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In the Name of God بسم الله


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    Land of ShiaChat
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    Wilayah of Ahl al-Bayt (A) (insha'Allah)

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  1. Oh Sister, we miss u!

    Its ur birthday...so happy birthday. Inshallah u will see this and come back!

    1. La fata illa Ali

      La fata illa Ali

      I posted this exactly a year ago...

  2. Dear sister Bint al-Hoda: Salaam. I came across an old thread recently and noticed that under your username it says "unregistered member." I became very disappointed and wondered why you did this. I miss reading your posts very much; your insight was unmatched by anyone else on Shiachat. Inshallah you are doing well, and will come back soon. Ya Ali.

  3. Salam alaikum wr wb,

    I just read a post few years ago 2009, about the book Scale of Wisdom, and Combat with the Self.

    I can't seem to find it anywhere in Asutralia. Do you know where I can find it?

  4. What is service? BROTHERS' CONSULTANCY GROUP who runs it? im curious!

  5. Salaams sis,

    Come back. =/

  6. Dear honorable sister , i just noticed that you have unregistered. Shiachat has lost a very valuable member :( Your posts were very informative and nice to read. May Allah s.w.t bless you and your family even more.

  7. Salam sister,happy birthday and to so many more to come In sha Allah.

  8. Bismillah. Salam, sis. Why did you unregister? :'(

    I came here to tell you Happy Birthday. InshaAllah you have a wonderful day. اللهم صل علی محمد و آل محمد و عجل فرجهم

    take care, sis hameedeh

  9. Salam,wishng u a very happy year ahead.Many many happy returns of the day!


  11. I dont think it's good to theorize about this stuff, when you get married you marry a real person not just some idea, and theorizing "i wonder which is better" is not really helpful Yes it is much harder for women to marry after the age of 30 and I imagine it is a must bigger adjustment to have a first marriage after the age of 30, however I do have (Shia) friends (ladies) who were around 35 who got married (not married before). Of course it's not desirable and it wasn't their choice to wait that long but sometimes that's how life happens. So anyway don't give up hope but yes it is prudent for women to try to get married before that if possible. Anyway the biological clock usually kicks in and offers advice at that age so no one really needs to give advice from the outside.
  12. among the hadiths that say this, some are stronger than others, but there are some reasonably sahih hadiths that say that the dabbah is imam ali (A) and the Prophet (S) called him that, in fact if i recall they have chains of narration that say they are directly from the time of prophet (S)/imam ali (A) (instead of many of our hadith which come from the later imams relating back to the time of prophet (S) due to issues of hadith transcripton - not that it matters of course since the imams are absolutely credible, but it is just different) - but i suppose i could be not lazy and look it up. or... better yet, you can be not lazy and look it up! bihar al-anwar dude... somehwere near the end of kitab al-raj'ah. :) the details (like what exactly the dabbah will do, etc) are mentioned in a number of hadith but they aren't as strong, of course that doesn't mean they're wrong, allahu a'lam
  13. *oops... hibernate ;]

  14. nooo... SC won't be the same without you... do you really have to leave? :'(

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