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This is My Faith By Shaikh Ali Al-Fatlawi The author stated in the introduction: "...The religion of Islam – the last of religions, the Mohammedan law that crowned all preceding celestial laws – is no exception to this rule. Our religion has principles (Osul) and branches to those Principles (Foru’) as well as Practices (Sonan). They are also known as Ideology, Jurisprudence and Ethics. Through these three pillars one can attain the Divine vicinity; each has also its own role in building the human personality. Ideology orients the human mind to the right direction away from myths and superstitions, ignorance and perversity. Jurisprudence is interested in the relation between mankind and their Creator in addition to the relation between people themselves. Ethics tries to refine the human soul from vice and to beautify it with virtue. This book – This Is My Faith – comes to highlight the first science which is Ideology in a simplified dialogue-based style. All can understand its content as it is free from complicated reasoning and difficult demonstration. Some texts have been changed for the sake of simplification as the definitions to the five Principles are also provided. Thus, here we offer you this book in the form of dialogue-based serial stories between two friends seeking only truth and knowledge..." to download the book: (free)
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Abul Fazl Al Abbas AS.. Karbala 2013 Al-Kademia..Baghadad 2012
great answer, thanks.. It is better to start watching the channel then make your own judgement.. and i hope it will help you.. by the way millions of people asking TV channels about their sources, and who support them..therefore we cleared that Marja' Sayed Sadiq alshirazi is the one who support it and ordered to open it..
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- imam husain TV
- Hussain TV
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Karbla2eeAlhwa reacted to a post in a topic: Imam Hussein Tv3
Imam Hussein AS TV3 Based upon the teachings and directions of the Great Grand Islamic Authority Ayatollah Sayid Sadiq Hussein Shirazi, an Islamic channel in the English language has been launched alongside its two other channels in Arabic and Farsi. There have been countless demands and requests from our believing and honorable brothers from various countries for the urgency of such a channel which has now been accomplished with the Grace of Almighty Allah (swt). This channel aims to enlighten humanity with the guidance of Imam Hussein (a.s) and the assistance of our master Imam Zaman (a.j) by which both are protected by Allah Almighty. The launch of this blessed channel takes on the responsibility of preaching and spreading the teachings of AhlulBayt (a.s) and manifesting the great rituals of Imam Hussein (a.s), making it an international pulpit in delivering Islam's original call to each and every country. The launching of this channel has been mainly based upon the three following pillars: 1. The utilization of Satellite channels. This is of great benefit to the Shi’a, since it is one of the most latest and effective means of communication. Unfortunately, many from among the Shi'a have not been privileged enough to be using this service. 2. To revive and restore the genuine Islamic thought and productive culture through the honorable allies of Allah Almighty, our Holy Prophet (saww) and his noble successors i.e. the pure, Infallible Imams (a.s) to its original place of unadulterated Islam before disbelief and unwelcomed corruptive cultures became incorporated within. 3. To contribute in solving problems of the world wherein many countries are being forced to face horrifying oppression, bloodshed and attack. This can be achievable by propagating the knowledge and practices of the Infallible Imams (a.s), the noble and pure progeny of his Messenger (saww) who have been selected by Allah Almighty as the optimum examples to adhere to. Therefore, on the basis of these three main pillars of this blessed project, the constituent body of Imam Hussein TV – Arabic, has decided and prepared goals and objectives for Imam Hussein TV that shall broadcast in the English language, along with other principles that shall be met under its authority: 1. Preach the teachings of the AhlulBayt (a.s) to those thirsty truth seeking individuals and those who have been endlessly requesting it throughout the globe. 2. Preserve and maintain the pure doctrine believed in by millions of youth in various countries. 3. Immunize and fortify the minds of the Shi’a youth, especially from some corrupt satellite channels. 4. Assist parents in the nurturing of their children and help young adults by delivering suitable, proper and correct information, since they reside in a world full of ethical pollution and corruption which subsequently results in a lack of identity whether they live in the East or the West. 5. Preach the genuine religion of Islam to millions of non-Muslims who have not yet reached the treasures of the Holy Qur’an and lives of the Prophet (saww) and his noble progeny (a.s). 6. Stand in defense of the Shi’a entity before those who believe that Shi’a Muslims are pagans and that the shedding of their blood is considered permissible and abuse and insults towards their women and families is a form of worship. 7. Deepen and strengthen ones faith in the book of Allah Almighty and the noble and sacred traditions of the Messenger of Allah Almighty and his pure progeny (a.s). And as for the principles, they are as follows: * To follow the teachings of the Holy Quran and AhlulBayt (a.s). * To consult and seek advice from scholars and Maraji Taqlid. * To preserve and maintain the Islamic teachings, the promotion of pleasant conducts, Islamic rulings along with Islamic beliefs in all the programs. * To stand in defense of the vulnerable; especially Shi’a Muslims in all countries. * To refrain from broadcasting all what is Islamically prohibited, such as music; while striving to find replacements for them. * To concentrate on youth in our media discourse. To conclude, we ask first and foremost, that Allah Almighty provides us with success, and that our honorable believing brothers and sisters support and pray for us. Watch us on: Hotbird 13A frequency: 11317 Polarization: Vertical Sympol Rate: 27500 Fec: 3/4 _______________ Galaxy 19 frequency: 11929 Polarization: Vertical Sympol Rate: 22000 Fec: 3/4
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- imam husain TV
- Hussain TV
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the same beard the same hand gesture the same short clothes.. Now I know where the wahabis got their religion from..
Hameedeh reacted to a post in a topic: #8 Imam Ridha (as) [OFFICIAL THREAD]
Hussain As Tears, And The Fawn
Karbla2eeAlhwa replied to Karbla2eeAlhwa's topic in General Islamic Discussion
thank you everyone for reading my post and the sweet the comments -
Hussain AS tears, and the fawn A group of good people narrated: A bedouin came to Messenger of Allah SAWA and said “O Messenger of Allah I hunted this gazelle fawn, and brought it to you as a gift for your children Hassan and Hussain AS”. Messenger of Allah accepted the gift and prayed to him for good. Suddenly, Hassan AS the grandson of Messenger of Allah, was standing next to his grandfather SAWA, and wanted it (fawn), and he SAWA gave it to him. After while Hussain AS arrived and saw the fawn with on the hands of his brother, playing with it, and said, “O brother, how did you get this fawn?”. Hassan AS said, “My grandfather Messenger of Allah SAWA gave it to me”. Hussain AS rushed towards his grandfather and said, “O father, you gave my brother the fawn to play with it, but you did not give me similar to it!” then he started to repeat that to his grandfather who was silent, but was trying to cheering him and being kind to him with sweet words, until Imam Hussain AS was about to cry. While he was like that, we heard screaming was raising from the door of the mosque. We looked, and we saw a gazelle accompanied with her fawn, and a lupus (female wolf) which was driving them to Messenger of Allah SAWA. Then, gazelle spoke with clear language, said, “O Messenger of Allah I have had two fawns, one of them was hunted by a hunter and he brought it to you, and this one remained with me, and I was happy with it. Later, I was breastfeeding her, and heard someone saying, “Hurry, hurry, O gazelle with you fawn to the prophet SAWA, and deliver it fast, because Hussain is standing front of his grandfather, and want to cry, all the angels raised their heads from their worship cloisters. If Hussain crys then all the angels who drawn nigh to Allah will cry”. Then heard another one saying, “Hurry up gazelle before the tears drops on the cheek of Hussain AS. If you do not obey I will order this lupus to eat you and your fawn. Therefore I brought my fawn to you, O Messenger of Allah. I crossed very far distance, but the earth was folded to me thus I came fast to you. And I am grateful to Allah that I arrived to you before the tears of Hussain AS drops on his cheek.” Then Takbir (Allahu Akbar) and Tahlil (la elaha ellal llah) was raising up from the companions. The prophet supplicated for the gazelle for good and blesses . Hussain took the fawn, and brought to his mother Al-Zahraa AS, and she was in great pleasure for it.”
Altruism is the highest level of generosity and nobility. also, generosity must of the times is in blood. It comes from noble linage, and generous cultures. We touch that in the story of the marriage of Imam Ali AS to Um Albanin AS, when Our Imam asked his brother (Aqeel) to find him a wife comes from a clan who are known for generosity and heroism. Therefore we hear on the pulpits and we read that all her sons sacrificed their life for their brother, especially Al-Abbas AS, who's generosity, selflessness and heroism were tested on that day and he did them all perfectly and became an example of altruism until he was called (Abu Alfathel) the father of favors and kindness. thank you everyone for your sweet comments
Karbla2eeAlhwa reacted to a post in a topic: Qaradawi: No Shia-Shia Sunni Unity
Dear Reader.. this is a translated topic and may contain some lingual mistakes.. please help me to change them before its being published ..many thanks Altruism selflessness What is Altruism in language? In Arabic altruism (Al-Ethar:الإيثار) is to prefer something over something else, (e.g. When someone prefer someone else over himself). In English, Altruism or selflessness is the principle or practice of concern for of others. It is a traditional in many cultures and a core aspect of various religious traditions, though the concept of "others" toward whom concern should be directed can vary among cultures and religions. Altruism or selflessness is the opposite of Selfishness. Pure altruism consists of sacrificing something for someone other than the self (e.g. sacrificing time, energy, possessions, or Self-sacrifice) with no expectation of any compensation or benefits, either direct, or indirect (e.g., receiving recognition for the act of giving). In Quran, “They said: By Allah! now has Allah certainly chosen you over us (12; 91).” Some of Imam Ali’s AS traditions Stated the virtues of Altruism: Imam Ali AS said: -‘The peak of virtues is self-sacrifice.’ -‘Altruism is the peak of beneficence’ - ‘Altruism is the best kindness and the highest rank of belief.’ - ‘ Altruism is the extreme limit of beneficence.’ -‘ Altruism is the noblest beneficence.’ -‘Altruism is the noblest generosity.’ - ‘Altruism is a characteristic of the righteous, and the habit of philanthropists.’ -‘Altruism is the best form of worship and the greatest eminence.’ -‘ Altruism is a virtue, and selfishness is a sin.’ The prophet of Allah Muses AS said, “O my God, show me the ranks of Mohammed and his nation!” He said, “O Muses you will not be able to stand it, but I will show you one level among his level. A lofty, and grandiose. For it I preferred him over you and all the creatures…” then He SWT revealed heaven for him, and saw a level which almost was harmed because of its’ lights and nearness to Allah SWT. He AS said, “O my God, for what reason did you give him this virtue!?” He SWT said, “ for a moral which I specialized for him among them, which is altruism –self sacrifice-. O Muses, no one of them comes to me and did it at a time of his life, unless I felt shy to settle with him, and accommodated him in my heaven, wherever he like” (1). Imam Ali AS also said: -‘ The best beneficence is altruism’ - ‘ The best generosity is altruism’ - ‘ Altruism only is sufficient moral’ - ‘Deal fairly with general people, and self-sacrifice with the faithful’ - ‘ The best choice is to use altruism as a moral’ - ‘One of the characteristic of the righteous is to habituate themselves with altruism (2)’ The meaning of Altruism to Imams AS The Commander of Faithful Ali b. Abu Talib AS said, “Virtues would not be completed without chastity and altruism” He AS also said: - ‘ The aim of virtues is altruism’ -‘ When the time of sacrificing against the self, the pure inner of righteous will be revealed’ -‘ By altruism generosity will be deserved’ - ‘Through self-sacrifice do free people become enslaved.’ -‘ by sacrificing your desires you will own freedom of people’ The holy Quran praises the virtues of such persons: The Almighty Allah said in His noble book, “And those who made their abode in the city and in the faith before them love those who have fled to them, and do not find in their hearts a need of what they are given, and prefer [them] before themselves though poverty may afflict them, and whoever is preserved from the niggardliness of his soul, these it is that are the successful ones. (59;9)” The meaning of altruism in narrations Hudhaifah U’dwi, recounts: On the day of Yarmook battle, picking up a container of water, I set out for the battlefield, searching for my cousin, hoping to provide him with a drink in case he happened to be alive. After searching for sometime, I found my cousin who was barely alive. I stooped down beside him and asked him if he needed some water. He nodded. At that very moment, another soldier, who lay near him, heard me and then sighed loudly to indicate that he was very thirsty. My cousin signalled to me to provide water to the soldier first. As I went to attend to the injured soldier, I realized that he was Hishaam Ibn Al-A’as. I asked him whether he needed water. He signalled in the affirmative. Instantaneously, another injured soldier demanded water and Hishaam too refused to drink the water before the other soldier had drunk it. I moved towards the third soldier, but just as I reached him, he breathed his last. Returning to Hishaam, I observed that in this ensuing period, he too had died. I hastened towards my cousin, only to find him dead too (3). Imam Sadiq on describing the perfect among the faithful said, “ they are devoted to their brothers in hardship and ease, they prefer (others) before themselves in bad situations. Allah also Has described them saying , “and prefer [them] before themselves… (4)” He AS also commented when Allah SWT described them said , “ doing good has nothing to do with abundance, that because Allah SWT said in his noble book ’and prefer [them] before themselves…. He whose Allah known him for that, Allah has loved him’” (5) Abu Hurayra narrated, ‘A man came to the Prophet (SAWA) and complained to him of hunger, so the Prophet (SAWA) sent a messenger to the homes of his wives, but they said that they had nothing but water. The Prophet (SAWA) asked, ‘Who can host this man tonight?’ So Ali b. Abu Talib AS said, ‘I will host him, O Messenger of Allah.’ He came to Fatima AS and asked her, ‘What do you have, O daughter of the Prophet?’ She said, ‘We only have food for tonight, but we will give it to our guest.’ He AS said, ‘O Daughter of Muhammad. Take the children to bed and put off the lamp.’ The next morning, Ali AS came to the Prophet (SAWA) and told him the story. No sooner had he left than Allah, the Exalted, revealed the verse: “…but prefer [others] to themselves…” (6)) In Dur Almanthoor (book) stated that ibn Omar said, “ One of the companions of Messenger of Allah has received a head of an ewe as a gift and said, “ My brother so and so, and his children are more need for this than us” then he sent it for them, then it was being sent from a house to another until seven houses were counted. At the end it was returned to the first house then Allah revealed (and prefer [them] before themselves) (7). The Commander of the Faithful Ali b. Abu Talib AS in his address to people after the death of Omar b. Alkhatab, he said , “ tell me for Allah sake! Has this verse (and prefer [them] before themselves) revealed upon anyone other than me?” they said , “ No!” (8) Imam al-Sadiq AS said, ‘Fatima AS had some barley which she made into a sweet paste. When they had finished cooking it and placed it on the table, a poor man came and said, ‘May Allah have mercy upon you.’ So Ali AS stood up and gave him a third of it. Soon afterwards, an orphan came and said, ‘May Allah have mercy upon you.’ Ali AS stood up and gave him a third. Soon afterwards, a prisoner of war came and said, ‘May Allah have mercy upon you.’ So Ali AS gave him the last third, and they did not even taste it. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verses honouring them, and they apply to every believer who does the same for the sake of Allah, the Exalted. (9). In a book titled Noor Althaqalain, Aisha narrated, ‘The Prophet (SAWA) had never spent three consecutive days having eaten to his fill until he left this world, although he could have, had he wanted to; but he used to place others before himself. (10)” As soon as Ali AS slept in that bed instead of the holy Prophet (SAWA), the Providence questioned His two dear angels, Gabriel and Michael, "I have created brotherhood between both of you and let the life-span of one of you be longer than that of the other. Which one of you wishes to have the life of the other be longer than his own?" Each held his own life dearer. The Almighty said: "Why can't you be like Ali ibn Abu Talib between whom and Muhammad (SAWA) I have created brotherhood, and he has chosen to sleep in Muhammad's bed, offering to sacrifice his own life for his brother?...” Regarding that incident, the verse "And among men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is Affectionate to the servants (Qur'an, 2:207)" was revealed(11). Messenger of Allah (SAWA) said, “He who gives (spend) in unrightfully did extravagance. Also, he who prohibited (spending) unrightfully did parsimony” Hence he specialized extravagance with spending on the unrightfully, while the path of rightfulness is the right(12). Al- Sadiq AS, said to Jamil b. Darraj: “The good ones of you are the generous and the bad ones of you are the miserly. Among the good deeds are to treat the brothers kindly and to fulfill their needs, for these (acts) force the Satan (to turn away from you) and save you from the fires and make you enter Paradise. Jamil, tell your honorable companions about this tradition.” He (Jamil) said: I (i.e. Jamil) said to him: “May I be your ransom, who are my honorable companions?”. He AS, said: “Those who treat the brothers with kindness during poverty and riches.” He (al- Sadiq) said: “Jamil, this (act) is easy for the doer of the favor. Allah, the Great and Almighty, has praised the doer of the little (favor). He (Allah) said: “ And prefer (others) to themselves though poverty may afflict them, and whoever is preserved from the niggardliness of his soul, these it is that are the successful ones.” (13) The virtue of Altruism (self-sacrifice) Abu al-Tufayl narrated, “ Ali AS bought a gown, which he liked, so he gave it away in charity. He said, ‘I heard the Prophet (SAWA) saying, ‘When a man places others before himself, Allah, the Exalted, will place him [before others] in Paradise. (14)” Imam Al-Baqir AS, “There is a heaven of Allah where only three (type of people) enter it:….. and a man preferred his faithful brother on himself for Allah SWT sake.(15)” Commander of the Faithful AS Imam Ali AS, “he who preferred others before himself deserved the title of the virtue(16)” Commander of the Faithful Ali b. Abu Talib AS, “He who preferred others before himself has became an extreme chivalry(17)” He AS also said, “The self-sacrifice doers are among the men of A’raf (The Heights).” Commander of the faithful Imam Ali b. Abu Talib stated in his will to his son Imam Hassan Al-Mujataba AS: “Humble yourselves with good deeds, and lead them to virtues. Accustom yourselves to patience, and be patient on self-sacrificing of what you like, and do not treat people as they treat you(18)” Imam al-Sadiq AS, "A sinful but generous young man is dearer to God than a worshipping but stingy old man." References: 1. Tanbih Alkhwater: V1, p.173 2. Ghorarul alhekam: H09350 3. Almostatref: V1, p.157 4. Bihar Alnwar, by Almajlesi: V67, p.351 5. Alkhesal: p.97 6. Alkafi by Alkulaini: V2,p.206, H6 7. Tafsir Althaqalain: V5, p. 287, H60 8. Aldur Almanthor: V8, p.107 9. Alehtejaj: V1, p.333, H55 10. NoorAlthaqlain:V5, p.470, H20.Also, p. 469, H18 &19 11. Tanbih Alkhwater v1, p. 172&173 12. Tanbih Alkhwater v1, p. 172&173 13. ‘Awaed Alaiam by ALmohaqiq Alnaraqi: p.629 14. Man la Yahdoroho Alfaqeeh by Sheikh Alsadoq:V2, p.61 15.Nor Althaqalain: V5, p.285, H52 16. Alkhisal: P131&136 17. Ghorarul Ahekam:H8845 18. Tuhaf al’oqol:p.224
Karbla2eeAlhwa reacted to a post in a topic: Is This Tatto Haram To Do?
Karbla2eeAlhwa reacted to a post in a topic: Is This Tatto Haram To Do?
Karbla2eeAlhwa reacted to a post in a topic: Haraam Become Halaal For Imam Hussain
Dear reader..this article may contain some mistakes please help me to change them before its being published as a folder..many thanks The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain AS Victory of Khaibar The importance of Khaibar Khaibar in Hebrew means the forest. It was a big city which had huge forests, farms, and many pushes of palm trees. The city included seven forests. It was three days walking away from Medina, on the direction of Syria.. Khaibar was a home of Jews, where they did not allow any others to live among them. The enmity between the supports of the prophet SAWA (Alansar) and Jews was growing and being clear on surface. Jews and their threat to the country of the prophet SAWA To recognize the danger of Jews to the Islamic call, and we should study the characters of Jews in general during that era. The folder will provide to you the main characters of Jews next: Jews always been a raciest nation during history and until now. They believe in their distinctiveness than other humans. Other people means nothing to them, they give them no values or consideration. They believe humans were created to serve Israelis only. The Talmud stated,” The Jew is said to possess so great a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share equality with him. The Jew is a part of God, and he who violate a Jew as if he violated the dignity of Allah. The chosen nation are Jews only, and other nations are animals” Jews consider everyone who is not a Jews as an enemy. The Talmud not allowing Jews to have mercy on their enemies, and not allowing them to greet non-Jews unless they feel threatened. Jews are not allowed to give charity to non-Jews, and they are allowed to steal and cheat others. Also, gentiles should work for Jews, and they have to take the outputs for themselves. The Talmud, also allows them to violate the honor of other people, because they believe that non-Jew women are like animals, and Jews allowed to rape them. Jews are forbidden to save life of others…etc and other horrible things, we cannot count all of them. (1) Some of the Quran verses stated this arrogant ideas of Jews to other people, the Almighty said,” And the Jews and the Christians say: We are the sons of Allah and His beloved ones. Say: Why does He then chastise you for your faults? Nay, you are mortals from among those whom He has created, He forgives whom He pleases and chastises whom He pleases; and Allah's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and to Him is the eventual coming. Quran 5:18” We can state briefly the attitude of Jews to the country of the Greatest Prophet Mohammed SAWA as following: 1. helping and supporting the enemies of Muslim with everything they need even by spying on them, and other methods. 2. stirring up seditions between Muslims, especially between Aws and Khazraj clans, and between Muslims and infidels. 3. continuously conspiring to kill the Greatest Prophet SAWA, and turning people against him. 4. continuously rising riots, and disarraying situations, by telling lies, and intimated weak Muslims. All the attempts of Jews to violate Islam and Muslims were enormously failed, because of consciousness of the Islamic supreme leadership which was represented by the Greatest Messenger of Allah SAWA. The Greatest Messenger SAWA was patient front of their major contraventions, to avoid the threats of a cruel civil war in his new residence (Teba), until they reached their limits and their danger became greater. They became a real dangerous threaten the existence of Islam, especially that this sly and hateful enemy lives in the middle of the Islamic society. They knew all the weak slinks, and the power points of the Islamic society, and they were waiting the right chance to attack. Therefore, there should be a strategy to deal with this enemy, based on firmness an justice, rather than indulgent, leniency, and kindness. It was not for good to allow Jews to wreak havoc, breaking their promises and treaties, and attack Muslims whenever and however they desire, but there must be a decisive, firm, and just response towards any violation. Also, to face every intrigue before it’s too late, and repentance would not be handful. For these matter the decision was made by the Greatest Prophet SAWA to subdue Jews who were spread around Medina to reasoning and justice, and to deter by force anyone refuses to compliance with the law even if deterring them would lead to a bloody war. All the strategies of the Greatest Prophet SAWA against Jews aims to adjust law and stability, and to suppress arrogance of Jews in Medina. Some of them refused to comply with law and normalization with Muslims, and they desired confrontation, then the prophet SAWA confronted them. Others accepted to follow the laws, and complied with conditions of the Greatest Prophet SAWA and the prophet treated them kindly. The Jews of Khaibar were of the first type, who refused to be logical, and relied on their strong forts and knights. They believed that Allah will not support His Messenger and the faithful, and thought they will stay there forever. Crawling of the prophet SAWA to Khaibar and blockading it Messenger of Allah SAWA went to Khaibar after his return from Alhodaibeia battle, in the seventh year of Hijrah. He SAWA did give a permission to those who did not join him in Alhodaibeia to attend with him in Khaibar except for Jabir b. Abdullah Alansari, because they terrified Muslims. After the arrival of the Greatest Prophet SAWA to Khaibar, he blockaded the Jews inside their forts for over 20 days. During that time, Jews army of 10000 man used to get out their forts everyday to fight. The prophet SAWA conquered some of the forts peacefully, and some by force. Muslims were 1400 fighter with 200 horses. The conquer by The Commander of The Faithful During the time of the siege, the prophet SAWA sent some of the military brigades in purpose to conquer the forts. Alhakem Alnesabori, a Sunni scholar, narrated that the prophet SAWA sent both Abu Baker and Omar to conquer the forts but they failed. Alhakem said,” the prophet SAWA crawled to Khaibar, when he arrived there he sent Abu-baker with a group of people to their city or castle. They fought them but Abu-baker and his companions were defeated, and he returned back and frightened his companions, and they did the same (flee)… this tradition has truthful narrators following the terms of Bokhari and Musim but they did not state it”(2) Alhakem Also narrated, “the prophet SAWA gave the flag (the army leadership) to Omar on the day of Khaibar. He went and returned back scared and frightened his companions, and they were frightening him too… this is a truthful tradition following the terms of Muslim but he did not state it” (3) After those two defeats the prophet was worried about Islam and Muslims, because of the negative influence which they make to the spirits of fighters, and added extra power to the spirits of Jews. Add to all of that , the happiness of hypocrites, who were close to the Jews despite they were among the army of Muslims. Muslims started to humiliate the prophet SAWA and wanted to mutiny. Some of narrations of Ahlulbait AS stated this truth. Imam Abu Abdullah AL-Sadiq AS said,” there was not a harder day passed by the prophet than the day of Khaibar, because Arabs rebelled against him” Upon this, the prophet SAWA said his famous declaration, “Tomorrow I will award the Standard of the Islamic forces to a man who loves Allah(swt) and his Prophet SAWAand Allah(swt) and his Prophet SAWA love him. He is the one who attacks forcefully and does not run away from the battlefield and he will not return until Allah(swt) grants victory on his hand”. At night, everyone was waiting and wishing to be awarded this honor. The next day Prophet Mohammad SAWA called for Imam Ali AS. People said that Ali AS was suffering from a disease in his eyes but the Prophet SAWA insisted on him being called and when he arrived, the Prophet SAWA applied his saliva on the eyes of Imam Ali AS which cured him instantly and then he prayed to Allah(swt) and awarded him the standard of Islam. Ali AS said,” I will fight them until they become like us (Muslims)” the prophet SAWA said,” Advance deliberately and before joining battle summon them to embrace Islam, and tell them their duties. Verify if Allah should give religious guidance to a single individual of them through your instrumentally, it will be a more glorious conquest than if you should capture all the red camels.” (4) Ibn Al-Atheer completed the next part of the victory of Khaibar by stating,“ Then Ali AS started with the flag in his hand and, reaching under the fort of Qamus, planted the standard on a rock. A Rabbi who was watching from the fort asked, 'O standard-bearer! Who are you?' Ali AS replied, 'I am Ali son of Abu Talib.' The Rabbi called unto his people, 'By the Torah, you will be defeated! This man will not go back without winning the battle."' It is said that Marhab was the strongest, tallest, and the most fierce among the warriors of Khaibar and that none equaled him in his might. That day, he was armed twice over, wearing double armor with two swords dangling by his sides. He was also wearing two turbans with a helmet over and above. Marhab recited the following poem: “The Jews of Khyber know that I am Marhab. I dive into my weapons and I attack in a daring way.” Imam Ali AS said in reply: “I am one whose mother has named him Haider (young lion). I step into the battlefield with my sword like a ferocious lion, I am lion of jungle, solid, and hard” Taking the initiative, Marhab attacked Ali AS with his sword. But Ali AS avoided the blow and rendered with Dhul-Fiqar such a forceful blow on Marhab's head that it cut through the latter's helmet, the double turban, the head, till it reached the man's throat. Abu Rafi' the slave of Messenger of Allah SAWA is cited saying: "When the Prophet gave the flag to 'Ali and bade him fight the forces of Khaibar, we, too, accompanied him. When 'Ali was a short distance from the fort, fighting all along, a Jew struck a blow on his hand with such a force that the shield 'Ali was holding fell down. 'Ali at once pulled out a part of the gate of Khaibar, held it up as a shield and fought till Allah granted him a clear victory. Once the fighting was over, he threw it away. It was so heavy that eight men from among us could hardly turn it over from one side to the other." (5) Sheikh Al-Sadoq narrated that Abu Aldonia Mo’amar Almghrebi said,” I heard the commander of the faithful saying,’ In the battle of Khaibar, I received twenty five wounds, then I went to the prophet SAWA, when he saw my wounds, he cried and took tears and putted them on the wounds, then I was healed at that moment’” Events matched the victory of Khaibar This blissful battle accompanied with important events which should be highlighted, the folder will give state some of them next: 1. The Prophet SAWA confined the kinsmen share of booties to Bani Hashim (Clan) and Bani Abdul-Muttalib: Sheikh Altusi narrated that Jubair bin Mut’em said,” On the day of Khaibar, The Prophet SAWA confained the kinsmen share of booties to Bani Hashim and Abdul-Muttalib and excluded Bani Nufal and sons of Abd-Shams (Clan). Thus I and Othman rushed to the prophet SAWA. We said,” O Messenger of Allah, Bani Hashim clan has undeniable state which Allah Has Created inside them of yours to them, but What is special about our brothers Bani Abdul Muttalib? You gave them and left us, while we have the same kindred to you!” Messenger of Allah SAWA said,” I and Bani Abdul Muttalib did not seperat in Jahiliah (ignorance era, pre Islam) nor after Islam. In fact we and them are one!” then he kinked his fingers” (6) 2. On the same day, Ja'far ibn Abi Talib returned from Ethiopia. The Holy Prophet SAWA said: "I do not know on which blessing of Allah I should thank Him more: on the victory of Khaibar or on the return of Ja’far!" (7) 3. retuning the sun to the Commander of the Faithful AS: Asmaa said,” Ali was busy working on dividing the booties with Messenger of Allah on the day of Khaibar, until the sun set. Then Messenger of Allah said,” O Ali did you pray Asr?” he said,” No, O Messenger of Allah” Messenger of Allah did ablution and then set in the mosque and said two words or three, as if he was some Ethiopian language. Then the sun was returned as it was in afternoon. Therefore Ali did ablution and prayed Asr. After that Messenger of Allah said the same words which he said earlier, then the sun returned to set, and I heard a creak as if it was a saw working on a piece of wood, and stars appeared” (8) References: 1. Alsahih men Serat Alnabi Ala’tham SAWA by Sayed Ja’far Mortatha: V6, Page 23-24 2. Almostadrak ‘Ala Alsahehain by Alhakim Al nesabori: V3, Page 38 3. Almostadrak ‘Ala Alsahehain by Alhakim Al nesabori: V3, Page 38 4. Sahih Albokhari: V4, Page 20 5. Alkamil fe AlTarekh by Ibn Atheer: V2, Page 220 6. Kmal Aldeen wa Tmam Alne’ma by Sheikh Alsadooq: Page 542 7. Alkhelaf by Sheikh Altusi: V4, Page 213 8. Almoqne’ by Sheikh Alsadooq: Page 139
Dear reader..this article may contain some mistakes, please help me to correct them before its being published as a folder..many thanks 8th Shawwal Demolition of the shrines of Al-Baqee’ (In houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and that His name may be remembered in them; there glorify Him therein in the mornings and the evenings,- 24:36) Al-Baqee’ It is a holy spot in Medina, near the Holy Mosque of the Prophet SAWA, and the shrine of the Greatest Messenger of Allah SAWA. The shrines of four infallibles among AhlulBayt AS, the householders of the prophet AS. They are: Imam Hasan Al-Mujtaba, Imam Ali b. Alhussain Zainu Al’abedeen, Imam Mohamed b. Ali Al-Baqir, and Imam Ja’far b. Mohamed al-Sadiq (peace be upon all of them).. There are also number of the graves of righteous, companions, and others. The event of desecration the graves of the Imams of Al-Baqee’ The head of Wahabi judges Solaiman b. Blaihed, made a referendum to scholars of Medina after he threatened and intimidated them. the scholars signed a letter contained a fatwa (advisory opinion), which forbidden to build on the graves, supporting the suggestion of the group who have written the fatwa. Later on, Um Alqora newspaper in the series No. (69)in 17th Shawwal 1344H, published the text of the fatwa, as if the letter was made to confirm the demolition of graves. The Saudi government used that as a legal warrant to destroy the graves of the companions and Taabi'een (the followers). They used it to insult Ahlulbayt and the family of Messenger of Allah SAWA. Polytheists and Wahabies rushed to demolish the graves of Ahlulbayt AS in 8th of Shawwal-the same year- 1344H. They desecrated the graves of Pure Imams and the companions in Al-Baqee’ , they made them flat with the floor. They deformed the shrines beautiful views, and left it to be being stepped on by people, dogs and animals. One of those who were killed during this horrible historic famous event which reflecting the barbarity of Wahabism, and its savagery teachings, Sheikh Al-Zawiwi, Grnad Mufri of Shafi’ee, and a group of Bani Shaibah clan (the servants of Ka’ba). Also, they demolished historic sites, graves, and the Islamic antiquities in Mecca, Medina and others. In Mecca they demolished the cemetery of Almo’alla, and the house where Messenger of Allah SAWA was born. (1) Add to that, they made a heinous deed in 1216H, 1801AD, when violated buildings of Karbala. They demolished mosques and markets of the city, and many traditional houses which were built around the two holy shrines (Imam Hussain and Al-Abbas AS). Also they looted and violated the holy shrines, then destroyed wall of the city. (2) They wanted to demolish the tomb of Messenger of Allah SAWA, but demonstrations of Muslims in India and Egypt had stopped them which was a famous story. Nowadays, they are longing to their old days. Their scholar (Ibn Baz) Sheikh Abdul Azaez b. Baz (1330-1420 H) the Grand Mufti of Saudi did not visit the Mosque of Messenger of Allah SAWA. He said,” As long as this idol –means the tomb of Messenger of Allah SAWA- is there I will never visit it.” But he is gone with old days, and no one care for his speech. Al-baqee’ before the demolition Al-Baqee’ included four Imam AS in a dome, whereas the cemetery of Al-Baqee’ included many others domes e.g. the wives of the prophet, his sons, daughters, and his nursing mother Halima Alsa’deia RA. Also, there was the dome of Fatima the daughter of Asad peace be upon her, the mother of the commander of the faithful Ali AS, and the dome of Umu Albanin peace be upon her, the wife of the commander of the faithful Ali AS, her dome was near the dome of the aunties of the prophet SAWA. The dome of Jabir b. Abdullah Al-ansari was there too, and others, as narrated in history. A poet said: Whose the demolished graves in Tiba (Medina) belong to? The evil once left no sign on them Tell the one who gave fatwa to demolish their graves that you will go to hill in the day of judgment Did not you know which shrines have you demolished? They are still a sanctuary for angels. Attempting to demolish the shrine of the prophet SAWA After wahabis finished of destruction the graves of Al-Bqee’, one of them went towards the grave of Messenger of Allah SAWA, he climbed above the dome to destroy it , but Allah the Almighty sent a thunderbolt which killed him, and he still there until now. Wahabis could not remove him, therefore they built a wall over him to hide him. They left him in that status to face his god while he was trying to demolish the grave of the prophet SAWA. Is it forbidden (Haram) to build on graves? A deep studying of Quran will confirm that building mosques over the graves was allowed in the old religions. In the story of cave men, people were separated into two groups, the first group wanted to build a shrine, and the other one wanted to build a mosque, as Allah the Almighty stated in Surat Alkahf (And thus did We make (men) to get knowledge of them that they might know that Allah's promise is true and that as for the hour there is no doubt about it. When they disputed among themselves about their affair and said: Erect an edifice over them-- their Lord best knows them. Those who prevailed in their affair said: We will certainly raise a masjid (mosque) over them. -18:21) Using this verse as an inference will make it clear to those who use Quran as a guidance and a model. Quran transferred both sayings without any objection or a commentary, but it is clear Quran stated them as great ideas. People of the cave, the status of their firmnesses and attachment on the path of their faith until that people when they found them, they were sustained to honor and respect them. rather, they seek blessings from them. one of them suggested to construct on them, and another wanted to use their graves as a mosque. Quran is not a book of stories and mythology, but it is a book of guidance, a model and a leader. Therefore, if they were doing something wrong then it would had commented on them or denied it, as it does with the transferred speeches of idolaters and disbelievers. Do Wahabies love Ahlulbayt AS? We always hear this phrase being repeated on wahabi TV channels which are specialized on seditions and dividing the unity of Muslims, by some sheikhs who claims that they love Ahlulbayt and do not hate them because of the verse of love to the relatives of the prophet SAWA and for the tradition of the prophet (I am leaving for you two precious and weighty Symbols, the book of Allah and my progeny). First: From this point, as you claimed that you love Ahlulbayt, and believe in love towards his relatives, then the love must be unrestricted wither in their life or after their death. Also, if in their life we must love them, after their death we must love them, then why did you demolish the shrines of Imams AS in Al-Baqee’? is that the way of reforming love towards the relatives for example? Or it is a sign of enmity and grudge? Second: as you claims that it is being confirmed to you to demolish the graves, then why did not you demolish the graves of Albokhari, Abu Hanifa, and Ibn Hanbal before his grave was sanked, and other scholars of yours? We still seeing their high domes, and huge shrines. Also, Sunni people visiting them. it is well known that Ahlulbayt AS are greater than other scholars whose being followed by Sunnis. Therefore, why did not you demolish their graves too? Or was it because the scholars were Sunnis and Ahlulbay AS were Shiite for example? Ziyarat the Imams of Al-Baqee’ Peace be upon you O Imams of guidance, Peace be upon you O people of piety, Peace be upon you O proofs of Allah on the people of the earth; Peace be upon you who were steadfast in dealing with people with justice. Peace be upon you O people of the chosen one. Peace be upon you the family of the Prophet of Allah, Peace be upon you O people of secret conversations (with Allah), I bear witness that you proclaimed and advised and persevered for the sake of Allah and that you were belied and evil was done to you and you forgave and I bear witness that you are the rightly guided leaders and that obedience to you is incumbent and that your speech is correct and that you invited (to the truth) but were not answered and you commanded but were not followed. I bear witness that you are the pillars of religion and support of the earth, you were always under the (caring) eyes of Allah who was transferring you from the wombs of the pure ones, the era of ignorance did not contaminate you; the sedition of desires has not partaken of you, you have become pure; your origin is pure. Through you He has favoured us (with His religion). He has created you in houses in which Allah has allowed His name to be elevated and remembered. He has made our salutations to you to be mercy for us and expiation of our sins for Allah has chosen you for us and has made our creation pure because He has favoured us with your affection. We are named in front of Him due to your Gnosis and because we acknowledged and believed in you. This is the position of one that has been extravagant and has erred; He has submitted and acknowledged what he has committed and hoped of his sincere position and through you he will be saved from destruction so be my intercessors. I have come to you for the people of the world have turned away from you and have taken the signs of Allah as jest and have become arrogant. Then rise your head toward the sky and say: O One who is upright and does not over look; O Eternal One who does not disregard and covers all things You have favoured me with Your help and have shown me the path which You established for me; for Your slaves have turned away from it and have become ignorant of its knowledge and have belittled its rights and have inclined to others; it is Your favour on me with the people that be to You for I am in front of You in this position remembered and subject to (Your) decree so do not deprive me of what I hoped for and, by the sanctity of Muhammad and his pure family, do not disappoint me what I have asked from You, send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. (3) References: 1. Alshi’a fe mamlakat Alu S’ood, by Ameen Alraihani: V2, Page 271 2. Derasat Hawla Karbala wa Dawroha Alhathari: Page 607 3. Mafateeh Aljenan by Sheikh Abbas Alqumi RH
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Dear reader..this article may contain some mistakes, I will be glade if you can help me to correct them before its being published as a folder..many thanks Giving charity with a ring! The 24th of Thi Alhujja, was the day when the Commander of The Faithful AS Gave charity with a ring ,while he was praying. Due to the importance of this anniversary, and the moral concepts included in, and its deep meanings, Allah the Almighty sent a verse about it, the Almighty said: (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow. 5:55). This verse contains number of evidences such as Wali(; prefect). Allah the almighty stated,” only Allah and his messenger” then He said,” and those who believe”. To avoid making -who believe- to be a general word, which may confuse readers because it may include every believer, the verse was specialized with number of restrictions which are,” those who keep up prayers, and pay the poor-rate while they bow”. Those restrictions mentioned above, are clear evidences that the goal behind these verse is a specific person, and not general believers. To know these special personality we should study interpretations and traditions to know the secret behind these verse, and who is the person who gave charity with a ring. Interpretation of the verse To understand the purpose behind this verse, we should return to the references, which interpreting Noble Quran to general Muslims. Shiite Imami group, they unanimously agrees on this verse was sent about Ali b. Abu Taleb AS, and we will mention some of the texts from Shiite references. The great numerous traditions of Shiite and Sunnis stated that the two verses were about the commander of the faithful Ali AS, when he pay poor rate of poor while he was praying. Therefore those two verses were individualized and not general. The following narrations stating what been provided earlier. In Albrahan, and Ghaiat Almaram, narrated Alsadoq, who narrated Abu Jarod said, Abu Ja’far Albaqir AS in about His Saying SWT (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe) he AS said,” A group of Jews who converted to Islam, there were among them, Abdullah b. Sallam, Asad , Tha’labah, Ibn yameen, and ibn Soria, came to the prophet SAWA and said,“ O Prophet of Allah, Muses passed the leadership to Yosha’ b. Noon after him, so who is the guardian after you o Messenger of Allah, Who is our commander after you?” Then this verse was sent from heaven , (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.) Messenger of Allah said,” Rise up!” and they arose and went to the mosque. Some people were standing in prayer while others were bowing. He saw a beggar in the mosque and he asked him: ‘Did you get something from anyone?’ The beggar replied: ‘Yes, I got a ring of gold’. The Prophet asked him: ‘Who gave it to you?’ The beggar said: ‘That person who is standing in prayer’, and he pointed to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. The Prophet asked him again: ‘In which position did he give it to you?’ The beggar said: ‘He gave it to me while bowing in prayer’. The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said ‘Allah is the greatest!’, and also those who were in the mosque. Then the prophet SAWA said,” Ali is your commander after me”. They said,” We accepted Allah AS our god, Mohamed as our prophet, and Ali b. Abu Taleb as a commander” then Allah SWT revealed this verse (And whoever takes Allah and His messenger and those who believe for a guardian, then surely the party of Allah are they that shall be triumphant.5:56) In Tafseer Alqumi, he said, Safwan said, Aban b. Othman said, Abu Hamza Althomali said, Abu Ja’far Albaqir AS said,” While Messenger of Allah was sitting with a group of Jews including Abdullah b. Salam, this verse was revealed.” Also, in Tafseer Alamthal and other interpretation books of Shiite which stated this verse was revealed about Ali AS when he gave his ring to the poor man. In the other hand, when we search the school of Sunnis, for the interpretation of this verse, we will find out the following evidences: -The author of Tafseer Altabari stated in the interpretation of Surat Almaedah: Explaining the interpretation of The Almighty saying,” Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.” The people of interpretation were differed about who was meant in this verse. Some people said He meant Ali b. Abu Taleb, and some said He meant all the faithful (1)” Then he stated: Told us, Mohamed b. Alhussain said, Ahmed b. Almofathal said, Asbat narrated Alsadi said,” then told about who will be after him. Then he SAWA said ‘ Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.’ They were all the faithful, but a beggar passed by Ali b. Abu Taleb while he was bowing in the mosque, and he gave him his ring” -Honad b. Seri said, ‘Abdah told us that Abdul Malek narrated Abu Ja’far. He said’ I asked him about this verse (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.) I said: who are those who believe? He said: Those who believe! We said: we were told that it was revealed about Ali b. Abu Taleb! He said: Ali was among those who believe. - Ibn Wake’ said, Almoharabi told us, Abdul Malek said’ I asked Abu Ja’far about Allah saying ” Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger ...” then he mentioned the same tradition of Honad. Abdah said,”Ismaeil b. Israel Alrameli said, Ayob b. Sowaid said,’ ‘Otbah b. Abu Hakim said about this verse (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe…) he said,” Ali b. Abu Taleb AS.” (2) Ibn Abu hatim stated: Alrabe’ b. Solaiman Almoradi said, Ayob b. Sowaid said, ‘Otbah b. Abu Hakim about the verse: (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe…) he said,” Ali b. Abu Taleb AS.” Abo Sa’eed Alashaj said, Alfathel b. Dakeen said Abu Na’eem Alahwal said, Musa b. Qais Alhathrami said, Salmah b. Kaheel said,” Ali gave his ring as an alms while he was bowing, then the verse was revealed, (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.) Ibn Jareer said: Alhareth told me, that Abdul ‘Azez told us, that Ghalib b. Abdullah said,” I heard Mojahed saying about His verse, (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger).. Tt was revealed about all the faithful, and Ali b. Abu Taleb was the first one of them. Also, Ibn Jareer saidL Honad told us that ‘Obdah Narrated Abdul Malek said, Abu Ja’far said,” I asked him about this verse (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.) we said,” Who are those who believe?” he said ;” Those who believe! We were told that it was revealed about Ali b. Abu Taleb” he said,” Ali is one of those who believe”. Asbat said, Alsaddi said,” This verse revealed about all those who believe, but a beggar passed by Ali b. Abu Taleb, while he was bowing in the mosque, and he gave him his ring” Alhaekm Alhaskani said, Ibn ‘Abas said,” One day, Messenger of Allah prayed (Thohr) and left with his companions but Ali stayed in the mosque praying between Althohar and ‘Asr (nafelah). Then a Muslim poor man entered. He did not find anyone in the mosque but Ali. He went to Ali and said,” O Wali of Allah! By the n who you pray to, give me whatever you could give to me” he used to have a ring made from red ‘Aqeeq Yemani -Yemeni garnet- he was wearing it in his right hand while praying. He lengthen his hand, putted it on his back, and pointed to the beggar to put it out. Then he putted it out, prayed for him, and left. After that, Gabriel was sent down. Then the prophet SAWA said to Ali,” indeed, Allah was boasted of you front of the angels today. Then he read (Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.)(3) This tradition was mentioned in a number of Sunni references e.g. Alqortobi in his interpretation, Alsaioti in Aldor Almanthor,Altabarani in Mo’jam Alawsat and Alkabeer, and Tafseer Abu Hatim also, who said in the interpretation of this verse that it was revealed about Ali b. Abu Taleb AS. Peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he was martyred, and the day when he return alive. References: 1. Tafseer Altabari: V10, page 425 2.Tafseer ibn Katheer: V3 3. Shawahed Altanzeel by Alhakim Alhaskani: V1, Page 212
Salam alaikom about the revenge of imam Hussain AS, well almokhtar has only killed the crimnals of those who killed imam hussain AS directly. not all of them thought! Still there are those who were the reason behind killing imam hussain AS, also what about the revenge of fatima AS and other imams? and the revenge of shiite during all history of islam? as stated in Ziyarat wareth (Peace be upon you - the one who will be avenged by Allah, and O son of the one who will be avenged by Allah -)! Almokhtar, yes he avenged imam hussain AS, by killing number of those crimnals of Karbala but still he did not finish job and was martyred.. Peace be upon you O’ the one who was killed and whose blood has not yet been avenged – and whose avenging is in the hands of Allah..Ziyarat Ashora is my post suitable to be published as a folder?
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Dear Reader, this article may contain some msiatkes, please help me to correct them..many thanks Almokhtar Revolution Who is Almokhtar? Almokhtar was brought up in a noble family. His father, Abu ‘Obaidah b. Mas’od b. ‘Amro, b. ‘Omair ,b. ‘Awf, b. Ghirah, b. ‘Awf, b. Qesi(Thaqeif) b. Munbeh, b. Baker, b. Hawazen. His mother: Domah, the daughter of ‘Amro b. Wahab, b. Mu’teb. She was a woman of eloquence, rhetoric, and logic. (1) Almokhtar was born in the year of -Hijrah- when the prophet SAWA migrated from Mecca to Medina (2). His social status Almokhtar had a high class social status. Ibn abdul Ber described him saying,” Almokhtar was counted among the people of virtues and good doings”. He also said,”Almokhtar was among the people of virtues and faith” (3) He was one of the heads of Shiite in Kufa, and was arrested along with another 14 other men from among the dignitaries of Kufa, because of their loyalty to Ahlulbayt AS. The arrest happened during the period of Ziyad Ibn Abeh- the son of unknown father- governing to Kufa. One of the evidence of his prestigious high position is that Muslim b. ‘Aqeel AS stayed in his house when he came to Kufa as an ambassador of Imam Hussain AS. The relation of Almokhtar with Ahlulbayt AS Almokhtar had a relationship for a long time with The Householders of Messenger of Allah SAWA , since he was a little child. He arose and grow between them because he moved to Medina with his father during the time of Omar-the caliphate-. His father went to Iraq and was martyred in the battle of Aljisr (the bridge), and Almokhtar stayed in Medina closer to Bani Hashim (the prophet SAWA clan).(4) Imam Ali AS sensed the smartness and acumen of Almokhtar since he was a child. He AS used to sit him on his lap and smooth his head, and tell him “ O’ Smart boy, O’ Smart boy” (5) He continued his frequent visits to Bani Hashim to learn from them literature and sciences. After a period of time of Imam Hassans’ AS reconciliation, he returned from Kufa to Medina. He was sitting with Mohamed b. Alhanafeia AS and learning from him traditions(6). the book Maqtal Al-Imam AlHussain AS, by Abdul Razaq Almoqaram stated the following,” Almokhtar b. Abu Obaida Althaqafi… he was in company with the family of the Holiest Messenger SAWA. He benefited and learned from them lots of sciences, virtuous ethics, and gave them advices privately and publicly.(7)” The meeting of Almokhtar with Maitham Altamar After the supporters of Muslim bin ‘Aqeel turned against him, and after he was hidden in some of the houses of Kufa, the conditions were suited to the goof ‘Obaidullah b. Ziyad. At the same times when Muslim b. ‘Aqeel AS was hidden, Almokhtar entered Kufah holding a green flag (8) and surrendered by his companions (9), until he reached Bab Altho’ban- the door of the snake- of the Mosque of Kufa where he was shocked because the news of the inversion of people of Kufa did not reach him yet. He was confused, do not know the place of Muslim to support him nor was able to return back to home, because the army of ibn Ziyad closed all the entrances and exits gates of Kufa. Also ibn Ziyad announced curfew in the streets and alleys of Kufa. While thinking of all this hard choices, Hani b. Abu Haia Alwade’i passed by him and told him to stay with ‘Amro b. Horaith, and he accepted compelled until morning (10). In the second day ibn Ziyad ordered to see all people, and Almokhtar entered with them. ibn Ziyad said to him directly,” Were you the one who came with a group to support ibn ‘Aqeel?” He said to him,” I did not, but I came and became under command of ‘Amro b. Horaith , I stayed my night with him, and the morning” ‘Amro said,: He is right may Allah guide you to the right path” ‘Obadullah b. Ziyad raised a rod and hit the face of Almokhtar, cut his eye, and said,” By Allah, but for the witness of ‘Amro I would have beheaded you! Take him to jail!(11)” After days of arresting Almokhtar, Maitham Altamar was arristed, and jailed with Almokhtar in the same prison. After a conversation between them, Almokhtar have had a hope to survive from the hands of those evils, but also will have the have the great honor of avenging the Master of Martyrs and his righteous companions. Maitham has told him a tradition, narrating the commander of the faithful Ali b. Abu Taleb AS,” You will flee, and raise up to avenge the bloods of Hussain AS, and will kill the one who kill us” Almokhtar soul was reassured when hearing this tradition, because he trust the source, and believe in it. He started to count house and moments, and was preparing himself to do the greatest mission. The impact of killing Imam Hussain AS on Almokhtar Days were going fast in the prison of Ibn Ziyad May Allah curse him, and the news were ot brining anything but bad. Suddenly, the prisoners heard about the major tragedy, and the greatest massacre where the bloods of Imam Hussain AS, the family of Hussain AS, and his companions were shed on the land of Karbala, after three days of deadly thirst. Also, they separated the heads from the bodies, and left their bodies naked and dusted, and their faces covered with blood and dust… the sun was burning them, and the winds was blowing on them. after that, they carried the women and children of Imam Ali AS family on skinny camels, as captives to the sons of Altolaqa- the freed once-. Whenever the news of Karbala and captives reach Almokhtar and his companions, they were being in great pain, and their anger becomes greater on those criminals. They were feeling with dereliction towards the Messenger of Allah SAWA Family, and in remorse for failing the righteous once, and for being silent front of falsehood. The raising of Altwabeen (Repentant) and Almokhtar The movement of Altwabeen was led by five Shiite leaders, they were: Solaiman b. Sard Alkhoza’ee, Almosaiab b. Najbah Alfazazi, Adbullah b. Sa’d b. Nofail Alazdi, Abdullah b. Wali Altamemi, and Refa’ah b. Shadad Albajli. All of them were among the righteous companions of Imam Ali AS. Taking one look at these names will give you an idea about the clans which supported this repentantly movement. Soliaman b. Sard has written to Shiite of Madaen and Basra cities to invite them to avenge Imam Hussain AS, and they all answered his call and responded to him. When the army of Altwabeen met with army of ibn Ziyad, he-ibn Ziyad- asked them to surrender and pledge their allegiances to Abdul Malek b. Marwan, but the leaders of Altwabeen refused his demands. Then Altwabeen asked the army of Syria to displace Abdul Malek , join Altwabeen to fight Umayyad and Alzobair group, and to give the position of Caliphate to the family of Messenger of Allah SAWA, but the Syrian army refused. Later, the battle took place between the two armies, and Altawabeen resisted front of the army of Syria and fought them bravely. The battle almost ended in their favor, but for the arrows which were falling on them from every corner, until their leader Solaiman was hit with an arrow which killed him. After him, Almosaiab b. Najbah took the leadership of the army. He was one of the heroes of Kufa. He fought with the remaining of the army against the Syrians. When he was killed, his companions fought to death and attacked the Syrian army while shouting,” Heaven! Heaven to the remaining of the companions of Abu Turab –Imam Ali-“ The battle ended for the favor of Syrians, the alive once which remained of the army of Altwabeen have returned back each one to his country. They could not achieve their goals which they fought for. The news of martyrdom of Solaiman and his companions by Obaidullah b. Ziyad, and the returning of the rest of Altwabeen to Kufa reached Almokhtar while he was in jail. Therefore he have written to them to thank them for their Jihad, and asked them to join him again on the revolution. The letter stated,” etc; Allah has made your reward greater. He has just decreased your sins for fighting the unjust. You haven’t take a step or did not cross by some difficulties, spent money, unless Allah get you a higher grade, and written to you a reward. If you give money or walk, Allah will reward you. Good tidings! If I raise up I will vanish all your enemies in the east and west by Allah.. Allah welcomes he who get closer to us, and follow the right path, and Allah would not keep away anyone except those who refuse and disobey us” They answered him,” We have written your letter, and we are as you wishes. If you order us, we will come to the prison to take you out” (12) Announcing the revolution of Al-Mokhtar The extraordinary character of Almokhtar was able to bring the majority of opponents of Umayyad and the Alzobair governments. Also the political atmosphere was charged with tension against the governor of ibn Alzobair, who hired killers of Imam Hussain AS to control Kufa. Almokhtar used these atmosphere to start his revolution, and he chosed the 14th of Rabi’ Althani as the date to announce the birthday of his revolution. Almokhtar was able to take control of the government castle of Kufa, and putted his hands on the Kufa after four days of attack and escape strategy. He sit in the castle, and people were gathered around him to pledge their allegiances, until huge number of Arab masters and slaves gave their pledges to him. (13) After he controlled Kufa completely, he sent officials and governors around Kufa and its provinces. He sent his workers to the mountains and all around his country. (14) Imams AS said about him -When Al-Mokhtar sent the heads of 'Obayd Allah b. Ziya`d and 'Umar b. Sa'd to Imam Zayn al-'Abidin, AS, and he prostrated himself in prayer for Allah, and said: "Praise belongs to Allah who has taken my revenged on my enemies! May Allah repay al-Mokhtar good! - Imam Abu Ja'far (al-Baqir), peace be on him, said: "Curse not al-Mokhtar, for he killed those who killed us, demanded vengeance for us, made our widows join in marriage, and divided properties among us in the strained circumstances." (15) - Abu Ja'far Al-Baqir, peace be on him, said: “Glory belongs to Allah! By Allah, my father told me that al-Mokhtar had sent the dower of my mother. Did he not build our houses, kill those who killed us, and avenge our blood? May Allah have mercy on him!.”(16) Imam Al-Sadiq AS: "No Ha`shimite woman combed (her hair) nor did she dye (it) wit henna until al-Mukhta`r sent us the heads of those who killed Hussain, peace be on him.(17)” References: 1. A’lam alnesa: V1, Page 421 2. Bihar Al Anwar: V45, Page 350 3. Aleste’ab (section four): Page 1465 4. Ala’lam: V18, Page 70 5. Mo’jam Rejal Alhadeeth: V18, Page 95 6. Bihar Al Anwar: V45, Page 352 7. Bihar Al Anwar: V45, Page 352 8. Trekh Altabari: V5, Page 381 9. Tarekh Altabari: V5, page 569 10. Tarekh Altabari: V5, Page 570 11. Tarekh Altabari: V5, Page 570 12. Tarekh Altabari: V4, Page 94 13. Bihar Al Anwar: V45, Page 361 14. Bihar Al Anwar: V45, Page 366 15. Bihar Al Anwar: V45, Page 343 16. Bihar Al Anwar: V45, Page 351 17. Safenatul Bihar: V1, Page 435
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Dear Reader..this article may contain some mistakes, please help us to correct them.. many thanks Facts and figures about Imam Hussains’ revolutions The folder will state events connected with the Holy Revolution of Imam Hussain AS chronologically, whether these events and figures happened in Medina, before the exodus of Imam Hussain AS, in Mecca, on the way to Holy Karbala, in Karbala, or in Kufa after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain AS, his sons, householders, and companions AS. 1. In the 15th of Rajab, 60H: Moaweiah has died in Damascus, and his son the lecher Yazid may Allah curse him inherited his father caliphate throne . 2. In the 28th of Rajab 60H: a letter from Yazid arrived to the governor of Medina, ordering him to take the pledges of allegiance from Imam Hussain AS. 3. In the 29th of Rajab, 60H: Alwaleed, the governor of Medina sent a man to Imam Hussain AS. The man invited Imam Hussain to come and give pledges. In the same day, Imam Hussain AS went to visit the grave of Messenger of Allah SAWA to the last time and farewell him. After that Imam Hussain AS left Medina with his family, and a number of his companions. 4. In the 3rd of Sha’ban, 60H: Imam Hussain has arrived Mecca, and met people. 5. In the 10th of Ramadan, 60H: a letter has arrived from people of Kufa, which was handed by two men from Kufa. 6. In the 15th of Ramadan, 60H: thousands of letters have arrived to Imam Hussain AS from people of Kufa, then he sent them Muslim b. ‘Aqeel AS to check the situation there. 7. In the 5th of Shawal, 60H: Muslim b. ‘Aqeel has arrived to Kufa, Kufans welcomed him and pledged their allegiance to him. 8. In the 1st of Thi Alqu’da, 60H: a letter from Muslim b. ‘Aqeel AS, has arrived to Imam Hussain AS inviting him to come to Kufa. 9. In the 8th of Thu Alhujja, 60H: the day of the revolution of Muslim b. ‘Aqeel leading 4000 man, then they were spread and left him alone. After that he was disappeared in the house of Taw’a. In the same day, Imam Hussain in Mecca has switched hajj with Umra. Then he declaimed people, and left Mecca with 82 man of His family, and supporters, heading towards Kufa. Also, in the same day in Kufa, Hane’a b. Urwa was arrested. 10. In the 9th of Thu Alhujja, 60H: Muslim b. ‘Aqeel fought against people of Kufa, then he was captured, killed, then was thrown from the roof of Castle of Emarah. In the same day, outside Mecca, Imam Hussain met with Alfarazdaq (famous Shiite poet) . 11. In the month of Thu Alhujja, 60h: Imam Hussain AS met AlHur and his army, in Manzel Shraf, or Altha’labia, or Alrohaimeia, depends on varied narrations. 12. In the month of Thu Alhujja, 60H: the news of killing Muslim b. ‘Aqeel and Qais b. Mosher has arrived Imam Hussain AS in Manzel ‘Othaib Alhajanat. 13. In the 2nd of Muharram, 61H: the arrival of Imam Hussain AS to Karbala, and erected the tents there. 14. In the 3rd of Muharram, 61H: the arrival of ‘Omar b, Sa’d to Karbala on the head of 400 man of the army of Kufa. Then he began parleys with Imam Hussain AS to force him to Surrender and pledges his allegiance. 15. In the 5th of of Muharram, 61H: the arrival of Shibth b. Reb’i to Karbala on the head of 4000 man. 16. In the 7th of Muharram, 61H: orders from Kufa have arrived to prevent water from arriving the encampment of Imam Hussain AS. Therefore he delegated 500 knight from the army of enemies, led by Amro b. Alhajjaj who controlled the water banks. 17. In the 9th of Muharram, 61H: the arrival of Shimr to Karbala on the head of 5000 man, accompanied with a letter from ‘Amr b. Sa’d ordering him to fight and kill Imam Hussain AS. In that Night Sa’d came to the camp of the Imam AS, and Imam AS asked him to ceasefire that night to allow them to supplicate and pray. 18. In the 10th of Muharram, 61 H: the battle took place between the supporters of the Imam and the army of Yazid. Later, Imam Hussain AS and his companions were martyred, the camps were looted, the holy head of the imam AS was sent to Kufa with Kholi. 19. In the 19th of Muharram, 61H: the trajectory of the army of ‘Omar b. Sa’d with the captives of AhlulBayt AS, from Karbala to Kufa, after Omar, b. Sa’d has prayed on the dead of his army and buried them, then he putted AhlulBayt AS on camels. Figures about the revolution of Karbala The importance of figures is obvious when it comes to state clearer facts about topic or event. However because of variety of historic narrators and sources about Karbala, and the events which happened before and after, we cannot depend to accurate and unanimous figures. Sometimes significant variation can be found about what being narrated about it. Despite that, showing some of the figures makes the revolution of Karbala more embodiment and clearer. Therefore the folder will present some forms and figures. 1. The raising of Imam Hussain AS lasted for 175 days, from the day he refused to pledge allegiance until the day of Ashora: - 12 days in Medina - 4 months and 10 days in Mecca - 23 days on the way from Mecca to Karbala - 8 days in Karbala from the 2nd to the 10th of Muharram 2. The areas between Mecca and Kufa which he passed by until he arrived Karbala were 18 area. 3. The distances between one area to another one was 3 leagues, and sometimes it was 5 leagues. 4. The number of area from Kufa to Damascus which AhlulBayt AS passed by as captives of war was 14 areas. 5. The number of letter which arrived from Kufa to Imam Hussain AS in Mecca, which were inviting him to come was 12000 letter. 6. The number of people who pledged their allegiance to Muslim b. ‘Aqeel in Kufa was 18000 man, or 2500, some said 40000. 7. The number of the martyrs of Abu Taleb progeny, whose names were stated in Ziyarat Alnaheia, was 17 men. Also, the number of the martyrs of Abu Taleb progeny in Karbala whose were not stated in Ziyarat Alnaheia was 13 men. As there were 3 children of Bani Hashim (Imam’s clan), therefore the total number will be 32 person. They are as following: A. Imam Hussain AS: 1 B. The sons of Imam Hussain: 2 person C. The sons of Imam Ali AS: 9 persons D. The sons of Imam Hassan AS: 4 persons E. The sons of ‘Aqeel b. Abu Taelb: 12 persons F. The sons of Ja’far b. Abu Taleb: 4 persons 8. The number of martyrs whose names were stated in Ziyarat Alnaheia Almoqadasa and other references-except Imam Hussain AS and the martyrs of Bani Hashim- was 82 person. The names of other 29 persons were narrated in the late references. 9. There were 14 slave among those martyrs. 10. The number of the heads which were divided between tribes and token from Karbala to Kufa, 78 heads divided as following: A. Qais b. Alash’ath May Allah curse him, the leader of bani Kendah: 13 heads B. Shimr b. Thi-Aljawshan, the leader of Hawazen: 12 heads C. The Clan of Bani Tameem: 17 heads D. The Clan of bani Asad: 17 heads E. The Clan of Methhej: 6 heads F. Persons from other clans: 13 heads 11. The age of Chief of Martyrs when he was martyred was 57 years. 12. The number of the wounds of Imam Hussain AS after his martyrdom: 33 stab of shafts, 34 stab of swords, and other wounds of arrows. 13. The number of participants who bruised Imam Hussains’ body with horses: 10 men 14. The number of the army of Yazid who went to fight Imam Hussain AS: 33000 man, the number was at start 22000 men as following: A. ‘Omar b. Sa’d may Allah curse him, with 6000 fighter B. Senan May Allah curse him, with 400 fighter C. ‘Orwa b. Qais May Allah, curse him with 4000 fighter D. Shimr bin Thi-Aljawshan May Allah curse him, with 4000 fighter E. Shibth b. Reb’I May Allah curse hi, with 4000 fighter F. then yazid b. Rekab May Allah curse him followed them, with 2000 fighter G. Alhusaien b. Numair May Allah curse him, with 4000 fighter H. Almazeni May Allah curse him, with 300 fighter I. Nasr Almazeni May Allah curse him, with 2000 fighter 15. In the 10th of Muharram, the Chief of Martyrs mourned 10 of his companions, declaimed in their martyrdoms, supplicated to them, and cursed their enemies. Those martyrs were: Ali Al-Akbar, Al’Abbas, AlQasim, Abdullah b. AlHassan, Abdullah the infant, Muslim b. ‘Awsajah, Habib b. Mothaher, AlHur b. yazid Alreiahi, Zohair b. Alqain, and John. Also he supplicated for Allah’s mercy up on Muslim and Hani May Allah be pleased with them. 16. Imam Hussain AS went and set next to the bodies of 7 martyers, they were: Muslim b. ‘Awsaja, Alhur, watheh Alromi, John, Al’Abbas, Ali AlAkbar, and AlQasim AS. 17. On the 10th of Muharram 3 heads of the martyrs were thrown next to Ima Hussai9n AS, they were: Abdullah b. Omair Alkalbi, ‘Amro b. Jonadah, and ‘Abis b. Abu shabib Alshakeri. 18. The bodies of 3 martyrs has been shredded to pieces, they were: Ali AlAkbar, Al’Abbas, and Abdul-Rahman b. ‘Omair. 19. The mothers of 9 martyrs were present in Karbala, and witnessed their Sons martyrdom, they were: Abdullah b. AlHussain AS -his mother Rabab, ‘Awn b. Abdullah b. Abdullah b. Ja’far- his mother Zainab AS, AlQasim b. AlHassan AS-his mother Ramlah, Abdullah b. AlHassan AS-his mother the daughter of Shalil Aljaleleiah, Abdullah b. Muslim- His mother Roqaia the daughter of Imam Ali AS, Mohamed b. Abu Sa’eed b. ‘Aqeel, ‘Amro b. Jonadah, Abdullah b. Wahab Alkalbi-his mother Om Wahab, and ‘Ali Al Akbar- his mother Lila as narrated in some narrations. 20. In Karbala 5 boys were martyred who were not adults yet, they were: Abdullah the infant, Abdullah b. Alhassan, Mohamed b. Abu Sa’eed b. ‘Aqeel, AlQasim b. AlHassan, and ‘Amro b. Junadah Alansari. 21. There were 5 of the companions of Messenger of Allah were martyred in Karbala among the companions of Imam Hussain AS, they were: Anas b. Harth AlKaheli, Habib b. Mothaher, Muslim b. ‘Awsajah, Hane’ b. ‘Orwa, and Abdullah b. Baqtar (Yaqtor) Al’omairi. 22. The number of slaves (servants) who were martyred for the sake of Imam Hussain was 15, and they are: Nasr and Sa’d the slaves of Imam Ali AS, Monjeh the slave of Imam Hussain AS, Aslam and Qareb once of the slaves of Imam Hussain too, Alharth the slave of Hamza, John the slave of Abu-thar, Rafe’ the slave of Muslim AlAzdi, Sa’d the slave of ‘Omar Alsedawi, Salim the slave of Bani Almadenah, Salim the slave of Al’abdi, Shothab the slave of Shaker, Shaib the slave of Alharth Aljaberi, and Watheh the slave of Alharth Alsalmani. Those fourteen were martyred in Karbala, except Salman the slave of Imam Hussain AS, he was sent to Basra where he was martyred. 23. Two of the companions of Imam Hussain AS were captured then were killed-martyred- they were: Sewar b. Mon’em, and Mon’em b. Thomamah Alsedawi. 24. Four companions were martyred after the martyredom of Imam Hussain AS, they were: Sa’d b. Alharth, and his brother Abu alhotof, Sowaid b. Abu Motawe’ who was injured, and Mohamed b. Abu Sa’ed b. ‘Aqeel. 25. The fathers of seven men witnessed their martyrdoms, they were: Ali AlAkbar, Abdullah b. Alhussain the infant, ‘Amro b. Junadah, Abdullah b. Yazeed , Majma’ b. ‘Aeth, and abdul rahman b. Mas’od. 26. Five women went out the camps to fight enemies or to protest against them, they were: the bondmaid of Musli b. ‘Awsajah, the mother of Wahab -the wife of Abdullah Alkalbi, the mother of Abdullah Alkalbi, the mother of ‘Amro b. Junadah, and the greatest Zainab AS. 27. The women who was martyred in Karbala was, om Wahab- the mother of wahab, the wife of Abdullah Alkalbi. 28. The women who were in Karbala are, Zainab AS, Um-Kulthom AS, Fatima AS, safeiah AS, Roqaiah AS, Um-Hane’ AS; Those six were the daughter of the commander of the faithful Imam Ali AS. Also, Fatima and Sokaina; the daughters of Imam Hussain AS. Rabab, ‘Atah, the mother of Mohsen b. Alhassan, the daughter of Muslim b. ‘Aqeel, Feza Alnobeia, the bondmaid of Imam Hussain AS, and the mother of Wahab b. Abdullah.