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  1. Salam Although historical sources have narrated the feticide of Muhsin in the event of attacking the house of Fatima (a), al-Ikhtisas attributed to al-Shaykh al-Mufid, mentioned it in the event of the objection to the confiscation of Fadak and wrote that in that event, after 'Umar asked for the edict of Abu Bakr, Fatima (a) did not give it to him and 'Umar kicked her while she was pregnant with Muhsin (a) and by that kick, Muhsin (a) was killed. Then, 'Umar slapped Fatima (a) on the face, took the edict and torn it.[34] [34] Mufīd, al-Ikhtiṣāṣ, p. 185 https://en.wikishia.net/view/Usurpation_of_Fadak Document No. 6 Shaykh Ahmad Tabarsi (6th century) mentions a document as follows: “Abu Bakr said to Qunfudh: If he (Ali) comes out, it is all right. If not, attack him. Again if he refuses to give allegiance, burn the house with its occupants. Qunfudh set out with his associates as ordered, attacked the house without warning, entered it and put a black rope around Ali’ neck. Then they took Ali to Abu Bakr. The black rope was around his neck. Umar was standing with a naked sword. Around Abu Bakr were sitting with his companions holding swords. Umar threatened him and said: Do Bay’at. Ali answered: What if I didn’t? Umar answered: We shall kill you disrespectfully. Then Ali before doing Bay’at shouted:32 Son of my mother! Surely the people reckoned me weak and had well-nigh slain me. Then he extended his hand and did Abu Bakr’s Bay’at.”33 32.It means bringing the hand of Abu Bakr to touch the closed fist of Amirul Momineen (‘a) 33.Tabarsi: Ihtijaaj, Vol. 1, Pgs. 83-84. https://al-islam.org/victim-lost-saqifah-revised-edition-comprehensive-additions-ali-labbaf/discourse-2-efforts-obtain Salam Yeah He will derail it by turning it into offtopic dispute about slapping or not slapping .
  2. Salam Although historical sources have narrated the feticide of Muhsin in the event of attacking the house of Fatima (a), al-Ikhtisas attributed to al-Shaykh al-Mufid, mentioned it in the event of the objection to the confiscation of Fadak and wrote that in that event, after 'Umar asked for the edict of Abu Bakr, Fatima (a) did not give it to him and 'Umar kicked her while she was pregnant with Muhsin (a) and by that kick, Muhsin (a) was killed. Then, 'Umar slapped Fatima (a) on the face, took the edict and torn it.[34] [34] Mufīd, al-Ikhtiṣāṣ, p. 185 https://en.wikishia.net/view/Usurpation_of_Fadak Document No. 6 Shaykh Ahmad Tabarsi (6th century) mentions a document as follows: “Abu Bakr said to Qunfudh: If he (Ali) comes out, it is all right. If not, attack him. Again if he refuses to give allegiance, burn the house with its occupants. Qunfudh set out with his associates as ordered, attacked the house without warning, entered it and put a black rope around Ali’ neck. Then they took Ali to Abu Bakr. The black rope was around his neck. Umar was standing with a naked sword. Around Abu Bakr were sitting with his companions holding swords. Umar threatened him and said: Do Bay’at. Ali answered: What if I didn’t? Umar answered: We shall kill you disrespectfully. Then Ali before doing Bay’at shouted:32 Son of my mother! Surely the people reckoned me weak and had well-nigh slain me. Then he extended his hand and did Abu Bakr’s Bay’at.”33 32.It means bringing the hand of Abu Bakr to touch the closed fist of Amirul Momineen (‘a) 33.Tabarsi: Ihtijaaj, Vol. 1, Pgs. 83-84. https://al-islam.org/victim-lost-saqifah-revised-edition-comprehensive-additions-ali-labbaf/discourse-2-efforts-obtain Salam Yeah He will derail it by turning it into offtopic dispute about slapping or not slapping . https://www.shiachat.com/forum/topic/5790-imam-alis-as-allegiance-to-first-caliphs/
  3. Salam how I'm encouraging a massacre which your whims are based on misinterpreting end time prophecies from unreliable sources . Based on historical facts Safavids have fought with portugues conquistadors who conquered Qeshm Island so then have taken it back from them . Your are comparing apples with oranges based on being in parallel world which you could do anything but you have not done anything ; but in real world Iranians have not been aware of existence of America until Qajar era during reign of Naser al -din Shah which at tha era the Spaniards and Conquistadors have not existed anymore while Palestine has been conquered at end of Qajar era which from beginning all Shia Marjas so consequently all Shias including people of Iran have opposed it which people of Iran have been victims of artificial famine uring WW1 & 2 which in both wars iran has not a strong army even to protect it's borders against invasion of British & Russian & American armies . Iran has opposed apartheid in South Africa after Islamic revolution which Iran has been one of greatest supporters of Mandella for it's war against apartheid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran–South_Africa_relations https://www.pretoria.mfa.ir/en/generalcategoryservices/10925/iran–south-africa-relations It's a saga by zionist however ironically one of causes of fall of reza Shah Pahlavi has been supporting Hitler & Nazi Germany while all jews have been safe from his time in Iran until now although all propaganda against Iran . As Iran & iranians we always have done all our best until now although all our short comings but maybe you are an almighty being which you could do anything in similar fashion of Imam Mahdi (aj) but you have refused to do your duty .
  4. https://www.shiachat.com/forum/topic/235010807-which-sahaba-are-respected-by-shia/
  5. Salam this is a proven fact from authentic narrations even from sunni sources which you can't deny it for compromising .
  6. Salam thanks a million for searching for truth however at first definition of Sahaba for Shias is different from definition of sunnis which shia Muslism on't curse Sahaba who are shaba by their definition but on the the other hand curse enemies od Ahlulabyt (عليه السلام) which maybe some of them have been categorized as Sahaba by Sunni definition while Shias have not recognized them as Sahabs . Why do Shias curse the Sahabah and khalifahs? Concise answer Basically, Shias believe that when it comes to Adalah, the Sahaba are like every other normal person. Just because one has been with the Prophet for a while doesn’t necessarily mean that he is going to always be adel (righteous). Merely being with the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) doesn’t do any good for one’s adalah unless it shows itself in his actions and behavior. Therefore, the criterion for being adel is one’s actions and conduct. If it accords with Islamic standards, that person is adel, and on the contrary if it doesn’t, he isn’t. This criterion corresponds with the Quran and the tradition of the Holy Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h), and also corresponds with the realities of history. In addition, the historical evidence that we will cite in our detailed answer, also emphasizes on this point. Detailed Answer One of the accusations that Shias have always faced from their opposers is that they have a hidden hatred and enmity towards the Prophet’s companions (Sahaba). Yet, a realistic look at the matter, far from any bias, gives us the fact that this is a false accusation. Detailed Answer.........https://www.islamquest.net/en/archive/question/en2588 The Concept of Ṣahāba and ʿAdala from a Shia Perspective https://www.almahdi.edu/sahaba-shia Chapter Four: Shi’a rejection of the Sahaba Shia scholar Allamah Sayyid Asad Haider writing on the Shi’a aqeedah on the Sahaba states: “The Shi’a of the Ahl’ul bayt respect Rasulullah’s Sahaba, they do not play down respect for them, but when following the life of Rasulullah (s) they stress that the Shari’a applies equally to Sahaba and non Sahaba – the Sahaba’s position and status is in accordance with their deeds and actions”. Taken from al Sahabeeyat fi Nazhar Shi’a page 32, printed in Egypt https://shiapen.com/blog/chapter-four-shi-a-rejection-of-the-sahaba
  7. This is totally nonsense which any end time hadith has not validity which in this case supporting creation of greater israel is ridiculous . Salam how we could help them when even we have not been aware their existence which your nonsense has no value which we always have helped all oppressed as much as possible has been possible for us from any race or nation . This is totally wrong & encouraging massacre & genocide just based on your whims.
  8. Salam your first name is already a good name but on the other hand your desired name has not a positive meaning in shia community due to relation to Khalid ibn walid however if still you want to choose an Islamic name you can search more to find more positive Islamic name .
  9. Salam generally Indonesia is much better place for Shias which has more friendly environment which it's sunni community has better treatment with shia muslims.
  10. Salam Baathist never have been muslims although maybe have done some practices as social norms in order to fool naive muslims which later they have established backbone of Al-Qaeda so then later Daesh in Iraq & Syria by pretending to Islam & growing long beards.
  11. Salam 5- Several groups of women will be gathered with Hazrat Zahra on the Day of Judgment. One of them is women who are patient with their husband's bad behavior. (Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him)) https://www.shiachat.com/forum/topic/235088500-rewards-are-mostly-mentioned-for-males/#comment-3445469
  12. Salam this is totally comparing apples with oranges which Uthman followed nepotism by installing his relatives from cursed Ummayads without consent of people which he allowed & supported them doing any type of corruption which in opposition to Uthman , Amir Al-Muminin Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has installed his relatives by request of people which he observed their activity more than other governors which he doesn't allow to do any type of corruption even slipping in financial matters which Muhammad ibn Abubakr (رضي الله عنه) has been installed as governor of egypt by insisting of people of egypt which in similar fashion Ibn Abbas (رضي الله عنه) has been installed by request of people which his letters to them is available in Nahjulbalagha .
  13. Salam unfortunately as I know Iran has not long term via for any any foreigners which people from USA only can travel to Iran by a tour which Iran & Canada have not good relation in recent years which Canada and Iran have had no formal diplomatic relations since 2012 which canada has closed it's embassy in Iran. Canada closes embassy in Iran, expels Iranian diplomats https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-closes-embassy-in-iran-expels-iranian-diplomats-1.1166509 Canada’s response to the Islamic Republic of Iran https://www.international.gc.ca/country-pays/iran/relations.aspx?lang=eng
  14. Salam related thread
  15. Salam generally it's about sense of guilt due to qat' al-rahim( breaking ties with relatives )which has been considered as one of great sins , at the same level of Shirk ; which you must find a way for fixing it even just by sending a text message. https://en.wikishia.net/view/Silat_al-Rahim
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