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In the Name of God بسم الله


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  1. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from AStruggler for a status update, Salam bro, how have you been?   
    Salam bro, how have you been?
  2. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans reacted to Gaius I. Caesar for a status update, Salaam alaikum, hope all is well with you.   
    Salaam alaikum, hope all is well with you.
  3. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from ShiaChat Mod for a status update, Welcome back!   
    Welcome back!
  4. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Zarla for a status update, Welcome back!   
    Welcome back!
  5. Thanks
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Hameedeh for a status update, Welcome back!   
    Welcome back!
  6. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Vindemiatrix for a status update, People in general (online) need empathy. Being rude is unclassy.   
    People in general (online) need empathy. Being rude is unclassy.
  7. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans reacted to 2Timeless for a status update, Salaaaam long time no talk. Getting a bit worried now, hope everything is okay!   
    Salaaaam long time no talk. Getting a bit worried now, hope everything is okay!
  8. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Hameedeh for a status update, And there are, among men, those who purchase idle talk to lead (others) astray from t   
    And there are, among men, those who purchase idle talk to lead (others) astray from the way of Allah without knowledge, and to take it in mockery; for these shall be a disgracing chastisement.
  9. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from M.IB for a status update, And there are, among men, those who purchase idle talk to lead (others) astray from t   
    And there are, among men, those who purchase idle talk to lead (others) astray from the way of Allah without knowledge, and to take it in mockery; for these shall be a disgracing chastisement.
  10. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans reacted to Diaz for a status update, Salamu Alaykum brother how are you? I joined your club “brother only” club at till no   
    Salamu Alaykum brother how are you? I joined your club “brother only” club at till now I’m not accepted. Once you are free can you accept my request? Thanks and have a nice day.
  11. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Urwatul Wuthqa for a status update, And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers . (Qur'an 51:55)   
    And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers.
    (Qur'an 51:55)
  12. My Prayers
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Ashvazdanghe for a status update, And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers . (Qur'an 51:55)   
    And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers.
    (Qur'an 51:55)
  13. My Prayers
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Shaykhmuhsin for a status update, And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers . (Qur'an 51:55)   
    And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers.
    (Qur'an 51:55)
  14. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Al Hadi for a status update, Let not the month of fasting be the month of feasting.   
    Let not the month of fasting be the month of feasting.
  15. Completely Agree
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Heavenly_Silk for a status update, Let not the month of fasting be the month of feasting.   
    Let not the month of fasting be the month of feasting.
  16. My Prayers
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Ashvazdanghe for a status update, Let not the month of fasting be the month of feasting.   
    Let not the month of fasting be the month of feasting.
  17. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans reacted to Laayla for a status update, Brother Assalam Alikum. how are you? What's wrong brother, it's been awhile you haven   
    Brother Assalam Alikum. how are you?  What's wrong brother,  it's been awhile you haven’t posted.  Are you okay?  Do you know Hajj Mohammed as sa3idi?  Are you friends with him?
  18. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from AStruggler for a status update, I am at peace with those who are at peace with you. - Ziyarat Ashura   
    I am at peace with those who are at peace with you. 
    - Ziyarat Ashura
  19. My Prayers
    ali_fatheroforphans reacted to Laayla for a status update, Bismehe Ta3ala, Assalam Alikum A big shout out to brother @Sumerian and a salawat, Al   
    Bismehe Ta3ala,
    Assalam Alikum
    A big shout out to brother @Sumerian and a salawat, Allah yarda3 3lee
    for resolving and mediating between Sister @2Timeless and I.   Done on this beautiful night of laylatul joum3 during the occasion of Sayyida Fatima Zahra 3laha salam.  May she intercede on behalf of you two, thank you for your courage, patience, and sincerity.  God bless you and give you a long life. Please recite fatiha on their departed relatives' souls.  M3 Salamah, FE AMIN Allah
  20. Haha
    ali_fatheroforphans reacted to AStruggler for a status update, Lol read your message in the chatroom a bit late. Thanks, I actually wrote that while   
    Lol read your message in the chatroom a bit late.
    Thanks, I actually wrote that while fighting sleep, it wasn’t even me trying 
  21. My Prayers
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Ashvazdanghe for a status update, Raise me not a single degree before the people without lowering me its like in myself   
    Raise me not a single degree before the people without lowering me its like in myself.
    Imam Sajjad (عليه السلام)
  22. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Hameedeh for a status update, “Those who prefer the life of the world to the Hereafter, and hinder (others) from th   
    “Those who prefer the life of the world to the Hereafter, and hinder (others) from the path of Allah, and seek to make it crooked. They are in far error.”
  23. Like
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Asghar Ali Karbalai for a status update, “Those who prefer the life of the world to the Hereafter, and hinder (others) from th   
    “Those who prefer the life of the world to the Hereafter, and hinder (others) from the path of Allah, and seek to make it crooked. They are in far error.”
  24. My Prayers
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Ashvazdanghe for a status update, “Those who prefer the life of the world to the Hereafter, and hinder (others) from th   
    “Those who prefer the life of the world to the Hereafter, and hinder (others) from the path of Allah, and seek to make it crooked. They are in far error.”
  25. My Prayers
    ali_fatheroforphans got a reaction from Heavenly_Silk for a status update, “Those who prefer the life of the world to the Hereafter, and hinder (others) from th   
    “Those who prefer the life of the world to the Hereafter, and hinder (others) from the path of Allah, and seek to make it crooked. They are in far error.”
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