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In the Name of God بسم الله

Based Qarsherskiyan

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  • Location
    Islamic Sultanate of Qarsherskiy
  • Religion
    Shia Islam
  • Mood
    Praise Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) alone everyday!
  • Favorite Subjects
    Islam, linguistics, Alawites.

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  1. Let the banner of Tawheed and Islam be the only one you pledge allegiance to. We are not of the East, or of the West. 

  2. AL-Salamu Alaykum va Rahmutalahi va Barakatu min Qarsherskiy. I am starting to have doubts and I believe Sunni Islam is the path of Haqq more and more. One thing is that we say "Ya Ali madad,'' which literally means "O, Ali, HELP ME," and the Sunnis in my area told me that it is Shirk because you cannot rely upon Imam Ali ((رضي الله عنه).) because he is dead now and only Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) will answer your calls to prayer. I also have trouble believing the 12 imams are infallible and divine. Maybe Ali ((رضي الله عنه).) was the rightful successor but the 12 imams after Ali ((رضي الله عنه).) I don't believe are right. They brought esoteric influence into our faith and claimed to be divine. I also learned Iran used to be mostly Sunni until a past leader forcefully converted everyone to Akhbari Shi'a Islam and then after that Usulis crushed the Akhbaris and began creating Bid'a and doing Shirk with Ali ((رضي الله عنه).) as I previously mentioned. And then there are practices like Tatbir and Matan which leave me sore and injured and hurt and I ask "for what reason am I doing this? This cannot help what happened to Hussein (رضي الله عنه). in the past!" and I wish to stop doing that. Also, why do we have to use taqiyya if our faith is the truth? The prophet SAW prayed the 5 prayers during separate times except when making long journeys or when necessary such as when the Muslims were feeling lots of burden. And how can the Imams know every shred of knowledge in the universe?! That's just something I'll never understand from from my perspective, seems wack! Only Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) knows everything. And why do we have symbols of Shirk like Evil Eye and Hand of Fatima? Its Shirk. I shouldn't have to explain why! When I ask scholars they just say "If it has Quranic verses, it isn't Shirk," but then why not just use Quranic verses alone? Why eyes and hands and symbolism of esotericism? I can go on and on about my doubts against Shi'i sect.
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