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In the Name of God بسم الله

The Green Knight

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  1. https://www.al-islam.org/greater-sins-volume-1-sayyid-abdul-husayn-dastghaib-shirazi/eleventh-greater-sin-sodomy From the most informative book on greater sins by Ayatullah Dastghaib Shirazi. I highly recommend everyone should read it and understand.
  2. They said a person is "born gay". That their brains are "wired differently". It then raises the question that surely its not only gays who are wired differently in the head but also everyone different has to have a different wiring in the head? Pedophiles, rapists, and each deviation is naturally hard wired in their heads to enjoy what they do, so it becomes illogical to blame them or prosecute them because they are likewise helpless and only acting upon their natural wiring. Secondly, "science" changes its opinions every now and then without remorse, its just its nature. One day vegetable fats are good for you but the other they aren't. Coca cola is a tonic then later some find out that its a sugary poison. Science generally keeps changing as the human race gets wiser and there is no telling when it will be final. As long as science remains corporate funded or there are influential people with agendas its going to be abused same as religion.
  3. @ShiaChat Mod Sometimes I feel like I should ask the mods to delete this thread. I feel I have wasted my time in this world with video games and I do not want part in wasting other humans' precious time anymore let alone Mu'mineen's. I wonder if its possible and the right thing to do.
  4. When the non-Shia say adhaan for maghrib there is a copious amount of daylight and it can be called anything but night. If it is night then they should also say the Isha prayer right after maghrib. As for our hadiths, our way is to say the maghrib prayer first then have our meal, it takes only 10 minutes. 10 minutes is not so big a deal. For the choice of marajaa like Fadhlallah they are all respectable but few in number. He has a few different takes on things. Not mainstream. For instance he ok'ed suicide bombings in Beirut back when Hezbullah was in its infancy there. Or his fatwa that everything in the oceans is halal. Or his different opinion on the event of the door. In the end it boils down to the individual's thinking. Quran says night so night it is. 10 minutes, at most, some days even less. When you look at all the daylight you have to vote your conscience. When you hear corrections being offered from sects coming into existence after hundreds of years or even a millennium, sects that contributed nothing positive to mankind, have lots of flaws then you have plenty of solid evidence it becomes pretty much pointless. I have to think, Will they want to cut my head for this issue and then appropriate my possessions? Nah I know those who do that will always have plenty of excuses so why worry.
  5. The Quran has fixed the time of iftar at night (Layl), not the disappearance of the sun. According to hadith, night starts a little later than that.^
  6. I believe that with respect to the foreign policy, Biden has created a snowball of war that even if he want to Trump can not stop. Domestically Trump failed to "drain the swamp" last time and we know only the awaited will do those things.
  7. Good for you bro. If the terrorists don't get you (a white, Shia man!?) all the crooks will, and almost everyone here is a crook and proud to be one. The bigger crooks they are the more proud they are. Pakistan has been harboring special, western owned terrorists at its border with Iran since quite a long time. Its banks do not trade with Irani banks since over a decade. Its a country of munafiqs. Please do not call it Sunni, it has very little to do with Islam in practice. The reality behind Pakistani retaliation to Iranian attack of the terrorist camps it harbors is that right now, since 2022, Pakistan has become a fanatical puppet of the US/UK once again and has been committing the gravest crimes against humanity since the western backed regime change in 2022. Essentially a fascist state run by its army. They have been supplying Israel with locally produced howitzer and other artillery ammo. It has no working judiciary, no humanity, nothing left, just a shell serving USA like Ukraine. I was afraid they would sick it on China or some other neighbor. So when Iran started battling the western/zionist forces the local leader Gen Asim Muneer (aka Hafiz Whiskey) was signaled to join the fray in service of its western masters. Pakistan is just a glove worn by the west. It is never going to get salvaged from the situation it has entered. May it disintegrate ASAP and peacefully.
  8. The way most people in the world are today anyone can pay them a dime and have them do anything. Except those who believe.
  9. Watch: Group of Retreating Ukrainian Soldiers Shot by Barrier Troops The nazis are starting to shoot retreating troops. CIA officials deeply disappointed.
  10. We got ruined in this time, my dear siblings. Economically and socially. Ruined. Only because they fear anything remotely Islamic and/or Satan himself is in direct control of the US and just wants every human being to suffer as much as possible. Anyway the more important thing is that the war is Ukraine looks to bloom into the foretold "Red death". The reappearance will solve everything once more, like Noah's flood did once.
  11. Salam Alaikum It is our belief that disease, pain of death and similar hardships are used by our most merciful Creator for the believers He wishes to be purified and achieve the rank He wishes for them. In order to be patient we should start by realizing just how extremely short this life is and how the real one, the hereafter is never ending. Thus, compared to the troubles of the hereafter that await sinners like me, these conditions are really nothing and what we call death, which is actually birth, is actually a blessing which watches over and ends the suffering if it tends to be unbearable. In the next life, there is no death which will be the worst news for the wrongdoers while being a source of true relief for the saved. If you have the virus in your body then the best option is to see the best doctor. Keep a relaxed mind. If suffering from its ill effects then I recommend you eat a breakfast of figs, olives and mushrooms on empty stomach. Ideally a smoothie or not too cooked. If you are struggling with the virus I can recommend a herbal tea which is made by only two ingredients, water and Neem tree leaves (fresh but in a quantity so the tea is slightly tinged in color. It will taste extremely bitter but it is what it is. If you find this helpful then please pray for me.
  12. This time around they are not being subtle and they are in a hurry to remove our first ever in a very long time INDIGINOUS, local, patriotic, democratically elected prime minister Imran Khan. Not only because as you can see in the picture above, the ambassadors of the gora sahabs namely the great satan's and EU's have started visiting the corrupt, convicted and under trial and out of popularity previous puppet pets of theirs, which also includes terrorist bosses like mulla fazal ur rehman who heads a political party called JUI and by decree of his master has always been in power along with any party given lead, since he is the deobandi terrorists local chief and so one of their generals and he demands it and cant be refused. Moreover, this is coming from journalists this time that 300 million dollars was the first aid package for these losers and devils to start political strife, which is alhamdulillah going to lose so long as the army also resists the great temptations being offered. Otherwise, and my calculations suggest, that they will manage to bring their puppet back in their lap. Only then all the prophecies specific to "Hind wa Sindh" / subcontinent as well as the absence of prophecies in some cases like the absence of the mention of the numbers of ansar of Mehdi (عليه السلام) from this region, are fulfilled. And this corrupt nation deserves it in the very least. So with this turn of events, ok lets say if it comes to pass, China will abandon Pakistan, while the great satan has always done so in the past during the 65 and 71 wars for instance or on the Kashmir issue etc etc etc. We will be like a goat surrounded by lions who are in the Shanghai bloc. India, Iran, China, Russia. What do you think will happen then? We will face karma of course. This began after our PM returned from his Moscow visit and the de-nazification military op started in Ukraine, EU ambassadors called on him immediately and asked him to condemn Russia to which he replied he can not do that, and why they do not ask India to condemn Russia first? To which they threatened drone strikes and he told them if they send any flying object across the border he will order the Pak Air Force to shoot it down. Then the very next day their pawns started openly contacting every criminal boss and corrupt political boss in the country, openly started transferring millions of dollars which they are giving to the other corrupt politicians who were supporting Imran Khan and in a big hurry to oust him with the turbo boost of satan power behind them now. After this fat white pig visited fazal ur rehman there was a bomb blast in a Peshawar's mosque which martyred 50 innocent Shia citizens. My friends in the army shared with me pictures of dead scumbag terrorists armed to the teeth with USMC arms and equipment, called them ISIS or whatever you want. They are trying to get inside the country desperately from the western border and thankfully mostly getting butchered especially since we have timely placed extensive mine fields at the border along with the usual readiness. Just wanted to get the news of this out here.
  13. Why not add that how come God exists without having been created. Or maybe not because a perfect storm in a junkyard can after all sometimes assemble the 7 million parts of a jumbo jet correctly to create it by chance. We are so insignificant and unintelligent when seen in context of universe and time. We know nothing for sure.
  14. - Why should I choose a sect created centuries after the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ? - Who is Abu Hanifa and how does he qualify as a successor of the Prophet to tell us whats right and wrong? Especially when Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (عليه السلام) is present at the same time, someone they say was Abu's "teacher". But the truth is that Mansoor supported the new religion and appointed Abu Hanifa's protege Abu Yusuf as Qadhi Al-Qadha (Chief judge) for his new Abbasid regime. Mansoor had asked Imam Ja'far to endorse and support their takeover from Umayyads but the Imam did not comply so he turned to the newly formed Ahl us Sunnah. Moreover, he imposed restrictions on Shias while helping the spread of Sunni. Its all in history. Why should I be a part of that? - Sunni practices are not according to Quran. Quran has so many things which Shia do correctly, like ablutions, fasting, prayer, inheritance, zakat, khums, mowaddah of Ahl al Bayt (عليه السلام). I know there are things like cussing certain Sunni sahabas, calling for help to Imams and cutting themselves in Muharram etc etc in the Shia -people- but not in its doctrine and absolutely not required. And this serves as a strawman argument for others. In fact, to tell the truth, a person can not choose to be Shia on their own, only Allah chooses the Shia and guides to the straight path. Therefore a person should always and at all times beseech Allah for guidance and humble their heart and always be a student and like a vessel not full so it is ready to receive more. After guidance comes the part of adherence to it through life and until death.
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