Yes, there are many accounts of events after Karbala in this book (author is Sheikh Abbas Qummi). It also talks about how Hz. Mukhtar takes revenge over each of them. (May Allah increase the curse upon them) There is another book called Maqtal al-Husain: Martrydom Epic of Imam al-Husain ('a) and the author is 'Abd al Razzaq al-Muqarram. You are right about what you say. It's very strange indeed..... I wonder how can the pains and sufferings upon Imam Hussain not awaken a person's heart? And how can one mourn for him, and yet make his son (the Imam of the time) mourn for our ugly actions today ? We do send curses on the Kufans that betrayed Imam, but today are we sure we donot posess the qualities of those Kufans, who were disunited amongst themselves, who gave allegiance to Imam, but turned away from him? Didn't they claim to help Imam? What made them change in a matter of few days, not even years? Yes, our azadari focusses on emotions during Karbala, but maybe not sufficiently! If we deeply feel the pain for Karbala, we would not dare to so openly criticize Islam (which has become too common today), not dare to talk with ignorance, not dare to do anything that will go against the spirit and message of Kerbala..........