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In the Name of God بسم الله


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  1. My Prayers
    Ron_Burgundy got a reaction from Laayla in Bismehe Ta3ala Assalam Alikum Brother How is your precious daughter? Can she say baba   
    I am thanful to Allah that he blessed with such a great child. 
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    Ron_Burgundy reacted to Laayla in Bismehe Ta3ala Assalam Alikum Brother How is your precious daughter? Can she say baba   
    That was yesterday brother!  Mash'Allah.  God bless her and keep her for you. What a blessing from Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى).  You must be so proud.
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    Ron_Burgundy got a reaction from Sindbad05 in al dunya sujoon al mo2min "Life is a prison for the momins" Why? What's your take?   
    I remember Moulana gave a speech on this. He said Imam Hussain (a.s) was a kid and it was a daye of Eid and Imam was wearing a nice clean dress. He was walking through a street where some Jewish guy approach him and said, your grandfather said that this world is hell for momin and heaven or non-believer. Look at me I am wearing a dirty dress and you are wearing a clean nice dress. So isn't this world heaven for you and hell for me? Imam replied to him: If you see your akhira you will realize that no matter in under what conditions you are living in this world this will look like jannah as compare to your akhira, but when momin sees his akhirah (heaven) no matter how good is he living in this world it will look like hell to him. 
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    Ron_Burgundy got a reaction from Sindbad05 in I wish I could sleep 10 hours a day.   
    Yes but always have things to do. 
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    Ron_Burgundy got a reaction from Hameedeh in Bismehe Ta3ala Assalam Alikum Please recite fatiha so I can find passports for my chi   
    Walikum a salam and Ameen.
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