(bismillah) In The Name of Allah (SWT) , The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. (salam) I hope, and pray, that you are all in the best of health and, more importantly, Imaan (faith). So, I have a question for all the members here, including non-Muslims and atheists. Bi'that refers to the occurrence in history where Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) , a the age of 40, declared his Prophethood. My question to you all is, if you were an atheist before this incident and were, then, presented with Islam, what would make you accept Islam as the religion you want to follow? For atheists, I will modify the question a bit and ask "what is the criteria for you when deciding which ideology you want to follow? Also, for those who reply, I will ask you further questions and maybe even criticise your reasons. This is not because I am against Islam (I am a Muslim!) but because, apart from showing the strengths of Islam, I also have others reasons for starting this thread like finding out what, according to the different members here, is the best method to use when deciding on which ideology to follow. So, if one of you says I would accept Islam for XTZ reasons, I may ask you to clarify further or criticise you but that neither means that the reasons you gave are not valid or that I am against Islam. Thank you for all the replies in advance! :D May Allah (SWT) bless us all, our families and loved ones, may He guide us all to The Straight Path with His Perfect Guidance and may He, The Forgiver of Sins and The Oft-Forgiving, forgive all our sins for, indeed, there is neither any refuge nor any respite for the sinners except in Allah (SWT) .