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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Status Updates posted by Blissful

  1. Salam! Hope you are well!

    1. Ali Musaaa :)

      Ali Musaaa :)

      Salaam!!!! aH I'm well! Hope you are too iA? How did exams go? Free at last, no? :P

      When's your graduation day?

  2. yeah way :) Hope so babe.

  3. How are you hun? Miss u. Did I tell you I'm in Sydney now?

  4. Turn your wounds into wisdom.

  5. neti neti

    1. Al-Hadi


      What this mean?

    2. Blissful


      "Neither this, or that" - though obviously the meaning is twofold.

    3. Al-Hadi


      Wowww the things you learn every day. I thought it was a species of yeti

  6. Rofl I was sitting there wiping my screen thinking the bug was in my screen. Awesome dp.

  7. Sweet disposition...

  8. Loser

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blissful


      LOL did you see the cakes thread?

    3. Al-Hadi


      Noo, what happened? *goes to check*

    4. Al-Hadi


      Man you're so lucky. That cheesecake looks so buff :( send me some in the post :P

  9. I think you need a treadmill. Pronto.

  10. If the present world go astray, the cause is in you, in you it is to be sought....

  11. How long do I have to climb, up on the side of this mountain of mine?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blissful


      Don't 'Ite' me.

    3. Al-Hadi
    4. Al-Hadi


      naww kidding how could I one word answer you fatsicle. apologiez.

      dunknoe what to say really.

  12. Get off my profile you stalker.

    1. Al-Hadi


      I would apologise but since you're on mine, you are classed as a....hypoooocriteeeee

      Loool i was checking your status to see if you replied. Which you didn't...awks..

      How about you get ON your profile you lazy bean.

  13. People moving, all the time, inside a perfectly straight line...don't you wanna just curve away?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Al-Hadi


      Okay I couldnt resist this one.

      The amount you eat has literally made you curve away! Looool

    3. Blissful


      Looool shush you. Get yo fat presence off my profile before it goes into an e-stroke. And baradar, chera?

    4. baradar_jackson


      Because I want to be in that line! Sounds cool...

  14. Seek what unites, not what divides.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Al-Hadi



    3. Blissful


      Dislike yo fat face.

    4. Al-Hadi


      Slightly hypocritical, you hate something you have? In fact your face is fatter than mine so you must hate your face even MORE. Hmph.

  15. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooser.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Praetorius


      Crai moar pleez. Watching those tears is like watching an awesome movie :devil:


    3. Blissful
    4. Praetorius


      cuz the sky is high

      and you're gay like a guy :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  16. lol at your member titles.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blissful


      Inshallah. Haha, shukran baradar.

    3. Praetorius


      Did you slap someone so hard that your hand hurts? :))

    4. Hameedeh
  17. Happy Birthday :)

    1. Reshad


      Thank you blissfull!!!!

  18. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

  19. Salaam sis. Loving your posts! Keep them up.

  20. Raafidhis aren't welcome to visit my page. Kthanks.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Blissful


      It could have at least been Replicant AND Blissful's. But noooo.

    3. Praetorius


      homo? you seriously have a deathwish sweetheart... wanna see a pencil disappear?

    4. Blissful
  21. alradhhhhhhhhh. Miss you! x

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Blissful


      Yeah I talked to her a couple of days ago :)

      Be careful! Wear one of those masks or something. Heck, wear the niqab :P

    3. alradhiya


      :O telll her i miss her if you talk to her again!

      nah man I don't need it, my immune system is a fighter masha'Allah !

    4. Blissful


      Inshallah I will :)

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