Salam. Information for those who live in North America (US & Canada).
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Announcement Concerning:
The Crescent Moon of the Month of Shaban, 1446 A.H.
اضغط هنا لملاحظة بيان هلال شهر شعبان ١٤٤٦ هـ
To the respected believers in North America,
Peace be upon you.
The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America announces that Friday, January 31, 2025, will be the first day of the month of Shaban, 1446 A.H. for the entire region of North America.
This determination is based on the fact that there were verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye at sunset on Thursday, January 30th, 2025, in different regions of North America.
We ask God, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).
Moon-Sighting Committee
Sayyid M. Rizvi, Toronto, Canada
Sayyid Mehboob Mehdi Abidi, Chicago, Illinois
Shaykh Ahmad Bahrani, Potomac, Maryland
Shaykh M. Jafar Bangloori, Miami, Florida
Shaykh M. Taqi Zakeri, Springfield, Virginia
Important Islamic Events this Month:
(Click here for a note about varying dates for Islamic events)
3 Shaban (Feb. 2): Birthday Anniversary of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (p)
4 Shaban (Feb. 3): Birthday Anniversary of Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas (p)
5 Shaban (Feb. 4): Birth Anniversary of Imam Zayn al-Abidin (p)
15 Shaban (Feb. 14): Birth Anniversary of Imam al-Mahdi (p)