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In the Name of God بسم الله


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  1. Like
    Sirius_Bright reacted to Heavenly_Silk for a status update, There will come a time upon the people where health will include 10 parts. Nine parts   
    There will come a time upon the people where health will include 10 parts. Nine parts will be in isolating yourself from the people and 1 part is in being silent ~ Imam Ali (عليه السلام).
  2. Like
    Sirius_Bright reacted to Auriba for a status update, Here Caesar   
    Here Caesar 

  3. Like
    Sirius_Bright reacted to Sumerian for a status update, May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى curse the oppressors of the Ahlulbayt (as) and thei   
    May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى curse the oppressors of the Ahlulbayt (as) and their followers.
  4. Like
    Sirius_Bright reacted to Sumerian for a status update, Insha Allah us Shi'a will never compromise our beliefs to please those from other sec   
    Insha Allah us Shi'a will never compromise our beliefs to please those from other sects and religions. 
  5. Completely Agree
    Sirius_Bright reacted to Sumerian for a status update, Yazid and Muawiyah would not have had the chance to commit their treasonous crimes ag   
    Yazid and Muawiyah would not have had the chance to commit their treasonous crimes against the Prophet and his Household without the previous decisions by other accursed personalities.
  6. Like
    Sirius_Bright reacted to Heavenly_Silk for a status update, In everything I see, I see Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى before it, I see Allah سُبْح   
    In everything I see, I see Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى before it, I see Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى in it and I see Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى after it ~ Imam Ali (a.s).
  7. Confused
    Sirius_Bright reacted to Laayla for a status update, What is going on? Some sneaky so called "shias" are saying why should we cry for Imam   
    What is going on?  Some sneaky so called "shias" are saying why should we cry for Imam Hussain? So bold, hard hearts, no baseera myopic vision offfffff
  8. Like
    Sirius_Bright reacted to Laayla for a status update, 3id Allah al Akbar in 7 days. If you love Imam Ali, say ya Ali!!! Ya Abal Hassan! Ya   
    3id Allah al Akbar in 7 days.
    If you love Imam Ali, say ya Ali!!!
    Ya Abal Hassan! Ya Amir al mo2mineen!
    How will you celebrate this day?
    M3 Salamah, FE AMIN Allah 
  9. Like
    Sirius_Bright reacted to zainabamy for a status update, Assalamu aleikum dear brothers and sisters, After some thought I regret to inform you   
    Assalamu aleikum dear brothers and sisters,
    After some thought I regret to inform you all that I will be leaving SC permanently. 
    Unfortunately I no longer enjoy the atmosphere here on the site and feel uncomfortable. I feel there are many deviants here who claim to be lovers of Ahlulbayt (as) who stop us from practising our faith openly (such as those who are opposed to doing lanah on the enemies of Ahlulbayt as). Earlier on in the year I was reported for quoting the part of Ziyarat Ashura which does lanah and honestly I think that is completely disgraceful - if you are offended by the ziyarats that do lanah on the enemies of Ahlulbayt (as) and you are a Shia then you need to have a hard look at yourself.
    Instead of this site being a safe haven for Shias its more like a site where we are living to make the so called 'sunnis' happy. Members even had a problem with us doing a Naray Haidary thread. What is Shism coming to when we can't say the name of our Mawla (as) without being criticised by our so called Shia brothers and sisters?
    In addition, I have felt insulted for being a woman on this site. I have been made to feel that I am nothing more than a sexual temptation for men and that the only reason for me wearing the hijab is just to keep men happy. As a result of this wallah I nearly decided to give up wearing my hijab.Let me make this clear, I don't care what men think of me, I don't live to make men happy, I live to make my Creator happy and my hijab is for Him alone. Allah (swt) doesn't look at me or any woman as a [Edited Out] or [Edited Out], he looks at us as human beings. Some people need to remember this instead of looking at every woman as a source of fitnah. It makes me sad that since I started wearing hijab non-Muslim men have shown me so much respect and then from some Muslim men I have been insulted.
    Though despite these difficulties I will not allow this to overshadow all the good things that have come out of my time here. I have met some wonderful brothers and sisters who have brought me so much joy and I thank you so much for it. I will be logging onto SC for a few more days so if you want to stay in contact with me, please PM me and don't forget you can follow me on my blog on Tumblr zainabzahraamy and my instagram which is the same.
    May Allah (swt) bless you all and keep you steadfast. 
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