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    Hameedeh reacted to Haji 2003 in Saudi Vision 2030 [OFFICIAL THREAD]   
    End of the Line?
    A few months ago we were reading the following about the line (from an article I referred to in a post above:
    We now hear that:
    Still the assorted consultants and many more mentioned at the start of this post made a pretty penny while the dream lasted.
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    Hameedeh reacted to Haji 2003 in Saudi Vision 2030 [OFFICIAL THREAD]   
    Or it could just be a nice round even number which is far away enough to give time to people to achieve their goals, but not so far (2050) that people can relax and ignore it. That would apply to the UN SDGS, which I am in favour of. 
    In the case of Vision 2030 my view is that date has been chosen because the people responsible want to relieve Saudi of its wealth while they still can.
    You can't have the UN SDGS and oil states pumping oil at current rates. One or other has to give.
  3. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to Haji 2003 in Saudi Vision 2030 [OFFICIAL THREAD]   
    Cultural genocide for Muslims
  4. My Prayers
  5. Completely Agree
    Hameedeh reacted to Haji 2003 in Saudi Vision 2030 [OFFICIAL THREAD]   
    The problem is that this is likely an attempt to acculturate Saudis to accept various practices everywhere. Let's see in a few years.
  6. Completely Agree
    Hameedeh reacted to Abu Nur in Saudi Vision 2030 [OFFICIAL THREAD]   
    It would be horrible if it was in Mecca and Medinah. Saudi Arabia do not represent Prophet (saws) birth place or country. 
  7. My Prayers
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    Hameedeh reacted to Abu Hadi in How do I know if Allah loves me or not?   
    I think you are looking for someone here to give you an answer as to why the dua is not being accepted, but noone here can give you that answer. 
    There are a few reasons why you ask Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) for something and don't get it (in this life). It doesn't mean your dua is not accepted
    First reason, the thing you are asking for is / will not be good for you if you get it. Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) knows the big picture, and we can only see the small picture. He knows the nature of that thing you are asking for, fully, and he knows who you are, fully, while we don't even know ourselves very much compared to what Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) knows. For example, the real 'you' is the soul, the nafs or the ruh. It says in the Quran 'We have given you(mankind) knowledge of the soul (ruh) only a little'. So because we lack this knowledge we can't know fully what effect this thing we are asking for will have on us in this life and the next. It also says in the Holy Quran as well as hadith that many of the things people pray for will be an evil (sa'at) for them and not a good (hasanat) if they get them. 
    Second reason is that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is putting us thru bala' (test and trial) in order to expiate  / nullify the effects of our sins. A great line from a speech I heard last year was that the Sayyid said 'If you ask Ahl Al Bayt in dua to do dua for you they will do it, definitely, and the most and best dua they can do for you is to ask Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) for the expiation (nullification) of your sins in this life because they know that this is what you need the most (i.e. more than what you are actually asking for)'. They see more of the big picture than we do. They know what is important and not important in the overall scheme of existence. If you love them, then they love you and they want you to go out of this world clean and pure from sins so that you do not have to suffer the punishment of the akhira which is very, very severe compared to the trials and tribulations of this world. 
    There are many sins which Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) forgives and nullifies the effects of these sins without putting the person thru tests and trials after they ask for forgiveness. At the same there are certain sins, either big sins or small sins that are repeated over and over again by the person, which require punishment. If the person is a mumin, Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) will punish them in this life, this limited world where the punishments are also limited and a short duration compared to the next life. This is so they will be purified from sin and will avoid the punishment in the barzakh and the hellfire. 
    Third reason is that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is delaying this thing they are asking for but they will get it later on. The delay is also a kind of a trial but also Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) knows when the person is mature enough spiritually to handle this without this thing destroying their dunya or their akhira or both. 
    Betting is haram of course, but if we could bet I would bet you that more than 80% of mumineen and muminat on this website are also going thru bala' (test and trial) right now at this moment in time but most of them are shy to talk about it or they are ashamed to talk about it or they realize what I have said above so they don't think it is necessary to talk about it to anyone other than Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى). I am not saying it is wrong to talk about it publically, btw and if this gives you some kind of comfort and relief then you are free to do it but at the same time realize that none of us have the ability to lift this trial and test from you, only Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) can do that and you should continue to ask thru the Wasilat of Muhammad wa Ahl Muhammad((عليه السلام).a.m.a.m) and remember that in this life trials and test, just like good things, have a limited time period and will come to an end.
    To answer the question in your title, ask yourself how much you love Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) and that is how much Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) loves you and more than that because He(s.w.a) is Al Rahman, Al Rahim. Salam. 
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    Hameedeh reacted to Abu Nur in How do I know if Allah loves me or not?   
    Old post, but as for reminder for us, that's how shaytan will literally get you. Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is testing our sincerity, patience and worship in time when we want His help and the only thing we can do in this state is to ignore whisper of shaytan of doubts who will literally whisper to you exactly about 'Maybe God does not like me, thus He ignores me' and hold very tight to your current state of worship and continue. Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) love exactly that when you have called Him many times and cry for Him, this is very great in sight of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى).
    For all Mu'mins who go trough this, please do not fall for shaytan and worship Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) only for His love and sake and not for spiritual gain, or worldly gain. Don't use Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) as means to get something.
  11. Thanks
    Hameedeh reacted to ShiaMan14 in How do I know if Allah loves me or not?   
    what makes you think that the only way for Allah to show love to you is to accept your prayers? What if Allah is showing his love for you by not accepting your prayers because what you are asking for will not be beneficial for you in the long run?
    Allah loves all his Creation and He is the Best of Planners...
  12. Completely Agree
    Hameedeh got a reaction from Gaius I. Caesar in Thoughts 2024   
    Not sure in which topic to reply this. Today I saw a sign that said Truth is the first casualty of war. 
  13. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to Gaius I. Caesar in Give a Salawat! [OFFICIAL THREAD]   
    Allahumma salli ala muhammadiw wa ali muhammadin wa ajjil faraja hum
    Rabbinee lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir
    Allahumma innee urreedu an atazawwaja faqaddir lee minan nisaa-I a’fihunna farjajan wa ah’fadh’ihunna lee fee nafsihaa wa awsa-i-hunna lee rizwan wa a-dhamahunna lee barakatan fee nafsihaa wa maaleee faqaddir lee minhaa waladan tayyiban tajaluhoo khalafan saalihan fee hayaatee wa ba`da mawtee.
    Oh Allah! I desire to marry, so arrange for me a woman from those who willingly abstain from what is unlawful and who safeguards her soul for my sake and because of her, not only my means of sustenance will increase, but also make there be in it abundance and also make it sure that she will give me a virtuous son, who will be a noble successor in my life and after my death.
    Ya Rabb, help me in finding a good wife in the same boat as me, who also understands and accepts me as I am. May she find peace and be filled with joy wherever she goes. May she have the strength and courage to find me, love me and live with me. May she find and be filled with much wisdom and clarity in her words and from her experiences. May she in her kindness, share these experiences with me and help us grow together. Verily with hardship comes ease. (إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا - 94:6)
    Ya Rabb, You alone know what is truly in my heart. You alone know my struggles and pain, Al-Wadud. I feel unbearably lonely and do not wish to incur Your displeasure by remaining unmarried, Al-'Aziz!
  14. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to Askarollah in Anybody know what's written on the stone pot and Handkerchief?   
    In the name of Allah the compassionate, The Merciful
    Man Allah bless Muhammad and his pure holy household
    Salaam alaykum, May Allah grant us forgiveness, mercy and a high place with mawla Hussain
    I'm actually just wondering if anyone can give me the arabic letterings on these, the stone pot of Prophet Ibrahim, Allah's peace be on him, and this Printing blocks for handkerchiefs. I can translate it myself, thank you.
    Ma Salaam, Muhammed.

  15. Thanks
    Hameedeh reacted to Muhammed Ali in Hamas Leader (Ismail Haniyeh) Killed in Tehran   
    If they are not allowed to speak then why are they doing it? Isn't it a matter of security to not speak?
  16. Completely Agree
    Hameedeh reacted to Haji 2003 in Hamas Leader (Ismail Haniyeh) Killed in Tehran   
    One interpretation of all this is that Israel is losing strategically and trying to compensate with tactical 'wins'.
    It should be obvious that by killing a leading negotiator they are not interested in peace and are actually hoping for a more regional conflict that draws in Western powers.
  17. Completely Agree
    Hameedeh reacted to ShiaMan14 in Hamas Leader (Ismail Haniyeh) Killed in Tehran   
    Israel could have killed this guy when he was in Qatar because he wasn't really in hiding. Those purposely chose to do this when he was in Iran obviously to challenge Iran. 
  18. Completely Agree
    Hameedeh reacted to ShiaMan14 in Hamas Leader (Ismail Haniyeh) Killed in Tehran   
    People died during the times of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) and the Imams, no?
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    Hameedeh reacted to Muhammed Ali in Hamas Leader (Ismail Haniyeh) Killed in Tehran   
    I don't know if he would carry a phone or if he would have a location tacker installed, however they would not need to have physical access to the phone. Israel has developed software which can access your phone without any user action.
  20. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to ShiaMan14 in Hamas Leader (Ismail Haniyeh) Killed in Tehran   
    I think Iran probably doesn't fear Israel alone but the covert coalition of Israel and Saudi+UAE+Jordan+Egypt
  21. Completely Agree
    Hameedeh reacted to ShiaMan14 in Hamas Leader (Ismail Haniyeh) Killed in Tehran   
    You sound like the Christians who want war in the Middle East so the Rapture can happen.
    Imam is awaiting Allah's orders and not a certain body count to re-appear 
  22. Thanks
    Hameedeh reacted to shadow_of_light in Hamas Leader (Ismail Haniyeh) Killed in Tehran   
    History wont forget that they killed great men who fought for the liberation of their homelands and instead cruel blood-thirsty men were applauded and cheered.
  23. Thanks
    Hameedeh reacted to Abu_Zahra in Did Imam Ali gave his daughter in marriage to Umar   
    Yes the marriage did take place, as confirmed by early and authentic accounts in our books.
    Sheikh Haidar has discussed some of the marriages which people sometimes question and possible explanations for these marriages:
  24. Like
    Hameedeh reacted to ShiaMan14 in What's the point of an Imam in Occultation?   
    Fair enough - I didnt want to undermine the sacrifices shias have made over the past 1,400 years and continue to do so.
  25. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to ShiaMan14 in What's the point of an Imam in Occultation?   
    Is the presence of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) a guarantee for salvation?
    Let's see - there were about 8 people who were present at the burial of the Prophet (saw); there were only 72 (150) to helped Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) when there were millions of Muslims in the world. Most of the imams were persecuted and killed with no reactions from the shias/Muslims.
    Sad reality is if the Imam were to return from occulation today, he would either be put in jail or assassinated and most of us would do no more than shed a tear....we did that for 13 masoomeen so let's question the occultation when we are ready to defend the Imam.
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