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In the Name of God بسم الله


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alimohamad40 last won the day on November 25 2011

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  1. Am not able am using phone Bibi Sarah was not a jealous kafir no the accusation against her that she hated Hajar just because she envied her fertility and was jealous of her to a level that she insulted her and made her and prophet ismail cry and abrahim to complain to god and god to reply that the women are inherently evil like a crooked rib that if you try to straighten you will break, then to kick Hajar and her baby to die in the desert is a false accusation
  2. Lol am not even talking about this verse. This verse is talking about the materialistic equality Which is required. am talking about the other verse relating to the equality in love which is not required and is impossible to achieve. Am talking about 4:129. Not 4:3 Please bring 4:129 and explain it to us and reconcile it with 4:3
  3. Salaam Regarding Khadijah and Fatima the prophets marry out of responsibility so even if he prefers to spend more of his 4 nights with khadeeja considering the amount of benefit he would not ignore the responsibility had there been a woman that needed him. Also the prophets work to promote certain lifestyle because then it becomes example. If this theory about the idea that you can not and should not combine between a wife that has a very high level of faith and an ordinary woman was true then imam ali wouldn't marry other wives along with ummulbaneen would he? Yacoob also wouldn't marry four when his preference was for rachael Imam Hassan wouldn't marry Juda along with um farwa and prophet wouldn't marry Aisha along with um salama . Regarding the story of Sarah it's true that had she done what you and the isralites are accusing her off then it would be kufr as imam ali stated but the reality is far from that as she is praised by the quraan as a member of Ahlulbait. Lastly kanIz Since you reject the hadeeth and say that it's mistranslated are you an Arabic speaker? And can you give us the proper translation? And let's forget the hadeeth I give you a small challenge can you do the Tafseer of the verse that talks about the equality of love? The one that says : you can never be equal between the women even if you tried your best. After god makes it clear that men can not be equal why does he then turn around and tell them to Mary multiple wives in the same verse? If equality of love was a requirement as you claim then why wouldn't god tell the men to marry only one to avoid the problem? Just tell us what is god telling the men to do in that verse? Tell me if my translation is wrong. You would never be equal between multiple women even if you tried your best so (do marry multiple wives) and do not divert fully to a level where you leave one of them hanging (one of your multiple wives) So what is this verse telling us in the case of not achieving the equality in love ? To marry or not to marry? Isn't the fact that the verse says to still marry even in the absence of equality in love showing that the equality in love is not a requirement?
  4. Salaam Not just Sunni girls . So called Shia girls who even wore hijab had boyfriends but she wanted me as a boyfriend too because she wasn't happy with superficial relation but wanted to take it further accusing me of being shy and unexpressive. And used to say there is nothing wrong with holding hand or maybe kissing. I was not up for haraam so I proposed muta dnd the moment I did that he'll broke loose by her and her mother. The mother was telling me we do honor killing so how dare you propose muta lol Honour my feet I don't know too many "Shia " girls who didn't have boyfriends eventhough my circle are all the hijab ones so you can imagine the no hijab would be worse and the sunnies were even worse
  5. salaam ali asghar: Usually its the femenists who make personal attacks not me,,, I attack thier anti islamic statements and actions but they start assuuming things and making judegements based on those assumptions. for example lets say I promoted early marriage straight away I get a million accusation all ready based on suspecions and most of them personal and nothing to do with the technicality of the topic!!!!.... so how is this an islamic site when islam can not be promoted as a solution for life??? we have so many people sitting on the fence because everybody is concerend with thier own popularity in the eyes of the humans and no one dares to argue against the femenist religion which has many ideologies in direct conflict with islam and its dictating its misguided system on us and our children by force... how do we falsely claim that islam is going to be a solution yet we disable its lawfuls and allow its unlawful in our life?? how do we falsely claim that we belive islam is the solution yet we punish everyone who tried to implement its laws in thier life? how do we falsely claim that we ove ahlulbait and the prophets why in our life the most hated lifestyle is thiers? we are fakes we need to look in the mirror harder and report what we see... I personally have never used the report button because i dont really belive that the admins are fair as many of them sit on the fence and are not ready to declare thier views., they are more worried about thier popularity and the votes than the principals and hence they indulge in double standards. \ for example if person A agrees with me about 9 out of 10 things he/she will keep silent about the 9 things afraid from the reaction of the people yet he/she would wait gladly to point out that 1 issue that they disgree... this is a sign that its not the principals which drives the people but its the intrests... I was constantly insulted for saying " temporary marriage with prostitute is lawful and hence is a solution for the desperate to avoid haraam" eventhough one of the admins here one day admitted that he did muta with a prostitute, he wasnt picked on because he wanst defending ideology but in my case its so different it turned into the shirt of uthman,,, any topic people disagree with me they bring it up!!!! The prophet said " a mumin is the mirror of his momin brother" I am being a mirror and people can not stand to see thier ugly realities so they get very angry at the mirror and try to break it...... I mean look at what i posted here, so far I received many insult at least 4 or five and more if you count the people liking it but what was my crime in this topic? I posed hadeeths supporting laws in which they hate.... thats all None of them is going to explain to us what the hadeeth means or why it is fabricated but they will just say: "alimohamad is a fool or haydar hussain is stupid that his fingers would stick together or that HH is the abu huraira of this website,,,, things like this" they also use explicit language when they insult which I am unable to repeat so haji did a good thing editing ruqayahs post when she made that comment.... its crazy that these girls are more explicit than men!!! i wonder what happened to tiher femenine nature? the praise of shyness in the female but unfortunately its as the prophet said about the last days ::: he sai: the liar will be belived and the truthful will be denied (accused of lie) , the bad will be praised and the good will be condemned ..... the men will act like women and the women will act like men. the women will rule and the men will listen and follow the acceptance if homosexuality the increase in fornication when you look at all this conflict we have in simple terms i am promoting marriage and tehy are promoting forincation ... very simple the altrnative of marriage is forincation and this is proven and is all around us in large percentage... They hate these hadeeths but am not saying these things its actually imam Ali who is syaing them ?? is he also a fool?? or is this fabricated and falsely attributed to him? if yes show us how and why with evidence and guide the fools if you are merciful you would guide the fools and the misguided and not let them suffer in thier misguidance so please guide us what these hadeeths mean ??? they are blatently saying that what you promote and do is EVIL If this site was truely islamic they would not allow islam to be rediculed like this and they would not allow people who are totally within the islamic boundries and trying to do thier obligation of amr bilmaroof and nahi an almunkar to be attacked so much for doing the right thing... I was banned in the past for arguing against a so called "convert" who was saying " death sentence must be abolished" and many things like this which were directly against islam.... so i asked her " which religion are you? what your saying totally contradicts islam!!" she got angry and then they were all on my throat dont offend the poeple whom we are trying so hard to bribe into islam!!! dont wreck our work..... as if islam needs people who belive ine the complete opposite of its laws???? I am trying to tell her that if the base of her religion is on the foundation of abolishing the death penalty then she chose the wrong religion as that will not happen in islam..... i was beign honnest to her but people dont want to hear honnesty ,,, The others were saying " dont argue dont offend" they try so hard to "increase the number of converts" as if islam needs quantity not quality ,,,, or as if those converts are doing a favour for God so we need to not condemn them them even if they spread falsehood. they work on the anti islamic base that the aim justifies the means so we can delude people to bring them to islam!!! your not bringing them to islam at all in that way even if they declare islam,,, I would appriciate if instead of the name calling that some one can answer the questions and give thier tafseer of the hadeeths that I posted. salaam
  6. Salaam Yakputa what do you means the rules of Islam turned the people into robts which religion do you follow? And how does the infinitely accurate and elaborate and just law of the judge of the judges and the cause of the causes the lord of the lords be faulty or vague and turn people into robots? Is that your understanding of gods justice which is the second base of islam? And it's not a surprise who would support your comment , shahbano who herself has serious problems with accepting gods justice and is always bitter about his laws.
  7. This is a funy trend but many other avatars are actually very funny ,,,, lets say if we superImpose ImAli's one on Zareen's one...
  8. kaniz give us your openion about these hadeeths , they contradict your claims 180 degrees ,,, are they fabricated or your claims are false ? Having multiple wives is an attribute of the Prophets because it is a sign of successful leadership. One haddith of imam redha says: in the white rooster there are five traits from the traits of the prophets: knowledge of the prayer times, jelaousy, generousity, bravery and many wives reference wasael alshia volume 20 page 152-157 another hadeeth by imam redha three things are from the sunnah of the prophets, perfume , trimming the hair and many wives imam sadiq said : no possesiveness is allwoed except to men. possessiveness from women is jelaousy and possesiveness is just for men.. This is because a woman is only allowed a single man where as men are allowed four wives, and Allah is too generous that he would allow for them jealousy, while it is hallal for a man to have three wives other than her. reference wasael alshia volume 20 page 152-157 imam assadiq said : indeed Allah the exhaulted and glofiried has not given (or allowed) posessiveness to woman. EVIL women are posessive , and the believing ( mumin) women are not. however Allah the exhaulted and glorified has given ( allowed) posessiveness to men, because it is allowed for a man to have up to four wives or his mulk alyameen girls, whereas a woman is only allowed her husband. therefore if she desires another husband alongside of him, then she is a adulteress before Allah. reference wasael alshia volume 20 page 152-157 Imam ali in nahjulbalagha Jealousy of the female kind if kufr and jelaousy of the male kind is emaan sharh nahjulbalagha for ibn haitham albahrany he expains it like this " jealousy of the female prevents the sharing of one man by multiple females which is a lawful act, hence this constitutes a prohibition of the lawful and therefore it is equated to kufr. Jelaousy of the male prevents the sharing of one female by multiple males, which is a forbidden act therefore preventing whats forbidden is virtous and hence equated to emaan"
  9. Salaam, Yes, I think she has to accept it, it is not her business to reject things that God accepts, and it is between two other people, so why would she stick her nose in and dictate what other people should or should not do? Do you put your nose in other people's relationships and tell them they are not allowed to get married? Likewise, the first wife is a third party to the second marriage and has no say in it. It is the need and the want and the God given right of the husband and the second wife, therefore no other creature has the right to interfere and prohibit the lawful, that is why Imam Ali says 'the jealousy of the female is kufr' (in najul balagah). Otherwise you explain to me what it means, for the jealousy of the female to be equated to kufr? No, that is not true, There are reports that Imam Ali contracted Mutah (very likely in the time of Fatima) Also, he has other women along with Umm al Baneen who is highly regarded in Islam The fact that they start off their life with one wife, is not an indication that they were aiming to be monogamous. What counts is the end results when the conditions allowed them, they took more than one wife and that's what counts. also what counts is what they said... not only what they did because maybe thier condition doesnt allow them to practise everything that they want to promote yet they promote it by the words... for example imam Ali propotes just leadership but he was psuhed away from it can we say " imam doesnt belive in just leadership because he didnt practise it ?" this is false because he was pushed away from it and his condition didnt allow him Having multiple wives is an attribute of the Prophets because it is a sign of successful leadership. One haddith of imam redha says: in the white rooster there are five traits from the traits of the prophets: knowledge of the prayer times, jelaousy, generousity, bravery and many wives reference wasael alshia volume 20 page 152-157 another hadeeth by imam redha three things are from the sunnah of the prophets, perfume , trimming the hair and many wives imam sadiq said : no possesiveness is allwoed except to men. possessiveness from women is jelaousy and possesiveness is just for men.. This is because a woman is only allowed a single man where as men are allowed four wives, and Allah is too generous that he would allow for them jealousy, while it is hallal for a man to have three wives other than her. reference wasael alshia volume 20 page 152-157 imam assadiq said : indeed Allah the exhaulted and glofiried has not given (or allowed) posessiveness to woman. EVIL women are posessive , and the believing ( mumin) women are not. however Allah the exhaulted and glorified has given ( allowed) posessiveness to men, because it is allowed for a man to have up to four wives or his mulk alyameen girls, whereas a woman is only allowed her husband. therefore if she desires another husband alongside of him, then she is a adulteress before Allah. reference wasael alshia volume 20 page 152-157 Also when the prophet started his mission he had a secret mission because the conditions were not ready so we can not say " his objective was the secrecy of the mission" also imam Ali was pushed away from leadership for 22 years and he was digging wells ..... but we can not say that imam Alis ultimate ambition was to dig wells while his knowledge and justice could have turned this world into a heaven had the people followoed him!!!! any way i debated this issue so much with so many different people here so you can discuss it in the other topics which are already open so they dont come and close your topic or get yourself in trouble salaam
  10. Salaam As far as I remember what is makrooh is not muta with virgin but it's the consummating of the muta with virgin Regarding precaution fatwas, you have two options: - Preferably, to consult a scholar who has a definite fatwa (regardless allowing or prohibiting) - Otherwise, to just take the precaution, but sometimes if the scholar has many precaution fatwas (due to his uncertainty) this will disable your life by prohibitng the lawful, and hence opening haraam doors due to the unneccesary closure of halaal doors. This is because, not all precautionary fatwas are based on evidence of 'karahiyya' (reprehension), but some of them are based on the uncertainty of the scholar. Therefore if it is based on karahiyya it is better to take the precaution, but if it based on the uncertainity of the scholar, it is better to consult the certain one (irrespective of his opinion, prohibition or allowance, what you like to hear or what you dislike to hear). Therefore it is prefered to not rely on precautionary fatwas, but rely on definite ones. Salaam
  11. Salaam I dont know much but wanted to add something . Some of these problems like bipolar the western medicine doesn't explain properly. From what I noticed it's a possibility of jins and things like that as well. I witnessed a link that always in the " crazy hospitals" people talk about the heavy presence of jins. Why? What's so special about the crazy people's hospital? It's the craziness which they couldn't diagnose They do excorsiem ithink to rid the body of it but my knowledge of this is very limited
  12. Do you need your wife's permission to go to the bathroom and what if she didn't grant you? Is it your wife or your lord ? And why would she stick her nose in a relationship between you and another female where she is nOt a party to it? And instead of helping you And facilitating for you to marry and get closer to god and follow the sunnah of the masoomeen she actually rejects it? Why would that be the case unless she had serious problems? Why should a third party dictate over Others and prohibit the lawful? Prohibiting the lawful is regarded kufr according to imam ali in nahjulbalagha . Is it your body and your needs and wants plus the second wife's or is it the first wife's ? Just be logical how is that favoring men? That's just giving them Thier natural right so we don't end up with adultery like the famous monogomous role models bill Clinton and prince Charles and the rest. If there is a fear of potential sin the second marriage becomes wajib so how would god give the authority to another human beings from disabling what's wajib? Isn't the famous fish law stating No obedience for the created in disobeying the creator So how would god allow the wife to he obeyed in disobeying him? As for deciet and lies and hypocrisy Islam prOhibits that. So if you do behind her back you can't lie about it. You can either tell her that it's not her buisess or announce it. You have no excuse to be a canard from humans resulting in disobeying god as that's a form of shirk where you following your wife's rules and not gods. Announcing marriage is ideal as Islam makes it mustahab to announce marriage to promote it If the wife is a Muslim she wouldn't take offense from legitimate behavior and would not transgress upon the god given rights of her husband and his otherwife. If she is a transgressor then her transgressing feelings should not be encouraged nor respected. If She is rejecting it would be out of jealousy because no sane person would reject a good thing where another person is added to Thier family making Thier family bigger and more bonds and more support and more happiness for everyone bringing them closer to god and avoiding the risks of adultery and perversion that your monogamist role models constantly face. Who in Thier right mind would reject such project? If her reasons are jealousy which is in almost every case then imam ali said in nahjulbalagha the jealousy of the female kind is kufr and the jealousy of the male kind is emaan . So it's offensive for you to respect kufr as kufr is something to be rejected And this law does not favor men as you claim because the man is naturally polygynist and the woman is naturally monogamist so Allah allowed and encouraged polygyny yet he prohibited polyandry. Allahs system is fair but the false enforced monogamy is harmful to both genders and all the evidence are pointing to this direction We as Muslims don't have monogamist role models . All our madwomen role models are polygynist. So who are your role models? And who is the role model of the wife that rejects polygyny and prohibits the lawful?
  13. its not double standards when we promote for men to marry in muta there are two scenarios 1) marry a good girl and use that muta as an engagement or an initial marriage to turn it into permenant. we should never tell men to go and use the good girl then dump her,,, I myself have been in situations where I was married to girls and have the opportunity to take things further but I pull back because I know the girl is not suitable for me so I hold myself from sleeping with her eventhough she is willing and in some cases she is the one wanting it,, I dont deny that I also want and am in a poverty position but I just pull back to keep her intact for her future husband so they can have a good future. So in summury we have to shield the people and be conservative and think about thier future and not be wasters and be aware of sampling. 2) scenario two is marry bad girls just to avoid sin and tehre is no harm in that for the men ,,, they can use the bad girl and try to turn her to good and guide her, if she changes then its a bonus if not then they avoided sin... 3) marry divorcee or needy women to shelter them and also aim for permanancy but if life conditions of both or one of you dictates temporary then its okay the female is naturally monogomist and hence fatimat alzahra said : the best of the women is the one that less men talked to her and saw her ideally the girl looks for her permenant husband... why would she want to be left after a while in temporary??? The ideal marriage is permenant which is what men and women should aim for because seperation is harmful eventhough its not divorce but its very different when we encourage the men to marry we are not encouraging them to play and dump the girls after muta but to settle and aim for permenanacy in which muta is used as a tool towards that aim. but if a man has gone with more than one woman its not a big issue because the man is naturally polygamist and thats his nature but when a girl goes with too many men with no good reason its not healthy for her as she begins to compare the men while polyandry is prohibited so it will create negative thoughts in her head also she will not be materialisticly desired either as she would be seen more like a public property that was used by everyone... what you also need to thiink about is the nature of the relation between the man and woman the man uses the woman and has jealousy over her ( desire of posession). he wants her to be exclusively for him,,,, this trait is encouraged for the males according to islam ..... So if a man went with more than one woman its not a bad thing its actually shows he has potential but if a woman goes with many men (for no good reason) it means she is being used by too many men and hence she becomes public property and materialisticly undesireable to the people ... it also shows that she is going against her monogomist nature if she kept changing for no good reason. also to be careful of wasting as the prophet said : "god hates the sampling women and men" so using muta or permenant marriage just to sample around is a bad thing and constitutes wastage its like biting a piece of each apple and throwing the rest,,, its an act of wasting,,,, if the girl is good why not keep her as a permenant wife ? i bet you most men have not clocked thier 4 positions so what excuse do they have to end the relationship and not turn it into permenant? only if life circumstances force them or the girl is bad then thats another story... The man is very different and he can go with ore than one woman it woudltn harm him...
  14. Salaam Allah sanctioned khul3 for such situations If the reasons for not wanting the husband are not related to transgression and noshooz then she can use khul3 But she has to give up her dowry or some thing, If the reason for divorce is transgression then the hakim can impose an iirevocable divorce if there is noshooz on behalf of the man. If you don't like some one you can not pretend but you are not allowed to deny him intimacy under any circumstance If the situation is bad and can't fix then such people shouldn't be together because they need to love each other for it to be a marriage. Salaam
  15. if the typical men were attracted to intelligance would this girl become miss universe or mis california or whatever and if women were attracted to good men would my university companion who was a forincator and a jerk , would he have been able to get a new girlfriend every week ?
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