties due to my condition.. I feel tired and restless most of the time.. I often go on without drinking water and I don't feel like consuming meals all day as my appetite is mostly lost due to overthinking and freaking out... Many times I go without sleep staying wide awake on my bed lying motionless.. I have no physical activity and I have headaches and I take random medications painkillers for it to subside and rest of the time everything looks bleak and my vision gets blurry I just cant cope with anything.. I have tried some breathing and meditation methods in the past but all in vain now I have started to believe I am on the verge of impending doom... I am devastated, nothing makes sense to me anymore, I have no one to guide me or help me and I am really really scared of seeking professional help (i am afraid of shrinks).. I never wanted to say any of this I just share all this with my Imams (عليه السلام) and Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) One Major attribution for my current circumstance I believe is that as a child I was always in trauma thanks to my dad... He was an abusive parent he'd hit me or my mom every time he had the chance.. he always blamed us for all the bad things that have happened in his life even for those things which occurred long before his marriage.. my mum was an angel she was super supportive she even took all the beatings just to save me from that monster :'( I am sorry I cannot and don't want to continue further as my eyes tear up every time I recall all those atrocities.. I know this is also a sin and may be recorded as gheebat.. I beg to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) to do us justice and decide for him and all the oppressors on the day of judgement as he (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) knows best and he is the one who can punish them its not up to us as we are merely one of his feeble creation.. I just needed to vent as I am alone in this world I have no one to talk to anymore.. that is why I have tried and mustered up some courage to at least share it here with my Shia brothers.. its okay if no one replies to this I know that I sound weak, miserable and crazy but one thing I know for a fact is that I am not a liar and all of this isn't some kind of made up story my pain is not a lie... I don't need anybody's sympathy or anyone to feel pity for me coz I know that the world owes me nothing :'( I ask for forgiveness from my god and from you all if I have offended anyone among you.. I just want all my troubles to go away and be at ease as soon as possible is all.. as I feel I might be running out of patience and time I don't wanna die empty handed and with sadness by the side of my bed when I am alone in my old age I don't wanna be that person not at any cost I wanna do something meaningful and achieve all my goals but I don't have the courage and right mindset for it. So plz tell me what best options do I have? what should I do? what am I not seeing what is missing from me? I need answers I need resolution. How do I fight my inner demons? how do I come out of this never ending nightmare and this darkness engulfing me? how do I cross the bridge heck or build it in the first place?? please answer me.. someone? anyone??! Please excuse my English its going sideways as I am out of practice coz u probably know why I hope u guys understand what I meant to express. Thank you for your time and patience and also I appreciate all your help and valuable advice Also i wish that the Administrators or mods approve my post to come up on SC and wont delete it (fingers crossed). plz plz plz pretty plz if not anything just pray for me or at least just try n remember me in your duas I am literally begging you all :'( May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) Hasten the reappearance of Imam Zamana (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) Jazak'Allahu Khairan Khuda Hafez.
  9. Salaam all. A good friend of mine has a wife who confessed to having kissed a lesbian couple with passion which included lustful bodily contact as well as lustful gazes on each others' bodies. Of course he is devastated, but he was curious about what is the legal ruling on something like this, but didn't feel well enough to ask on a forum on his own so he asked me to look for some answers. Does this come under adultery? Yes or no? If yes, why and if no then why not? If no then what does this come under and legally what is the punishment (given the conditions are fulfilled such as for adultery which requires 4 confessions on separate occasions) Apart from that, although he didn't ask this, I wanted to ask so I can advise him: What should he do now? He is obviously depressed and frustrated with anger but also said he loved her, but feels very betrayed and broken. She confessed because she saw a bad dream reminding her of what she did so she woke up crying and later confessed to him about her actions. What should he do? Answers are welcome from both Shia brothers and sisters
  10. I am aware that there are certain boundaries that are forbidden to be crossed in terms of marriage. And since I am unable to get a clear answer from other sources, I am looking here for the same. Is it permitted to marry your mom's aunt's daughter?
  11. I am trying to become religious, but I manage for a couple of days and then fail, by missing a salah. I need some advice. I have bought an English translation of the Quran which I am reading.
  12. Assalamu alaykum everyone, Insha’Allah you are in the best of health. I was reluctant to make this topic because I feel quite ashamed that I’m unable to shed any tears for the Ahlulbayt and Imam Hussain (عليه السلام). I’ve tried to solve this issue on my own but it seems so far I haven’t succeeded. For brief context as some may already know I’m a revert from Ahlul-Sunnah to the Ahlulbayt school of thought. This is my first Muharram actually acknowledging what took place during the tragic events leading up to the 10th of Muharram and Ashura. I don’t know why but whenever I watch lectures, although inside I deeply feel pain, I cannot shed any tears. I don’t know if this is because over the years I have become numb due to life circumstances, or, Allah forbid, my heart has become hard. My feeling instead is anger. Anger at myself for previously being ignorant, anger at those who lied and hid the story of Ashura etc. Instead of being able to cry I’m filled with the urge to do action, any form to make sure I don’t let down the Imam of our time (عليه السلام) like Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) was let down by people. Because I have to hide my faith in my house I cannot openly participate in Muharram in lamenting the events, which also discourages me from expressing my emotions out of fear being questioned etc. I’m scared this will affect my iman. My family aren’t practicing so of course there is the added temptations with the pressure to conform to their way of life. Any advice is welcome. Jazak’Allah, from your sister in Islam.
  13. Bismillah i Rahman i Raheem Assalaam o 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah i Wa Barakaatuh I am currently a student in high school. I've had an interest in mathematics and physics, but I may not be able to pursue that interest due to some past incidents where some cruel people sabotaged my academics and due to some other financial issues. My life plan was to initially study these two subjects and then after that attend the Hawza at Najaf and study the faith there. However, it seems unlikely for this to be the case, so I have been thinking about turning the plan on its head, such that I study at Hawza e Najaf instead first, and if I live long enough, study physics and mathematics at some institution separately. I am aware of how different life will be if I choose to live in Najaf and how I'll need to make a living there, especially due to language issues considering I am from Pakistan, and my understanding of arabic/farsi is essentially absolutely zero, but I have heard it isn't impossible to live there even with these issues. I write this post in seeking guidance as to how to apply to the Hawza, how to essentially get admitted there, and study there. I would sincerely appreciate this help. JazakAllah Wa 'Alaikum Assalaam Wa Rahmatullah i Wa Barakaatuh
  14. Salaam The users on here who are married have given some solid and logical advice on marriage. Stuff like, make sure you find a partner you can tolerate, look past the initial charm, and don't ignore red flags. A question for those married users: what would you say is an important area for a young person to become mature in (knowledge-wise, personality-wise, mentality-wise, etc.) before getting married? And is there a certain amount of religious knowledge muslims should have before getting married? Someone who has never held a job before, lives with their parents, continuously tries to learn about their religion.....<-- is a pretty average scenario for muslims around me that I know. But those people have never lived with a stranger, might not know much about personal finance........they might want to get married, but what advice would you give to them before they start looking for a spouse? In what ways should they work on "self-improvement" before marriage?
  15. On Reddit, I’ve come across a self-proclaimed “ex-Muslim,” who even happens to be an Iraqi Shia residing in the USA. Most of his claims are based on misinterpretations of the Quran, and I have duly refuted them. But he seems to know nothing about Shiism other than “some guy named Ali wanted to be leader.” (Astaghfirallah, his words not mine) Meaning that his “reasons” for leaving Islam had nothing to do with the Jaafari school of thought and had to do with Islam in general. I’ve told him that there is a tremendous difference between Shiism and Sunnism, but how can I bring him back to the deen without overwhelming him? I’ve shown him some of the scientific miracles in the Quran, but he merely shrugs them off. Any advice?
  16. My English and Arabic are comparatively equal, however, I oftentimes find myself within a conundrum. For example there are many works Islamic or otherwise which are accessible in both languages, and I don’t know which to choose the Arabic version or the English version. Should I read the text as it was originally written? (This seems self-explanatory unless someone would like to kindly add on) The main issue I am having is a book written in a different language such as Greek and then translated to both languages, for example The Republic. Which language should I choose to read when it comes to translated works? I am not in favor of reading the same book in both languages as it is a bit time consuming and I seek the gist of things, unless it’s a major work such as Tafsir Al-Mizan, would it be a good idea to interchangeably read for example a book in Arabic the next in English? I would highly appreciate any advice that I can receive and the most viable approach in your respective opinions. Also when it comes to Islamic works even if they are written in Farsi should I always choose the Arabic translation over the English? Such as the works of Ali Shariati, Martyr Muttahari, etc.
  17. I have a great problem with procrastination its making me very lazy and putting me down heavily; I aspire to do so many things, read all the books on my shelf, go to the gym consistently, study assiduously, write, meditate, I can just go on and on. I could really use some advice that can help me beat this issue.
  18. Hi there, Today I am writing this blog for advice and help on how I, a 20-year old white girl, can become a 'better' Muslim. I was raised in a white family; none of whom believe in God. Whilst they are usually very understanding, due to the way that media is here, my immediate family are somewhat scared and intimidated by Islam. But I don't want to argue with them, or confront them. I really wish to educate them and let them watch through my own evolution that Islam is not something to fear. I have nobody around me that is Muslim, and I am not really sure where I can find information to educate myself that isn't biased (not to be rude, just a general thought based on my experience with the internet). I am very new to Islam, so I would like to learn as much as possible before I then try to educate those around me. What can I do, and what would you recommend for me to do that would enable to me to learn more about Islam and how to include it into my every day life? Thank you for your time, I really appreciate any feedback you can give me. This is something very close to my heart.
  19. Salam! After being with my Shia friends, as well as researching both Sunni and Shia doctrines, I've converted into a Shia Muslim ( I was a Sunni before). It's been three weeks as of today, and its been difficult since I live with my Sunni family. The thing is, I haven't told my family yet. They don't depsie Shias, they are just very pro-Sunni. I know that if I do, I will be disowned and I will get kicked out of my house. What should I do? I know I have to tell them soon, and the truth will come out, because it'll create a lot of problems in the future. There were times were I almost got caught/questioned, and I got to see their reaction to it. Please, any advice would be help. Jazakallah Khair.
  20. Salams Everyone, first time poster here! This has been on my mind for almost 10 years now and I have joined Shiachat with the intention of getting some advice. To summarise, about 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with a terminal condition. I didn't tell my family (and still haven't) as they would be devastated and I couldn't put them through that and I would still never tell them to save them the pain. Instead, I kept it to myself and I turned to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) and I prayed, and prayed hard - vowing to go to visit the Imam (عليه السلام) in either Iraq or Iran - wherever I could go. All I needed was a sign. Whether or not I was right, I believe received that sign soon after - I dreamt one night that I was in a jamaat salaat, and as I was about to go into Sajda, A man very tenderly kissed the side of my neck exactly where the 'condition' was diagnosed. It was SO real that I woke up. I felt it, I actually heard it and I could feel it even after I was wide awake and sitting up in bed. I even considered the possibility that my father was in the room. I got the feeling straight away that this was Imam Reza ((عليه السلام)). I should add that this dream was particularly odd for me as I had never regular at prayers, let alone in a Jamaat. Miracle / Sign or not, It felt real enough for me to jump on the next Ziyarat Trip to Iran and visit the Imam ((عليه السلام)) personally. In Iran, I really felt connected with the Imam ((عليه السلام)), and begged him that I wouldn't leave empty handed (those were my specific words). Randomly one evening, an average, normal looking man (who I can only think must have worked there) approached me very directly near the Zari of Imam and handed me a handful of petals. I had no idea what this was so I asked him, and he pointed at the Zari. I still didn't know what this was for, so I asked another Ziareen and he said something like 'Make a dua and put in the Zari'. Not knowing better, I did exactly that, but ended up keeping one single petal. Only later did I realise that these were the petals from the top of the Zari of Imam Reza, and this may have been the gift I begged for. For the last 10 years I have kept that petal safely and very, very carefully, not knowing what to do with it. But I inherently feel like I'm meant to do something with it. Life, career etc have all kept moving (Alhumdulilah) but I'm not cured and can't help but wonder if it's because I haven't done what I'm supposed to do with this gift. I'm curious to get my fellow brother / sisters take on the following: 1. What should I do with this? I've considered everything from eating it to putting it in water and drinking the water. 2. Could this have been the gift I was asking for, which I haven't benefitted from? 3. If this is, in fact, a gift from Imam ((عليه السلام)) with shifa then I desperately want to share it first with my family who are also suffering in other ways - how should I do this? I'm known to be pretty bright, intelligent and a very rational person - and very open to the possibility that all of this is my imagination or a random series of coincidences. However, if this is a gift that I haven't realised, I feel I MUST do it in the right way. There may be shifa given to me that I haven't benefited from. Anyway, as I said this has been on my mind for a decade. Any advice / insight / thoughts / knowledge anyone can share? Jazakallah Brothers / Sisters
  21. Hi everyone! I need your advice. I`ve been thinhing about divorce. It will be my first divorce and I don`t know which method of divorce will be more convenient and cheap. I have heard a lot about online services and colleagues said about one of this named DivorceFiller . Or I shoud divorce through standart procedure of divorce ? Give me advice , please!
  22. Hello all, I am a female going to Karbala and Najaf for the first time from the USA. I was wondering if someone would be able to answer some of my questions. It will greatly be appreciated. Thanks: 1) I know that makeup is not allowed. But what about eyelash extensions? These are fake individual lashes that are placed on your real lashes. They look natural. I just don't want anyone giving me a hard time for having them. 2) I am going to be on my menstrual cycle. Is there any advice regarding this? 3) Any other advice will greatly be appreciated. Thank-you.
  23. Asalamalakum Brothers and Sister, I was married to a Sunni man in my very early 20's however we did separate two years after due to a variety of issues. I am happy to say i have spent a number of years happily single raising my two children. I have had offers for marriage but i was not interested therefore declined all of them. However I did meet someone by chance and we are engaged and i am very much in love and very excited to spend our lives together. This being my second marriage I want to make my own conditions for the Nikah contract, my previous contract was done via my father and it took me 2 years in court to actually be able to Divorce because the way the contract was drawn up and i received no Mahr at all and still receive no financial help for my two children because I am raising them Shia and he does not approve or support this. Mahr for me isn't very important, this is a real love thing, but i do want to be smart about the conditions, My future husband is from Qatif, Saudi Arabia. He has never been married before, and he does plan to eventually move us all from Canada (where i was born and raised) to Saudi Arabia to live and manage businesses. I want to make sure i am protected and am still able to attend university again if i wish or work. I do not accept a second wife so i want to include that as well, and i want to make sure i am still able to travel freely with my two children and any children he and i have with out having to receive his "permission" (as far as i know i would require that) in order to fly from Saudi Arabia. I am asking you all to help me make conditions you might think are important or beneficial for my Nikah contract. Thanks
  24. As-Salaam-Alaikum I was wondering if it is haram to get a nose job to fix my crooked nose as i got into a car accident in the past. It's making me very self conscious and anxious.
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