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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Everything posted by Ashvazdanghe

  1. Salam these are not as same as each other which Banisadr has faced helicopter crash when he has visited frontline of war which his helicopter hit by Iraqi army while incident of ahmadinejad has been exagerration of situation by him which he has made similar claim which Americans have tried to his plane when he was passing sky of Iraq .
  2. Salam clearly they could located his place by tracking digital devices which it has been said that his personal cellphone which has been used for contacting with his family members has been hacked by Mossad when he was in Qatar before entering to Iran .
  3. Salam respectfully it's not common between all Sunnis which even Sunnis have mourned for martyrdom Sayed Hasan Narollah (رضي الله عنه) although radical anti shia groups likewise remnants of Daesh/ISIS & wahabis in some regions specially Idlib,Syria have celebrated it .
  4. Salam i have refuted existence of moles in special case of of martyr Hanie which other mentioned cases by you has no relation to it which in mentioned cases rogue state of zionist has used moles in Iran for killing of nuclear scientists & affecting decision making centers in Iran .
  5. Salam respectfully this is a false assumption because all Shia scholars in advanced levels must know Farsi at least in level of reading & understanding written advanced books about Shia Islam which have been written by great past & contemporary Shia scholars which great Marjas likewise great Ayatollah Sistani is using Farsi for answering important Fatwas .
  6. clearly no because still some of these anti Hizbullah faction have fake hope of entering Zionist army into land of Lebanon in order to initiate most great sectarian war insides Lebanon more greated than previous time which initiating it will cause increasing casualties into unimaginable number which will lead to totall Balkanization of Lebanon & genocide of all Shia muslims in Lebanon .
  7. Salam if there have been moles so then they could kill him by other silent means likewise poisoning his personal stuff likewise toothpaste & etc which Mossad has a long history of using these dirty tactics which using moles even has been refuted by Hamas security while you still believe such nonsense which has came from zionist propaganda.
  8. Salam this is a naive tactic by someone who sees war a a video game which you don't know nothing about some parties in Lebanon whom are pro zionistso then will betray to both of "New Order (Government) in Lebanon" & hizbullah in case of ground invasion also it causes increasing casualities which leads rebelling gray zone people against both of "New Order (Government) in Lebanon" & hizbullah by support of pro zionists groups likewise Druze & some radical christian parties whome are under influence of France & rogue state of Israel .
  9. It's a part of physiological hybrid warfare of rogue state of Israel against Iran by spreading such false information for accusing Iran to betraying to AOR in fake hope of reviving Jcpoa talks so then deweaponizing Iran & AOR .
  10. Salam this is just a dirty tactic by MSM against iran for portraying such bad image from Iran which some naive people will accept it likewise a candy . Although Pezeshkian has not a solid stance but he has not betrayed the resistance which Imam Sayid Ali Khamenei has warned him & his colleagues multiple times about sending signals of weakness to enemies of Iran & AOR which anti iran propaganda has portrayed it as betraying Iran to AOr which some naive people has accepted it due to their grudge against Iran . moving Imam Sayid Ali Khamenei to a safe place is just a fake news which killing of Martyre Raisi by Mossad has been refuted multiple times which such fake news has been spread for exaggerating about power of Mossad based on propaganda of rogue state of Isreal about exaggeration about it's capabilities which some naive people naive people have accepted it likewise a candy .
  11. Salam yeah It's pro zionist which also it has been spread anti Iran propaganda about accusing Iran to selling Martyr Sayed Hasan Nasrullah & betraying him by Iran for reviving Jcpoa talks with America . post by Guest Mo is a pro Zionist post which in opposition to his claim both of Iran & Hizbullah have not underestimated capability of rogue state of Israel in espionage & committing these inhuman crimes ; which Iran has capacity of of ending the apartheid rogue state of Israel but current reformist government in Iran have sent fake signals of weakness to rogue state of Israel based on reformist party agenda which it has been criticized by majority of Iranians for portraying Iran as weak country in eye of pro zionist or naive people likewise Guest Mo who are spreading spreading pro zionist propaganda against Iran & order Iran to put down it's weapon & surrenders to rogue state of Israel & America by making such nonsense .
  12. Salam ironically I have seen some speeches of Mr. Raefipoor about ideal Mahdavi community which he has general has talked in a series of his speech about it which is also applicable for making ideal/model Muslims community in the West which one of main ideas for Muslims in the West is about increasing pilgrimage of Westerner muslims from Shia sacred sites at least once a year based on example of visit of queen of Sheba/Saba with prophet solomon (عليه السلام) which the Queen of Sheba/Saba came from a wealthy country with strong army although being worshippers of sun which in our era it's example can be America in our era which at first she knew her country & nation superior religious community of prophet Suleiman (عليه السلام) so therefore she has offered wealth or fight to prophet Suleiman (عليه السلام) which when both of it has been rejected by prophet Suleiman (عليه السلام) but on the other hand invited her to his kingdom which after showing great signs which leads to accepting Islam by her so then maybe her country ; so therefore although Westerner Muslims may have good lifestyle in the West but they need to do pilgrimage as much as possible for them likewise at least once a year in order to find "an aspirational system" which in result of their pilgrimage likewise increasing their spirituality or maybe seeing some signs so then they may find solutions & tricks for making an ideal/model Muslim community in the West .
  13. Salam i recommed everyone to watch "Israelism" & if it's possible try to show it your community as much as possible for you by renting or buying digital version of it. CONTEXT Israelism’s release comes at a key moment for Israel and its relationship with the US and the Jewish diaspora. Protests in Israel against the right-wing ruling government’s plans to overhaul the judiciary system and further undermine democracy dominate today’s news from the region. Even longtime defenders of Israel like New York Times columnist Tom Friedman have grown increasingly critical of the Israeli government and anxious about its direction. American Jews are more willing to criticize Israel than at any time in recent memory, with 25% of all American Jews and 38% of Jews under 40 agreeing with the statement “Israel is an apartheid state." SYNOPSIS Two young American Jews - Simone Zimmerman and Eitan - are raised to defend the state of Israel at all costs. Eitan joins the Israeli military. Simone supports Israel on ‘the other battlefield:’ America’s college campuses. When they witness Israel's mistreatment of the Palestinian people with their own eyes, they are horrified and heartbroken. They join the movement of young American Jews battling the old guard over Israel’s centrality in American Judaism, and demanding freedom for the Palestinian people. Their stories reveal a generational divide in the American Jewish community as more young Jews question the narratives their synagogues and Hebrew school teachers fed them as children. https://www.israelismfilm.com/info https://www.israelismfilm.com/ ‘Israelism’ Documentary, About Jewish Attitudes Toward Israel, Lands U.S. Distributor (EXCLUSIVE) https://variety.com/2024/film/global/israelism-documentary-israel-palestine-1235998643/ https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/israelism/umc.cmc.5l93obwb09jqv7vzx5onscc1 https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/israelism/ https://medium.com/@linusdunkers/israelism-unveiling-truths-in-the-israel-palestine-conflict-374a5822b38f
  14. Salam It somehow can be explained by idea of "Our Three Brains - The Reptilian (motor/instinctual/sexual ) Brain" which everyone even insane people has this lowest level of brain which is essential for spreading human generation through pleasure & other animalstic desires which insane or a simple mind person maybe has minimum amount of emotional brain while a child can achieve to utmost of emotional brain so then develops into an intellectual brain level after becoming mature & having Consciousness. Three Brains Esoteric psychology explains that humanoids have three brains: an intellectual brain emotional brain a motor/instinctual/sexual brain Consciousness Consciousness is the root of who we truly are. Consciousness is the root of perception, awareness, and understanding. Consciousness is not thought (intellect). Consciousness is not emotion (heart). Consciousness is not impulse or sensation (motor/instinctual/sexual). Consciousness perceives all of them, but is beyond them. https://glorian.org/connect/blog/three-brains-and-five-centers https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/our-three-brains-the-reptilian-brain
  15. Salam although google translation is true usually Mawaddah doesn't use as name or part of name except in Pakistan & indian subcontinent anyway using it as combination with other names likewise Zahra has no problem which it's depends on culture of parents .
  16. Salam similar related thread
  17. Salam this has been refuted countless times The Doors of the Heaven Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (عليه السلام) narrates that the Heaven has eight doors. One door is for the Prophets (S) and the truthful ones (the Siddiqeen). The second is for the martyrs and the Saleheen (benevolent). The other five doors are for our friends and Shi’as who believe in our Vicegerency (Imama) and help us. I shall stand near the Bridge of Sirat and pray for the safe passage of the Shi’as and our helpers. At that time a herald would call from the firmament: We have accepted your prayers! You have the right to intercede on behalf of your Shi’as! Each of them too can intercede for seventy thousand of their friends and neighbors! The eighth door of the Heaven is for the other Muslims who do not have the slightest animosity towards the Ahl-ul-Bayt. They will enter the Heaven through this door. https://www.imamreza.net/old/eng/imamreza.php?id=11582 Al-Khisal (book) : 6/408 Chapter six: Six deeds to go to paradise.
  18. Salam there is no story about him which he just has mentioned that he has had a strange dream which he has not mentioned content of his dream but some people has claimed that he has seen Imam Mahdi (aj) although Sean Stone himself has not claimed anything about his dream .
  19. Salam similar thread with similar content
  20. Salam surely it's a sin in similar fashion of prank jokes which both of these are great sins similar thread with similar content
  21. Salam surely no although environment of their upbringing can be more effective on them which there is more chance of becoming immoral if they will be raised in a bad environment ; but on the other hand if they will be raised in good environment so therefore they can be good people in similar fashion of legitimate children although religious rulings about their status about not becoming a Marja or not leading prayers or not becoming Judge won't be changed ; which it has been responded by both of "Guest" & @dragonxx Salam , no it won't make child illegitimate automatically which it needs to be proven through extensive research . From the perspective of Imami jurisprudence and Iranian law, a pregnant woman whose husband has died or divorced her cannot marry anyone other than her ex-husband during pregnancy and must wait until giving birth ; However, it has been seen in some cases that a woman without a husband who got pregnant through illegitimate means was married with fornicator or a non-fornicator at the time of pregnancy; Even in some cases, the couple finds out after marriage that the woman is pregnant by someone else. The verdict of these examples is not very clear. https://jfiqh.um.ac.ir/article_40894.html#:~:text=چکیده. از منظر فقه امامیه و حقوق ایران، زن بارداری In general, the Iddah of pregnant women will be different from a non-pregnant woman. The difference is until the time of delivery According to the mentioned cases, if a woman whose iddah has finished but has not given birth should wait until the time of delivery . Also, if her delivery will be early, i.e. less than four months and ten days, she should wait until her iddah of four months and ten days will be completed. https://arga-mag.com/1100985/حکم-ازدواج-با-زن-باردار#:~:text=حکم ازدواج با زن باردار: در صورتی که یک زن https://fa.wikifeqh.ir/زن_باردار
  22. Salam it shows you have great interest about cleaning toilets while I don't have interest about it although it's necessary ; which it doesn' need demonstration by the narrations.
  23. Salam nobody has denied vaccine injury but on the other hand there is total difference between medical care services which in Iran there is real zero vaccine injury in homemade vaccines due to high standards & not becoming a commercial matter although unfortunately there is some fraud people who are trying to promote foreign vaccines which may cause happening vaccine injury due to advertising foreign vaccines while homemade vaccines in Iran are totally safe which until now there has been real zero vaccine injury in homemade vaccines . anyway I don't deny vaccine injuries in other countries because their medical market has hijacked by westerner companies . It's malfunctioning your government while it's totally different in Iran which people of Iran trust to their Govt in medical field which maybe has some shortcoming but always gives trustworthy service with highest standards to people of Iran .
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