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In the Name of God بسم الله

Ali bin Hussein

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  1. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Sayyed Arsalan in The name Abd Manaf   
    Good question. Never thought about it could be that before revelation it was used as a title for 1 God as nanaf means great.
    SO they could still have been monotheistic as reffering to the slave of the great. 
    maybe other Arabs turned it into a separate idol ?
  2. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Knightmare in Imam Hassan gave bayah to muawiyah?   
    A munafiq is one that shows outward characteristics of a Muslim, but inwardly has hatred for Islam.
    Without proof they are treated as muslim.
    Now that Muawiya has passed away and we can review his whole life. I'm more than confident to call him munafiq.
  3. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Partisan of Ali in Zaidi understanding of first three caliphs   
    Zaidi don't curse sahaba or wives (not do 12er scholars)
    Hmm. Zaidi are very broad in there beleif. 
    One side  say the Caliphs were definitely disobedient but remain quite on the topic 
    Most say they are Muslim but we're wrong but  show respect and restraint when talking about them. And acknowledge the great blessing of being able to meet the Prophet
    The 3 rd group say the prophet Muhammad advice or implied Imam.Ali succession so the caliphs were not sinning by going against it.
    Ulitimatly Zaidi scholars use imam Ali as a guide to judge sahaba. 
    Imam Ali showed respect and silence on some issues, and openly critised other issues. 
    You can say he had more issues with Uthman then Hz Abu bakar and then Hz Umar
    I can't say if there was love as that's very Internal and subjective.
    But I can say there was a great mutual respect between Imam Ali and Hz Umar. 
    As far as I know no scholars say they are kaffir.
  4. Disagree
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from kaniz zehra in Who will she be with in Jannah?   
    So a man works his whole life to get to Jannat and his reward his he has to share his wife ?
    What the kind of man would want that as a reward.
  5. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from foxmccloud in Do you prefer the current "Islamic Regime" or shah   
    I'm no Iranian but just from pictures Iran looks more Islamic then the Shas time. Even if it's "superficial" it's a huge improvement. Hijab is a better platform to build Islam on then mini skirts.
  6. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Eddie Mecca in Do you prefer the current "Islamic Regime" or shah   
    I'm no Iranian but just from pictures Iran looks more Islamic then the Shas time. Even if it's "superficial" it's a huge improvement. Hijab is a better platform to build Islam on then mini skirts.
  7. Completely Agree
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from foxmccloud in Zaidi understanding of first three caliphs   
    Alot of questions brother. I'll try to answer them all inshallah
    This I can answer very quickly. He is a cursed man from a cursed lineage with a cursed progeny.
    Since he has passed away the evidence of his whole life in my opinion shows he is a munafiq.
    Allah knows best.
  8. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from foxmccloud in Zaidi understanding of first three caliphs   
    I follow Hadawi madhab strictly in fiqh and  broadly in theology
    Theological I accept the explicit appointment of Imam Ali.
    But I don't include all of their aqeeda within my own
    Eg I believe the zaidi concept of imamat but don't include it as aqeeda. I accept both arguments Qur'an is created and uncreated etc.
    My aqeeda is very basic
    4:136 O you who have believed, believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Book that He sent down upon His Messenger and the Scripture which He sent down before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day has certainly gone far astray
    And I'm more Asharite leaning then mutazalite.
    A bit confusing but I believe you can't blindly follow anyone with regards to aqeeda and must come to your own understanding.
  9. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from foxmccloud in Zaidi understanding of first three caliphs   
    Taqqiya is permissible under great threat but is not a praiseworthy action.
    Imams and scholar are there to guide so do not do taqqiya
    We highly value jihad and see it as a duty and a blessing.
  10. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from foxmccloud in Zaidi understanding of first three caliphs   
    Zaidi don't curse sahaba or wives (not do 12er scholars)
    Hmm. Zaidi are very broad in there beleif. 
    One side  say the Caliphs were definitely disobedient but remain quite on the topic 
    Most say they are Muslim but we're wrong but  show respect and restraint when talking about them. And acknowledge the great blessing of being able to meet the Prophet
    The 3 rd group say the prophet Muhammad advice or implied Imam.Ali succession so the caliphs were not sinning by going against it.
    Ulitimatly Zaidi scholars use imam Ali as a guide to judge sahaba. 
    Imam Ali showed respect and silence on some issues, and openly critised other issues. 
    You can say he had more issues with Uthman then Hz Abu bakar and then Hz Umar
    I can't say if there was love as that's very Internal and subjective.
    But I can say there was a great mutual respect between Imam Ali and Hz Umar. 
    As far as I know no scholars say they are kaffir.
  11. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from funklebits in Tafsīr al-ʿAyyāshī   
    I believe it's the first time it's available in English. If you are not familiar here is the wikishia link below :
  12. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from funklebits in Tafsīr al-ʿAyyāshī   
    Received this link:
  13. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Abu_Zahra in Daniel Haqiqatjou Interview with Sunni Discourse: 'From Shia to Sunni' What Did Y'all Think?   
    I understand but the argument can be used both ways. And both sides can be dismissive.
    I think the only true message you can take from a conversion story is from curiosity. Don't be dismissive try to understand the other view point. It will either strengthen your faith or give you a new path to look into.
  14. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Abu_Zahra in Daniel Haqiqatjou Interview with Sunni Discourse: 'From Shia to Sunni' What Did Y'all Think?   
    I think this is too dismissive. As he is more learned then the average layman.
    Also he disagree with Shia on an aqeeda level.
    Aqeeda doesn't require extensive study otherwise it would be impossible for the average layman do decide on which scholars to follow, without blindly following them in aqeeda,which would be cyclic.
  15. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Abu_Zahra in Daniel Haqiqatjou Interview with Sunni Discourse: 'From Shia to Sunni' What Did Y'all Think?   
    I watched it. I thought he was sincere. The other guy made a few sarcastic and mocking points but Haqiqatjou didn't join him.
    As for his conversion to salafi I felt bad. As I was previously 12er and had many issue with the aqeeda of 12er imamat. But I never left as the succesion of Imam Ali was an anchor. I eventually found Zaidiya. But I feel for him to do a complete switch to salafi. Did he actually have knowledge of who Imam Ali was. 
  16. My Prayers
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Hameedeh in 2022 FIFA World Cup   
    Belgium is my pick.
  17. Completely Agree
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from ba alawi in thoughts on raza of bayt al ghadeer adopting more sunni-centric beliefs?   
    These are not Sunni centric beliefs. These are beliefs from Ahlulbayt. Early sources and Zaidi scholarship have been propogating the message that the Qur'an is clear from day 1.
  18. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Northwest in Do Zaydis really follow AhlulBait? (debate)   
    This is where 12er becomes a mess. Akhbari never used Qiyas as they took all hadith to be sound and followed them literally. Usooli claim to use akhl and reject akhbari though. But then they can't deny the hadith that stops them doing Qiyas. So they pretend not to do Qiyas call it itjihad and try to kill 2 birds with one stone. 
    Except it makes no sense they are neither Akhbari or usooli.
    They then further use this confusion to their advantage against the layman. Bring a hadith they question the chain
    Bring a strong chain they use there akhl to disagree with the contents.
    Bring an akhli argument and they go full circle and become akhbari literalists.
    Anything to preserve a broken narrative.
  19. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Hasani Samnani in 12ver Shiaism | A Minor Sect?   
    I think that's a good point if you split groups in to theological groups
    Zaidi/ mutazila
    Imami (12er, ismali)
    I reckon Ashari would be the largest followed by Imami.
  20. My Prayers
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from wolverine in Afghanistan   
    I remember being in school when the invasion first happend. 
    One of my Afgani friends said something like this ( can't remember verbatim)
    "I dont support Taliban but when America invaded us , I swear we are all Taliban now"
    Then he said "watch the Taliban will become stronger " ( said it in a sad voice)
  21. Disagree
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from lover in Afghanistan   
    I remember being in school when the invasion first happend. 
    One of my Afgani friends said something like this ( can't remember verbatim)
    "I dont support Taliban but when America invaded us , I swear we are all Taliban now"
    Then he said "watch the Taliban will become stronger " ( said it in a sad voice)
  22. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from PureExistence1 in Questions about Zaidi beliefs   
    I think the problem here is the type of reasoning. If you already have a theory and then try and find evidence you will.
    The other way is you look at the evidence. And remove your bias. What does the evidence show. It may not make logical sense to you but that doesn't matter you take evidence for what it is.
    Eg in science your theory may make complete sense but the the experiment gives results that make no sense and go directly against your theory. Bin your theory and look for new evidences and formulate a hypothesis based on the evidence.
  23. Partially Agree
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Northwest in Real Terrorism - Secularists Killed 87,500,000 during 20th Century Hamza Tzortzis (18 min)   
    Secularism is representative of governance ruled by material motives.
    You back throughout history and every religion based it self on divine justice. Atrocities were always caused by those trying the gain somthing in this material world. 
    Secular oppresors are like religious tyrants but without a religion to hold them accountable by. Which is worse.
  24. Disagree
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from zahralzu in thoughts on raza of bayt al ghadeer adopting more sunni-centric beliefs?   
    These are not Sunni centric beliefs. These are beliefs from Ahlulbayt. Early sources and Zaidi scholarship have been propogating the message that the Qur'an is clear from day 1.
  25. Like
    Ali bin Hussein got a reaction from Debate follower in The Absurdity of Prophethood   
    None of your points mean anything. You are living in 2021 so would witness nothing. By your logic every human would need to witness a prophet recieving revelation.
    Your thought process is completely pointless.
    So let's start from step 1
    Do you believe that the cosmos is created or uncreated ?
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