Back in the 1990s, the Wall Street Journal had either an editorial or op-ed written by a historian who said that Washington and the EU should not be gloating over their Liberal New World Order of free trade and their politco-economic rules. The same happened in the 1890s until challenges arose which ended in World War 1 and the end of many of them. He then went on to write that while he could not foresee what challenges would arise in the near future, he asserted that there will be challenges to our current World Order.
Having prefaced that, the following article by a former diplomat is worth a slow read.
This author sees an "Arab NATO" verses "The Axis of Resistance"(id est lRl) based largely in Shi'a populations. [Comment: his use of the word 'axis' is hopefully a geographical one as Washington's "Shi'a Cresent" is, and not an echo of Bush 43's speech).
He also comments on the failings of the Pax Americanna [Comment: this can be summarized by the malaprop Lax Americanna because the US is now too lazy to do the footwork and deskwork necessary to incrementally advance its own interests and instead uses end-of-empire "we are the Exception" military intervention and threats.]
Example Quote: "ln lraq,the corrupt system put in place since (read "by" -ed.) the U.S. occupation seems to have permeated all political forces."
Comment: the same can be written about Afghanistan.
OPINE: the real "hidden agenda" ? To act out their Mid-evil Millennialist fantasies.