Erdogan is a dictator. He wants all the power in the executive branch, is censoring free speech and even passed laws saying "insulting content" can be shut down, he sent a 13 year old to prison for criticizing him, he destroyed syria and arms the takfiris, he persecutes members of the gulen movement, which my family is a part of, simply because the judiciary made a probe into possible corruption by the akp, doing their jobs, and the majority of them were gulenists, he has shut down thousands of gulen owned schools, businesses, sent journalists to prison, been in bed with saudi arabia and isis, bombs the kurds and refuses to let them fight the takfiris, he took over zaman newspaper for "promoting the pkk", said a de facto dictatorship worked in nazi germany and so it should work there, is helping the bombardment of yemen (fighting houthis), is arming boko haram, and is trying to change the constitution to turn turkey into a presidential system...and is shoving religion down a secular nation's throat. i am turkish and I HATE HATE HATE him....what do you think?