Salam 'Alaikum Allow me to introduce this page "Sisters In Islam" This page aims to provide the true teaching of Ahlulbayt regarding women issues The speeches of Imam Ali Khamenei, Imam Khomeini regarding women issues The writing of Islamic scholars regarding women issues, the concept of hijab, the importance of modesty etc And inshaallah with all this knowledge and understanding that we may gain from this page, hopefully we can combat all the misconception, superstitious thought, regarding women issues. I have met many who claim to be a Muslim but their level of understanding regarding this issue is very low. As a consequence we tend to suppress/oppress those who are weak without we realize it. And we tend to easily be influenced by the Western perspective on women issues. There are also some pages that presenting the women issue in a very distorted way in the name of Islam. So inshaallah we hope this new page will help to overcome the distorted image of Islam presented by such pages. Therefore my dear brothers and sisters, Kindly help us to promote this page, invite your friends to follow this page, and if any of you have anything beneficial to be shared on this page, please feel free to inform us May Allah bless you all With the prayer of success, FB/Sisters In Islam