Salam. The Holy Qur'aan constitutes on two fundamental components; it's Tanzeel (Revelation) and Taweel (Exegesis). The Tanzil of the Holy Qur'aan is the revelation of it's verses and it's Taweel is the exegesis of those verses. Both components are combined together to complete the Holy Qur'aan and each one is dependent on the other. Moreover, one cannot be separated from the other in a sense that, one cannot conduct the Taweel (Exegesis) of the Qur'aan if there was no Tanzeel (Revelation) of it, because if we were to assume there was no Tanzeel, then there could not be any Taweel performed since there would be no verses to conduct the Taweel of to begin with. Like wise for the other way around, that is; if the Tanzeel of the Qur'aan occurred but there was no Taweel conducted on it, then the Holy Qur'aan would be an ambiguous codex scripture which cannot be understood to benefit mankind. With that being said, up to this point, we can affirm that the Holy Qur'aan does not consist of solely the Tanzeel, but rather it has both the Tanzeel along with Taweel working hand in hand to complete. Read here: