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In the Name of God بسم الله


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    Reza got a reaction from The Green Knight in I want to make interview threads where a single ShiaChat'er and the interviewer are a   
    We had an interview topic that’s been long dormant. We do have the ability to create spaces where all posts must be mod approved, so an exclusive interview/debate among few people can be done.
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    Reza got a reaction from ShiaChat Mod in Salaam. I feel that there should be a way for me to see the list of people I follow o   
    Click on the upper right hand profile button, go to "Manage Followed Content", and there's a selection there for "Members" that you follow. I hope this helps. 
  3. Like
    Reza got a reaction from AStruggler in Salaam. I feel that there should be a way for me to see the list of people I follow o   
    Click on the upper right hand profile button, go to "Manage Followed Content", and there's a selection there for "Members" that you follow. I hope this helps. 
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    Reza got a reaction from Hameedeh in Bismehe Ta3ala, Assalam Alikum Brother Reza Please customize the way it was before wh   
    It's really easy. Do you use desktop or mobile?
    For desktop, the category list is on the left side. You put a checkmark on the forum(s) you want to see, and the topics automatically load. That's it. 
    For mobile, the same menu is accessed from the "Showing topics from all forums" button at the top above the Start New Topic. You likewise checkmark the forums and those topics automatically show up. 
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    Reza got a reaction from Hameedeh in good job on becoming mod hope you remember all the good times matee   
    Thanks bro
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    Reza got a reaction from najafi313 in salam laikum dear brother, few hours ago i have joined the fourm i commented on some   
    New members (basic members) have an automatic restriction on new posts made within 24 hours. Be patient!
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    Reza got a reaction from apofomysback in How about "apo" for a username?   
    That didn't even cross my mind! So what do you think? Maybe it would be nice.
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