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  1. In the 1920s, the Iranian city of Qom developed as a prime center of Shia learning to rival Najaf and came to be regarded as the religious capital of Iran. Centuries ago, it had already been prophesied to play a major role in the end times: Imam Musa Kazim (عليه السلام). said: "A man will invite people to Allah from Qom. A crowd will gather around him. Indeed their hearts will be firm like iron pieces such that nothing can terrify or unnerve them. They will not get tired of war and will not get afraid. They will rely on Allah and they will be the real righteous." (Bihar al-Anwar: v.60 p.216 Iranian print) In the whole history of Qom, this prophecy by Imam Musa (عليه السلام). befits none but his descendant Ruhollah Musawi (Imam Khomeini), the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1989) and the anti-Zionist forces of the Islamic Revolution. Qom remains the ideological center of the Islamic Revolution. The forces of the "Qom" Movement (the Islamic Revolution) will support Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام). : Afwan Basri narrated from Imam Ja'far Sadiq (عليه السلام). that he said: "The Imam (Muhammad Baqir (عليه السلام).) asked me "do you know why they call the city Qom?", I said "Allah and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). know better". He said "indeed they call this city Qom because the people of Qom will gather around Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام). and will rise up with him, remain with him and help him"." (ibid.) About the forces vanquishing the Jews in the Holy Land in the end times, Imam Baqir (عليه السلام). said: "They are Mahdi (عليه السلام). and his companions." Imam Sadiq (عليه السلام). said about them: "I swear by Allah they are of Qom, I swear by Allah they are of Qom, I swear by Allah they are of Qom!" (Tafsir Nur al-Thaqalayn: tafsir surah 17 ruku' 1) Today the whole world knows that the greatest threat to the Zionist state of Israel is posed by the forces of Qom i.e. Imam Khomeini's movement.
  2. Salam everyone. I'm interested in studying Shia Islami Tibb and Hijama, and pursuing a career in it. I have searched Google for information related to the institutes which teach these subjects but I couldn't find much information. I would appreciate information about cheap tuition fee institutes which offer courses/degrees/certifications in Hijama, Shia Islami Tibb. Please help.
  3. The holy shrine of Imam Hussain held a mourning council in the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir in the Guesthouse of the holy shrine with the presence of several department and division administrators, in addition to the participation of a number of holy shrine members. Several prominent lecturers addressed worthy sermons concerning with the biography and accomplishments of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir. http://imhussain.com/e_index.php?ac=news&id=36 Note: We are the International Media Unit in the holy shrine of Imam Hussain. Our main aim is to spread the message of Ahlul-Bayt worldwide. Please join our Facebook Group at Hussein Revivalism follow our Twitter account @ImamHusainMedia follow our Instagram account @imamhussainmedia Thank you, may Allah and the Ahlul-Bayt bless you.
  4. I was surfing the internet to find out more about Shaheed Baqir Al Sadr when i came across this poem The Birth Of A Martyr Ya Shaheeden, O’ most noble of men Your knowledge has become our knowledge And your pain is our pain You were killed defending the honor of this beautiful religion Who else could claim to be a son of Hussain? Struggle flows within your blood For after you Sayed Sadiq ascended to the skies above Blood spilled on the land that cradled the birth of our martyrs And because of you, with the struggle did we fall in love You told us to walk and we walked And yet today you are not walking with us You told us to resist and we resisted And yet you are not here to resist with us You told us to think and we thought And yet it matters not, for your thoughts live within us We believed he had killed the heart of Iraq The man who gave his life to stand We heard you had died but death did lie For who could kill the mind of a land? You who enlightened he who never met you The tear has been imprisoned upon the pages of your life For how could we cry when we read your story Tears do no justice to such a man We have become like the rifle in your hand We are the lions of that land And I am whatever your philosophy tells me I am O’ Baqir did you see him? Did you see him hang? Let it not be said that Iraq abandoned you By my Lord Baqir we have avenged you The lions of this land could not rest For we tied our ropes around that seemingly untouchable neck We took our revenge and from saddam our shackles were freed For you o’ Baqir we killed him For you O’ Baqir we killed Yazid Its quite beautiful :cry:
  5. (salam) This was a good read: As Muslims, we try keep ourselves as informed as possible about religious matters. But where does religious knowledge end and secular knowledge begin – are we supposed to learn only about prayers and supplications, exegesis and narrations, and nothing else? Furthermore, what's the point of always learning? To find the answer, one can simply look towards our Infallibles (peace be upon them): all of them were knowledgeable in a diverse range of topics, and the topics were not categorized as "religious" and "secular" topics. Gaining knowledge has always been a part of Islam, and as Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: "Learn, for learning is protection. Seeking knowledge is worship, studying it is glorification (of Allah), looking for it is Jihad, teaching it (to others) is alms, and giving it to those who are appropriate for it is proximity (to Allah). Knowledge is the signpost of the garden. It is an intimate in lonesomeness, a companion in exile, a friend in estrangement, a guide to ease, a help against affliction, adornment with friends, and a weapon against enemies. By it, Allah promotes some people to make them Imams (leaders) for good. So, (people) follow their example and report their works. All wet and dry things, the whales and vermin of the sea, and the animals and livestock of the land ask (Allah) to bless them." (Al-Tadhkira) Further reminding us of our responsibility to gain knowledge is the title of the blessed grandson of Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (peace be upon them). The longer version of his title is Al-Baqir al-'Uloomin Nabiyyeen, meaning the one who dissects the knowledge of the Prophets. Besides sharing his pearls of wisdom from the vast treasure he had, the Imam also encouraged us to become dissectors of knowledge as well. The teachings of Islam – beautifully all-encompassing of a religion that it is – remind us that to be religious does not mean simply being knowledgeable about Islamic rituals. What kind of religiosity is it to know the history of Ashura like the back of our hands, yet to be completely ignorant of the present-day situation in Palestine? What kind of religiosity is it to shun any talk of science in the name of it being the enemy of religion? Being religious also means to be knowledgeable about the issues around us such as the economy, politics, or the educational system. Islamic knowledge is not limited; it is everything. As Muslims, it is our duty to gain as much knowledge as we can, and to use that knowledge to better serve our Lord. The ideas of knowledge and serving Allah being linked to each other is not new, since our Infallible leaders have always told us to implement we learn. Indeed, it is only logical to act upon the knowledge once we gain it. After all, it wouldn't make sense to get a medical prescription for an illness, only to end up not filling it! During his Imamate, Imam Baqir had the opportunity to spread his wisdom to the Ummah. Learned figures that were famous for their knowledge used to sit before the Imam and listen intently to his words. Hakam bin 'Utayba, for instance, "with all his reputation and prestige, used to sit at [the Imam's] pulpit like a child sitting in front of his tutor." (Islam: Faith, Practice & History) Be it science, economics, philosophy, or any other topic, the Imam was able to explain everything in detail and provide flawless solutions to problems. In the Imam's openness to a variety of subjects is a lesson for us as well. Sure, we each choose our field of specialization to study – for some it may be medicine, while for others it may be education. Either way, pursuing a specific subject does not mean closing doors upon all other subjects. Keeping informed about a variety of topics will allow us to make better decisions, and to communicate with different crowds. Our behavior needs to be such that we invite others towards our religion – and this is one way that helps to do so. Ultimately, any knowledge we seek should be with the intention of wanting to serve the Almighty, to gain nearness to Him, and to know Him. In that regard, Imam Baqir explained: "No act is accepted except through knowing (Allah). No knowledge (of Allah) is accepted except through an act. Whoever knows (Allah) his knowledge leads him to the act. He who does not know (Allah), his action is invalid." (Tuhaf al-Uqool) If our intention and our knowledge are sincere, then the actions that take us closer to Him will follow. Such narrations as this are from a vast treasure of Hadith by Imam Baqir, who was able to propagate the Truth more easily under the circumstances than his grandfathers were. Everyone was drawn towards the message of the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them) through the Imam's immaculate character and infinite well of knowledge. At the same time, the Umayyad caliph couldn't stand the God-given power and great nobility of the Imam, so he committed the heinous sin of killing the Imam in a futile attempt to quell the flow of light. On the 7th of Dhil'Hajj, in the year 114 AH, the Imam returned to his Lord. He was laid to rest next to the graves of his grandfather Imam Hasan and his father Imam Zainul Abideen in Jannat al-Baqi. Yet the light of Imam Baqir lives on in his Shias: whenever we seek knowledge, whenever we act upon that knowledge, and whenever we spread the message of Islam, we spread the pure light of his teachings. by: Nabila Rizvi source: http://islamicinsights.com/religion/religion/the-dissector-of-knowledge.html
  6. Salaam, do anyone know the isnad and true matn of this hadith: "Al-Baqir is reported to have said to Abu Hamza al-Thumali that the Prophet, before his death, was commanded by God to bequeath to Ali his knowledge, his faith and the Great Name that he had as well as the legacy of knowledge and propethood, so that the transmission of the divine heritage would be continued through the Prophet's progeny"? Furthermore - is it sound from a mainstream Ithna'ashari perspective? With Salaams,
  7. Name - Muhammad Title - Al-Baqir Kunyat - Abu Jafar Born - Tuesday 1st of Rajab 57 A.H. , at Medina Father's Name - Ali ibn Husain Mother's Name - Fatima binte Hassan Died - At the age of 59 years, at Medina, on Monday, 7th Zilhajj 116 AH. Poisoned by Hisham bin Abdul Malik Buried - Jannat-ul-Baqi .
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