In the Name of God بسم الله
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labaikYaZahra reacted to Chaotic Muslem in Dead Heart
Salam ....
Sins have many effects but the deadliest of all is the dead heart. Dead heart means that a person will not see the path, will not hear the truth when spoken and will not see when the evidence is very clear. Dead heart also means that the person will not refrain from haram, in fact he might enjoy it , he will not see the harm and the ugliness in doing it. Dead heart also means that a person wil refrain from doing good, will not enjoy seeing others doing good and might see it ugly.....
One of the paths that lead to a dead heart is the sin over the sin over the sin, if a person kept sinning without reflection on his actions and without repentance his heart might be dead to the limit that when he thinks of repentance he will not be granted tawfeeq to reach it or to act upon it....
Knowing this, one should always seek the approtunity to do the good specially when his nafs is calling for it , ahadiths instructed us to keep an eye on the moments when our soul is leaning towards doing good and being poius by doing mustahab fasting or mustahab prayer or by paying charity or by helping others
one should not let these approtunities escape them, they should use them as if they are their personal wahi and inspiration from Allah , an invitation to drop some sins and save them from a dead heart
labaikYaZahra got a reaction from Peace! in How To Keep Yourself Smelling Good?
Some fabrics can also make u sweat or smell not sure which ones,so wear materials that wont do that and keep u fresh for longer, and i think rosewater is a good idea, rather than using body lotion rub rosewater all over ur body before u leave the house.
labaikYaZahra got a reaction from 3alii in Imam Reza (sa) And The Deer
Walaikum asalam
I just found the hadith, i dont know the source though i got it from a website called
Imam Ali Ar-Reza (A.S.) is also known as Imam-e- Zaamin (A.S.). Zaamin means ‘The Guarantor’. When Muslims go on journeys they take with them something called ‘Imam-e-Zaamin’ which is some money tied in a cloth. This tradition probably came from the time of Imam Reza (A.S.) when people used to carry money with them especially because it had Holy Imam's (A.S.) name on it. As Ma'mun, the Abbasid caliph the contemporary of Imam Reza (A.S.), had coins minted with the name of Imam Reza (A.S.) on them, it was very easy for the Muslims to carry the name of Holy Imam (A.S.) with them, especially when they went on journeys. One day when Imam Reza (A.S.) was on his historical journey from Madinah to Marw (Khurasan), while in a jungle the Holy Imam (A.S.) came across a hunter who was about to kill a deer. The deer was trying to get away and when she saw Holy Imam (A.S.), she said something to him. Holy Imam (A.S.) asked the hunter to free the deer so that she could go and feed her little baby deer that were very hungry. Imam Reza (A.S.) also told the hunter that once the deer had fed her babies she would come back. The hunter allowed the deer to go because Holy Imam (A.S.) had told him to, but he did not think the deer will come back. But Imam Reza (A.S.) waited with the hunter until the deer returned with her young ones. The hunter was amazed on witnessing this miraculous event and he set the deer free as a mark of respect for Imam Reza (A.S.). After this historical event Imam Reza (A.S.) became famous as Imam Zaamin (A.S.).
labaikYaZahra reacted to Ibn al-Hassan in A Heart Of Discontent
A Heart of Discontent
Chained in the shackles of distress and misery, feeling lost in captivity
My soul burned and blazed, torched with a fire of unbearable intensity
The oceans overflow with tears, as my body is inflicted with an unforgiving calamity
Minds cannot comprehend this suffering, an overwhelming dreadful atrocity
A horrible plague that’s spread all over me, slowly eating away my delicate flesh
The more I look into it, the more it leaves me confused and perplexed
Hopeless and despaired, I finally turn to an all too forgotten sacred text
A book of guidance, a much-needed remedy, gently pressing it against my chest
I forever yearn for that splendid aroma, an utterly sweet and pleasant fragrance
A scent so intoxicatingly elegant, emanating from a truly Divine essence
O, how I long for you, my master, my only wish is to sit in your sacred presence
I plead my Lord day and night, humbly requesting Him to hasten your reappearance
But, what shall I do in this lonely world whilst you are absent?
Grief-stricken and sorrowful, what shall I do with a heart of discontent?
Of what use am I, lost in the desolate plains of bewilderment?
What did I do to deserve this cruel and tormenting punishment?
With a body, so battered and bruised, my master, what can I possibly do?
Oppressed and helpless, all I ask is for you to make your long awaited debut
I pray to the Lord of the Heavens and Earth, to Him belongs All-praise
That He grants me an honorable death, at your side I wish to spend my final days
I dream of nothing more than to join your brave and valiant army
Fighting and struggling to catch another glimpse of your radiant face, so delightful and lovely
My blood smeared across your blessed hands, as I reach the exalted rank of martyrdom
Alas, I have left this God-forsaken world, ready to enter His beautiful and magnificent kingdom
~ Al-Hassan ~
labaikYaZahra reacted to hassansb in Visit To Iraq
in case somebody is interested thank god i found a group that i will meet in lebanon than go to iraq !! hamdelah
labaikYaZahra reacted to Qa'im in Who Is Ahmad Al Hassan?
Not only is the the chain of the alleged will extremely unreliable (up to 6 weaknesses out of 8 transmitters), the content of the hadith clashes with similar hadiths. There are generally three ways to authenticate a position in our hadiths. The first is through comparison to the Qur'an; but since the Qur'an does not discuss eschatology in explicit detail, we will need to move to the other methods. The second method is through rijal, by which, we have established the weakness of the tradition. The third method is through tawatur - if a position is repeated several times in several hadiths, it adds to the likelihood of its veracity. Luckily for you, the idea of the Prophet's will exists in several hadiths.
Kamal ad-Deen has a chapter about this tablet, starting on page 309:
Though in all these other hadiths; many of which are more reliable than the central Ahmad al-Hassan hadith, there is no mention of twelve Mahdis after or during the lifetime of the Qa'im (as). Please check the chapter out for yourself. We see, consistently, that there were no more and no less than twelve names mentioned on the tablet.
Like you mentioned, the hadith exists in Tusi's ghayba. But Shaykh Tusi included many hadiths which he did not necessarily believe. The hadith below is also from Tusi's ghayba. It would be ridiculous for me to handpick following hadith and build a sect upon it:
– ÇáÝÖá Èä ÔÇÐÇä¡ Úä ãæÓì Èä ÓÚÏÇä¡ Úä ÚÈÏ Çááå Èä ÞÇÓã ÇáÍÖÑãí¡ Úä ÃÈí ÓÚíÏ ÇáÎÑÇÓÇäí ÞÇá: ÞáÊ áÇÈí ÚÈÏ Çááå Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã: áÇí ÔÆ Óãí ÇáÞÇÆã ¿ ÞÇá: áÇäå íÞæã ÈÚÏãÇ íãæÊ¡ Åäå íÞæã ÈÃãÑ ÚÙíã íÞæã ÈÃãÑ Çááå ÓÈÍÇäå
Fadl b. Shadhan from Musa b. Sa`daan from Abdillah b. Qasim al-Hadhrami from Abi Sa`eed al-Khurasaani. He said: I asked Abu Abdillah (as): Why has he been called the Qa’im? He said: Because he will rise after he dies. Verily, he will rise with a great affair, rising with the affair of Allah the Sublime.
Not only is the above hadith weak in isnad, but its matn also does not coincide with our reliable material. Much like the Ahmad al-Hassan hadith. Would it be fair for me to act upon this, and start claiming that our Mahdi has perished? Allah is more merciful than to base the truth off of doubtful and unsupported sources.
Moreover, many hadiths we have, besides the Ahmad al-Hassan hadith, say that the twelve Mahdis are the Imams themselves:
ÍÏËäÇ ãÍãÏ Èä Úáí ãÇÌíáæíå ¡ æãÍãÏ Èä ãæÓì Èä ÇáãÊæßá ÑÖí Çááå ÚäåãÇ ÞÇáÇ : ÍÏËäÇ ãÍãÏ Èä íÍíì ÇáÚØÇÑ ¡ Úä ãÍãÏ Èä ÇáÍÓä ÇáÕÝÇÑ ¡ Úä ÃÈí ØÇáÈ ÚÈÏ Çááå ÇÈä ÇáÕáÊ ÇáÞãí ¡ Úä ÚËãÇä Èä ÚíÓì¡ Úä ÓãÇÚÉ Èä ãåÑÇä ÞÇá : ßäÊ ÃäÇ æÃÈæ ÈÕíÑ æãÍãÏ Èä ÚãÑÇä ãæáì ÃÈí ÌÚÝÑ Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã Ýí ãäÒá ÈãßÉ ¡ ÝÞÇá ãÍãÏ Èä ÚãÑÇä : ÓãÚÊ ÃÈÇ ÚÈÏ Çááå Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã íÞæá : äÍä ÇËäÇ ÚÔÑ ãåÏíÇ ÝÞÇá áå ÃÈæ ÈÕíÑ : ÊÇááå áÞÏ ÓãÚÊ Ðáß ãä ÃÈí ÚÈÏ Çááå Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã ¿ ÝÍáÝ ãÑÉ Ãæ ãÑÊíä Ãäå ÓãÚ Ðáß ãäå . ÝÞÇá ÃÈæ ÈÕíÑ : áßäí ÓãÚÊå ãä ÃÈí ÌÚÝÑ Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã .
Muhammad b. `Ali Majiluyeh and Muhammad b. Musa b. al-Mutawakkil ÑÖí Çááå ÚäåãÇ narrated. They said: Muhammad b. Yahya al-`Attar narrated from Muhammad b. al-Hasan as-Saffar from Abu Talib `Abdillah b. as-Salt al-Qummi from `Uthman b. `Isa from Sama`a b. Mehran. He said:
I, Abu Baseer, and Muhammad b. `Imran the slave of Abu Ja`far Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã were in a residence in Mecca, so Muhammad b. `Imran said: I heard Abu `Abdillah Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã say: We are twelve Mahdis. So Abu Baseer told him: By Allah, did you hear this from Abu `Abdillah Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã? So he swore once or twice that he had heard it from him. So Abu Baseer said: But I have heard it from Abu Ja`far Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã. (Kamal ad-Deen)
(muwathaq) (ãæËÞ)
Would it be fair for me to take the hadith on twelve muhaddatheen and claim that it refers to other than the Imams? Husayn (as) was called "al-Mahdi ibn al-Mahdi". The twelve Imams likewise have been called twelve Caliphs, twelve Amirs, twelve hujaj. As you can see, the Ahmad al-Hasan hadith brings forward an idea that exists in other hadiths, but its understanding of the idea is far from what has been established.
There are other unanswered questions - how can there effectively be 24 Imams when not a single narration has said this? On the contrary, it is highly sahih and highly mutawater that there would be 12 Imams - no more and no less. Likewise, based on what evidence is the Yamani an Imam of Ahl al-Bayt? On the contrary, the reliable hadith below suggests that none will be permitted arise with Banu Hashim before al-Qa'im (as).
ãÍãÏ Èä íÍíì¡ Úä ÃÍãÏ Èä ãÍãÏ Èä ÚíÓì¡ Úä Úáí Èä ÇáÍßã¡ Úä ÃÈí ÃíæÈ ÇáÎÒÇÒ¡ Úä ÚãÑ Èä ÍäÙáÉ ÞÇá: ÓãÚÊ ÃÈÇ ÚÈÏÇááå (Ú) íÞæá: ÎãÓ ÚáÇãÇÊ ÞÈá ÞíÇã ÇáÞÇÆã: ÇáÕíÍÉ æÇáÓÝíÇäí æÇáÎÓÝ æÞÊá ÇáäÝÓ ÇáÒßíÉ æÇáíãÇäí¡ ÝÞáÊ: ÌÚáÊ ÝÏÇß Åä ÎÑÌ ÃÍÏ ãä Ãåá ÈíÊß ÞÈá åÐå ÇáÚáÇãÇÊ ÃäÎÑÌ ãÚå¿ ÞÇá: áÇ¡ ÝáãÇ ßÇä ãä ÇáÛÏ ÊáæÊ åÐå ÇáÂíÉ " Åä äÔà ääÒá Úáíåã ãä ÇáÓãÇÁ ÂíÉ ÝÙáÊ ÃÚäÇÞåã áåÇ ÎÇÖÚíä " ÝÞáÊ áå: Ãåí ÇáÕíÍÉ¿ ÝÞÇá: ÃãÇ áæ ßÇäÊ ÎÖÚÊ ÃÚäÇÞ ÃÚÏÇÁ Çááå ÚÒæÌá
Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from `Ali b. al-Hakam from Abi Ayyub al-Khazaz from `Umar b. Hanthalah who said:
I heard Abu `Abdillah Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã say: Five signs will occur before the rising of the Qa’im: the scream, the Sufyani, the swallowing up [of an army into the desert], the killing of Nafs az-Zakiyya, and the Yamani. And I said: May I be your ransom, if someone from the Ahl al-Bayt arose before these signs, should we rise with him? He said: No. The next day, I read out this verse, “We will descend upon them from the sky a sign…” (26:4), and I said to him: Is this the scream? He said: If that were so, [you would see] the necks of the enemies of Allah bow down. (al-Kafi)
(hasan) (ÍÓä)
The Yamani is expected to rise before the Qa'im, and his army are followers of the Imam. How then can he rise before the Qa'im if he were from Bani Hashim? The Imam has clearly said, do not join up with anyone from Ahl al-Bayt before the Qa'im. Therefore, the Yamani cannot be from Ahl al-Bayt and cannot be an Imam either.
Where are the armaments of the Prophet (pbuh)? It is with the Imams; and they are a testament to their Imamate. Do the Ahmad al-Hassan have the dhulfiqar?
ãÍãÏ Èä íÍíì¡ Úä ãÍãÏ Èä ÇáÍÓíä¡ Úä ÕÝæÇä¡ Úä ÃÈí ÇáÍÓä ÇáÑÖÇ Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã ÞÇá: ßÇä ÃÈæ ÌÚÝÑ Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã íÞæá ÅäãÇ ãËá ÇáÓáÇÍ ÝíäÇ ãËá ÇáÊÇÈæÊ Ýí Èäí ÅÓÑÇÆíá ÍíËãÇ ÏÇÑ ÇáÊÇÈæÊ ÇæÊæÇ ÇáäÈæÉ ¡ æÍíËãÇ ÏÇÑ ÇáÓáÇÍ ÝíäÇ ÝËã ÇáÇãÑ¡ ÞáÊ: Ýíßæä ÇáÓáÇÍ ãÒÇíáÇ ááÚáã¿ ÞÇá: áÇ.
Muhammad b. Yahya from Muhammad b. al-Husayn from Safwan from Abu’l Hasan ar-Rida Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã.
He said: Abu Ja`far Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã used to say: The example of the armaments with us is like that of the Ark of the Covenant of Bani Israel. Wherever the Ark of the Covenant resides, prophecy would be given [to the man in possession of it]. And wherever the armaments reside amongst us, the affair is there too. I said: Do the armaments ever depart from the knowledge? He said: No. (al-Kafi, Volume 1, hadith 627)
(sahih) (ÕÍíÍ)
Any tangible proof for a whole lineage of people in the last 1200 years? What's the point of being the public representative of the hidden Imam if the representative too is hidden and unatainable?
The established hadiths say there can only be one active hujja or Imam at a time. Is there any evidence that there can be two active Imams at once?
What about the hadiths that say the Sufyani will rise within the same day (or at least the same year) as the Yamani, how is that reconciled? Yes, they too are in Tusi's ghayba. I encourage you to read it in its entirety. I have translated a part of it here: http://www.shiachat....h/#entry2417827
There are way too many issues with this claim. To accept it, you must strengthen what is explicitly weak and deny what is explicitly true. Truth does not go against itself, it supports itself. This claim to Imamate - which, by the way, perhaps happens on a daily basis around the world - is nothing new, and has been going on for thousands of years. There are many motives behind making such a claim, and our history is filled with many false claimants. Ahmad al-Hassan is probably just as Mahdi as the other Ahmadi cult leader was.
labaikYaZahra reacted to Maryaam in Why All The Woman Hate?
Women do many things right and try their best to please Allah and follow what has been laid before them. I don’t think there is a danger that women are going to forget their shortcomings as they are told frequently about how deficient they are and what they need to strive to become. There are ahadith praising women and what they give freely as guided by Islam – these need to be promoted equally (even half as often would be a good start) with the oft-produced list of deficiencies. Giving positive examples and acknowledgement of efforts is the best motivator for someone to seek self-improvement. People would do best to encourage women to be the best they can be by modeling the behaviours they expect of them….much more effective than spending all their energies looking for and verbalizing their defects. Look for the positive and build from there. For me, reading endless posts quoting how deficient I am because I am a woman is demoralizing and leads to self-deprecation…I feel like I want to crawl in a hole and hide my flawed self.
labaikYaZahra reacted to -Enlightened in Why All The Woman Hate?
The main issue is that some people are treating the Hadiths exactly like the quran.
They think that hadith which translates to ''saying'' ( a narration that someone said) is universal . Even if it came from someone who lived in another culture, in another society , in another era...
By universal, I mean that they think that the 'saying' of THAT time can be applied to the time of today..and any other time.
I'm not talking about the Hadiths that tells us about the sunnah (traidition) and that teaches us how to pray or how to fast, these are certainly universal.. but I'm talking about other kind of hadiths, for example the hatred against women .
labaikYaZahra reacted to caller in Why All The Woman Hate?
So some of you men found some anti-women ahadith and you think they should be followed? Pretend the ahadith are sahih, are you happy about it? You are happy to hear how women are stupid and should live a miserable life locked up in her house? Where is your inner consciousnesses and decency? You know your own mothers are women? You know other ahadith and quran go against what you preach?
I am a man and I have had enough of the anti-women brigade on this site. I know the anti-men feminazis are also here but let me speak out against my own type first.
labaikYaZahra reacted to The Green Knight in Why Did You Join Shiachat? And How Did U Find It?
This picture I saw here made me join:
labaikYaZahra got a reaction from Hot hot in Imam Reza (sa) And The Deer
Walaikum asalam
I just found the hadith, i dont know the source though i got it from a website called
Imam Ali Ar-Reza (A.S.) is also known as Imam-e- Zaamin (A.S.). Zaamin means ‘The Guarantor’. When Muslims go on journeys they take with them something called ‘Imam-e-Zaamin’ which is some money tied in a cloth. This tradition probably came from the time of Imam Reza (A.S.) when people used to carry money with them especially because it had Holy Imam's (A.S.) name on it. As Ma'mun, the Abbasid caliph the contemporary of Imam Reza (A.S.), had coins minted with the name of Imam Reza (A.S.) on them, it was very easy for the Muslims to carry the name of Holy Imam (A.S.) with them, especially when they went on journeys. One day when Imam Reza (A.S.) was on his historical journey from Madinah to Marw (Khurasan), while in a jungle the Holy Imam (A.S.) came across a hunter who was about to kill a deer. The deer was trying to get away and when she saw Holy Imam (A.S.), she said something to him. Holy Imam (A.S.) asked the hunter to free the deer so that she could go and feed her little baby deer that were very hungry. Imam Reza (A.S.) also told the hunter that once the deer had fed her babies she would come back. The hunter allowed the deer to go because Holy Imam (A.S.) had told him to, but he did not think the deer will come back. But Imam Reza (A.S.) waited with the hunter until the deer returned with her young ones. The hunter was amazed on witnessing this miraculous event and he set the deer free as a mark of respect for Imam Reza (A.S.). After this historical event Imam Reza (A.S.) became famous as Imam Zaamin (A.S.).
labaikYaZahra reacted to 5a49 in Explosion In Ashrafieh
The day people like Abu Muslim begin complimenting Iran and Hezbollah, I will go against Hezbollah and Iran. Because it means they have done something wrong.
labaikYaZahra reacted in University !
the writer failed because he thought more then he wrote.
I am the world beggar, low life scum, that walks, eats, talks, takes, gives, destroys, creates, dreams, breaths, was born, is born, lives, die and is dead, just like all, wonder if it serves the Imam of the time?.
To choose a career : What is that you want in life, is the choice based on a whim, interest, passion, desire, or pressure, emotion or logic.
Once chosen, : how will you excel in it? study, work experience, graduate, job,
To excel in a chosen subject one can do it alone, however in this world, you need the top universities as your aim, why, because they are seen as CONTACTS, the place where the smart ones go, opportunities, position. Your education is an investment in your self to live and create a life that will make it better for others while one exists and leaves.
labaikYaZahra reacted to Ali Musaaa :) in University !
I'm still in HighSchool, well actually I'm completing my final exams at the moment (had one today :P but another tomorrow :( )
I'm planning on doing a teaching course insha'Allah. Since becoming a Muslim I've wanted to do something that will benefit me in this world and the hereafter and to do something that will make a difference in people's lives and I think teaching for me personally is a good move.
I'm also thinking of doing International Studies at Uni... So not 100% sure.
Good luck! :)
labaikYaZahra reacted to 3alii in University !
Maburak to you, inshallah you get accepted to your chosen course :)
I am an undergrad studying Medicine. I pretty much went through a journey to get where I am now. My family are extremely business orientated, something they expected me to join in on. When I was around 16 I decided to explore and experience different careers paths. Around about this time it was course choosing time, so I started with Engineering working 3 hours a week in this local firm, where i was working 4 hours a week at an Accountants office at the same time.. I mainly shadowed their work however I did not find anything enormously gratifying because of lack of interest in the subjects compulsory for their work . I learned alot! Dont get me wrong, these careers are extremely respectable, I would recommend anyone who has a more mathematical mind to consider these careers. So I left and started doing all this charity work with this local orphanage. See I was taught by a sheikh who resided in Medina, but used to travel alot.. He was seriously awesome, ya3ni he would help me improve spiritually and always made me think about things I never would have payed much attention to.. He had been teaching me since I was around 4 years old so he was really like an uncle to me, always pushing me to do more.. He was actually a retired surgeon.. so one day he asked me what i wanted to be and I told him I did know.. so he introduced me to a Dr who attended the masjid who then allowed me to shadow him.. The Dr (hossain) arranged rotations for me, where I observed Pathology, Cardiology, Accident and Emergency, ENT and an Ileostomy - which was too weird lol. I met many medical students who explained the hardship and difficulties in studies with the high pressure in workload along the way and me being me I was like.. sounds hectic, i love it lol. But seriously, I chose this degree for several reasons, I like to travel.. with this degree such a thing is possible. I am a geek.. I like to study but in a more practical way.. I hate learning theory and not putting it into practice.. Yes I am stubborn lol.. more importantly the spiritual aspect of Med is amazing.. Its the only field where i could feel happiness, kindness, sadness and most importantly the aspect of remembering we do not in anyway belong to this world.. We can always treat but never death.. I liked the idea that nothing was ever the same, the environment constantly changed and you had the ability to help make a difference in someones life.. Wallah this feeling was so great.. you appreciate the little things more and you gain so much enthusiasm to do more...
Sorry for the essay, i have an exam tomorrow and I am procrastinating lol
labaikYaZahra reacted to 5a49 in Restaurants Signs Of Madness
From Amy's Winehouse to Jason Donervan, these restaurant owners clearly had their tongues firmly in cheek when deciding on a business name. Now one food lover has put together a compilation of the best in 'Pu Pu Hot Pot: The World's Best Restaurant Names'. The 224-page book, published by Viking and selling for £8.99, was compiled by Ben Brusey, and features hilarious names such as Pita Pan, Lord of the Fries and Tequila Mockingbird...
Back to black label: This off-licence in Sunderland celebrates the star
Everybody needs good neighbours: The kebabs on this English van are especially for you
Feeling fool already? There's a lot on the menu in this London cafe
Better latte than never: Let's hope the coffee in Edinburgh is fresh at least
The smell of French cooking? A typical brasserie in France
What's your poison? A Budapest eaterie
Oh you are offal: Perfect place for your dinner in Florence, Italy
United Nations of Coffee: This joint in Norway is named after Kofi Annan
Full English: As puns go, it's rasher than most, in Blackpool
Give chickpeas a chance: Middle Eastern promise in Toronto
Causing a stink: The book takes its name from Pu Pu Hot Pot, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Don't pooh-pooh this Californian joint because of the name
Some people never grow up: Would Wendy enjoy this New York eaterie?
No more Mr Nice Guy: A restaurant in Butler, Pennsylvania - although its official name is 'Dynasty Buffet'
Put up with a Screwdriver cocktail? Drinks are cheep in Ocean City, New Jersey
Novel way to make chips: In Melbourne, Australia
Come on in: The irresistible En Thai Sing can be found in Terrigal, Australia
What would Vinnie think? This hilarious sign can be found in Greensboro, North Carolina
That sinking feeling: Eating at this Washington DC restaurant is an event
labaikYaZahra reacted to al-`Ajal Ya Imaam in Muawiyah Better Than 4th Imam Onwards
Firstly let me ask, which category do you fit into:
You are high on weed nearly 24/7
You've just been indoctrinated to incredible levels of stupidity, where you do not want logic.
You were dropped on your head as an infant
Because this is perhaps one of the most moronic, lacking in logic argument I have ever read within my short lifetime. Firstly, you are giving so much importance to the Sahabas, more than needed, where you will defend them to death. Let me ask you this first, where is the definition of a Sahaba in the Qur'an, since so much importance is being put on them, Sunnis make this argument all the time about where is this in the Qur'an, where is that in the Qur'an, and we've answered, let me ask now where is the definition of Sahaba which you are putting so much importance on, in the Qur'an?
Now let's see this, what was the opinion of the Prophet [sawaws]:
Ishaq and Bakr bin Haytham from Abdurazaq bin Hamam from Mu'amar from Ibn Taous from Taous bin Kisan from Abdullah Ibn Amr ibn Al-'as who stated: 'I was sitting with the Prophet of Allah [sawaws/azza wa jal] when He [sawaws] said: 'A man will come out of this mountain pass, who will die and he will be outside my Ummah'. I had left behind my father there for wudhu, and I feared, as if holding back my urine, that he would be the one to come, but Mu'awiya came out. The Prophet [sawaws] said: 'He is the one'. (Asnaab Al Ashraaf Volume 2 Page 120
The Prophet [sawaws] said: "From this door shall enter a man from my Ummah who shall be raised with another Ummah on the Day of Judgement, at that point Mu'awiya came through the door". Ibid Volume 5 Page 132
Here is a famous one: Umm Salamah, that The Prophet [sawaws] said: “Ammar would be killed by a rebellious group.” A'n Nasa'i in Khasa'es # 154, 155, 156, 157 and Ammar was killed by the army of Mu'awiya in Siffeen, and I've seen Sunnis say that Imam Ali [as] was "More Right", in order to defend him.
So this is not a man loved by Allah [azza wa jal] nor his Messenger [sawaws], and he fought the Imam of his time, ie. when he died, he died a Kafir, and I know that brother Aabis Shakri had made a series of threads exposing the deeds of Mu'awiya. This man is considered a "Sahabi" to you?
About the "Greatest Generations" BS, brother Al-MuHammadee had made a thread for you about this, how they were not the "Greatest Generation" is part of it, let me copy paste one Hadith from there in case you won't go and see it (the thread):
Once we had lunch with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. Abu `Ubaydah, who was with us, said, “O Messenger of Allah! Is there anyone better than us? We embraced Islam with you and performed Jihad with you.” He said, “Yes, they are a group who will come after you, who will believe in me although they did not see me.' This Hadith is graded as Sahih by Sheikh Arnoot and is found in Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Volume 4 Page 106.
And now the Jahliyya is showing, that Mu'awiya (May Allah [azza wa jal] damn the filthy Kafir to Hell), is better than Imam Ali A'z Zain Al Abideen [as]? As discussed above in brief, the incredible sins of Mu'awiya, and this man is better than Imam Zain Al Abideen [as]? And also the value of most of the "Sahaba" you have. And you say you value the Shi'a Imams [peace on them all], bring me one Hadith from Bukhari or Muslim or any of this "Siha Sitta", which goes on the other 11, not Imam Ali [as], Imam Hasan [as] or Imam Hussain [as] (Though I have not seen from Imam Hasan and Hussain [as] in your books either) their authority from their ancestors, as in you will find Hadith in Kafi which will go through Imams to the Prophet [sawaws] but not in your's, where is the value of them?
Nasibi isn't even the appropriate title for you any more, a neo Khawarij is more what you are.
labaikYaZahra reacted to abdelashtar in Oh Hussain Oh Hussain Oh Hussain Oh Hussain
How could an eye
see the sky
and not cry
cry for YOU
Water we drink
Our hearts shrink
And always think
Think of YOU
YOU’ve set the goal
for my soul
ONE for all
all for YOU.
i wish i could
be there and stood
my hands are hood (ÞáäÓæÉ)
hood for YOU
i always tried
tried to hide
that i have cried
cried for YOU
i love YOU so much
and nothing is such
having one touch
touch of YOU
i am so weak
tried and seek
to have one sneak
Sneak of YOU
YOU’re on the ground
YOUR horse is around
all eyes are bound
bound to YOU
look at YOUR girls
running in swirls (ÇáÏæÇãÇÊ)
rare like pearls
pearls of YOU
none can go more
they started to tore
YOUR parts with sore
sore of YOU
then YOU were alone
YOUR head like a throne
no voice no tone
tone of YOU
all what i have is YOU
i love every part of YOU
even Y, O and U
U of YOU
YOU suffered all the pain
for us to gain
Beirut in 11/10/2012
labaikYaZahra reacted to abdelashtar in Oh Hussain Oh Hussain Oh Hussain Oh Hussain
Dear both of you,
Thank you for passing by
yes all what we have is from HIM
labaikYaZahra reacted to Psyche24 in 3-question Survey!
To all female Muslims,
Please take a few moments to complete this 3-question survey...
The first two questions are multiple-choice and the third is numerical.
Your responses will be kept confidential and I urge every participant to be honest.
Please do not reveal any of the contents of this survey and you may address any questions or concerns via
Thank you!
labaikYaZahra reacted to Zahraflower in Share Your Lebanese Recipes
lool eh I always make it with abatata it absorbs the sauce tastes sooooooooo good! lol I make labneh I think id die if i tried make shanklesh. but u can roll lebneh balls in zatar wa suma would be just as great.
madloua/mafrouka recipe.
for the syrup:
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
¾ cup rose water
for the mafruka/madloua crust:
1¾ cups ghee or butter
2lbs fine semolina
for the cream:
3 cups milk
¾ cup corn starch
2 tablespoons rose water
1 cup mixed unsalted toasted nuts (almonds and hazelnuts) or which ever you have! For garnish.
Prepare Syrup by combining Sugar, Water, and Rosewater and simmer on medium heat until slightly thickened.
In a deep sauce pan, melt Ghee, add Semolina and fry on medium low heat until golden brown.
and Syrup and stir until smooth.
In a separate sauce pan, combine milk , Corn starch and rose water. Whisk and stir on medium heat until it thickens. Remove from heat and Keep aside to cool down.
Spread Mafruka/madloua in a large platter, spread the cream on top of the and garnish with the toasted nuts. Notes: Top with any nuts you prefer. If you would like some people add another layer of whipped topping you can easily add coolwhip.
labaikYaZahra reacted to Zahraflower in Share Your Lebanese Recipes
Here are some of my recipes i learn everything from my grandmother and aunts :) InshaAllah i can share my traditions with you all.
Fatyir Jibni bil zayton (cheese pies with olives)
2 1/2 cups flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon yeast
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup warm water
2tablespoons oil
1 1/2 cups Fancy shredded Monterrey jack cheese
1/2 cup diced olives
1 tablespoon dry oregano or thyme
*Place dry ingredients into a bowl except yeast mix well.
*Place yeast with the dry ingredients.
*Add the oil and slowly add the water until the dough forms.
(you may or may not use all of the water if you added more water
you may add some more flour until the dough comes together )
*Place in a greased bowl, allow to rest for 1 hour or until it doubles in size.
Filling: mix filling into a bowl by adding cheese, oregano,and olives.
Preheat the oven to 425DF
To form: them follow the pictures bellow, divide the dough into 4 balls, allow them to rest then you can roll them each out. before i stuff them i like to allow them to rest again so that they become very soft and easy to work with.
add the cheese mixture on each dough disk then pinch of the corner to corner on the 2 edges leaving the center open. This is a very traditional Lebanese way of closing filled dough.
bake for 12-15mins until they become golden. you may brush with a egg wash if you prefer.ENJOY!
2 (15oz) can cannellinini beans
1 cup chopped cilantro
1 onion sliced
2 large tomatoes diced
2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 1/4 cups water or vegetable stock
1 teaspoon salt
10 cloves fresh crushed garlic
1 bay leaf, 2 cloves
pinch black pepper
2 tablespoons oil
How2: In a pot add in 1 tablespoon oil on med-low heat cook the onions and tomatoes for about 15 mins.
when they are soft add in the beans including the liquid in the can.
Followed by the 3 cups of water or broth, place in the spices. bring to a boil.
Once it comes to a boil add the tomato paste. mix in well allow the pot to come to a boil again, cover and reduce heat. cook for about 30-40mins until beans are soft but not mushy.
in another pot add the other tablespoon oil the crushed garlic and cilantro on med-low heat cool until the fragrance of garlic and cilantro fill the air do not burn. you can see in the picture after the size of the cilantro is reduced a bit.
Place that cilantro/garlic mixture on the beans towards the end of cooking.
In the pot you cooked the cilantro and garlic in add the 1/4 cup of water to remove extra flavors left in the pot.
pour over the stew. bring to a boil again then reduce heat to low, cook for additional 15 -20 Min's or until the sauce is slightly educed but not to thick. note: this is traditionaly made with meat or chicken so feel free to use that I just prefer mines vegi.
rice pilaf (riz bi khodra)
1 cup rice
1/2 red pepper diced
1 small onion chopped
1 diced carrot
1 clove crushed garlic
1/2 cup peas
2 teaspoons oil
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon chopped parsley for garnish
2 cups of water or broth
pinch of pepper
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1teaspoon butter(optional)
in a pot add oil, on med/low heat saute onions,carrots,peppers,peas. until onions have become slightly golden and vegetables are cooked. add garlic , ginger,bay leaf,pepper,and turmeric. saute for 5min on low heat. add salt and broth. Cover and bring to a boil.
once it boils add the rice wait for it to come up to another boil. reduce heat, cover and allow to cook on low for 15-20Min's or until the fluid is gone and rice is fluffy.
add butter and fluff with fork, serve with any side.
Fetteh bi laban
2 cans chickpeas
2 large pitta bread around cut into squares toasted
3 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/2 head garlic crushed
1 tablespoon salt
2 cups plane yogurt
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup chopped parsley for garnish
1 Pyrex or casserole dish for serving.
Toast the pita squares until golden, You may skip this step and use pita chips.
In a sauce pan add the 2 cans of chickpeas with liquid and heat over med heat until the chickpeas are a bit tender but not mush. remove and strain.
In a bowl crush garlic with salt add yogurt,water and mix until well combined. cover and place in fridge until ready to assemble.
To Assemble: NOTE: assemble only when your about to eat because if made ahead of time the bread will become soggy.
Place a layer of toasted pita on the bottom, add chickpeas on top, then add the yogurt.
it forms 3 layers. right before serving in small pan ad butter and pine nuts heat until butter is slightly brown and the pine nuts are a bit toasty, Pour over the top add parsley and serve. Enjoy!
Tips: you may also top with pomegranate kernels for a bit of extra tartness.
Awamat (sweet fried balls)
2 cups. flour
1 small. mashed potato (optional)
1 tsp. dry yeast
1/4 c. water
1/4 tsp. sugar
1 3/4 c. water
Dash of salt
Oil for deep frying
2 cups attar (thick rose water syrup)
mix flour, with dry ingredents, add water,and mashed potato mix the dough will be stycky. bring oil up to 350d f form a ball useing a teaspoon fry untill golden and crip. remove from oil and add to the syrup toss around untill compleatly coated serve on a plate. Enjoy!
Tip: if you want to make a huge batch fry them 1/2 way not golden and do not add to syrup and freeze them remove and fry up untill golden when u need them.
Date cookies (Marouta)
3 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon sugar
2 eggs beaten
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup butter or gee
1/2 cup milk
1 tablespoon black seed
4 tablespoon sesame seeds(Optional)
2 1/2 cups mashed dates
1/4 teaspoon each mixed (ground cardamom,Cinnamon,anis, nutmeg) or mamoul spices for date cookies found in Arabic stores.
3 eggs with 1/4 cup milk and 1 teaspoon immitation vanila
In a bowl combine dates ,cardamom,and Cinnamon to form a dough. set aside.
In another bowl mix dry ingredients(flour,black seed,sugar,baking powder)add eggs ,oil and mix well, once Incorporated add milk, and gee kneed until a dough is formed.
to make cookies:
roll out dough then press flat with finger ,roll out date paste like a snake and place in center roll over close edges, brush with egg wash place some sesame seeds on top cut at a angel.or form them into circles or half moons place on cookie sheet bake at 350DF until golden. TIP: you may skip sesame seeds and dust them with powdered sugar.
labaikYaZahra reacted to MAFHHM in Shiachat Should Have A Paltalk Room.
Salamun Alaikum.
I have visited the chat room in this forum, and it is very hap hazard and backward, who is talking -no one can keep track, just a jumble of people here and there. Nothing serious.
Paltalk is the famous platform for religious dialogues via audio, visual, and text. However, as is most well known, what makes Paltalk popular is not the text chat - but the microphone discussions. People from all religious denominations come and create a room there for discussion, dialogues, and debates.
What I want to suggest is that Shiachat representatives get serious and open a Paltalk Room.
Due to Shiachat's established history, the room will gain quick attraction. And thus I would suggest, plan thoughtfully, and make a strong professional entry.
Shiachat Paltalk room could arrange guest speakers to attend monthly, and benefit the general audience with question answer session. Moderators would be responsible to keep the room disciplined. On regular days, advanced tashayyu users might take responsibility of knowledgeably representing and defending the room.
Paltalk also provides capabilities to be embedded on websites. So an official paltalk thread could be pinned here on the Shiachat forum itself, with our room linked from Paltalk.
[sample: ]
Please discuss this proposal, and I hope it is approved.
wasalam wr wb
labaikYaZahra reacted to Ali_Hussain in Advising A Gay Muslim
Do you think that is a good idea? Maybe he should sort out these issues before getting married, imagine how to girl would feel, if he doesn't manage to overcome this, it could potentially blow up and effect not only her, and any children they might have.