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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Everything posted by Ashvazdanghe

  1. Salam similar thread which Islamic Economics has been mentioned in below thread.
  2. Him according to Shia Islam purgatory has been called Barzakh as interval between this world & hereafter which can be likewise bot of hell for sinners & paradise for good people which some shia muslims who have mixed good deeds & sins which their good deeds weigh more than their minor sins will be purified by suffering in order to purify Shia muslims from some of these sins in order to they can enter to paradise in here after which suffering of some of them maybe extended by going to hell until total purification so then they will enter to Paradise after 30,000 years of suffering in hell . Barzakh will be likewise Paradise/Heaven for sincere strong Muslims who will receive rewards in similar fashion of Paradise/Heaven without decreasing their final reward in hereafter in Paradise/Heaven. In Hadiths Definition https://en.wikishia.net/view/Barzakh Halfway between Reward and Punishment After entering the world of Barzakh one does not experience physical pains like headache, toothache and such other troubles. Such suffering forms a part of the essentials of the material world. But there, in Barzakh, it is the realm of abstracts or of incorporeal beings. Of course, it can also not be called the Hereafter, which may mean that there will be only darkness for the sinners and only light for the obedient ones. Some people asked the Imam ((عليه السلام).) about the duration of Barzakh. He replied, “It is from the moment of death up to the time when all will rise from their graves regaining life.1 The Holy Qur’an says: ...and before them is a barrier until the day they are raised. (23:100) Your Christanity may help you for going to Paradise/Heaven which all of your deeds whether good or bad deeds will be recorded & won't be forgotten based on your intention which in similar fashion other non-muslims have chance of going to Heaven based on their good deeds & their intention . According to Shia Islam viewpoint God will create perfect body for people who will be entered to Heaven; which he has created perfect humans in this world as prophets & infallible Imams which prophet Muhammd (pbu) is most perfect human who he has been first creation so then her daughter & Imam Ali (عليه السلام) so then rest of infallible shia Imams so then prophets ; which his most prefect creation prophet Muhammad (pbu) has lower rank than him but higher rank than whole of his creation . an example of creation of perfect body for people of heaven is creation of Barzakh body which has not our limitation in this world which even people of heaven will have more perfect body than their Barzakh body. Picture in the Mirror, with Two Stipulations Scholars and experts of scholastic theology have compared the Barzakh body with what one sees in a mirror. Of course there are two differences. First, the said picture is actual (not a mere reflection) and second, it achieves senses. The facsimile body is real and it also senses and understands things. An incomparable example is dream. Therein we travel immeasurable distances in a split second. In no time we reach Holy Mecca, Holy Mashhad and all other places. We also see and hear people over there and also talk there. But all these things are not performed by physical organs. Not only this, better, higher and finer things like various kinds of tasty food, good-looking faces and pleasing fragrance as well as melodious songs etc are instantly available to the facsimile body, things which are unimaginable here. All these things are found in Barzakh and the souls can benefit from all these things in their facsimile bodies. https://www.al-islam.org/hereafter-maad-sayyid-abdul-husayn-dastghaib-shirazi/barzakh-purgatory-stage-between-world-and
  3. Salam lol all of us have agreement that The Maraji' are fallible people which all shia muslims don't consider them infallible in opposition to your childish nonsense. name one marja who has used religion for his own benefit which surely you can't do it which your childish accusation against them just can be found in Wahabi propaganda against them. Non muslisms are judging based on corrupt leadership in Sunni countries also majority of them have biased mindset or insufficient knowledge about Shia Islam in similar fashion which you have biased mindset against twelvers due to your lack of knowledge & affecting by Wahabi propaganda against Twelvers; also non muslims can't dictate us how we rule our countries which all corruption in current Sunni leadership is due blind following of non Muslim states which for example KSA & UAE just following orders of non Muslim states which corrupt leadership of UAE is the best example of applying so called Mu'tazila doctrine of non muslims in a so called muslim country which UAE is best ally of Zionist Israel against Palestinians which shows that your favorit solution is most just unjust system in favour of enemies of Islam likewise Zionist Israel which is reviving manner of Shaykhayn by fake mask of reason & peace of so called Mu'tazila which their reasoning & intellect advises them to normalize with zionist Israel because it's ally their master America .
  4. Addendum Why was a Quranic verse sent down giving the Prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) permission not to respect his wives' turns? https://www.islamquest.net/en/archive/question/fa5778
  5. Salam surely prophet Muhammad (pbu) has not married just for looks which even according to Sunni sources majority of his wives have been aged or widow women just spreading Islam peacefully among Arab tribes by marrying pact with a high ranking member of the Arab tribe ; which some of them even have children from their ex-husband(s) although some of them likewise lady Maria al-Qibtiyya has been a young good looking woman because she has given as slave to prophet Muhammad (pbu) by governor of Alexandria which some of his wives likewise Ayesha has had sense of jealously about her ; which due that some narrations in Sunni sources have been fabricated in her favor in order to give superiority to her & her father to justify usurping right of lady Fatima & Imam Ali(عليه السلام) by degrading status of her mother the mother of believers lady Khadija which in similar fashion other hadiths have been fabricated to degrade status of other wives of prophet Muhammad (pbu) likewise lady Maria al-Qibtiyya in order to just focus on Ayesha as only important wife of him which Astaghfurilah prophet has attracted just to her due her good looking & youngness which even her closest Ally Hafsa has been ignored widely by Sunni narrations. Notice it's from Wikipedia which just repersents sunni viewpoint Was Maria al-Qibtiyya a concubine or wife of the Prophet Muhammad (s)? Is she considered an Umm al-Mu'minin like the other noble wives of the Prophet? Lady Maria daughter of Sham'oon known as Maria Al-Qibtiyyah, is one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and Ummul Mo'mineen. She was well behaving and pious follower of the Prophet (SAWA). Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) granted the Prophet from Maria a son(Ebraheem) who passed away during his childhood. 'Aysha daughter of Abu Bakr who was also among the wives of the Prophet, did not like Maria and she has stated (according to Sunni books) that she was feeling jealous from Maria more than other wives. This was behind the trend of the followers of 'Aysha against Maria and claiming that she was not a wife but just concubine. Lady Maria was not only a wife of the Prophet (SAWA) but also was one of the best of his wives in Madina, as far as her Faith and obedience. Lady Maria was accused by some hypocrites including two of wived of the Prophet and their people, that her child Ebraheem was not from the Prophet (SAWA) but from another person. The story of this false allegation was mentioned in Quran and known by Al-Efk. Wassalam. https://www.al-islam.org/ask/was-maria-al-qibtiyya-a-concubine-or-wife-of-the-prophet-muhammad-s-is-she-considered-an-umm-al-muminin-like-the-other-noble-wives-of-the-prophet/sayyed-mohammad-al-musawi https://www.al-islam.org/person/maria-al-qibtiyya
  6. As for Shia "solution" there is infallible Imam as Imam Mahdi (aj) so all conditions of following just infallible progeny as members of Ahl al-Bayt has been always continued since demise of prophet Muhammad (pbu) until now which deputies of Imam Mahdi (aj) as Marjas & Wilaya faqih fullfil all conditions of Zaydis & Mu'tazila which Mu'tazila solution is just a pardoxical solution by Sunnis who rejected infallible leader but on the other hand have tried to find a just muslim leader in similar fashion of Shia infallible Imam which Mu'tazila solution has been failed since initiating until perishing which reviving it doesn't change anything because still it has no proper solution while after OCT 7 many Sunnis have initiated leaning toward Shia solution because it has been proven it's only proper solution .
  7. Salam all arab speakers are calling him Salaman "al-Farsi" which only some radical sunnis likewise Wahabis have tried to change his name into so called "al-Farisi" which has no basis even in sunni texts which they have just do it to manipulate people that he has not been Iranian because of their hate toward Iranians whether Shia or Sunni . Then: your defeating battle for justification of three sunni Shaykhayn is really laughable ; because their void actions after usurping right of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) & opposing orders of prophet Muahhamd (pbu) & creation of innovations & distortion of Islam by them have made them unjust rulers although of sunni saga about their fake justice which even people likewise Genghis Khan & Alexander & Hitler & other ruthless conquerors tried to be just rulers. Then : The pan Arab issue is real historical matter which second Shaykhayn Umar has been clearly a pan arab anti Iranian which new converts from Iranians have not an equal place in similar fashion of Arab muslims during era of all three Shaykhayn which it's a historical fact which even mentioned in so called Sunni Sahih books which only at era of rulership of Amir Al Muminin Imam Ali (عليه السلام) Iranians have gained some rights by efforts of Amir Al Muminin Imam Ali (عليه السلام) ; which later cursed Umayyads have returned to pan Arab anti Iranian policy of three Shaykhain ; which even during Abbasids Iranians whether Sunni or shia have suffered from pan arab policy of Abbasids although they owed their rulership to Iranians . And bt the way : Three sunni shaykahyn have been conquerors likewise Genghis Khan & Alexander & Hitler & other ruthless conquerors who used Islam just for justifications of conquering new lands likewise Iran & Iraq which nobody owes his Islam to them which cooperation Sahabis likewise Salman "Al-Farsi" (Muhammadi) have cooperated with them to do damage control to stop mass killing of Iranians by army of three sunni Shaykhayn which saga spreading Islam by army of three sunni Shaykhayn is just good for naive people likewise Wahabis who still have dream of reviving era of cursed umayyads.
  8. Salam related thread https://www.shiachat.com/forum/topic/235046250-donald-j-trump-official-thread/
  9. Salam One might, therefore, suspect the reports of the historians of Shi'I sympathies such as Ibn Ishaq, Ya'qubi, and Mas'udi as being biased in favour of the Shi'is; and similarly the writings of Ibn Sa'd, Baladhuri, and even Tabari as reporting in Sunni colour. In Ibn Ishaq's narrative, Zuhri's authority is 'Ubayd Allah b. 'Abd Allah b. 'Utba b. Mas'ud,9 one of Zuhri's four most trusted and esteemed teachers. These four were Sa'id b. al-Musayyib10 (died 94/712-13), under whom Zuhri sat for ten years as a faithful student, 'Urwa b. az-Zubayr, Aban b. 'Uthman, and 'Ubayd Allah b. 'Abd Allah. All four are among the most distinguished and recognized authorities on Fiqh, Sira, and Maghazi. Zuhri is frequently quoted as expressing his highest regard for them, and described them as the “four seas of knowledge” and “the four seas of the Quraysh”.11 Three of them, with the exception of Aban, are also among the famous illustrious seven lawyers of Medina. All these four have been credited with leaving written works for the following generations in addition to what they had transmitted orally to their pupils. Tabari He reports 'U mar's speech on the Saqifa in full, exactly as did Ibn Ishaq, but the former's authority is 'Abbad b. 'Abbad38 (Al-Muhallabi) from 'Abbad b. Rashid,(40) while the last three authorities are the same as in Ibn Ishaq. He is also the one who, alone among all the historians of Islam, preserves Abu Mikhnaf's treatise on the Saqifa.39 On the whole, Tabari's history presents a balanced and unbiased account of the Saqifa. He makes it absolutely clear that there40 was a strong body of support for 'Ali, but on the other hand, emphasizes that Abu Bakr was duly elected by the majority of the people. It is our intention here to base our reconstruction of the Saqifa on a translation of 'Umar's speech as recorded by Ibn Ishaq.49 Since a speech of this sort naturally is not supposed to cover every detail, frequent breaks will be utilized to draw in other sources and attempt to form a complete picture of the proceedings. Sources of the additions filling the gaps will be given within the narrative so that the reader will be able to notice them immediately. According to Tabari (I, p.1843), “Some of the Aws, among them Usayd b. Hudayr, spoke among themselves, saying, 'By God, if the Khazraj become rulers over you once, they will continue to maintain this superiority over you and will never let you have any share in it, so stand up and pay homage to Abu Bakr.' Then they [the Aws] stood and paid homage to Abu Bakr.” We may also recall that this Usayd '0. Hudayr was the only one from the Ansar who took part if' the deliberations of the Muhajirun, certainly knowing of Sa'd b. 'Ubada's candidacy and thus acting against him and the Khazraj. As for the Banu Khazraj, they realized that their position was far too weak to face a united front of the Muhajirun and the Banu Aws, their old rivals, or rather enemies, in the city politics of Medina. The constant wars and deadly feuds between the Aws and the Khazraj are commonplace stories of the ayyam al-'Arab (“Battle Days”) literature. Thus the Khazraj found it unwise to lag behind in giving support to and gaining the favour of the ruling authority upon which agreement had very nearly been reached. Moreover, Sa'd b. 'Ubada was envied by some of his own cousins or clansmen, as was a common feature of the Arab clans; and according to some the first who paid homage to Abu Bakr was Sa'd's own cousin Bashir b. Sa'd.63 It is thus clear that as a result of group politics, clan rivalries, and personal jealousies, Abu Bakr was able to exact homage from most of the people. https://www.al-islam.org/sw/origins-and-early-development-shia-islam-sayyid-husayn-muhammad-jafari/chapter-2-saqifa-first
  10. Salam related thread
  11. Salam attending Sunni Masjid or community is not haram also attending between Sunnis & cooperation is highly recommended ; if it doesn't cause harming you which in case of emergency due to fear of harming you can practice Taqiyya among them . Can a Shia person join prayers, including Juma prayers, being conducted in a Sunni mosque? Can he pray according to their way? It is highly recommended for every Shia Muslim to pray with Muslims from other sects in their congregational prayers, but we need to recite Sura Al-Hamd and other Sura for ourself. Such Salaah will be valid if it was performed inside the time not before it. Jum'a prayers with non Shia Muslims is good but we need to recite Dhuhr Prayer as well. Wassalam. https://www.al-islam.org/ask/can-a-shia-person-join-prayers-including-juma-prayers-being-conducted-in-a-sunni-mosque-can-he-pray-according-to-their-way Participation in Muslim Worship Gatherings The Shiite Imams always emphasized the participation of Shia in Muslim worship gatherings. In one narration, Imam Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) said: “The reward for praying with the Sunnis is equal to the reward of praying with the Messenger of God (s.a.) or striving in the way of God.[11]” Ishaq ibn Ammar narrates that Imam advised him to pray with non-Shia in the mosque, as the person praying in the first row is like one who has drawn his sword in the way of God.[12] [11] . Wasa’il al-Shi’a, al-Hurr al-‘Amili, 1414 AH, Volume 8: 299-300. [12] . Ibid, 301. https://ic-el.uk/blog/2024/09/17/the-conduct-of-imam-sadiq-a-s-in-interacting-with-followers-of-other-intellectual-schools-and-religions/ Significance of unity in Imam Sadeq’s view: praying behind Sunnis in Masjid Al-Haram is like praying behind Prophet عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي عُمَيْرٍ عَنْ حَمَّادٍ عَنِ الْحَلَبِيِّ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ: مَنْ‏ صَلَّى‏ مَعَهُمْ‏ فِي‏ الصَّفِ‏ الْأَوَّلِ كَانَ كَمَنْ صَلَّى خَلْفَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ص‏ ‘Alī bin Ibrāhīm from his father, from Ibn Abī ‘Umayr from Ḥammād from al-Ḥalabī from Abī ‘Abdillah (a) who said: Whoever prays behind them in the first row, is like the one who prayed behind the Messenger of Allah (p).[3] وَ قَالَ الصَّادِقُ ع‏ إِذَا صَلَّيْتَ‏ مَعَهُمْ‏ غُفِرَ لَكَ‏ بِعَدَدِ مَنْ خَالَفَك‏ Imām al-Ṣādiq (a) said: If you pray alongside them, an amount will be forgiven for you that equals the number of people who oppose you.[4] https://hadana.ir/en/significance-of-unity-in-imam-sadeqs-view-praying-behind-sunnis-in-masjid-al-haram-is-like-praying-behind-prophet/ https://iqraonline.net/shii-ruling-on-praying-in-congregation-behind-a-sunni-imam/ https://www.al-islam.org/message-thaqalayn/vol-13-no-2-summer-2012/biography-imam-al-sadiq-muhammad-alai/biography-imam-jafar https://ic-el.uk/blog/2024/09/17/the-conduct-of-imam-sadiq-a-s-in-interacting-with-followers-of-other-intellectual-schools-and-religions/ https://www.al-islam.org/message-thaqalayn/vol-13-no-2-summer-2012/biography-imam-al-sadiq-muhammad-alai/biography-imam-jafar
  12. Hi, it's comparing apples with oranges because generally everyone who sincerely follows any divine prophet so then he will be in kingdom of God which is not limited to following prophet Isa/Christ (عليه السلام) which even you can find good people among other non Abrahamic faiths likewise Buddhism & etc which you can find strong tendencies toward these non Abrahamic faiths among Christians in form of Yoga & etc which even Muslims have been affected in similar fashion with weaker tendencies than Christians which kingdom of god based "In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful. (1)" is for all as All-beneficent which simultaneously is for sincere believers as All-merciful. https://tanzil.net/#trans/en.qarai/1:1 according to Shia Islam you are in kingdom of God/Allah in any place & any moment without need to attending a specific place or congregation although attending in holy places & congregation likewise Friday Jumu'ah prayer has highly recommended because it can cause increasing your spirituality for having stronger bond with God/Allah besides of benefiting from positive socialising which also in similar fashion causes increasing your spirituality for having stronger bond with God/Allah too.
  13. Salam Call On Me I Answer You: Supplications, Prayers & Ziarats ISBN: 9789644380501 Categories: Mafatih, Supplications and Prayers $27.00 +321 123 4567 +321 123 4568 Toronto, Canada Description https://www.hamim.ca/product/call-on-me-i-answer-you-supplications-prayers-ziarats/ https://www.hamim.ca/contact/ SUPPLICATIONS, PRAYERS AND ZIARATS; CALL ON ME, I ANSWER YOU H/C SKU: KB 78615 $45.00 Regular Price $35.00Sale Price https://www.khatoons.com/product-page/supplications-prayers-and-ziarats-call-on-me-i-answer-you https://almurtaza.co.uk/product/call-on-me-i-answer-you-supplications-prayers-ziarats/ https://www.amazon.com/Call-Me-Answer-You-Supplications/dp/B003FZ6ULA
  14. Salam according to shia Islam a woman can perform Hajj on her own if she is not afraid of her safety which going with Mahram is rule KSA anyway her dad can do Hajj again besides her which their intention will be different . https://en.wikishia.net/view/Hajj A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj https://www.al-islam.org/printpdf/book/export/html/39437 A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj Razia Batool Najafi https://www.al-islam.org/guidebook-women-rites-hajj-razia-batool-najafi Questions and Answers Q1. Is a husband's permission needed for an obligatory pilgrimage? Ans: lf a (house wife) has enough financial resources and she fulfills all other conditions then for an obligatory pilgrimage the husband's permission is not required and he does not have the right to stop her from performing her religious duty. But for a recommended pilgrimage the husband's permission is needed. https://www.al-islam.org/guidebook-women-rites-hajj-razia-batool-najafi/conditions-pilgrimage#rules-pilgrimage
  15. It's Salaman al-Farsi (Muhammadi) which arabized of Parsi while Farisi means a Jewish social movement however your doubt has clear reponse which he has accepted this status by advise of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) not order of usurper caliph under doctrine of Taqiyya for showing real image of Islam to Iranians & introducing Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) to them without distortion & innovations of pan Arabs who have introduced Islam as religion of Arabs which has been mixed with distortions & innovations of three sunni caliphs & enemies of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) which Salman al-Farsi has brought some justice for Iranians based on teachings of Ahlubayt (عليه السلام) after suppression of new Iranian muslims by pan Arabs & enemies of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) which another example is Ali ibn Yaqtin (رضي الله عنه) who under doctrine of Taqiyya has served to Harun al-Rashid while he has served to shia community by order of Imam Kadhim (عليه السلام) . It's undoubtedly usurped by evil intentions which there is countless refutation to your doubt. for example:
  16. Salam all candidates have some amount of Zionist tendencies which without it nobody can register for becoming president of America best choice between all candidates is choosing lesser evil between them ; which maybe someone between them will has something positive likewise being antiwar or at least has a plan for this mentioned goals.
  17. Salam thank you for your concern about it although even just when your heart is with AOR so therefore you are fighting besides AOR although you have been separated geographically & physically . Sermon 12: Does your brother love us? ... When1 Allah gave him (Amir al-mu’minin) victory over the enemy at the Battle of Jamal one of his comrades said on that occasion, “I wish my brother so-and-so had been present and he too would have seen what success and victory Allah had given you,” whereupon Amir al-mu’minin said: “Did your brother hold me friend?” He said: “Yes,” Then Amir al-mu’minin said: In that case he was with us. Rather in this army of ours even those persons were also present who are still in the loins of men and wombs of women. Shortly, time will bring them out and faith will get strength through them. https://www.al-islam.org/nahjul-balagha-part-1-sermons/sermon-12-does-your-brother-love-us He will call his army around the world which they will be summoned besides him immediately even if they have slept in their beds in another corner of world or even they have been moved to next world which if you read dua Ahad 40 mornings before dawn so then you will be resurrected to help Imam Mahdi (aj) inshaAllah . https://www.duas.org/ahad.htm
  18. Salam The lesson out. the highest level courses seminary is. traditionally this period, initiates after a two-periods of basic & Sat'h (level) . The Kharij lesson is Focus point of , providing the latest scientific achievements of Masters, and also an opportunity to learn methods of Ijtihad and kneaded in it. I can be thus defined: "the presentation of argumentative lessons, etc. without relying on a particular text." In this classroom, master discusses about different opinions about a topic ,so recounts and criticises evidences of it, and, in the end, considers his offers.[۱] The purpose of the Kharij lesson Some students of religious sciences finish their studies after completing the level stage, but those who seek to acquire a higher level of knowledge and reach the level of ijtihad, enter the Kharij stage.[4] New topics in the Kharij lessons In recent years, due to new and emerging issues, some professors proposed discussions in the Kharij lessons that had no history before, or if they have been discussed, they have been briefly discussed in other chapters. As an example, the jurisprudence of (Ghana) music, the jurisprudence of sculpture, the jurisprudence of governance and Wilayat Faqih, the jurisprudence of virtual space, the governance of virtual space, etc. have been formed. https://fa.wikishia.net/view/درس_خارج About things like economics martyr Muhammad Baqir sadr has talked briefly about it in his book "Iqtisaduna"(our economics) which unfortunately after his martyrdom his work about economics has remained unfinished which inshaAllah his work about economics will be revived by new generation of Shia scholars likewise you inshAllah. . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iqtisaduna Iqtisaduna, Our Economics, Volume 1, Part 1 Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr https://www.al-islam.org/iqtisaduna-our-economics-volume-1-part-1-sayyid-muhammad-baqir-al-sadr https://www.al-islam.org/iqtisaduna-our-economics-volume-1-part-2-sayyid-muhammad-baqir-al-sadr https://www.al-islam.org/iqtisaduna-our-economics-volume-2-part-1-sayyid-muhammad-baqir-al-sadr https://www.al-islam.org/iqtisaduna-our-economics-volume-2-part-2-sayyid-muhammad-baqir-al-sadr https://islamic-laws.com/iqtisaduna.htm Towards An Islamic Economy Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr https://www.al-islam.org/towards-islamic-economy-sayyid-muhammad-baqir-al-sadr https://www.al-islam.org/tribute-sadr-martyrs/brief-biography-sayyid-muhammad-baqir-al-sadr https://ijtihadnet.com/ayatollah-muhammad-baqir-sadr-sign-jihad-ijtihad/ https://www.islamicinsights.com/religion/history/sayyid-muhammad-baqir-al-sadr.html Economic Thought of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: A Study of Iqtisaduna (Our Economics) Dissertation Submitted to the University of Kashmir https://www.isfin.net/sites/isfin.com/files/economic_thought_of_muhammad_baqir_al-sadr-_a_study_of_iqtisaduna_our_economics.pdf https://www.academia.edu/8120514/Muhammad_Baqir_As_Sadr_Iqtisaduna_Our_Economics_Volume_01_I https://fivebooks.com/book/iqtisaduna-by-muhammad-baqir-sadr/ https://themuslimvibe.com/faith-islam/beyond-capitalism-and-socialism-muhammad-baqir-al-sadrs-quest-for-an-islamic-economic-system
  19. Salam according to official report of Iranian army two members of Iranian army Major Hamzeh (Hamza) Jahandideh "سرگرد حمزه جهاندیده" & sergeant Mohammad Mahdi Shahrokhifar "استوار محمد مهدی شاهرخی فر" have been martyred for defending Bandar-e Mahshahr ( Mahshahr County) . https://www.tasnimnews.com/fa/news/1403/08/05/3186110/شهادت-2-رزمنده-ارتش-در-حملات-شب-گذشته-اسرائیل https://www.hamshahrionline.ir/news/894240/تصویر-شهید-محمد-مهدی-شاهرخی-فر-که-در-دفاع-در-مقابل-حملات-اسرائیل https://www.tabnak.ir/fa/news/1267959/تصویری-از-دومین-شهید-حمله-اسرائیل-به-ایران https://www.tasnimnews.com/fa/news/1403/08/05/3186110/شهادت-2-رزمنده-ارتش-در-حملات-شب-گذشته-اسرائیل https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergeant_major https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamza_(name)
  20. Salam I have not heard any of 3 3 explosions . Yeah picture ha been old from 2021 I read about it in non-official Iranian social media although number of fighters or drones or etc has not been confirmed officially which @coldcow as usual is trying to exaggerate about fake Israeli army might although it's failed attack has not been a match for for Iranian defence system which it has intercepted so called attack of rogue state of Israel too easy.
  21. Salam currently everything is normal as usual everywhere in Iran which also in Tehran where I live & work everything is ok & routine as usual.
  22. Salam According to subject of course & good reputation of Agha Syed Jawad Naqvi it's highly recommended option .
  23. Salam Allah has given status of martyr to martyr Sinwar (رضي الله عنه) which rightful all people of AOR whether Palestinian or Iranian & Yemenis & Iraqis & Lebanese have seen him as the martyr by will of Allah which even Zionist Propaganda has shown him as martyr by will of Allah while both of zioinists & Wahabists have done their best to humiliate him as a corpse & Ikhwani terrorists & etc which their propaganda against him has acted in opposition of their evil wish . As @mahmood8726 has mentioned this baseless zionist propaganda has been refuted countless times which there is clear undeniable evidences which IDF has killed so called civilians even Idf members according to zionist "Hanniabal protocol" so then it has blamed Hamas for everything which still naive people rely on zionist propaganda doctrine . https://www.unz.com/aanglin/israeli-newspaper-idf-killed-a-lot-of-civilians-during-october-7th-because-of-hannibal-protocol/#:~:text=Israel has a policy called,and then again in 2006 IDF used protocol that may have risked civilian lives in Hamas attack – report This article is more than 3 months old Haaretz shows Hannibal directive employed at three sites to prevent kidnapping of soldiers during 7 October assault https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/07/israel-idf-hannibal-protocol-hamas-attack-haaretz
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