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In the Name of God بسم الله


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  1. My Prayers
    Hameedeh got a reaction from Ashvazdanghe in There is 9 month old baby boy who was threatened to be killed by his own mother. She   
    I never had a dua answered so quickly. It must be that everybody in the region was praying. 
  2. My Prayers
    Hameedeh got a reaction from zarya in There is 9 month old baby boy who was threatened to be killed by his own mother. She   
    Alhamdulillah. The baby boy has been found safe and the suspect is in custody. 
  3. Thanks
    Hameedeh reacted to Khadim uz Zahra in Laithi! Eid Mubarak! Hope you had an awesome day!   
    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. May Allah grant her a place in Jannat al Firdous.
  4. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to laithAlIRAQI in Laithi! Eid Mubarak! Hope you had an awesome day!   
    Hello brother, eid mubarak, may God give you good health and peace. 
    Unfortunately no, my grandmother passed out today.
    I appreciate your text.
  5. Like
    Hameedeh reacted to Heavenly_Silk in Salam, it’s really nice to see you’re still around, and congratulations on being prom   
    Thank you, really nice to hear from you!  It’s been a while, I hope all is well with you. 
  6. Thanks
    Hameedeh got a reaction from 313_Waiter in How to follow u I am enjoying ur memes   
    @313_Waiter Click on the "Follow member" box above. 
  7. Like
    Hameedeh got a reaction from SO SOLID SHIA in How to follow u I am enjoying ur memes   
    @313_Waiter Click on the "Follow member" box above. 
  8. Like
    Hameedeh reacted to Haji 2003 in Hope everything is fine at your end, brother. Haven't heard from you in a while.   
    @AbdusSibtayn He should be back in a few days. Inshallah.
  9. Haha
  10. Thanks
    Hameedeh got a reaction from Shian e Ali in Did you always have the same username or did you change it?   
    @Shian e Ali Brother @Ashvazdanghe has always had that name. Never changed it. 
  11. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to SO SOLID SHIA in Brother, you are in my prayers. Always. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi Raji-oon [Holy Qu   
    I went to this brothers Janaza! Allah bless him and comfort his family
  12. Like
    Hameedeh reacted to Inspector in @Inspector InShaAllah you will be able to participate again.   
    Salam Sister!
    Thank you for not approving my comment and ignoring my comment. 
    So let all those who don't know me, know that I am "Inspector Cool" and I am inn. 
  13. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to Inspector in @Inspector Salam. Sorry that your posts have been approved too slowly. InShaAllah you   
    Alakas-Salam Dear Sister!
    I think I have posted more comments as guest than my this new id . 
    I will use this account regularly now.
  14. Thanks
    Hameedeh reacted to Ashvazdanghe in Salaam. Do you know when Ill be able to post without having anything approved by a mo   
    @Rzv Salam you must have  at least  25 approved posts by a moderator in order to post without approving by the moderator.
  15. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to Gaius I. Caesar in Alhamdulillah   
  16. Thanks
    Hameedeh reacted to In Gods Name in H.O.P.E. Hang on, pain ends.   
    Wow, this was a uplifting one. 
  17. Like
    Hameedeh got a reaction from AbdusSibtayn in Salaam alaikum, Well, this feels strange for me to write this and I appreciate the su   
    @Gaius I. Caesar
    Salam, Brother. Please just take a break and come back any time. We appreciate your participation so much! 
  18. Like
    Hameedeh got a reaction from Ashvazdanghe in Salaam alaikum, Well, this feels strange for me to write this and I appreciate the su   
    @Gaius I. Caesar
    Salam, Brother. Please just take a break and come back any time. We appreciate your participation so much! 
  19. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to Gaius I. Caesar in Salaam alaikum, Well, this feels strange for me to write this and I appreciate the su   
    Ok, I'll do that, it seems like I am drifting away. If you need me, send me a message. 
  20. Thanks
    Hameedeh reacted to Cool in help im 14 years old and suffering from disgusting waswasas from shaitan about ahlul   
    السلام عليكم
    Who will forgive you if not Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى)? Is there anyone besides Him you know as الغفور ? 
    قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ
    Despairing from Allah's mercy itself is a great sin. You should hope for the best and try to correct your wrong-doings. Fight with yourself, don't worry if you face defeat. Keep your face towards God Almighty, keep your intentions pure. 
    The job of Shaitan is to produce waswaas, let him do his job as you cannot stop him from doing his job. What you can do is to not act upon them. 
  21. Like
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  23. My Prayers
    Hameedeh reacted to Cake in Salam, Brother. May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) bless you in all that you do.   
    Wa `alaykum al-salam. May God, exalted and great, bless you and your family!
  24. Thanks
    Hameedeh reacted to Gaius I. Caesar in Brother, you have been gone a month. InShaAllah you are well.   
    I'm okay, just a little busy lately.
  25. Like
    Hameedeh reacted to Eddie Mecca in Looking at your long list of favorite subjects, is there anything you are not interes   
    There's really not much that I'm not interested in actually. I'm quite a curious fellow (Lol)
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