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In the Name of God بسم الله


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  1. If God makes those rights and tells us we must do certian methods, who are we to say we know better?
  2. I think those things would have a financial value such as traveling, or treating people am I correct ? Yes this is the fiqh you can check your maraja as well.
  3. Salaam alaykom You mean ayatollah yusuf gharawi?
  4. Salaam alaykom as long as accordance with sayyid sistanis rules on talqeed you can either follow the wajib ihtiyat or go to another marja for it who meets the conditions of talqeed mentioned by sayyid sistani. Sayyid sistani has approved this option. As he has a obligatory precation (see minhaj saliheen) , so if you find ayatollah makareem shirazi as qaulfied enough accoridngly one may follow him in this ruling. But this is about the wetness from a non Muslim non kitabi. However if you know they use najasaat in the cooking pots as example that is diffrent than considering their own wetness. Hence if you know something is najis you will treat it as najis. Bur if you don't know if something is najis you judge it as pure.
  5. Salaam alaykom In hawzah as we study more advanced topics we learn that there are diffrent views on issues. We start to look at arguments and proofs and evidences. We kind of leave the masael books. It's possible some people are well versed though.
  6. From what I find quickly it says rice wine has 10 to 20% alchole content. This seems to me if that is correct to what you have as an intoxicating beverage hence it is not allowed to consume it a small amount of liquid of what In large amount intoxicates is not allowed to consume. As for najasaat of it scholars scholars differ on this issue. If ones marja ruled it as Tahir and it was so minute level like it dosent exist like 0.02% those scholars would consider that permissible to consume however you must know that before being allowed to consume it.
  7. Salaam alaykom wa rahmatuallah The topic and discussion found with some of the scholars relates to seeing what non mahram non Muslim women normally leave uncoverd. Like if they normally show the arms or the neck and head. Of course this is about seeing it without any lust. Do you have any questions on it ?
  8. الثَّرَى}: التراب النديّ، والمراد بما تحت الثرى: ما في جوف الأرض. According to min wahi al Quran it is a moist soil. Turab* wa alaykom Salaam
  9. The reality of who they are and what they were called in language is not neccsarily talking about what they refer to them selves as anyways. Regardless children of Israel meaning children of Jacob had many children one of them was judah. Maybe this is when maybe where the title jewish came from and judah but up to ones academic research. Don't forget there is a political and social history here with them. Now a days it is assumed from kitabi side that many hebrew tribes are missing.
  10. His ruling is a few hairs are ok. This issue it relates to the prayer cloths. Some scholars believe some hairs of a non edible animal is not actually wearing it so not an issue, while others believe that even some hairs are wearing it per se.
  11. Salaam alaykom As long as you doubt and/or are not certain it is semen the. Yes your safe
  12. Free hawza courses at zakatulilm.org 

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