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In the Name of God بسم الله


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    Najaf is where my heart is.
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    áÇ Çáå Çáì Çááå ãÍãÏ ÑÓæá Çááå æ Úáí æáí Çááå

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  1. Fatima al-Zahra (as) never had menstruation. As numerous hadeeths point out, she never underwent pubetry. The family of the Prophet were free from najasat. Furthermore, she is a ma'sooma. While she was 10 in human years, narrations say she looked, and acted as if she was a full grown woman. And one must remember that times have changed. Prior to this last century, it was the general norm that a woman is to be wed around the time of her 13th-16th birthday. All over Europe, Africa, and the Middle East woman got married at very young ages. That's not the case anymore because now woman are entering the work field. Woman are studying. Therefore, they are delaying marriage. And they have every right to. Marriage is something huge - it's a commitment that one has to be ready to make and be ready for both mentally and physically. A woman should not, in my opinion, be married before the age of 18. Also, marriage doesn't directly mean parenthood. A couple must build their own life together first before they bring a new life into this world. They have to be financially ready for it. If a woman gets pregnant at 18, what is she to do about her schooling? It's a personal choice of course. Some woman have the ability to do both - parenthood, be in a relationship, and continue their education - and if they have the ability, then by all means they should get married. But others cannot - therefore they must work on completing their journey to find themselves first before they find a significant other.
  2. Najafiya


    It's beautiful! Post the rainbow one when you make it, I want to see it haha
  3. I have an HTC Wildfire and I love it. I was never really a tech-savy person. But I have fallen in love with my phone and now even considering an iPhone
  4. Thank you for your reply, and that's exactly my thoughts as well. I just wanted to know the religious aspect of it, but you're right, it's somewhat like common sense.
  5. (bismillah) (salam) Blessed month of Ramadan upon all of you whom are reading this. I wish you the best, and may all your deeds and actions be accepted in this month insha'Allah. I have recently got into a big argument with a family member upon the topic of traveling for no other reason that to break one's fast, and it really got to me emotionally. Ramadhan is the most favoured month among all, it is said to be the Holy Month of Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì. It is the month of Mercy and Repentance, and where even your sleep is worship. No one will get as many deeds for their fasting in any other month, or for their prayers. This is a very dear month to me, and I hate when I see Muslims not using it properly and not take advantage of the grace of this month that Allah (SWT) has gave us. I have a family member who has a daughter that is about 13 years old. She has been fasting since she was 9. Today, he said that he felt bad for her, and was taking her to travel a short distance, just to break her fast and come back. It got into a pretty heated discussion where I said that was completely wrong to do, because is it not that travel can be used only for a legitimate halal reason? I am not a marja' or anything, and this is based on pure opinion (which Islam is definitely not) so I'd like to see your thoughts using Jurisprudence rules. I get that traveling is a good reason for one to break their fast, and I even do it too sometimes when we are unsure of what day Eid is (my parents follow Sayyyid Khoei (ra) and I follow Sayyid Sistani (HA), therefore just to be safe I travel a distance with them and Iftar), but for this reason, that she might "not be able to handle it," sounds completely outrageous. She has been fasting for four years. She is well used to it. She sleeps in every single day until at least 5 p.m. leaving her less than 4 hours until Iftar - so she's only fasting for four hours - and we live in Canada. Maybe in other countries this would be a godo reason, but we are in Canada. Alhamdulilah we have working A/C, she doesn't have a job, nor a medical condition. In my eyes, this is ridiculous and even haram (but in my opinion). I'd like to see your thoughts, based on the maraja' thoughts. (wasalam)
  6. The one I had sent you and others was actually on the 15th of Shaa'ban, not to you personally, woopsie... But I see that your birthday just past by too, so happy birthday to you bla-bla-blah... leulzzz.... Insha'Allah you guize r steadfast during this holy month...

    1. Najafiya


      Well then, thank you dearly either way :) Insha'Allah all your deeds, fasts, prayers, and duas are all accepted in this Holy month. May Allah bless you.

  7. Thank you for your birthday wish! And sorry for the late reply :$ been crazy busy. Anywho, thank you, and ppeace and blessings be upon you and your family!

  8. Happy Birthday !!!!

    To Imam Mohammad Ebn El-Hasan El-Askari may GOD a.j. hasten his re-appearance insha'Allah... Blessings upon you and your family...

  9. Shiachat.com is obviously better than all those :P hehe jk. Interesting topic.
  10. Pray - because Allah always listens.

  11. Hey, i pmd u the shia youth camp info, check ur msgs

  12. I do that via Internet a lot, but writing responses to books is a great idea. There are many Muslims doing this already, however, our enemies increase, therefore our voices needed to get louder.
  13. Najafiya

    Just Friends?

    Great great point. I agree with your view 100%
  14. اجعل سرك بين اثنين ' نفسك و ربك ' و اجعل إيمانك قوي باثنين ' ربك و نبيك' و احرص في دنياك على رضا اثنين ' أبوك و أمك ' و استعن على الشدائد باثنين ' الصبر و الصلاة ' و لا تخف من اثنين ' الرزق و الموت ' لأنهما بيد الله

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