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In the Name of God بسم الله


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    labaikYaZahra reacted to GreyMatter in Some Of My Favorate Pictures Of Butterflies   
    Butterflies, everywhere for you guys! :)
    Enjoy and admire the beauty of my dear Lord ÓÈÍÇäå æ ÊÚÇáì

    This one is sun bathing I guess..

    Butterfly showing me some love

    And again :D

    I can see 8 butterflies here, how many can you?

    Trying to 'blend in'

    A majestic shot

    I love the designs of this one; very artistic, I see the night sky with stars, planets, clouds and the moon altogether :wub:
    What can you see? :)

    All these pictures are taken by me through my iPhone 4S' amazing camera. (Not bragging but I love my phone :angel:)
    I posted them at 'Your Own Captured Photos' thread as well and couldn't resist of making a thread out of this, since I loved all these butterfly pictures so much :D
  2. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to hassansb in Visit To Iraq   
    salam my brothers and sisters labaikYaZahra tanx for the link its a bit complicated but if i dont find anything else ill call the number thank you !
    and of courst i wont forget u guys

    Original Skengman Warrior
    in my dua if it wasnt for you guys maybe i couldnt go and tanx
    Kirmani if it gets too complicated to go to uk and go with them i rather go to toronto since i could just go in a train from montreal to toronto and

    Al-Rebzouz how do i contact you can u add me on facebook hassan sbaiti to know how your going ect cause i dont know really how to contact here im new to this website and facebook is much easier thanks again guys !
    jazakallahou khayran to all of you !
  3. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to SlaveOfAllah14 in Where Is The Shia Dawa?   
    Today after persian school, I went to the square next to the church in Parramatta, Sydney and saw a bunch of Sunni brothers doing dawa. I stayed there like 2 hours or so to just see how they go. I myself witnessed two people giving their shahada infront of me converting from christianity to Islam. Just before me a chinese man converted. I asked one of the the guys about their success. He said atleast once a day someone converts.
    There was a student of Zakir Naik there, who was also giving dawa. As we all know Zakir Naik himself has spent his life and wealth towards dawa and converted lots of the non believers. If not to the perfect Islam (shia islam), at least they saved them from shirk.
    The thing is that all of those converted follow the sunni path.
    My question is where is our dawa? Why don't we set up programs and groups like that on the street to give dawa? What is a greater dead than saving a humans life? What is a greater dead than calling someone towards Allah? I have never seen or even heard of shias giving direct dawas like them.
  4. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted in Be Thankful   
    Be thankful
    If you have a bad day at work, be thankful. Appreciate that you have a job. Some people don't.
    When you pay your bills, be thankful. You can pay them.
    If you see a gray hair, be thankful. Think of the cancer patient in chemotherapy who only wishes for any hair.
    When you find yourself eating simple food, be thankful. Think about the people who have no food to eat at all.
    When you realize how much work it is to take care of a house, be thankful you have a house. Think about those who only wish they had a house to take care of.
    When you feel like complaining because you have to walk a long distance from your car, be thankful. Think of what it would be like not to be able to walk!
    If you get irritated by other people's anger, apathy, ignorance, bitterness, or insecurities, be thankful,You are not one of them!
    When you think everything in your world is terrible, and you want to give up, think of the people who have been told they only have a certain amount of time to live,who don't want to give up.
    Live life to its fullest. Appreciate life, and be thankfull to Allah as u have been given everything by Him.
    And will provide for him whence he expects not. And he who puts his trust in Allah - He is sufficient for him. Verily, Allah is to fulfil His work. Undoubtedly, Allah has kept a measure for every thing.
    Surah At-Talaq :3
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    labaikYaZahra reacted to 3alii in A Poem About Imam Mehdi A.s (by Ta Ha)   
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    labaikYaZahra reacted in Time   
    imagine there is a bank which credits your account each morning with
    $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day, allows you to keep
    no cash balance, and every evening cancels whatever part of the amount
    you had failed to use during the day.
    What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course!
    Well, everyone has such a bank. Its name is TIME.
    Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.
    Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to
    invest to good purpose.
    It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens
    a new account for you.
    Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the
    day's deposits, the loss is yours.
    There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow". You
    must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get
    from it the utmost in health, happiness and success! The clock is
    running. Make the most of today.
    To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who has failed a grade.
    To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a
    pre-mature baby.
    To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
    To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer who has kids to feed.
    To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
    To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who has missed the train.
    To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who has avoided an accident.
    To realize the value of ONE MILLI-SECOND, ask the person who has won a
    silver medal in the Olympics.
    Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you
    shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time ...
    and remember that time waits for no one. . Yesterday is history
    Tomorrow a mystery Today is a gift That's why it's called the present!
    ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
    "And your God is one God: there is no god but He; most gracious, most
    merciful (Al-Quran 2:163).
  7. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to hassansb in Visit To Iraq   
    salamoualaykoum warahmatoulah wabarakatouh
    i would like to know if i could get some help .... i wanna go to visit in iraq imam hussein as and abas as in karabala and nchallah go to najaf to visit imam ali as but the thing is im 23 years old im from montreal canada and dont know nobody who could go with me and i would like to know if someones knows somewhere in canada or in the states (a mosque ) that i could go with them as a group together over there ...... cause i heard some mosques go as groups .....but in montreal canada the mosques they dont do it ......... why i would like to go with other people its because i dont know how to read arabic and dont wanna get lost either or go places i shouldnt go .....cause i heard some places its dangerous but i trust god and im willing to go cause i wanted to go since i was 16 ...... i cant go with a familly member cause no one wants to go and its not everybody that could pay the ticket im not rich but i work a lot of hours and i saved up money for this trip for a long time so i hope somebody could give me answers and help me so i can go there and visit my beloved imams as thanks for the help it really means a lot to me !
  8. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to -Enlightened in The Qai'm And His Life   
    Ask as much as you can, the key to the treasure of knowledge is asking
    A- It is unknown of whether he has a family or not. Most likely, he doesn't otherwise the scholars would have been aware and would have shown us sayings / Ahadith.
    B- Exactly, you have it right. Imam Mahdi was born in 15th shabaan, 255 Hijra by his mother ''Narjess'' in samarra,Iraq (you can see the place of birth if you go there) and is now 1178 years old. Just like prophet Noah, Imam Mahdi is living a very long life. He is present and lives among us but his identity is kept secret/anonymous.
    C-The word ''Shia'' in arabic means '' Follower''. Imam Mahdi is therefore, a shia (Follower) of Abraham, Noah, Adam and all the prophets. He is a shia (follower) of Prophet Mohamed and a shia (follower) of the family of the prophet,which includes Lady Fatima, Imam Hussain and the other Imams . He is the 12th
    He is monotheist: The Belief in one divine indescribable entity that can not be called entity, that has 99 words and often called ''Allah''
    Imam Mahdi has said ''I am a remainder from Adam, a relic of Noah, a choice from Abraham and an elite of Mohammad''
    May Allah reward you for asking this question. Please ask some more
  9. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to Martyrdom in Jewels   

    "It came in a dream that I lay helpless in bed
    Then entered the awaited angel of death
    I asked, "oh angel, do you meet them?
    Jewels of humanity, our precious gems."
    A tear fell from the angel, setting my soul on fire
    The creature of light replied...
    "I witness their agony, only because its required
    I just saw a girl die on the Darfur sand
    She grabbed a rock onto her hand
    She hit herself, I saw her bleed
    She screamed, 'Why did it happen to me?'
    She slammed the rock against her belly
    Weeping to the genocide Medley
    Where Victims increase with crimes committed more heatedly
    Ten men held her down and raped her repeatedly
    Then the child in her stopped breathing
    Slowly, stopped kicking its feet
    A reminder of torture she didn't want to meet
    When God commanded me to obtain
    I took her soul gently, so she wouldn't feel the pain."
    The light stopped talking, its silence was sad.
    I asked, "Is that the worst moment you've had?"
    "Indeed," it replied, "the moment was bad."
    "But none compare to the child shot in front of his dad."
    "Can you imagine the utter agony, the hurt?
    When he witnessed his boy sniped straight to the gut.
    When your son's insides fall onto your palm,
    then hear 'dad, it hurts. Oh dad, please call mom!'"
    "Then the Israeli soldiers casually walked away,
    It's business as usual, killing kids while they play.
    Yes, business as usual to snipe the helpless and weak,
    Yes, business as usual to hear a dying kid's shriek."
    "From all I have seen, the gruesomest things,
    The cries of these children have broken my wings.
    Why don't you humans assist those attacked?
    The cries of those victims have broken my back."
    The creature got loud and then it stood tall,
    "Why don't you help up the people that fall?
    Are you truly that ignorant, are you that naive?
    Practice your belief, or your words will deceive."
    I woke up distraught and I woke up in shame,
    I pondered if I truly worship God as I proclaim.
    For if I worship God I would help those in need,
    I would run to answer every oppressed plea.
    As I sat on my mat all ready to pray,
    I promised my God I would not betray.
    Helping the unheard should stay as my goal,
    Or I won't please the angel that comes for my soul."
    By Yahya Naqvi

  10. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted in What Actually Love Is   
    What Actually Love Is
    Why do we close our eyes when we sleep? When we cry?
    When we imagine? When we kiss?
    This is because the most beautiful things in
    the world are unseen.
    We are all a little weird and life's a little weird
    and when we find someone whose weirdness
    is compatible with ours,
    we join up with them and fall in
    mutual weirdness and call it love.
    There are things that we never want to let go of,
    people we never want to leave behind,
    but keep in mind that letting go isn't the end of the world,
    it's the beginning of a new life.
    Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt,
    those who have searched and those who have tried.
    For only they can appreciate the importance of the people
    who have touched their lives.
    A great love? It's when you shed tears and still
    you care for him,
    it's when he ignores you and still you long for him.
    It's when he begins to love another and yet you still smile
    and say I'm happy for you.
    If love fails, set yourself free,
    let your heart spread its wings and fly again.
    Remember you may find love and lose it, but when love dies,
    you never have to die with it.
    The strongest people are not those who always win
    but those who stand back up when they fall.
    Somehow along the course of life,
    you learn about yourself and realize
    there should never be regrets,
    only a lifelong appreciation of the choices you've made.
    A true friend understands when you say, I forgot,
    waits forever when you say, just a minute,
    stays when you say leave me alone,
    opens the door even before you knock and says can I come in?
    Loving is not how you forget but how you forgive,
    not how you listen but how you understand,
    not what you see but how you feel,
    and not how you let go but how you hold on.
    It's more dangerous to weep inwardly rather than outwardly.
    Outward tears can be wiped away while secret tears scar forever.
    In love, very rarely do we win
    but when love is true, even if you lose,
    you still win just for having the tingle of loving someone
    more than you love yourself.
    There comes a time when we have to stop loving someone
    not because that person has stopped loving us
    but because we have found out
    that they'd be happier if we let go.
    It's best to wait for the one you want than settle for one that's available.
    Best to wait for the one you love than one who is around.
    Best to wait for the right one
    because life is too short to waste on just someone.
    Sometimes the one you love turns out to be the one who hurts you the most,
    and sometimes the friend who takes you into his arms
    and cries when you cry
    turns out to be the love you never knew you wanted.
    If you really love someone never let go,
    don't believe that letting go means that you love best,
    instead fight for your love,
    that's what true love is.
    Laugh to your heart's content; you cannot go
    through life without it
    Fee Aman Allah
  11. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to awaiting_for_the.12th in What Are You Most Thankful For? Poll   
    there really is no way to answer this.
    To be Most thankful of something, you need to compare it with something you are less thankful for. In that sense, you have not given something enough credit that it deserves.
    The poll you put definitely is the smallest of the smallest things that is important. To me love of Ahlulbayt (as) is the biggest favor Allah (swt) has given me. I hope Allah (swt) never takes it away from me or any of the true momins out there, without it there really is no point living.
    Quran puts it best "Then which of the favors of Your Lord will ye deny?"
  12. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to DoubleAgent4 in Sister Only Chatroom   
    It means direct message..
  13. Like
    labaikYaZahra got a reaction from Peace! in How To Keep Yourself Smelling Good?   
    Some fabrics can also make u sweat or smell not sure which ones,so wear materials that wont do that and keep u fresh for longer, and i think rosewater is a good idea, rather than using body lotion rub rosewater all over ur body before u leave the house.
  14. Like
    labaikYaZahra got a reaction from Sapphire in How To Keep Yourself Smelling Good?   
    Some fabrics can also make u sweat or smell not sure which ones,so wear materials that wont do that and keep u fresh for longer, and i think rosewater is a good idea, rather than using body lotion rub rosewater all over ur body before u leave the house.
  15. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to maimuna in Bird   
    It was passed from one bird to another,
    the whole gift of the day.
    The day went from flute to flute,
    went dressed in vegetation,
    in flights which opened a tunnel
    through the wind would pass
    to where birds were breaking open
    the dense blue air -
    and there, night came in.
    When I returned from so many journeys,
    I stayed suspended and green
    between sun and geography -
    I saw how wings worked,
    how perfumes are transmitted
    by feathery telegraph,
    and from above I saw the path,
    the springs and the roof tiles,
    the fishermen at their trades,
    the trousers of the foam;
    I saw it all from my green sky.
    I had no more alphabet
    than the swallows in their courses,
    the tiny, shining water
    of the small bird on fire
    which dances out of the pollen.
    Pablo Neruda
  16. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to awaiting_for_the.12th in How To Keep Yourself Smelling Good?   
    Well the most obvious thing to do is always keep your home made chicken karahi (with onions and garlic) in your purse/bag. People will not even notice your Body Odor. Saves money and time it takes for multiple showers.
  17. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to Psyche24 in True Or False ?   
    In my opinion, it depends on their circumstances. If the lady has a very good job while the husband doesn't, they can decide to exchange traditional roles (the wife becomes the breadwinner while the husband becomes the caregiver). And if both spouses have good jobs and want to embrace it, then they could hire a babysitter or nanny while they work full-time. Allow the couple to decide for themselves what roles to embrace...
  18. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to Servidor in The Speed Of Dark   
    The Speed of Dark

    "A very beautiful woman who looks at her reflection in the mirror can very well believe that she is that.

    An ugly woman knows that she is not that."

    - Simone Weil

    Prologue: From the ugly and poor, according to the flesh,

    To the judgemental:

    You, us. He, you.

    What is the speed of dark?

    Darkness, not like light

    in all things unlike light

    darkness, is relative.

    What is the speed of dark?

    I will tell you, because now I know.

    Have known for some time.

    To me, it is two years ago

    ending four years with her,

    she lived fifty or so,

    I came to her after three

    after leaving home at thirteen.

    My numbers, my formula.

    Two years ago,

    two years now then.

    I have been cold, hardly clothed

    and hungry; I have been forgotten

    and ignored; mocked; yelled at

    and cursed at from cars

    a stranger by strangers.

    I have had people pretend not to know me;

    in a shopping centre.

    Had others used that they did to do crueler things.

    What is the speed of dark?

    To you?

    As measured by an observer I shall say.

    How long it takes not to say "Thank you";

    To look away, so that you do not have to smile back

    not even acknowledge they are there

    not even acknowledge that they are.

    As long as it takes to pass by

    when you could have helped

    as long as it takes to forget you saw them,

    as it takes for you to stop wondering what happened,

    and for you to promise yourselves

    it was not your fault,

    not your business.

    What is the speed of dark?

    How long were you laughing?

    How many years do they remember?

    What is the pace at which you kept walking?

    How much longer did he sit sobbing and acting as though asleep?

    How long does it take for coins not to fall?

    How many more days until they ate?

    What is the speed of dark.

    You tell me as an observer.

    How long does it take hearts to break?

    How long does it take them to realise?

    For a smile to fall apart,

    beginning at the eyes.

    What is the speed of dark?

    A second, a single moment.

    One unkindness too many

    even, even often unintended.

    As long as it takes not to notice,

    not to care, not to ask, not to answer.

    What is the speed of dark?

    The time it takes to close your eyes.

    27/3/2012 Anno Domini

  19. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to Nuriyah Khanam in Young Lonely Girls Getting Trapped By Salaafi Men   
    Salaam Alaykum.
    A few years ago I knew two Asian sisters who were v unhappy living with their step-mothers and she got into contact with this indian salaafi man and both he and his family became close with her and soon as she became 16 years old ran away from home and married this man and two years later her sister followed and married the man's cousin. Since then the father of these girls cannot find them. Firstly the family changed the girls names one typically Aaishah, the other I dont know, and began practising extremism ie wearing the face cover / naqaab, etc... But then despite them agreeing the new way of life they still deprived them of any social freedom and they were made piosoners, the family treated the girls more like servants than family members and bullying and threats from their spouses. Since then they have changed towns and their whereabouts unknown especially as their ids have changed also as they are adults local authority also setback.
    When I was in high school I briefly knew this white girl who had grownup in foster care, I heard she bumped into this saudi salaafi man and got married then he took her to saudi to meet his parents and she has never returned since then. Her real mother who spoke to her last on the phone said she was crying and desperately wanted to come back but since then even the phone calls have stopped and there is no contact atall.
    Now recently I came to know this black girl originally from the carribean I think Jamaica who had a troublesome childhood, 2 years ago she met an african salaafi man and they eloped togeter into another town and she converted to salaafi islam. Recently shes had a baby. I saw her without her face-cover and she was shockingly bruised and battered to a pulp. I asked her why she didnt ask help from the police as they are there to help people like yourself. She said to me that he would kill her.
    Not close to her immediate bilogical family, alone and in the trap of a salaafi extremist very little chance of escape plus taken advantage of by physical abuse. I asked her then why did she marry such a monster... she said at first he was very kind and helpful, I was lonely and in need. As he was religious he seemed like a good person and as he began to persuade I fell for it only to realise it was not love but dominancy and bullying, and now he is thinking of immigtration - I am trapped.
    Seeing atleast 3 girls from different race and cultures over some years I felt I should write about it to our sc sisters, the advice is in the examples itself. Be cautious!
  20. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to Ibn al-Hassan in A Poor And Lowly Soul   

    A Poor and Lowly Soul

    How much can a poor and lowly soul endure?

    Spending days and nights reflecting, so anxious and insecure

    Looking up at the skies, with a vision unclear and obscure

    Trying to anticipate his return, with a heart so spotless and pure

    I say, how much can a poor and lowly soul endure?

    Wandering astray from the path, like on some kind of detour

    Surrounded with these people, so naïve and immature

    Lost and dumbfounded, searching for that Divine Succor

    Tell me, how much can a poor and lowly soul endure?

    Weeping and weeping, for the only thing for which he is sure

    That his master will reappear with a face, radiant, bright and full of noor

    But, when, when shall this occur

    I ask you, how much can a poor and lowly soul endure?

    Patiently waiting, for his one and only beloved savior

    The one who will rid the world from oppression and terror

    The one who will eradicate all forms of deception and error

    Please, tell me, how much can a poor and lowly soul endure?

    Suffocating, breathless inside this place I call a hellhole

    Gasping for air, trying not to lose self-control

    Seeing nothing but obscenity, hearing nothing but profanity

    I can’t continue like this anymore

    O’ Lord, hasten the return of Al-Mahdi

    The awaited savior of humanity, descendent of the Prophet and Ali

    (Peace be upon them and their family)


    ~ Al-Hassan ~



  21. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to abdelashtar in A Day Without You! Is Fake And Not True.   
    A day without you! Is fake and not true.
    Who will shine the sun
    and hold up the sky
    Who guides to the ONE
    and is truth not lie
    How clouds could Move
    And Who distributes rain
    As YOU are the prove
    For pleasure and pain
    How could I be
    If YOU did not choose
    Thus YOU are my lee
    And else I‘ll lose
    Who hAs lost YOU
    What did he gain?
    And that who found YOU
    Has lost the pain
    YOU are the air
    And also the breath
    YOU are the fair
    And life after deatH
    Will blossoms grow?
    Or they will die
    Will water be snow?
    And fall so shy
    Will tree has fruit?
    Will be any trees?
    Or cats still cute
    and no echo for gees
    A Day without YOU
    It is not a day
    A day without YOU
    It Is a noway.
    lee: protective shelter
    Bierut in 03/10/2012
  22. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to saherfatima in Where? My Beloved   
    Before my bloom,
    upon all my wonder
    The sky I did search,
    divine blue yonder
    Seasons merged ,
    truth was known
    the essence of oneness ,
    these eyes shan't own
    Lush to auburn
    Auburn to white,
    A lunar greeting
    Was again in sight
    Started, ended and
    Ended and started
    want of raising my eyes,
    To the heavens had parted
    What use was beyond? when you said you were
    A promise so awing, yet
    This vow so
    I contemplated those birds,
    Chittering praise filled words ,
    At the evening dusk, and the early
    Guidance sang back,
    'all created by him,
    to that I be
    To the peaks I called,
    Only Knowledge of him
    can give you such
    Bold with a faith,
    solemnly Replied,
    A certain our fall
    direct of his light
    Oh fire of the sky, in your burning submission,
    Your dutiful dance, Fuelled by love,
    Your passion ,
    your mission
    The certainty of your creation!
    Chant your names, in the essence of Mere existence
    Mercy! I am the inheritor of Adam ,
    With only these senses , so caped
    with resistance
    What use is for ears, not aware of your sound
    And my strides that are aimless, on the riddled paths of the
    this speech of mine; so ineloquent inadequate
    Then Hear this heart of mine, a sincere advocate
    Was A whispered prayer
    On a starry night ,
    Reflecting A Wisdom
    born from my plight
    throat so heavy,
    Heavy like coals,
    An effect of the
    connection, to a once
    angelic soul ,
    It was a mercy gifted,
    from the divine source,
    Was my
    An inner light so revealing
    As if Illuminating a
    Again as I searched the sky once more for You,
    as I did time before,
    Early in my youth,
    ...Yes...my senses may,
    have aged, and scarred,
    But As I Capture the light ,
    of the distant stars,
    Now I am reading
    from a sheet my beloved
    secrets do sparkle
    And lie beautifully
    For it is now that I
    What is that cannot be
    And for that I shall be grateful
    As I searched
    best I could
  23. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to Blissful in Enigma   
    You are brought to a point
    where light becomes darkness
    and darkness, pure light
    Where the ego is shattered
    euphoria - unsettling yet so satisfying
    as it veraciously burns inside
    The paradox of truth is that it is so
    simple, so effortless to seek
    yet open to disputations for the wise
    Still, ignorance prevails in this illogical world
    and superficiality produces the norm
    humans, too disillusioned in their lives of deception
    ...that they forget to look up to the skies.
    I would tell you my story, but it seems that I have lost myself
    and have become unconscious in a life of certainty
    I know not where I am, nor where I will go
    and that everything has happened in the blink of an eye that does not see,
    yet perceives so definitely
    ...that the truth, is the truth
    and forgetting all the answers
    is knowledge.
  24. Like
    labaikYaZahra reacted to Ali Huzaifa in Feeling So Lucky And Flattered   
    after doing some extensive research on ayatul kursi in last few days, now I am feeling so nice, that I am worshiping a GOD, whos decisions are his own, none can alter what he wishes, it is good that he decides destiny of his worshiper and he dont need advice from any one else.
    none can interfere his decisions, none is comparable to him, none is self sustaining other then him,he gives knowledge of unseen to whome ever he pleases, he neither sleeps neither gets tired, its easy for him to create million words and sustain them.
    its just amazing..........
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