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In the Name of God بسم الله


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    Ashvazdanghe got a reaction from Muslim2010 in The Sun Will Rise From Where It Set   
    How Gog and Magog live, be you, the secrets of energy 
  2. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Haji 2003 in Pyramids, aliens & God   
    This blog post previously concluded with the following words (in the quotation box below).
    I have taken them out since they fit better in another post and the ending following the last heading is more appropriate to the rest of the post. Also added is a picture of the bent pyramid.
  3. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to ummulbaneen in Arabs kept slaves too ...   
    Some examples from the East African coast which illustrate some of the issues you have mentioned above:
    1. I know of several families who ended up with some slaves because some (less developed) communities would want to get rid of numbers during times of famine etc, so they would come to the bigger towns/cities and give their children to decent families because they would survive, and have prospects of growth (educational, cultural, likelihood of marriage or becoming a concubine in a decent family). To date, some of these communities still offer their children for "sale" whenever a food shortage or famine hits. At the same time, it is these very communities who have also been fed and have taken up the church narrative of slavery and how the big bad arabs have been dehumanising them.
    2. In my work, I have come across several property ownership documents of slaves. I remember some distinctly describing the property owner as so and so, "Mustawlada" so and so - which I then came to realise a free woman (reason of freedom being having borne a male child) for the master. I also saw some documents of inheritance portions being made to the slaves from the 1/3 share of the owner, and some of a slave being freed to be married to a free man (as opposed to being purchased by a free man who had shown interest in having her).
    3. There was a very amicable relationship between what are described as "slaves" and "slave masters" - and even decades after the abolition, the families interact {even though there are the social restrictions relating to intermarriage between them etc}. For example, an example I heard from the 80's was a person expressed an interest to marry a woman (who happened to be a descendant of the slaves of another family). The young man's grandmother raised an objection to the marriage saying, you are better off marrying from one of our own slaves so that your children are not born into slavery. So the restriction is not about the class/caste/social status, but the legal implications the marriage would create [ofcourse it took some of the older generation a while to realise those implications no longer exist].
    There is a need for us to take a fresh look at slavery as it was on the ground in various communities, and not perceive it through the lens of a very interested party - that is colonialists who after having failed all other tactics to overcome some areas, used the excuse of coming to "free" people from slavery. Only then to colonize them haha
  4. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to ShiaMan14 in Private sufficiency and public luxury   
    This happens quite often where arguments are made against spending on azadari, zairah, etc and that those monies could be used for other welfare activities.
    Those narrow-minded people only see one side of the coin (pun intended). 
    If I am spending $1,000 on ziarah then someone is also making $1,000. Or if billions are being spent on azadari and ziarah then billions are being made on azadari as well.
    So instead of giving charity, we are creating jobs. Hundreds and thousands are employed in the ziarah-tourism industry. 
    So azadari and ziarah are beneficial economically for all.
  5. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to ummulbaneen in Private sufficiency and public luxury   
    I agree with the concept of the enjoyment of public luxuries. For example, I am of a similar opinion with holding a large walima (within ones ability) to feed as many people as possible (and definitely including the poor/those who do not have access to such meals everyday).
    I think what some people are uncomfortable with is the fact that some of these expansions/beautifications are done in an inefficient and deliberately cost generating manner. I remember when I was in Mashhad once, and was admiring the efficiency with which some tiling work was being done with minimal interference to the zaireen, a local resident told me, they are always and forever redoing these tiles, and yet some of our most beautiful monuments in Isfahan, Shiraz etc have tiles centuries old which do not require to be redone every 4-5 months. His perspective was that the reconstruction deals were very lucrative contracts which not just anyone gets, and because of the nature of the place being decorated, there is minimal investigation/accountability for how resources are spent. 
    If that is indeed the case, then it is unfortunate.
  6. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to sirat-al-nur in Doing your own 'research'   
    Salaam brother,

    With regards to people's skepticism and hesitation which you refer to as baloney lol I think is more than just because of power, there is genuine skepticism when it comes to the whole medical field and industry, there is genuine mistrust, due to companies selling drugs, instances of hiking up prices, bad experiences with doctors.

    It's not like you would go to any dentist when your teeth start to hurt, dentistry and the teeth in general are very sensitive areas, so you would normally ask someone who had a good experience with a dentist who to go to. The same goes for doctors, as someone who isn't anti vax myself, I tried to make sense of others positions as well.
    When you look at the covid vaccine for example, and the x number of years it generally takes for a vaccine to be tested before being put into use, and the market for vaccines, almost the entire human population, and the money that will be made, and the race by countries to make the vaccine, highlighted by the name "Sputnik" which sounds like an intended pun against the U.S that hey we made it first. As well as the morality of turning human life into numbers, considering casualties of vaccine's as minor because there just a few thousand and that's normal makes individuals apprehensive.

    I think its too simple to say it's just because of power, and people "feel rational", it is a fact that human beings are rational beings, and that they do have control over their lives as individuals generally speaking. I don't think the hesitancy comes from a place of wanting to feel powerful or rational. People don't risk their lives for the sake of sounding rational, that would ludicrous. If they do
    In terms of people doing their own research, that in and of itself is not a bad thing, people should. Whether they do or don't or whether they do or don't properly is another matter. People tend to refer to conspiracy theories I would assume because the language is more direct and basic in compared to that of academics (naturally) and because the outlets conspiracy theorists use are mainly social outlets, like YouTube and Reddit etc. they have a larger audience, and they highlight the mistakes of one industry be it medical or other, to instill fear and skepticism in their viewers before offering their alternative. Academics on the other hand haven't done a good job of reaching out to people, even Fauci and the FDA have clear differences, and views keep changing, and there's a lot of diverse opinion among leaders. You might argue that, that really isn't the case among the scientific community well the answer would be the scientific community isn't represented in the media then, and the outlets that do reach the ordinary individual are those that highlight the differences and the ones that skeptics use. This is not taking into account the mini videos being sent on Whatsapp and Telegram etc. that I receive that are false and baseless most of the time.

    I don't think people are just mindless sheep, man is much more sophisticated and the means of deluding man are just as sophisticated and in turn, you don't have to agree with me, but I would advise you try to view things from a different angle. People who refuse vaccines for example are stating I am willing to put my life on the line potentially for the sake of my beliefs and such a position is not to be taken lightly or to be reduced to a desire to feel powerful or rational.
  7. My Prayers
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Zaydism in Mr. Lonely   
    We are here for you brother, you are a brave warrior and you are fighting against the waves. You've accomplished so much in little time and you will accomplish so much more, and you will reach what you are seeking of tranquility - to a degree that exceeds your expectations Insha'Allah.
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    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Marcy in My personal thoughts on the elections.   
    I personally do not trust the Biden administration.  I think Biden is following a hidden agenda, some being contrary to the laws of God that will further divide our country.  I do believe his tactics on how he is handling the COVID situation has softened from his original stance of wanting to shut down the country, which would be a disaster, but to open our borders to allow positive COVID people in is also a disaster.  What other country is opening their doors to whomever wants to come in?  It appears to be illogical thinking.  So, what is the agenda if not for political gain?        
  9. Completely Agree
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to ShiaOfMahdi in My thought on Biden's first day as President.   
    I've changed my stance on it and realized that he is not that much better than Trump. He is causing trouble in Syria.
  10. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Laayla in My thought on Biden's first day as President.   
    Offfffffff  Trump Derangement Syndrome 
    God keep us steadfast brother.  Brother @ShiaLuma doesn't know.  He is young and doesn't know his political record.  Four years of "orange man bad", they need to deprogram and understand why they ended up having Trump in the first place.  
    Brother ShiaLuma, get this book from your local library.
    Insh'Allah he takes this opportunity and learns about his record and realizes there is nothing to be satisfied about his victory.

  11. My Prayers
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Zainuu in My thought on Biden's first day as President.   
    Sadly. I even saw a tweet of Mustafa Qazwini praying in Karbala for Biden.
    May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) hasten the reappearance of Imam (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)
  12. Like
    Ashvazdanghe got a reaction from MaisumAli in The Coin of al-Rida [Image Inside]   
  13. Thanks
    Ashvazdanghe got a reaction from Abdul-Hadi in The Revert's Progress (Chasing Islam 4)   
    Salam just continue & take it easy
  14. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to A_A in The Revert's Progress (Chasing Islam 4)   
    Well, he's a jumbo dumbo. It's obvious that the Quran should be dealt with integrity and respect, but I wouldn't need to tell a brother revert, who I know would have more sense than most Muslims, not to throw it in a pile of junk, let alone fabricate a lie to make sure he doesn't. 
    They don't sell Qurans with rihals anywhere. I don't even have room for a rihal! 
  15. Like
    Ashvazdanghe got a reaction from A_A in The Revert's Progress (Chasing Islam 4)   
    Salam just continue & take it easy
  16. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Abdul-Hadi in The Revert's Progress (Chasing Islam 4)   
    Thank you, this was a suggestion from someone else who isn't on SC.

    They told me that I actually shouldn't own a Quran if I don't have a rihal for it & that to do so was a duty to do so. I had never heard this and figured that it might be something cultural, but I couldn't find anything other than "Keep It in a place of honor", preferably on its own.
  17. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to A_A in Why do I chase Islam? (first entry corrected)   
    I am genuinely touched, reading this. You seem to be an honest soul seeking for the truth so don't let yourself down by giving into your doubts. We are all imperfect human beings, but by the end of our journey here, all that matters is whether or not we've done everything we could possibly do. It is true that an Islamic lifestyle could be different to your current lifestyle but you have the rest of your life to accustom yourself to it. Being born Christian, and struggling to find the truth, then submitting to your renewed perception of the truth by adapting to an alien lifestyle would be very noble of you. Standing by what you believe true, even after being bombarded by doubts and possibly rejection from others is in itself, a great accomplishment. Undoubtedly, that would make you better than most Muslims. 
    I wish you the best in your journey for finding a peace of mind, and solace for the soul.
  18. My Prayers
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Sian in Freewill, viruses & opportunities   
    Thank you for this blog and insights. I really enjoyed this interview with the Executive Director of the WHO where he describes how COVID19 is not man made, but spreading because of man-made reasons such as travel and where the world is socially...https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/talktojazeera/2020/03/Dr.-mike-ryan-coronavirus-vaccine-year-200325093707677.html

    There are so many questions being raised regarding COVID 19 and God...and I think it seems to have a lot of people are thinking about their mortality as well.  We are praying for His mercy on us. 
  19. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Hameedeh in Freewill, viruses & opportunities   
    @Haji 2003 Excellent blog post, mashAllah. I hope that you have sent it out by email to all your contacts who don't frequent ShiaChat. Or at least send them the link so that they can read it here: 
  20. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Diaz in From Roman Catholic - to Agnostic - to Islam Shia   
    It’s heartwarming to read this story, thank you sister for sharing your story.
  21. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Hameedeh in if you're going through a hard time, read this   
    Thank you. 
  22. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Haji 2003 in Punctuated sunrise [10,000th post]   
    Here's a video of my train trip from Hyderabad to Chennai;
  23. My Prayers
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to habib e najjaar in Punctuated sunrise [10,000th post]   
    I do hope some of this talent has been/is being used to write a book. MashaAllah excellent read, I almost feel like I have visited the places you mention. 
  24. My Prayers
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to Hameedeh in Raising Abbas - Stalag Luft III   
    Yes, grades Kindergarten to Grade 6 is Elementary School in the US, and Grades 7 and 8 are Middle School (sometimes called Junior High School). Grades 9 - 12 are High School. The strictness of those school "rules" are probably a formality that gives the School the authority to expell and refuse to teach anyone who violates them. I would not worry about your son because inShaAllah he will be well behaved, but emphasize that he not get into trouble. You can ask him to memorize the rules because you will be quizzing him.
  25. Like
    Ashvazdanghe reacted to ShiaChat Mod in The Grandson of George and Temporary Marriage   
    Ibn Jurayj was a man who believed in mutah marriage and took his marital relationships so seriously that when he was going to die he made sure that his son knew the names of all his mutah wives, so that his son would not accidentally marry an older woman who was his own stepmother. There is a wise and cautious lesson to be learned in this. 
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