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In the Name of God بسم الله

John Doe120

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John Doe120 last won the day on March 30

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About John Doe120

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    Shia Islam

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  1. Times changed. You forget more and more people dont trust the government. Im also opposed to ignorant fools playing hero. Alhamdulilah I am not one.
  2. You bring up good points. I should have been more clear. So ill he more clear here. I do not think mentally ill or disabled individuals should own guns. I do not think people who are afraid of guns should own guns (this will just cause unnecessary harm and panic). If one does get a gun, take a course. Multiple courses are offered from beginner “how to use a gun” courses to advanced “self defense and tactical training” courses. I thought these things are common sense, but my experience is different than yours so I apologize for my ignorance. For your second point about armed congregation, there are many videos online of church security and armed church goers stopping mass shooters. Yes some people will get injured and some might die, would you rather have 2 deaths or 50 deaths? An armed congregation can do a lot against a shooter, especially in defense.
  3. Im not sure how to quote like you do, but im just replying to the middle paragraph. These are good ideas, but not practical. Youre not getting close to someone that has a gun, let’s be realistic here. Metal detectors wont stop a shooting when these shootings start in the parking lot and outside the mosque (remember the new zealand shooting).
  4. Carry a knife, your choice. I prefer a gun. Let’s be honest, most people committing acts of violence on places of worship are using guns. You wont even get close with a knife, but it’s better than nothing. wym irresponsible of you? Buddy these are man made laws by kuffar, and you keep arguing for/against them. I do not care about the 2nd amendment, the NRA, etc. I never brought up mentally ill and political extremists, so why should you? Common sense tells us they shouldn’t own weapons. Again, you guys keep bringing up irrelevant issues. I am not going to continue discussing this topic with you because youre missing all my points and arguing about American laws, not Allah’s laws.
  5. Look at what youre talking about and what im talking about. You guys are arguing about the NRA, 2nd amendment, government tyranny, while im saying to have the MEANS to DEFEND your brothers and sisters in the deen. Also, if you know anyone in the military, you would know if the US government suddenly starts killing its own people, most soldiers will be on the citizens side, not on the government side. You forget soldiers also have families. Ask any of them, most will tell you theyll disobey the government and fight with the citizens in a dystopian society. Your argument about tanks, fighters, nukes, makes no sense. 99.99% of the people dont have the individual financial means to own these things. Theyre not on sale for 5.99 at your local Walmart.
  6. Ignore the politics brother. This is about muslims defending themselves. How many more mosque shootings do we have to go through? How many more have to die? This is your duty as a man. If you’re afraid and cant overcome, inshallah you overcome the fear. As for the ones not afraid, buy a gun. There is nothing wrong with it. This is needed now more than ever. Those 15 year old extremists wont stop btw. More and more will commit acts like these. At the end of the day, it’s your life and choice. My choice is to own multiple weapons to protect myself, my family, and those around me. It’s your duty.
  7. Yea but it was 4 shooters, one with an AR. Im not sure how many were at the event but this couldve ended with 30+ dead. Not sure why bring up one of the wounded was shot by cops. He was one of the criminals that shot up the event. As for your last statement, what do you mean? What is wrong with the good guys having guns? We can pray to Allah during these times and ask for help, but we also should act, and not just sit and cower. If youre sick, do you only pray to Allah and make dua? Or do you also go to the hospital, buy medicine, etc?
  8. https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/philadelphia-eid-al-fitr-event-shooting.amp If youre in America, and this is just a suggestion, a gun is cheap and easy to get if you have a clean record. Training is also cheap. Look up your local laws beforehand. Places of worship and religious events are common places that get attacked and shot up. Cases like these are on the rise. You never know if this might happen to you. It surprises me that many don’t own a gun. I know a lot of Shia mosques don’t have enough money to hire armed security like churches, but a gun is not expensive. Alhamdulilah Cops were around but this couldve ended badly.
  9. Just from that year? So if I paid khums on $2000, and still didnt use it the next year, I dont pay another khums on it, right?
  10. But I also heard items that have not been used for a full year. Is this wrong? jazakallah khair
  11. Al salamu alaykum Is it just/halal to rebel against the current governments of “islamic” nations? Rebelling here means violently of course. If yes, why have we not done it? In regard to the israel-palestine conflict, what is our duty as Shia muslims? Are we supposed to join armies fighting in the region such as Hezebollah, houthis (I know they’re primarily sunnis) etc. Are these just political groups? Are we supposed to wait for our marja to give “the green light” like how Sayed Al Sistani did when ISIS was active? Looking for personal opinions as well sources. Jazakumallah khair
  12. I am in the same boat as OP. Is there a source on what items are required to have khums paid on? For example, video game cds that havent been used for a year. I am researching this currently but some of the language is confusing and broad.
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