In the Name of God بسم الله
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La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Haydar Husayn in Who Is Your Favorite Shiachatter?
Bhooka Bhairiya
Challenged the satus quo and no Usooli ever stood a chance against him.
Damn shame he left,
Also provided my weekly comedy with his posts/replies.
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from ireallywannaknow in Is It Immodest To Wear A Bikini?
Okay now that I have ur attention, here is a video regarding research and bikini's
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Mumin in Hadeeth Regarding Guests And Amal
What the hell is ur problem???
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from ImAli in Mods/admins, Very Serious Issue At Hand
I wonder if ugly jinn is reading this and laughing
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from ireallywannaknow in American Girl Convert To Shia Islam Recently
Its part of the Hijab man!!!!!!!
Covers up half her face, it is the Western Niqab!
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from aladdin in Mods/admins, Very Serious Issue At Hand
I wonder if ugly jinn is reading this and laughing
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from aladdin in Khalid Bin Walid
Wasnt aware that this thread grew so much...
I just want to address two points:
LebanesePrincess: " What are you people blabbing about! The guy was awesome! "
I know ur a recent Shia convert and this maybe difficult to accept but just as we do lanat on the three Shaitans and laat and Uzza ( :lol: ) we also do lanat on Mr Waleed as is clear from above descriptions. He was anything but awsome, he was a murdering pagan, brute, that carried his brutish ways into Islam and I hope Allah (aj) gives him a really good squeeze in the grave till the day of judgement.
afgnmuslim: " And how will you answer, and account for your lanat list, on the Day of Judgment? "
Oh I am glad u asked, I will present it with honour, dignity, and grace to my Lord when he asks me how I fulfilled tabarra. If u dont acknowledge the Imam (atfs) of ur time, u will die the death of jahiliyya, and bro, no king Saud is not the Imam of the time.
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Waiting for HIM in Angelic Intercession
Waiting for him:
So here is the closing of this thread.
Alama Tabatabei from Tafseer A Mizan
Here we go: http://www.shiasourc...pular-discourse
" ...
It has been described that intercession takes place in two spheres: in creation and in legislation. So far as the intercession in creation is concerned, all intermediary causes are intercessors because they are placed between the Creator and the created.
As for the intercessors in the sphere of legislation and Judgment, they may be divided into two categories: (1) intercessors in this life, and (2) those in the hereafter.
Intercessors in this life: All the things that bring a man nearer to Allah and make him eligible for divine forgiveness. The following come into this category:
a. Repentance: Allah says: Say: ...O my servants! who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives the faults altogether; surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. And return to your Lord...(39:53 - 54). It covers all the sins, even polytheism; if one repents from it and believes in One God, one's previous polytheism is wiped out and forgiven.
b. True faith: Allah says: 0 you who believe! Fear Allah and believe in His Apostle: He will give you two portions of His mercy, and make for you a light with which you will walk, and forgive you... (57:28).
c. Good deed: Allah has promised those who believe and do good deeds (that there is) for them pardon and great recompense (5:9); 0 you who believe! Fear Allah and seek an approach (medium) to Him... (5:35). There are many verses of this theme.
d. The Qur'an: Indeed has come to you from Allah a light and a manifest Book whereby Allah guides him who follows His pleasure, into the ways of peace, and takes them out from darkness towards the light by His will and guides them to the straight path (5:16).
e. * Any thing related to a good deed, like the mosques, holy places and auspicious days.
f. The prophets and the apostles, as they seek forgiveness for their people. Allah says: and had they, when they were unjust to themselves, come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Apostle had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful (4: 64).
g. The angels, as they too ask forgiveness for the believers. Allah says: Those who bear the throne and those around it celebrate the praise of their Lord and believe in Him and ask forgiveness for those who believe (40:7); ...and the angels celebrate the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on earth... (42:5).
h. The believers themselves, as they seek pardon for their believer brothers and for themselves. Allah quotes them as saying: and pardon us, and forgive us, and have mercy on us, Thou art our Guardian... (2:286).
Therefore it answers the OP's question.
Case Closed. Thats all folks!!!
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from doobybrother in Thoughts (2010-2016) [ARCHIVE]
I found this for u MDM:
In at-Tawhid it is reported that 'Ali (as) said: "One day I saw Khidr (as) in my dream before the battle of Badr and I said to him: 'teach me something that will protect me from the enemies' and he (Khidr) said: 'say, yaa huwa man la huwa illa huu' (O You besides Whom there is no one except You). So when I woke up, I narrated this to the Messenger (s) who told me: 'O 'Ali you have been taught a glorious name'. That is why this was at the tip of my tongue on the day of the battle of Badr."
The author says: Indeed, Amirul Mu'mineen ('Ali ibn Abi Talib) recited Qulhuwallah until the end (of the chapter) and then recited "yaa huwa man la huwa illa huu! Ighfirliy wansurni alal qawmil kafireen". (O You besides Whom there is no one except You. Protect me and help me from the disbelieving people)
So ur new daily dhikr is: " yaa huwa man la huwa illa huu! Ighfirliy wansurni alal qawmil kafireen "
Say that till the day u get the chance inshallah to become shaheed in Imam's (atfs) army.
Source: Tafseer Al Mizan: (sura ikhlas)
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from SD2 in Thoughts (2010-2016) [ARCHIVE]
I found this for u MDM:
In at-Tawhid it is reported that 'Ali (as) said: "One day I saw Khidr (as) in my dream before the battle of Badr and I said to him: 'teach me something that will protect me from the enemies' and he (Khidr) said: 'say, yaa huwa man la huwa illa huu' (O You besides Whom there is no one except You). So when I woke up, I narrated this to the Messenger (s) who told me: 'O 'Ali you have been taught a glorious name'. That is why this was at the tip of my tongue on the day of the battle of Badr."
The author says: Indeed, Amirul Mu'mineen ('Ali ibn Abi Talib) recited Qulhuwallah until the end (of the chapter) and then recited "yaa huwa man la huwa illa huu! Ighfirliy wansurni alal qawmil kafireen". (O You besides Whom there is no one except You. Protect me and help me from the disbelieving people)
So ur new daily dhikr is: " yaa huwa man la huwa illa huu! Ighfirliy wansurni alal qawmil kafireen "
Say that till the day u get the chance inshallah to become shaheed in Imam's (atfs) army.
Source: Tafseer Al Mizan: (sura ikhlas)
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from بعيد in Final Words Of Lady Fatima (as)
Yes, Zareen has this in her Signature.
A real tear jerker. :(
La fata illa Ali reacted to Rasul in Sunni Vs. Shia
It's time for Sunnis to accept the leadership of Ahl al-Bayt (as)
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Kamranistan in Thoughts (2010-2016) [ARCHIVE]
With this post, I will have 1000 official posts.
Allahuma sale ala Muhammad Wa Ale Muhammad wa ajil farajahom
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Gypsy in Big Wahabi Attack?
To get back on track,
Yes saddam did it and all but this was obviously way before it and I am surprised becasue back in the day without missles and bullets, killing 5000 ppl is a difficult job. Anyways I was hoping if someone could point me towards a proper historical resource about this event.
Oh, and by the way, Iubelo should just be banned right away, he is causing fitna.
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Saintly_Jinn23 in Angelic Intercession
Wow, u are being unfair to Hazrat Jibraail (as) . Your mahram argument makes no sense cause he is an angel, and by the way, no one was allowed into Maryam (as) room except for Jibraail who brought the food, so by extension the only way he could be allowed to be under the cloak at the same time as Bibi Fatima (as) just shows you his status and purity.
Plz don't be unfair to Jibraail (as)
Furthermore, he has been praised in the quran and has been addressed as a messenger:
YUSUFALI: Verily this is the word of a most honourable Messenger,
PICKTHAL: That this is in truth the word of an honoured messenger,
SHAKIR: Most surely it is the Word of an honored messenger,
YUSUFALI: Endued with Power, with rank before the Lord of the Throne,
PICKTHAL: Mighty, established in the presence of the Lord of the Throne,
SHAKIR: The processor of strength, having an honorable place with the Lord of the Dominion,
YUSUFALI: With authority there, (and) faithful to his trust.
PICKTHAL: (One) to be obeyed, and trustworthy;
SHAKIR: One (to be) obeyed, and faithful in trust.
Pooya/Ali Commentary 81:19]
Jibrail, an honourable messenger angel, brings divine messages to the most honoured prophet of Allah, the Holy Prophet. For the highest status of the Holy Prophet see commentary of Bani Israil: 1 and Najm: 2 to 10, wherein his nearness to Allah has been described as "distance of two bows, or nearer" (see commentary) which is the highest possible perfection an infinite created being could achieve. On the earth he came to be known as the most trustworthy and the most truthful person ever lived among the people of his birth place so that they could have no reason to belie his message. Therefore as said in Najm, he said and did, throughout his life, only that which he was commanded by Allah. In fact Allah spoke to the people through him. Whatever he received from Allah, he conveyed to the people without ever withholding or adding anything. Jibrail, the Quran and the Holy Prophet are the bearers of a universal divine message which is to be delivered to mankind so that man should follow the divine guidance in all ages.
La fata illa Ali reacted to Abbas. in Banned Members
Mustafa: Consistently contacting sisters in private with inappropriate messages.
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from satyaban in No Standing While Urinating...finally
VANCOUVER — When Vancouver Sun reporter and daddy blogger Chad Skelton visited the coed bathroom in a restaurant on Granville Island recently, he was surprised to see a sticker that featured a male figure peeing — with a line through it.
No standup peeing allowed.
So he did what any reporter would do: he blogged about it, washed his hands and went on his way (not necessarily in that order).
Within hours, the tale of eatery Edible Canada's possibly feminist-inspired "no peeing standing up" edict had been splashed across websites around the globe and re-tweeted by thousands.
Edible Canada's Facebook site "blew up," Skelton's blog was flush with comments, the Drudge report released it, and wiped the floor with the issue, slamming Canada as "stupid," the ban as "sad" and daddy bloggers in general as "sissified."
When we lifted up the seat to investigate, however, a different story splashed back.
Eric Pateman, owner of Edible Canada, who bought the stickers as a "joke," is laughing all the way to the bank.
The stream of publicity has been fantastic.
"We saw the stickers, we figured it would be something fun and different," he said. "A conversation piece. We're not banning men from peeing standing up."
When Pateman moved the restaurant from its original location in Granville market three months ago to create a new 188-seat venue, space was an issue. So a coed washroom was designed.
Pateman was picking up signage to indicate the washrooms were a shared, gender-neutral environment, and saw the no-peeing-standing stickers at Puddifoot Restaurant suppliers. He got a kick out of them.
"We saw what other restaurants were doing with cool washrooms and thought, why not have some fun?"
The stickers have been so popular with customers, Pateman has had to replace them five times in the last three months. Customers keep taking them. Some people have even taken off the plaster to remove them and take them home.
Pateman now sells the stickers in Edible Canada's store — along with fine foods.
Jason Puddifoot, owner of Puddifoot restaurant suppliers, said his brother ordered the stickers after seeing them in Europe.
"In Europe and Asia there are lots of cool signs," said Puddifoot. "Hygiene," he adds, delicately, may also be an issue.
"It may be related to the communal washroom thing. These are very popular and this is not the only restaurant that has them."
So, is anyone actually banning men from peeing standing up?
Would sitting-only rules even be enforceable?
Naked Scientist blogger John Gamel has plumbed the waters of the "excretory dilemma" that is at the root of the European-sourced signage. "Droplet shaking," the politics of toilet-seat position, stream trajectory, back-splash and the hazards of penile "bowl-dipping" are being hotly debated in Europe.
So what does the Naked Scientist recommend to please the urine-phobic hygiene junkies, the feminist fighters on the front lines of the toilet-seat up-or-down debate and the folks that have to clean up after the rest of us?
Peeing in the sink, of course.
Read more:
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Grimmjow in Quotes [OFFICIAL THREAD]
The Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:
"There are four distinguishing marks of the humble ones: they pay constant attention to God in public and in private, they carry out good works, they contemplate about the Day of Resurrection, and they engage in intimate supplication with God."
(Tuhaf al-Uqool)
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Haji 2003 in Turn On Ur T.v's ! There Is Some Breaking News!
LOL, dont worry about this iSilurian, he is nothing more then the rustling of leaves...
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Hameedeh in Turn On Ur T.v's ! There Is Some Breaking News!
Folks, Haider Husayn has got it.
Dont u realize, every time the US goes in a country, its under a false reason,
Afghanistan, -> Osama
Iraq -> WMD's
Iran - > ???
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Rasul in Turn On Ur T.v's ! There Is Some Breaking News!
Folks, Haider Husayn has got it.
Dont u realize, every time the US goes in a country, its under a false reason,
Afghanistan, -> Osama
Iraq -> WMD's
Iran - > ???
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Rasul in Fatwa Comedy-- New Rules For Wahabi Soccer Games
here is the link for those who are curious:
La fata illa Ali got a reaction from Philip in Fatwa Comedy-- New Rules For Wahabi Soccer Games
here is the link for those who are curious: