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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Abdul-Hadi last won the day on August 27 2021

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    Shia Islam (revert)
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    hopeful & grateful
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    religion/spirituality, Cold War, vinyl records, retrogaming, reading, pyrography, writing, the Quran, the Kaaba

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  1. Not to mention that a "gay gene" has never been found and probably will never be found, ever; because it doesn't exist. But like I said, I feel bad for gay people because they are being lied to by society with the whole "Born This Way™" nonsense, as well as being told that being gay is a "perfectly OK way to be", so they never try to resist the urges to commit homosexual acts or try to change themselves to be of the normal orientation, the way that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) created them to be. Matter of fact, if you suggest that people aren't "Born This Way™" and that there is hope for them to change, you're compared to Hitler and are treated like the worst human being imaginable when really, you just want what's best for that person and what's best for society.
  2. The reasons I avoid marriage are many, and have a lot to do with my life prior to embracing Islam. I can't really get into it here because then people will think that I'm "confessing sins" or "dishonoring myself" (I do not come from an honor culture) but if I was going to try and explain it... ...have you ever had so much of a specific type of food that you got tired of eating it? Like some people, when they go to college will eat ramen noodles for every meal and then later on in life, never want to have ramen again. I have something similar like that in my own life when it comes to marriage and what goes on in a marriage.
  3. You can be sure because forgiveness is in Allah's (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) nature: he is the oft-forgiving and most merciful. Never despair over Allah's propensity to forgive sin.
  4. I used to want to get married and have children, but with my (lack of) career situation, legal situation, and just the way that society is in terms of it's public morals ceasing to exist, I no longer wish to attempt a marriage or bring children into this world that I'll have to compete against the school system and culture to raise with my values. So I hope marriage is not wajib, or I'm in trouble, because there's absolutely 0% chance of me getting married and less than 0% chance of me getting married to a religious sister due to being the only Muslim in my family, the only Shia in my area that I know of, and again, my lack of a career or education.
  5. Well my mother and sister are cultural Christians, my brother in law is nothing. Not an atheist, just of no religion in general. But on holidays we will eat traditional Ukrainian food and sometimes I put on my embroidered shirt for these meals. My mom decorates Ukrainian easter eggs, just like my aunt and grandmother did. Every friday night is pizza night. But aside from that, we don't really have a lot of traditions.
  6. I went for a walk, and just so happened to look up and see a bird I've never seen before. I knew it was probably an owl of some sort, so when I got back home I looked up "species of owl in Florida" and it's apparently a short-eared owl. These are rare and elusive birds, so I'm not sure what it was doing in my neighborhood of all places, perched on the power lines. I tried to get a quick picture of it with my phone, but it flew off. Isn't Allah's (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) creation beautiful and amazing? I love seeing rare birds. My profile picture is a species of rare bird (for Florida) that was in my yard a while back (Indigo Bunting). I haven't seen one since.
  7. I think that government should get out of marriage entirely. It should be strictly a religious ceremony.
  8. Saudia is definitely not a US proxy. It would be easier for the US if that was the case, because then we would just be able to get their oil very cheaply. They're an "ally" to the US (that funded the 9/11 attackers, likely because the US needed a "second pearl harbor" to justify implementing the police state and invading Iraq and Afghanistan) but they fund Wahabbism, which is counter to the ideological interests of the people who actually own America, so they're definitely not a proxy. A proxy would be what the US was trying to establish in Afghanistan. Their hope was to fund their military, turn Afghanistan into a client state, and then unleash them on the region but because the democrats and neoconservatives are so incredibly out of touch with reality, this did not happen. And now the Taliban (who the US funded against the Soviets in the 80s) have all the military hardware that was for the Afghan army, and will likely use it against other people in the region, possibly Iran. Which works out for the US anyway, since the US hates Iran for throwing the CIA out in 79. Its the same reason why the democrat party hates Russia now: Vlad Putin came in and the democrat party lost Russia as a client state. Basically, anyone who exercises their own political power over their nation and is not subservient to the democrats, America hates.
  9. Well I wasn't so much talking about the Taliban in that case as much as I was talking about Hamas and "Palestinian Islamic Jihad". Which are two Sunni organizations and as far as I understand it, the Sunni are the ones that have the major problem with Shia and not necessarily the other way around. Like I stated, they can't refrain from "correcting" how I pray at the masjid and trying to proselytize me to come over to the Sunni cause, so I don't go anymore because I'd rather not have my presence be causing drama and contention when normal, well adjusted people are just trying to pray.
  10. "Conspiracy theorist" just means "anyone who questions the narratives of the democrat party". I know you're in Canada, but Trudeau is essentially a United States democrat with how "woke" and politically correct he is. "democrat" is a worldwide movement of globalist elites that think that they not only know better than you do, but the fact that they're elites means that they should have the right to dictate your life to you. They were thrown out of Russia by Vladimir Putin, which is why they hate him so much now.
  11. The other thing I don't understand, is why LMNOP+ are still claiming that they don't have "equal rights" in America. They're allowed to enter into so-called "same sex marriages" and are a protected class, so I really don't see what rights they allegedly don't have. I think that when they say that they want "equal rights", what they really mean is that they want special, unique rights. Such as the right to stifle criticism from religious people as "hate speech" & they also want their lifestyles to be enshrined in the culture the way that normal sexual proclivities are. They also want the "right" to indoctrinate your children and recruit them into their alternative lifestyles; and think that you as the God-fearing parent should not be able to guide your children in terms of what's halal & haram.
  12. I don't have much of a community. I live in America where people are pretty atomized and not really deeply involved with their communities. I'd say that I come from a working class White background though, grandchild of Ukrainian immigrants to America so I still keep some of the traditions of the Ukrainians in some of the clothes I wear at special occasions and such (Embroidered shirts, eating Ukrainian food, small stuff like that). I live in Florida USA so as far as the rest of the community goes, it's mostly elderly and retired people, a lot of them way wealthier than my family is. Beach/tropical culture is pretty strong down here and is partially formed from the cultures of Latin Americans and Caribbean blacks, so we've sort of got a mish-mash of culture going on down here, but like I said: most people don't really talk to their neighbors or anything. People in America are very much self-centered and alienated from one another, especially now that the political situation that the media has been fomenting has split the country between red vs blue, liberal vs conservative and people seem to hate people who aren't a part of their political tribe (It's really stupid if you ask me). I don't know most of my neighbors save for the guy across the street who ran for office here in town once and even though he lost, I wrote him a letter saying I was proud of him that he tried to get involved.
  13. I thought that you had to be a Marxist in order to be a communist? I did some reading about Marxism a while back; read Kapital and the whole nine yards, but the assertion that they have to create an atheist state is what bothered me a lot about it, that and the fact that it just seemed like a pie-in-the-sky way of viewing the world that didn't work out before kind of put me off of it. There are other people I read that call themselves "Libertarian socialists" who I think have pretty solid ideas about stuff, but I can't see any of it ever taking off in America because the capitalist system has too much of a chokehold on the culture and society for any sort of meaningful change to ever take place. Supposedly there is a line of thought called "Islamic socialism" but I haven't looked into it yet. I talk a lot about politics but I don't vote or anything anymore because of the felony charge I caught last April.
  14. Even then they don't care. There's no amount of money that someone can pay me to make me believe that the democrat party and the elite liberals that operate it aren't corrupt beyond even what we're capable of imagining. It's pretty obvious in the way that the democrats are always making appeals to Muslims but don't manage to stand for any of the traditional values that Muslims hold. They'll criticize Christianity until the cows come home for being "intolerant" of the LMNOP+ agenda and then turn around and say "WE LOVE MUSLIMS!" and act as if "Muslim" is a racial category. They're deeply ignorant and out of touch people who simply do not care what the average person wants and they think that they know what's best for those same people: more supply-side economics, bank bailouts, and the "woke" agenda. I despise the democrat party. The republican party is not great either, but they at least pretend to believe in traditional family values.
  15. I'm going to go conspiratorial here and say that I believe that if a 3rd party actually got enough votes to be taken seriously, the votes simply wouldn't be counted and the media would report them as not getting the requisite numbers because the media doesn't report news; it's a propaganda machine for the democrat party. The game absolutely is rigged and the elites rigged it in a way that allows them to hold on to power, that's why they collectively lost their minds when Donald Trump managed to capture the Republican nomination and then lay the smack down on Hillary Clinton in 2016. I don't foresee anything like that ever happening again though, the democrats now have the system completely rigged so that they'll never lose an election again. So we're headed into a one party system of tyranny, although it's not like the traditional democrat/republican dichotomy was any different. It's all the same party, just there are supposedly two of them to create the illusion that the American people have choice-- they don't. There is no choice and the elite Georgetown liberal class will never again be removed from the Oval Office. But what will most likely happen, is that these people are so inconceivably bad at running the country, that America will collapse like the Soviet Union eventually. I know. It didn't work in the Soviet Union and everywhere else where it has been tried has led to horrific human rights abuses and usually, mass starvation. China is now putting Muslims in concentration camps and has created it's own version of the Catholic church, which sadly Pope Francis is capitulating to.
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