Salaam alaikum brothers and sisters
Humans have an innate urge to explain and understand the world. That's why we have mythology, that's why we have science, and that's why we have pseudoscience.
While, I suppose, there is nothing inherently wrong with pseudoscience, it is often used by unscrupulous politicians and media operatives to control and manipulate people and is a clear symptom of a population wanting to free itself from ignorance.
Recently I've been reading Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. In an early chapter, Dr Sagan speculates that the way to combat pseudoscience is with knowledge of science. Just today I came across an article from researchers at NC State University (click the link!) who assert that exposure to the concept and methods of critical thinking do more to combat falsehood than scientific knowledge.
Islam is not a passive religion of blindly following anyone. We follow a religion that encourages, even requires us to think, explore, attempt to understand our world. Knowledge that critical thinking combats falsehood really should be intuitive, yet still we have people who would rather follow a false leader than think. What can thinking Muslims do to spread thought in our world?