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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Everything posted by Ashvazdanghe

  1. Salam it has been a symbolic coffin which it has been supposed that his blessed body will be buried in shrine of Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) in Karbala , Iraq however until now zionist Israel has prevented that a plane which carries his blessed body to leave Lebanon into Iran for funeral praying by Imam Khamenei so then moving to Karbala , Iraq for funeral which there is another idea that he will be buried next to his martyered son & martyr Imad Mughnniyeh anyway until now he has not buried in these two places.
  2. Imam Khamenei's view on polygamy According to Imam Khamenei, and based on reliable religious arguments, polygamy for men is “mubah” (neutral in terms of recommendation), but it is not “mustahab” (a recommended action). However, according to the reasoning of the Qur'an, it is conditional based on the assurance one can maintain justice between spouses. Therefore, whenever it is rationally probable that the wives will be treated unequally, another marriage for the husband is not permissible. His Eminence’s outlook about multiple marriages (in Iranian society) is not optimistic or positive. This is why the following sentence has been repeated in his statements, "God is one, love is one, and the beloved is one." https://english.khamenei.ir/news/7157/Imam-Khamenei-s-view-on-polygamy
  3. Salam if he really is a practicing muslim so then he must follows a Marja which all Marjas don't allow having second wife whether through Mutah or permant marriage without consent of his first Muslimah wife . According to grand Ayatollah Sistani A Muslim man who is married to a Muslim woman is not allowed, in his concurrent second marriage, to marry an Ahlul Kitab woman, i.e. a Jew or a Christian, without asking the consent of his Muslim wife. Based on obligatory precaution, the man should refrain from marrying her, even it is temporary and his Muslim wife consents to it. Whether or not the Muslim lides with him is immaterial. (See the question-answer section below.) It is not permissible to engage in sexual relations with an Ahlul Kitab woman without a marriage contract, even if the government of her country is in a state of war with Muslims. (See the question-answer section below.) According to grand Ayatollah Sistani https://www.sistani.org/english/book/46/2062/#:~:text=A Muslim man who is married to a Muslim Imam Khamenei's view on polygamy According to Imam Khamenei, and based on reliable religious arguments, polygamy for men is “mubah” (neutral in terms of recommendation), but it is not “mustahab” (a recommended action). However, according to the reasoning of the Qur'an, it is conditional based on the assurance one can maintain justice between spouses. Therefore, whenever it is rationally probable that the wives will be treated unequally, another marriage for the husband is not permissible. His Eminence’s outlook about multiple marriages (in Iranian society) is not optimistic or positive. This is why the following sentence has been repeated in his statements, "God is one, love is one, and the beloved is one." https://english.khamenei.ir/news/7157/Imam-Khamenei-s-view-on-polygamy
  4. (boaster of missile) https://www.tabnak.ir/fa/news/1263237/عکس‌های-یادگاری-اهالی-رام-الله-با-موشک‌های-ایرانی https://www.tabnak.ir/fa/news/1263242/عکس‌هایی-زیبا-از-پاسخ-موشکی-ایران-به-دشمن-صهیونیستی
  5. Salam it's highly recommend that at least one of children in house have name of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) which naming child girl as "Fatimah" has highly all of infallible Imams . also you can name her "Zahra" or "Batool"(separated from world and joined to Allah ) or "Tahira" or common titles of both lady Maryam & Lady Fatima Uzra"(virgin ) as title of lady Fatima Sadiqeh (feminine of Sadiq : friend) or "Masoumah" (chaste & innocent woman) (It's name of my mother too ) فهرست کامل اسم دختر مذهبی همراه با ریشه و معنی complete list of religious girl name with root & meaning https://setare.com/fa/news/18644/فهرست-کامل-اسم-دختر-مذهبی-همراه-با-ریشه-و-معنی/ Hebrew girl name https://abadis.ir/name/girl/hebrew/
  6. Salam being honest & being strategic are not opposite of each other which Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has been both strategist & honest person which martyr Hasan Nasrullah (رضي الله عنه) & Iran are following him while opponents of Shias have called cursed Muawyiah as strategist due to being a deceiver & dishonest person which netanyahu & rogue zionist regim are following him.
  7. Salam this is an old dirty tactic by him & other zionists which it has been refuted by Iranians although some naive people among Iranians maybe nagging against government about their financial situation due affection with this dirty tactic which it won't lead to opposing their government although wishful thinking of zionists.
  8. Salam this is right thing which majority of sunnis have been neutral which even a minority of them have mourned for his martyrdom but on the other hand celebration by paid agents within Wahabis has been exaggerated by westerner MSM . his sterategy & in similar fashion is based honesty in opposition to dishonesty & lying of opposite side which martyr Sayed Hasan Nasrullah has been considered most honest person even between his zionist enemies in opposition to dishonest & liar zionist officials.
  9. Salam respectfully it's just too general definition which Capitalism can be run by government agencies too which private business can be a part of it while communism also can use private business as disguise likewise China which there is many so called private businesses which has been backed by it's communist party for having better trade with Capitalist world which America as symbol of capitalism in similar fashion of communist China runs fake private business indirectly likewise a spider's web by government through Senators even Putos & their financial supporters under guise of shareholding & etc by them .
  10. Salam I have no problem about debating here although @realizm is trolling against Iran in any thread which is related to AOR based on his personal grudge which he wants to accuse Iran to betraying AOR based on rhetoric of anti Iran propaganda without having a solid & reliable evidence .
  11. Salam there is another Sunni Hadith which Muslims will be likewise Jews which except few ones who supported prophet Harun (عليه السلام) majority of them will copy cat all sins & disobedience of Jews.
  12. Salam i have mentioned countless times time Iran is not the so called Ma'sum's country which Iran has it's shortcoming although in overall it's beyond all of so called muslim countries which it's a undeniable fact which all of AOR wouldn't exists without support of Iran although of your personal grudge against Iran which it's crystal clear that you don't like Iran . Answer 1: Iran has initiated AOR which already all of them are self sufficient likewise Hizbullah which can defend itself & can decide independently although AOR has a look for Iran in dire situation . A2: Martyr Soleimani (رضي الله عنه) always would follow orders of WF which is now Imam Khamenei whether he has agreement with his orders or not which always order of WF which is now Imam Khamenei always has had priority over his approvement ; which you are trying to comapre apples with oranges based on your personal grudge against Iran & WF. Although hybrid warfare if zionist 8200 unit with help of Baha'i & MKO terrorists is undeniable there is some naive Shias who are opposing Iran & WF due to their personal grudge against both of Iran & WF likewise Shirazi grouplet which even has not Martyr Sayed Hasan Nasrullah (رضي الله عنه) as a martyr which just mentioned him as one of significant casualties due it's enmity with both of Iran & WF & it's ties with rogue zionist regime which Martyr Sayed Hasan Nasrullah (رضي الله عنه) in opposition to Shirazi grouplet has been supporter of both of Iran & WF which is now Imam Khamenei although of grudge of some people against both of Iran & WF.
  13. Salam claerly I'm Iranian also not from your country also whole AOr revolves around Iran circuit which without Iran there wouldn't be AOR so therefore being Iran centered is most right thing which it's clear you have dodged accepting facts after promotion of a bunch of nonsense from anti Iran propganda due to your ego & grudge against Iran which it's crystal clear source of your nonsense is propganda of Baha'is & MKO terrorists against Iran besides of 8200 unit hybrid warfare against Iran .which you want to bury you head under sand to deny rule of Iran about supporting AOR . I totally agree with your point inshaAllah all of us us even me & you will be part of it inshaAllah.
  14. Salam Muslim States Should Cut Off Israel’s Lifeline: Ayatollah Khamenei January, 23, 2024 The Leader stressed the importance for officials in the Islamic countries to sever all ties with the Zionist regime in order to cripple its power, Khamenei.ir reported. "That which is in the hands of the officials of the Islamic countries is to cut off the lifeline of the Zionist regime. Islamic countries should cut off their political and economic relations with the Zionist regime and they should also refrain from supporting this regime," the Leader stated. “Despite the inadequate conduct of the officials of Islamic countries and despite all the difficulties, as stated in the Quran, ‘God is with the righteous people and wherever God is, there is victory',” Ayatollah Khamenei underlined. https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2024/01/23/3027898/muslim-states-should-cut-off-israel-s-lifeline-ayatollah-khamenei Most effective way to stop Israel's crimes in Gaza: Muslim countries cutting Israel's economic lifeline https://english.khamenei.ir/news/10575/Most-effective-way-to-stop-Israel-s-crimes-in-Gaza-Muslim-countries https://english.aawsat.com/world/4809926-iran’s-khamenei-urges-cutting-israel’s-‘lifelines’ https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/sayyed-khamenei-calls-to-cut-off--vital-lifelines--of--israe https://english.almanar.com.lb/1981410 https://www.ifmat.org/01/24/khamenei-calls-on-islamic-countries-to-cut-off-israels-lifelines/ ‘Cut Zionist Lifeline’: Leader Urges Muslim Nations to Sever Israeli Ties https://iqna.ir/en/news/3486923/‘cut-zionist-lifeline’-leader-urges-muslim-nations-to-sever-israeli-ties
  15. Muslim States Should Cut Off Israel’s Lifeline: Ayatollah Khamenei January, 23, 2024 The Leader stressed the importance for officials in the Islamic countries to sever all ties with the Zionist regime in order to cripple its power, Khamenei.ir reported. "That which is in the hands of the officials of the Islamic countries is to cut off the lifeline of the Zionist regime. Islamic countries should cut off their political and economic relations with the Zionist regime and they should also refrain from supporting this regime," the Leader stated. “Despite the inadequate conduct of the officials of Islamic countries and despite all the difficulties, as stated in the Quran, ‘God is with the righteous people and wherever God is, there is victory',” Ayatollah Khamenei underlined. https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2024/01/23/3027898/muslim-states-should-cut-off-israel-s-lifeline-ayatollah-khamenei Most effective way to stop Israel's crimes in Gaza: Muslim countries cutting Israel's economic lifeline https://english.khamenei.ir/news/10575/Most-effective-way-to-stop-Israel-s-crimes-in-Gaza-Muslim-countries https://english.aawsat.com/world/4809926-iran’s-khamenei-urges-cutting-israel’s-‘lifelines’ https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/sayyed-khamenei-calls-to-cut-off--vital-lifelines--of--israe https://english.almanar.com.lb/1981410 https://www.ifmat.org/01/24/khamenei-calls-on-islamic-countries-to-cut-off-israels-lifelines/ ‘Cut Zionist Lifeline’: Leader Urges Muslim Nations to Sever Israeli Ties https://iqna.ir/en/news/3486923/‘cut-zionist-lifeline’-leader-urges-muslim-nations-to-sever-israeli-ties
  16. Muslim States Should Cut Off Israel’s Lifeline: Ayatollah Khamenei January, 23, 2024 The Leader stressed the importance for officials in the Islamic countries to sever all ties with the Zionist regime in order to cripple its power, Khamenei.ir reported. "That which is in the hands of the officials of the Islamic countries is to cut off the lifeline of the Zionist regime. Islamic countries should cut off their political and economic relations with the Zionist regime and they should also refrain from supporting this regime," the Leader stated. “Despite the inadequate conduct of the officials of Islamic countries and despite all the difficulties, as stated in the Quran, ‘God is with the righteous people and wherever God is, there is victory',” Ayatollah Khamenei underlined. https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2024/01/23/3027898/muslim-states-should-cut-off-israel-s-lifeline-ayatollah-khamenei Most effective way to stop Israel's crimes in Gaza: Muslim countries cutting Israel's economic lifeline https://english.khamenei.ir/news/10575/Most-effective-way-to-stop-Israel-s-crimes-in-Gaza-Muslim-countries https://english.aawsat.com/world/4809926-iran’s-khamenei-urges-cutting-israel’s-‘lifelines’ https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/sayyed-khamenei-calls-to-cut-off--vital-lifelines--of--israe https://english.almanar.com.lb/1981410 https://www.ifmat.org/01/24/khamenei-calls-on-islamic-countries-to-cut-off-israels-lifelines/ ‘Cut Zionist Lifeline’: Leader Urges Muslim Nations to Sever Israeli Ties https://iqna.ir/en/news/3486923/‘cut-zionist-lifeline’-leader-urges-muslim-nations-to-sever-israeli-ties
  17. Note : it's just for more information which I can't verify claims of America about Yemeni submarine drones & their relation to Iran Houthi Lethal Underwater Drones Adds New Threat to Red Sea https://news.usni.org/2024/02/19/houthi-lethal-underwater-drones-adds-new-threat-to-red-sea#:~:text=Many of these platforms are now Houthi Militants Deploy a Drone Sub for the First Time https://maritime-executive.com/article/houthi-militants-deploy-a-drone-sub-for-the-first-time#:~:text=Iran, the Houthi group's main source
  18. Iranian Navy Unveils Advanced Underwater Vehicle & Vertical Take-Off Drone Iran showcased a remotely operated vehicle that can perform a range of naval activities independently, at the Iran Army Navy's exhibition of scientific and technological achievements held in Tehran on December 2, 2023. / Fararu News Website The Iranian Army’s navy unveiled a remotely operated unmanned underwater vehicle and a vertical take-off drone at the Iran Army Navy’s exhibition of scientific and technological achievements on December 2, as reported by the Tasnim News Agency. The homegrown vehicle, capable of detecting and destroying various types of underwater mines, has a human operator and can be deployed against both moored and bottom mines. It can operate for up to 24 hours at a depth of up to 200 meters below the surface. The vehicle can address a range of underwater mines laid at depths of 10 to 50 meters, posing a threat to vessels as heavy as 250 tons. It is designed to carry cargo for mine destruction, serving as a valuable addition to the Army navy’s RH-53 mine-sweeping helicopters and minesweeping vessels like the Shahin mine-hunting vessel. https://caspiannews.com/news-detail/iranian-navy-unveils-advanced-underwater-vehicle-vertical-take-off-drone-2023-12-5-0/ Iranian Navy intends to equip ships submarines & autonomous vessels with AI. https://armyrecognition.com/news/navy-news/2023/iranian-navy-intends-to-equip-ships-submarines-autonomous-vessels-with-ai
  19. Salam Iran builds drones for underwater operations TEHRAN- The Islamic Republic of Iran Navy on Saturday showcased a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) that can perform a range of naval activities independently, as well as a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) drone. https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/492075/Iran-builds-drones-for-underwater-operations Iran develops underwater drone TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) – The Iranian Navy unveiled an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) capable of detecting and disabling naval mines. The homegrown UUV, also known as an underwater drone that can operate without a human occupant, was unveiled in an exhibition of the Iranian Navy’s achievements The Iranian UUV can go as deep as 200 meters with an endurance of 24 hours. Since the Persian Gulf is relatively shallow, it may contain a series of underwater mines laid at depths of 10 to 50 meters, which could cause serious damage to vessels as heavy as 250 tons. https://en.mehrnews.com/news/209105/Iran-develops-underwater-drone
  20. Salam generally it's one of attributes of Allah which he sees sin of a person but ignores it due to his mercy & accepts his sincere repentance & doesn't expose him in front of people . There is a story which Bani Israel has faced a too severe drought so therefore they have asked from prophet Musa (عليه السلام) to pray with them in a desert for asking of raining which Allah has said to prophet Musa (عليه السلام) which there is a sinner between people around you which if he leaves you so then I will fulfill your prayer which when prophet Musa (عليه السلام) has said it to people around him that the sinner must leaves you in order to fulfil your prayer but after few minutes raining has happened although nobody has left that group of people in desert ; so then prophet Musa (عليه السلام) asked Allah for reason of it which Allah has responded that when the sinner person has heard that he must leaves you so then he has repented sincerely due to shame of exposing so then prophet Musa (عليه السلام) asked Allah that who was the sinner & his sin so then Allah has answered that I have not exposed him when he has been a sinner now then I won't expose him after his sincere repentance .
  21. Salam all rulling about these matters are same for both of men & women which you can find it in Risalh of your Marja which is available in their websits or other shia sites likewise https://www.al-islam.org/
  22. Salam your intention has no problem although it maybe reduces level of your actual reward which intention of praying for entering heaven/Paradise based based on selfish intentions has been described as prayer of Merchants by Amir al Muminin Imam Ali (عليه السلام) which is higher than prayer of slaves due to fear of not going to hell be on the other hand is lesser than prayers of sincere pious beliver who are praying just for love of Allah. https://erfan.ir/english/83462.html#:~:text=Amiral Mu’minin ((عليه السلام)) stated, “Some people
  23. Salam this is just a hybrid warfare against Iran by spreading such propaganda against Iran for accusing Iran to interfering sovereignty of Lebanon which both of Iran & Iraq has not sent any fighters to Lebanon without their request which this accusation in Iran has been initiated by a think tanker of reformist party in name of mr.Abdi who said something near to this statement which " ways of reaching to Gaza has been closed for AOR so therefore they have not attend there so no ways of Lebanon is open for them " which his goal from spreading such nonsense is getting rid of AOR fans & causing rift between AOR countries by spreading such nonsense .
  24. Salam i'm aware of all negative viewpoints which only Bahais & supporters of Pahlavi & mko terrorists & members of 8200 zionist unit have accused Iran to betraying to martyr Sayid Hassan (r) and the Moqawama by creating fake accounts in name of "overs of Sayid Hassan (r) and the Moqawama" which them also have praised Nethanyaho & zionist regime in similar fashion of accusing Iran to betraying to to martyr Sayid Hassan (r). It's crystal clear that you are under influence of anti Iran propaganda by while you have no idea of situation about Iran which all of your hallucination has based on rhetoric of anti Iran propaganda 7 your persoan l grudge against Iran not real atmosphere of Iran .
  25. Salam motivation of majority of them have been based on ethnicity bias which majority of Azeri voters have voted in favor of him for shifting power from Mashhad,Iran to Azeri regions while a small minority of them have done it in favor of so called westerner fredom of Hijab & removing proxies of Internet which nobody has wanted so called Inqilab .
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