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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Everything posted by ayeSHIA

  1. Aww! =) Thanks sooo much! Eid Mubarik to you too!

  2. Of course sis! ayeshafatima_shafi@hotmail.com

    Thats my email addy for msn! Add me, and we will chat soon, inshAllah! =)

  3. That way, we can keep in touch much more often! You are SO sweet. You miss me? Awwwww, you made me smile! Thanks! I missed you and your comments too! =)

  4. Aww, Sister! Salaam! No, i have not left...but i am extremely busy with Summer Classes, so i RARELY come here. I'm sorry! But you can email me at ayeshia_fatima@yahoo.com

  5. Oooh! Wonderful, thanks! I just gave you 5 *'s! And, i am doing fantastic, thanks for asking! How have you been? Thanks for adding me as a friend!


  6. What does 5 stars mean? And i want to give you 5 *'s as well! How can i rate u that? And what does it mean? Thanks! :) Salaam!

  7. I also pray for that every day! I would love to live to see the Return! InshAllah!
  8. Aww, i am happy that they mean so much to you Sayyada! :) You should add me as a friend, if you would like to?
  9. Well, who wouldn't like it? :) It's sooo beautiful~ Salaam! Ayesha :)
  10. I really like your saying: Someone told me Imam Ali was not born in the Ka'aba. So I told them, "So tell me where he was born, and I'll move the Ka'aba there." that is soooo nice! i love it! MashAllah :)
  11. As Salaam o lai kum Sis! I still don't understand what 50 posts does for you? The reason i don't have 50 yet, is because i only like to post relevant posts...otherwise people think i am unknowledgeable, and i would never want to say something about Islam, unless i was positive it was correct! Thanks....i hope some time soon, inshAllah, when i am free from school or work...i can mak

  12. Aww! Salaam! Thanks soo much! Eid Mubarik to u too! :)

  13. I think "life" is a miracle and blessing of Allah (swt). I have never witnessed a birth though.... Hmm, there are a lot of miracles thought in this world...I just think that most people miss them! As i do! I never seem to notice them! It's a miracle I'm still alive..haha lol!
  14. "A tomb that once held the remains of Jesus of Nazareth�and those of his wife and son�has been found in a suburb of Jerusalem, said the makers of a controversial film in a press conference today. " Does that say Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) had a wife and SON???? I never knew that!??? Maybe I am reading it wrong?? Who's tombs were found?
  15. Yes, i am Shia, and named Ayesha. I was actually born Sunni, but two years ago i realized the real truth, and converted to being a Shia!!!! I always believed in the Shia Ideals...just took me a while to realize i could convert....... I hope you do not have a heart attack! Anger won't get you anywhere! I hope you stay calm and relaxzed! You are in my prayers! Salaam!
  16. A lot of people say that the "signs" of the End of the World have been increasing lately. I have always wondered if we will live to see the day of Jesus (pbuh) return. I doubt it, but think it would be a wonderful experience. I don't know if this is all true, but when I was little, my father told me: Jesus (pbuh) will return, marry, have kids, and finish his life on earth. Rule the earth as king. Fight and defeat the anti-christ Return 40 years before the Day of Judgement. WHen Jesus (pbuh) returns, people will no longer be able to have children, so we can all reach a similar age (i.e., the old die off, and no new births...we will all be about the same age, or so) I don't know, but I think that would be a fascinating time to live. Also, the return of the Medhi!! Would be soooo exciting to live through! Do you think you'll live to see these Miracles??? InshAllah!
  17. I was 16 years old when both my nani and mother passed away (within 2 months of each other). Honestly, for two years after my mothers death...I did not cry once. I kept telling myself that my Ammie was away on vacation, and that she was coming back....It's been 6 years now, and i'm starting to accept the fact that she will not return to this earth....But knowing that i can read Al Fathia and pray for her gives me solace. I think the poll should include: Cry, Anger, No Emotion, Through Prayer :) Just an idea!!! Salaam! my Faith has helped me a lot through this ordeal! Always trust in Allah!! (swt)
  18. :cry: Awww, that was beautiful and moving. Such a sweet story!
  19. Although I couldn't find any direct quotes within the actual Holy Quran, I did find some interesting things... Here is some interesting stuff i found from: http://www.islamicity.com/articles/Article...ref=IC0303-1906 Our Prophet (pbuh) also told us that Jesus (pbuh) will be sent back to earth and related that in that time, which is called "the end of time", there may be a period in which the earth will attain unprecedented peace, justice and welfare. The "end times" refers to the period of time close to the end of the world. According to Islam, in this time, there will be the terrible trials of the Dajjal (Anti-Christ), many earthquakes and the emergence of Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) after which the ways of the Quran will prevail and people will extensively adhere to the values it introduces. He is a Sign of the Hour. Have no doubt about it. But follow me. This is a straight path. ( Surat az-Zukhruf: 43:61) Ibn Juzayy says that the first meaning of this verse is that Jesus (pbuh) is a sign or a precondition of the Last Hour. In Sahih Muslim, it is also stated that the Hadith in which it is said that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will descend amongst people at the end of time have reached the degree of being mutawatir, i.e. narrated by so many people in each generation that it is not possible to have any doubt of their authenticity, and that it is counted as one of the major signs of the Day of Rising. ( Sahih Muslim, 2/58) Hudhayfah ibn Usayd al-Ghifari said, "The Messenger of Allah (saas) came to us all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion). He said: 'What are you discussing?' We said: 'We are discussing the Last Hour.' Thereupon he said: 'It will not come until you see ten signs before it' - and (in this connection) he made mention of the smoke, the Dajjal, the beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of 'Isa the son of Maryam, Yajuj and Majuj, and landslides in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia at the end of which fire will burn forth from the Yemen, and drive people to the place of their assembly." (Sahih Muslim) Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (peace be upon him). He will descend (to the earth). When you see him, recognise him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine and abolish jizyah. Allah will cause all religions except Islam to perish. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him. Sunnan Abu Dawud 37:4310 How will you be when the son of Mary descends amongst you and he will judge people by the Law of the Qur'an and not by the Law of the Gospel. Sahih Bukhari 4:55:658 Proponents of Jesus' return believe that after Jesus slays al-Masīh al-Dajjāl (literally "the Deceiving Messiah," loosely the Antichrist; often referred to simply as "Dajjāl") at the Gate of Ludd in Palestine, Muslims believe he will marry, die and be buried in the Masjid al Nabawi. During his life, he will have revealed that Islam is the true religion of God.
  20. most people only remember Allah when in pain real love is to thank Allah for what u have even when things are going well and appreciate
  21. I just read another post...and it got me to thinking. I have noticed, in my life, that some people only remember Allah when they are in pain, or during a rough time of their lives. Of course, Allah is who should turn to in times of need.....but....I also think that you should remember Him and thank Him for all the good he has done for you. In times of strife, if you can remember Allah and still thank him for everything you have, and turn to him for help and still be faithful....i think that is true faith. Some people struggle all their lives, and then turn away from God, and stop believing....this is our test. I believe we should remember Allah in times of happiness as well. It seems that some people only remember Allah, when they are in pain or loss ("Why Allah?" "Please Allah, help me") Which is okay...but when Allah blesses you with his mercies, I think it is kind to thank him, and be grateful for which he has given us. Instead of always blaming him for your miseries.... Usually, we go through our daily lives, ( i'm an example) and take everything for granted. Lately, i've been noticing this homeless person, everywhere i go...It makes me feel sad to see him....but thankful to Allah that I have a car, and food, and shelter..and nice things. The only sad part is, I wonder why I have to see sadness (ie. a homeless man) to realize all the good things i do have. I urge everyone to take a few minutes to Thank Allah (swt) for all he has given us. Without his mercy, we would be no where! Sorry....just had a thought, and I thought i'd share it with you all. Thanks for listening... Salaam
  22. i think Allah (swt) causes us pain, to "test" or faith. I remember when I was little, and my mother passed away from cancer, a lot of aunties and uncles told me, that Allah takes those he loves the most first. (I am aware this is not a religious belief...just something they must have told me to put me at ease.) Other than that, in times of strife, if you can remember Allah and still thank him for everything you have, and turn to him for help...I think this is what he looks for. Some people struggle all their lives, and then turn away from God, and stop believing....this is our test. I would also like to add, that I believe we should remember Allah in times of happiness as well. It seems that some people only remember Allah, when they are in pain or loss ("Why Allah?" "Please Allah, help me") Which is okay...but when Allah blesses you with his mercies, I think it is kind to thank him, and be grateful for which he has given us. Instead of always blaming him for your miseries.... Thanks...didn't mean to offend anyone from my opinions.... :)
  23. These are really nice inspirational stories! Thanks to all the Sisters who replied! I hope InshAllah i do well on this paper! May Allah bless you all! :)
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