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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Everything posted by Ashvazdanghe

  1. Salam Christianity even at time of prophet Muhammad (pbu) has been mixed with pagan rituals which using statue of jesus & cross & many other traditions are some examples also trinity is Shirk which in similar fashion you can find many pagan origin rituals in Judaism due to deviation of Judaism by rabbis with pagan rituals & belief system which even history of inserting paganism into Judaism by rabbis has been mentioned in their books so therefore slaughtering & sacrifice of animals in Christianity & Judaism are totally based on paganism not their original teachings so therefore their slaughter have not been accepted by Islam by both of holy Quran & Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) ; although you are trying to justify it by cherry picking from a Hadith based on your desire. These are natural products which just need some procession which has no relation to slaughtering or sacrifice so therefore their processed "grains, cereals, and fruits " can be used by Muslims . Viewpoint of Sunnis & Shias about hadith is totally different from each other which means it's just source of Fiqhi issue about prohibition of slaughter of people of book by Shias & proving doing a miracle by prophet Muhammad (pbu) by neutralizing poison in food but on the other hand in sunni viewpoint prophet has not done any miracle & affected with poison in food so then died due to affection of it ; which sunnis have used it a justification for clearing hands of his so called wife & some companions from poisoning him .
  2. Salam unfortunately some Iraqis have started Hazrat Abbas with title of Imam which some of them have near Ghulat viewpoint which title of Imam has never used for Hazrat Abbas (رضي الله عنه) in any Shia source but some people with vague procedure have innovated this title in name of Shia Arab accounts in social media which this people have deviated belief in similar fashion of Ghulat & bellive in Tahreef of holy Quran against original Shia teachings .
  3. @Farzam Abbas Salam you can check this thread anyway as I know majority of Pakistani Shias who want to become Aalim will go to hawza of Najaf or Hawza o Qom which according to Shia narration Hawza of Qom will become center of spreading knowledge before reappearnce of Imam Mahdi (aj) which already many Pakistani shias are studying in hawza of Qom .
  4. Salam this is minimum reason which everyone with any level of understanding can understand it which at first day of his reappearance his enemies won't lose any minute for killing him instantly which one of 5 major signs of reappearance is killing his ambassador with title of pure soul (Nafs-e-Zakiyyah) beside Kaaba who is from his close relatives which he will send him to announce reappearance in later days but some people around Kaaba who are from enemies of Imam Mahdi (aj) will mistaken him as Imam so then they will kill him instead of Imam Mahdi (aj) ; which after killing the "Pure soul (Nafs-e-Zakiyyah)" besides Kaaba Imam Mahdi (aj) will reappear besides Kaaba after nearly 15 days which also there is more hidden reasons for his occultation which anyone will understand based on his level of knowledge & insight & understanding . https://en.wikishia.net/view/Murder_of_al-Nafs_al-Zakiyya https://www.al-islam.org/last-luminary-and-ways-delve-light-sayyid-ridha-husayni-mutlaq/responsibility-4-marifat-imam-part-4
  5. @DANISH ALI Salam it's no a simple children's anime which it has it's cult of fans also is full of modern paganism signs & hidden modern paganism belife layers which can mislead adults too . One Piece: These References Draw Heavily on Greek Mythology and Symbolism Ever since 1997, One Piece has created a benchmark for anime, and the stellar world of the franchise makes the series all the more captivating. For a series to run for well over two decades, there has to be a number of references and inspirations to influence the author, and One Piece's creator Oda Eiichiro is no exception. He draws inspiration from mythologies across various cultures and incorporates them into the story to enrich the world of One Piece. The series is based on myths and legends derived from ancient paganism, which includes Greek mythology. All these inspirations together form the expansive world-building that's considered to be some of the best in all anime, and the several references to Greek mythology throughout the series seem more than just pure coincidence. Monkey D. Luffy: The Goddess Nike It was a bolt out of the blue for fans to realize that Luffy has had the power of a mythical Zoan Devil Fruit all along -- and a powerful one at that. In the series, Nika is the name of a legendary warrior once revered as the Sun God by slaves during ancient times. The user of this Devil Fruit is only limited by their imagination. They always have a smile on their face no matter the situation and are the embodiment of "The Warrior of Liberation." The concept of a sun god is common across several cultures; however, in Greek mythology, Nika is another name for Nike, the goddess of victory. As a personification of victory, Nike is often depicted on the side of the victor, granting them victory in battle. Furthermore, the word "Nika" is similar to a romanized Japanese word that roughly translates to "toothy grin," which can be associated with Nika's carefree and mischievous nature. https://www.cbr.com/one-piece-references-greek-mythology-symbolism-inspiration/
  6. Salam as usual you are have mixed everything with your biased viewpoint which your mentioned article has been about poor management of government & using non effective "live Oral vaccination" while at end of article using "injectible vaccine" in similar fashion of developed countries has been recommended also you have referred to side effects by your biased observation without having statistics & documentation which can be vary in any time & any region which which although I'm skeptic about "WHO" & using non effective "live Oral vaccination" by it for innocent children of Ghaza as show off of both of WHO & rogue zionist regime but on the other hand I don't buy far fetch zionist conspiracy about using Polio vaccine as bio weapon in hope of rejection of it by Palestinians which in this dire situation even this show off by both of WHO & rogue zionist regime about vaccination is better than nothing also your idea about Covid vaccine is an offtopic matter which has no place here which as an example Iran has made homemade polio vaccine which has not any side effects since 2000-2001 until now which you problem about Polio vaccine is due to shortcoming & malfunctioning the westerner & Indian drug manufacturer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1570019/ Iran among 10 countries making polio vaccine EghtesadOnline: Head of Iran’s Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute Hamid Kahran said that the country is among 10 countries which have managed to produce polio vaccine. Polio vaccine produced by the institute has created high level of immunity and there has not been even one case of the disease in Iran over last 16 years. 06 / September / 2016 https://en.eghtesadonline.com/en/news/736654/iran-among-10-countries-making-polio-vaccine Seven Million Infants Get Oral Polio Vaccine in Iran March 7, 1998 The Islamic Republic produces polio vaccine, and has also undertaken infantile vaccinations in neighboring Afghanistan since 1996. Polio is an acute non-curable, but preventable, viral diseases usually affecting children and young adults resulting in a motor paralysis followed by muscular atrophy. (IRNA) Iran Receives Polio-Free Certificate From WHO February 21, 2017 “By reaching self-sufficiency in production of polio vaccine by the Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute and eradication of polio, Iran was awarded the WHO certification,” announced Hamid Kahram, institute director, as reported by IANA. The coverage of polio immunization program is 100% across the country while it used to be 30% before the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Vaccines are supplied by Razi Institute, which is the only one in the Middle East producing the polio vaccine. Iran has the infrastructure to produce sufficient polio vaccine to meet the domestic needs of immunization programs and also for people in the neighboring countries. https://financialtribune.com/articles/people/60095/iran-receives-polio-free-certificate-from-who
  7. Salam , at first repectfully it's "Persian gulf" also your imagination about muslim countries has been based on negative image of msm against countries likewise Iran & Pakistan which although all of countries in west Asia region are suffering from mismanagement of their resources due to affection from colonialism of the West ; but on the other hand these countries are much wealthier than west which the west has looted their resources for centuries which without looting these countries the West would be most poor continent which the West is good at doing show off & doing propaganda about showing miserable image from the west Asian countries besides of showing stereotypical wealthy Arabs who from their allies likewise KSA while they have been censoring poverty in the West & their allied Arab countries likewise KSA which causes people in the West have hallucination about being wealthy in the West which this negative propaganda & hallucination is much worse in Canada than other westerner countries which in most of times Canadian users have had more negative hallucination than Americans about islamic countries specially against Iran due to supporting government of Canada from anti Iranian & anti Islamic groups & being more pro Zionist even more than America ; although you have been looted through unfair taxes for fueling war in the West Asia & supporting Zionism. The hallucination is result of affecting with Westerner propaganda against Islamic countries which you have been fed by MSM ;which as @Diaz has mentioned the cultural & linguistic barrier is not likewise the hallucination which being fluent in Arabic , Farsi, Urdu , etc is not required precondition which you can find many people who are fluent in English & other westerner languages which are ready help foreigners from West with lowest price just for exercising their learned language & becoming more fluent by being in contact with foreigners in their countries.
  8. Salam as brother @Abu Hadi has mentioned currently main concern is about paying taxes in favor of muslim community specially Palestinians & not supporting Zionism which needs making a self reliant community which at least members of community can pay minimum tax for supporting Zionism which paying tax to government for receiving basic citizenship services is inevitable but it needs to dedicate taxes for welfare of muslim community not losing it for supporting "Zionism and the genocide of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and other places." but on the other hand the community must have interaction with outside world & other people & communities in order to introduce true version of religion & supporting oppressed people & introducing true image of Islam & Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) to western community to all of western community ; which maybe some people prefer example of Shia community in France which it's pros is that it has been formed in a private farm which is a self reliant community but on the other hand one o great cons is too much isolation from outside world due to being a far awy place inside woods which doesn't receive citizenship service from government of France likewise suffering of not having an adequate road although & etc although of paying taxes & obeying all rules even being secular by the French Shia community .
  9. Addendum for more information Praying in a Shi`a/Sunni Mosque Read More on islamonline: https://fiqh.islamonline.net/en/praying-in-a-shia-sunni-mosque/ As for Prayer, it consists of pillars, conditions, movements… Once a worshiper meets these conditions and does these pillars, his Prayer will be valid. There is nothing wrong for a Sunni Muslim to pray behind a Shi`i as long as the Imam Prayer is correct and valid according to the teachings ofShari`ah, and vice versa. In this regard, Professor Muhammad Ahmad Siraj, a professor of Islamic Studies at the American University, states: “Sunnis and Shi`ites are Muslims who pray to the same God. Both believe in the same Qur’an, have faith in the same message of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). A Sunni can pray with the Shi`a Muslims in their mosques… as it is high time for the Muslim Ummah to appreciate all the segments of this Ummah and to have common understanding and appreciation of the Islamic faith. The Qur’an calls us to unite and cooperate and avoid causes of dissent. Allah Almighty says: ” And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate. And remember Allah’s favor unto you: how ye were enemies and He made friendship between your hearts so that ye became as brothers by His grace; and (how) ye were upon the brink of an abyss of fire, and He did save you from it. Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations unto you, that haply ye may be guided.” (Al `Imran: 103)” May Allah guide you to the straight path and guide you to that which pleases Him, Amen. Read More on islamonline: https://fiqh.islamonline.net/en/praying-in-a-shia-sunni-mosque/ https://fiqh.islamonline.net/en/praying-in-a-shia-sunni-mosque/#:~:text=There is nothing wrong for a Sunni Muslim,are Muslims who pray to the same God. Can a Shia person join prayers, including Juma prayers, being conducted in a Sunni mosque? Can he pray according to their way? It is highly recommended for every Shia Muslim to pray with Muslims from other sects in their congregational prayers, but we need to recite Sura Al-Hamd and other Sura for ourself. Such Salaah will be valid if it was performed inside the time not before it. Jum'a prayers with non Shia Muslims is good but we need to recite Dhuhr Prayer as well. Wassalam. https://www.al-islam.org/ask/can-a-shia-person-join-prayers-including-juma-prayers-being-conducted-in-a-sunni-mosque-can-he-pray-according-to-their-way Sunni, Deoband, Wahabi Praying in a Shia mosque during Muharam Juloos: great sign of unity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEDLy4R9ts4 The Shi’a Origin And Faith Muhammad Husayn Kashif al-Ghita’ https://www.al-islam.org/shia-origin-and-faith-muhammad-husayn-kashif-al-ghita Shi'a Islam: Belief System, Leadership And History Chapter 4: Shi’a – Definition And Meaning Den Väntades Vänner https://www.al-islam.org/shia-islam-belief-system-leadership-and-history/chapter-4-shia-definition-and-meaning Inquiries About Shi'a Islam Who are the Shi‘a? Sayyid Moustafa Al-Qazwini https://www.al-islam.org/inquiries-about-shia-islam-sayyid-moustafa-al-qazwini/who-are-shia
  10. Salam considering well-known jabs likewise Polio vaccine as bio weapon is another Zionist propaganda which they want to kill Palestinian children through cheap ways likewise refusing to inject Polio vaccines just based on the absurd zionist conspiracy theory about considering Polio vaccines & other well known vaccines just for killing innocent Palestinian children in a cheap painful death by Polio & Cholera & similar diseases just by relying on absurd Zionist propaganda which in similar fashion @EiE has spread such absurd Zionist propaganda about vaccines based on his absurd viewpoint about Corona vaccine which has no correlation to Polio vaccine & other verified vaccines . Your suggestion is in line with Zionist policy about giving painful & cheap death to innocent Palestinian children through spreading Polio & cholera in similar fashion of Yemen while Palestinians will refuse take jabs just based on the absurd zionist propaganda
  11. Salam welcome to Islam my brother in faith. If you mean in America , You can try these links Warning: I can't verify that which one maybe will be a Wahabi/Salafi mosque which you must avoid any Wahabi/Salafi mosque . https://www.yelp.com/search?cflt=mosques&find_loc=Huntingdon+Valley%2C+Bryn+Athyn%2C+PA https://hamariweb.com/islam/huntingdon_prayer-timing171811.aspx List of mosques in the United States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mosques_in_the_United_States There is another one in Huntigdon , England , UK https://prayersconnect.com/mosques/82693177-jamia-masjid-huntingdon-huntingdon-england-united-kingdom Warning: I can't verify that which one maybe will be a Wahabi/Salafi mosque which you must avoid any Wahabi/Salafi mosque . Also if you are interested try visiting Shia mosques & Islamic centers too inshaAllah.
  12. Salam you are cherry picking from Hadith in order to justify eating Zabiha of people of book which everyone is aware of story which Sunni narration about it is not reliable which in similar fashion Sunni narration about poisoning food by Jewess has been used for justifying poisoning prophet Muhammad (pbu) by some so his called wives & companions by relating his poisoning by them into poisoning by Jewess to clear hands of so so his called wives & companions which Shia narration is about not taking Zabiha of people of book after this incident . https://www.islamquest.net/fa/archive/fa67348 BEGINNING OF PART SIX OF THE HOLY QURAN Verses 148-149 EATING THE FOODS OF THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK. (VERSE NO. 5) According to the comments of HAZRAT IMAM SADIQ (عليه السلام), here in this verse, by the food of the people of the Book, grains, cereals, and fruits are meant. In the matter of meat; it should be slaughtered in the name of Allah, with some ritual observances. This is opposed to animals butchered by Pagans with their superstitious rites. https://www.makarem.ir/main.aspx?reader=1&lid=1&mid=31045&catid=6521&pid=61926 Halalness of slaughtered people of the Book from the point of view of Islamic commentators with emphasis on the interpretation of Tasnim and Al-Mizan (based on verse five of Surah Ma'idah) Document Type : Original Authors sayyed mahmoud tayyeb hsoseini 1 Omolbanien Ahmadiean 2 1 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic Studies, Research Institute and University, Qom, Iran 2 Level 4, Tafsir, Masumieh School, Qom, Iran Abstract https://www.olomquran.ir/article_167308.html?lang=en
  13. Hi/Salam as @Borntowitnesstruth has mentioned "Imam Mahdi (AJ)'s role being greater than Jesus (عليه السلام) despite both being Messiahs respectively is simply due to him being" chosen by Allah for this position not due his birthright which besides that he has higher position than prophet Isa/Jesus (عليه السلام) by all of his attributes & his position in divine world as final infallible Imam of time ; which prophet Isa/Jesus (عليه السلام) will confess to superiority of Imam Mahdi (AJ) over himself after his second coming which it will be final ultimatum to his followers to follow Imam Mahdi (aj) in similar fashion which he will follow him based on both of superiority of Imam Mahdi (aj) & command of Allah over him.
  14. Salam it's highly recommended to do every kind of Dua for protection & asking for hastening reappearance of Imam Mahdi (aj) which one most recommended time & place is during Qunoot which is accepted dua during our Salah which both of our Salah/Namaz & dua of Qunoot will be accepted together inshaAllah. .
  15. Salam , although it has been accepted in Shia traditions but on the other hand it has been discussed in many ways which maybe the Jewess has accepted Islam before bringing poisoned meat although she has done it under pressure of other Jews for testing truth of Prophethood of prophet Muhammad (pbu) or at least accepting Zabiha of people of book has not been banned yet which after that event it has been banned for reasons likewise not affecting with poisoning & other damages through them & other reasons so therefore accepting this Hadith doesn't justify accepting Zabiha of people of book which it has been clearly banned by prophet Muhammad (pbu) & Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) .
  16. Salam this is fabrication of history by Jews because their enmity with their prophets specially their enmity with prophet David (عليه السلام) & prophet Suleiman (عليه السلام) who they have been both prophet & king or as you have mentioned "Priest King" which Allah has shown that is possible although of denying it by Jews which they have tried to separate rule of king & priest in order to control both of them in their favor which in similar fashion so called muslims have denied rule of prophet Muhammad (pbu) & Imam Ali (عليه السلام) & rest of 11 infallible Imams as so called "priest king" which this has been initiated by cursed Umayyads party since installing Abubakr as their puppet which they have separated Caliphate & Imamate in similar fashion of Jews ; which Shias had to separate rule of king (Shah ) & priest since Safavid era because they have not access to infallible Imam of their time however they have preserved "Priest King" which after Islamic revolution of Iran has been revived as Wilaya Faqih in order to prepare people for returning of Imam Mahdi (aj) who will be both Imam & Caliph (King) as ultimate priest king . This is a misunderstanding of Jesw & christians due to fabrication in Gospels which surly prophet Isa/Jesus (عليه السلام) has called his kingdom in this world but as usual it has been distorted by Jews into a kingdom in Lalaland in order to deny his status & his divine mission .
  17. Salam it's totally a wrong point which flag of Iran has color of white also in similar fashion has color of red & green ; which it's white color certainly doesn't represent cursed Umayyad dynasty although Iran has been occupied by both of cursed umayyad & Abbasids dynasties which in similar fashion green color in flag of Iran has not been associated with Fatimids although it's representing Shia Islam in Iran ; which in similar fashion red color doesn't represent hypocrite Hashemites of Jordan but on the other hand represent bravery of Iranians against oppressors & invaders; which in history of forming this region by British & French colonizers flags of new colonized states have been made by a person with title of "Lawrence of Arabia " ( T. E. Lawrence / Thomas Edward Lawrence) who has been infamous british spy who separated British colonies from French colonies by making current flags in similar fashion of flag of Palestine ; which it has been his innovation as a flag against flag of ottomans based on Arabic & maybe Islamic matters ; anyway currently flag of Palestine is among resistance flags against zionism oppression which certainly doesn't represents oppression .
  18. Salam surely I don't trust everything which through years of study & comparision I could reach to some level of finding reliable sources & refuting false information against 12er Shia Imamis which I never have accepted anything blindly just due to prejudice & just relying on 12er sources which I have found most correct way by reading & examining everything even from sources of opponents of 12er Shia Imamis which I have reached to certainty & calmness of my heart based on extensive research & reading & examining even ideas of opponents of 12er Shia muslim Imamis in opposition to stalking in prejudice & parroting nonsense & remaining in darkness of ignorance which I hope so one day you will come out darkness into light of truth by getting rid of prejudice & parroting nonsense & examining your faith through reliable sources instead of relying on murky water sources of opponents of 12er Shia Imami muslims inshAllah .
  19. Salam i aware of it which in initiating a business so then making it into the successful business is not easy as I have said which in story of successful business people whether men or women you can find too many examples of falling back & bankruptcy even great losing of everything multiple times which they have became successful people after agreat sacrifice & enduring hardship multiple times ; which I'm not such kind of person likewise them although I'm aware of their stories which in story of the succeful people you can find examples which they have not "a marketable skill or product that is in demand" which sometime they have innovated new skill or product that has not been in demand so then they have changes situation in their favor by too much effort & sacrifice which I 'm not such kind too . you are looking for too much easy option due to your too much depression although all militaries are providing such things but it's not a good payback if you help your military against muslims which you can join to military only if you can found a way to help other muslims in case of facing your military with muslims which it will be a too hard situation .
  20. Salam it's not easy for everyone which there is multiple threads hav been created by member of ShiaChat (SC) who couldn't gotten married yet also there is multiple threads have been created by married couples who have faced marital problems even after living some years with each other so therefore you are not alone likewise me who has your problem too . As i know some Masjids & Shia centers have programms for introducing single young Shias from boys & girls to each other which sometimes other members who are living in west are posting time & location of it here in SC . Never give up but also rely on Allah too which I hope so that you wil find your suitable wife inshaAllah.
  21. Salam related thread with same content
  22. Salam evidences about too much corruption of Aga Khan Iv is available on Internet which you can find it with a simple research if you have not blinded by your prejudice & stereotypes & void Ismaili slogans . This is tip of Iceberg of his corruption as from some exposed cases of his corruption CRIMINAL COURT TO CHARGE PRINCE SHAH KARIM AL-HUSAYNI A.K.A AGA KHAN IV FOR THEFT AND FRAUD RELATED CASES IN UGANDA. This is the second time Diamond Trust Bank Top Management is being Summoned, in May 2021, the M.D was summoned by the Financial Intelligence for Money Laundering Related investigations. https://ugandatimes.ug/ham-vs-dtb-dtb-uganda-m-d-summoned-by-fia-for-money-laundering-and-tax-evasion/ https://ugandatimes.medium.com/criminal-court-to-charge-prince-shah-karim-al-husayni-a-k-a-77e9771ddd9f How the Aga Khan was exonerated from taxes by Sarkozy In a letter signed in 2008, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy used exceptional powers to exonerate the Aga Khan, one of the world’s richest royals, from paying any form of tax in France, Woerth is currently cited in two judicial investigations into suspected corruption, one involving the financial affairs of L’Oréal heiress Liliane Bettencourt, the other into the sale of state-owned forest land to a horse-racing company in Compiègne, close to Chantilly. Fabrice Arfi and Karl Laske report. https://www.mediapart.fr/en/journal/international/241012/how-aga-khan-was-exonerated-taxes-sarkozy Corruption Charges on Aga Khan – Court Summons the Ismaili God This is the court summons against the alleged criminal Aga Khan: https://agakhanism.com/karim-aga-khan-in-criminal-court/
  23. Salam you only can recite part of surah in Mustahab Salah/Namaz , but on the other hand you must read full Surah after reciting Surah Fatiha/Hamd in obligatory Salah/Namaz according to precautionary Wajib accoding all Marjas even Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah . You can found procedure for reciting part of Surah in Mustahab Salah/Namaz in Mafatih al-Jinan & other similar books . https://www.islamquest.net/fa/archive/fa83910
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