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In the Name of God بسم الله


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  1. heyyy... u there ??? Salam.. just wanted to see if you still here..

  2. Thanks for sharing! That's a wonderful website.
  3. wssss...im gd man..miss u alot..aww u been busy mee tooo..dnt get time to come on much nemore..juss exams with school..lifess kinda sukin atm tho.. ='( x hope alls well x

  4. Salaams, thanks for comment.. How are you doing? Sorry I've been busy with school and exams and all... Waiting for Summer break ;) How's all witih you? School? Life? Hope all's well... Iltemas e Doa.

  5. OI HOI..look who it isss!! Where u beeenn sisso? miss u x

  6. Salaams, How you doing? Am doing okay. Thanks for the comment :-)

    I got busy with mid-semester exams & asignments. A week to go for Spring Break..yippeee... I could jump ;)

    What about you sis? How you been doing? Everything going okay? Iltemas e Doa.. Kh..

  7. salams siso how u doin??? longgg time havent had a chat with u....got alot of catching up 2 do!!

  8. That was really nice Mashallah! May Allah rest her soul in eternal peace. Amen.
  9. I second you for FA, but trust me don't hate MA. It is really cool and not so mind-wrecking stuff. You're going to enjoy it! :)
  10. :cry: That was so sweet
  11. Yes. :D
  12. (bismillah) (salam) This is shocking news! :cry: May Allah rest her soul in the proximity of the fourteen Masumeen.
  13. Now that's evil. I have a habit of leaving my cart in a different aisle while looking for something else at other aisles. I'll watch out henceforth. Thanks for the "keep vigilant for your cart" alarm!
  14. Are you referring to "Bey teygh Ran Ko Jata Hay, Bano Ka Naunehaal?"
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