Question: A discharges fluid when she starts thinking about her husband or when seeing something simply exciting? Does the emission make her fast void?
Answer: The fluid which a woman feels during foreplay or lustful thinking but it is not much to spread to other parts, is clean. Ghusl does not become obligatory in this case and it does not make wudhu void either but if there is much fluid and is called ejaculation and the fluid spreads to the underwear and this normally takes place during orgasm and full satisfaction, the fluid is najis (impure) and in this case ghusl becomes obligatory. In fact, if emission takes place without orgasm, the necessary precaution is that it is najis and it causes janabah.
Hence, if a woman enters the state of janabah intentionally with the details mentioned above, both Qadha and kaffara become obligatory on her. The obligatory precaution is that she should restrain from eating and drinking for the rest of the day.
Question: Whenever I am thinking about a beautiful woman, there comes out a liquid without any lust or ejaculation? Is it semen? How can I understand that it is semen or a clean discharge?
Answer: As you have no certainty that it is semen, without the presence of the conditions required, the said liquid is pure (Tahir).
2Question: Does Ghusl Janaba become obligatory immediately when ejaculation takes place?
Answer: It becomes obligatory to perform Ghusl before reciting the prayers.
3Question: Is precum impure? Precum is the pre-ejaculate fluid.
Answer: No, it is pure (Tahir).