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In the Name of God بسم الله

Ya Aba 3abdillah

Site Administrators
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Status Updates posted by Ya Aba 3abdillah

  1. شبعا، هونين، ابل القمح، قدس، المالكية، تربيخا، صلحا، النبي يوشع - القدس

    1. mohammad2020


      Salam brother, it is me ( Noah- ) I was banned today by Basim Ali... because all I did was to respond to Mo. who had a topic on General Politics on Kuwait and Turkey and was cursing everyone. Nobody took action, so I had to respond to his madness after he cursed me and called me names. NOW, Basim Ali came in, deleted all my messages, only edited a few of Mo.'s messages, 'banned me' and only suspended Mo..... You can still read some of his posts over there where he fights with peop...

    2. pejdad


      Salam, Sorry to message here. Would you please delete my account and the only one post of mine?

      What should I do for this request? Really thank you for your helping.

  2. Our People

    1. JawzofDETH


      How long you gonna leave a brother hanging?

  3. Eid mubarak to the geekiest lebo i know, just remember, Cisco OW3NS you ^_^

  4. ws bro

    Wisam's a great individual :)

    The poor guy's always over stressing :(

  5. Salams bros/siss. Sorry for not being active enough, been quite busy. Still in leb :) InshAllah will be back and active in a couple weeks. If anyone needs anything from here, pls lemme know.


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