I cant but notice the hate and takfiri acts , different sects have for one another . . I don't understand why all that hate for , don't we all believe in one Allah , prophat Mohammed is out nabi , quran is our book of revelation .. why and why do you ignore all the common stuff and jump on each other throats for the differences .
if prophat Mohammed s.a.w come to us today and wanted to enter the majid to meet his people , what you gonna tell him , no this is shia masjids come here don't go to those sufis or sunnis they non muslims , if prophat Mohammed asked why don't they believe in me , what would you say , that you heard some hadiths from you that say they kafirs ?
because of the different sects and the fights among them , I almost turned to atheism because of your useless fights that end up in wars and many blood was spill and shaded in name of false jihad and takfir of one another .
I don't feel safe even among other muslims , I am afraid .. when I am with shia I act as shia , when I am with sunni I act as sunni , but when I am by myself I know all those sects are nonsense , only the quran is the true way and path toward the truth .
this what I believe but even this I can't out it because I am scared of people around me ... muslims should stop this , but seems no one is ready to listen , they just ready to pick fight with one another and end up saying I am the true muslim and you are kafir etc etc .
and salafits/wahabi take it to another level and chop your head off