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In the Name of God بسم الله

Gaius I. Caesar

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Status Updates posted by Gaius I. Caesar

  1. Salaam alaikum, 

    Well, this feels strange for me to write this and I appreciate the support I received from everyone , however I think it's time for to retire and unregister from Shiachat.

    1. Hameedeh


      @Gaius I. Caesar

      Salam, Brother. Please just take a break and come back any time. We appreciate your participation so much! 

    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Ok, I'll do that, it seems like I am drifting away. If you need me, send me a message. 

    3. Hameedeh


      Allah bless you, Brother.

  2. Salaam alaikum, hope all is well with you.

    1. ali_fatheroforphans


      Walaikum Salam brother, long time, I'm good alhumdulillah. How have you been?

    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Wasalam alaikum,

      I'm ok, just living as per usual. Alhamdullilah, I am pleased to hear that you are doing good.

  3. I've heard it oft as if I dreamed, 

    Far distant, sweet and lone

    The funeral dirge it ever seemed

    Of reason dead and gone. ~ Abraham Lincoln

  4. Salam alaikum, I haven't seen you in a while.

    1. kamyar


      Wa aleikum salam akhi, yes I am somewhat busy brother

      Hope you are doing well Insha'Allah

    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      I'm hanging in there, just keeping myself busy.

  5. Salaam, I noticed you looked at my profile.

    1. strength=Abbas


      Yay me too. Apparently our brotha is back again 

  6. Thank you for keeping me in my prayers. I managed to get to school on time. It's a small thing but I appreciate it nonetheless.

  7. Salaam, I was downstairs. What did you want to say to me? I hope all is well.

    1. Sirius_Bright


      Alaikas Salaam,

      I said your Salaam to DU, he replied:

      Oh wow

      Walaikum salam

      Tell him i send 1000 salam

    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Cool, tell him I said thanks, I send 2000 salams in return.

  8. Salaam, it's been awhile sis. Hope all is well with you.

    1. Livia


      salaam to u too...its well thanks...how r u?

    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      I been going to school, I'm feeling okay so far.

  9. Salaam, hope all is well with you, sis.

    1. Afsaneh14


      Thank you brother alhamdilillah things are getting better. How are you?

    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      I am fine, done with  this semester for the summer.

  10. Salaam Auriba, hope all is well.

  11. Salaam alaikum, sis. Hope all is well with you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heavenly_Silk


      Aww of course! It's strange how sadness and happiness goes hand in hand sometimes.

    3. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Yeah, it is very strange. I feel bad that I had forgotten.

    4. Heavenly_Silk


      But you hadn't, thing is no matter what takes place in our lives, whether it be a happy or sad occasion. We will always have the tragedies that took place to ahlulbayt (as) and their companions in our hearts. 

  12. Salaam, thanks for the follow.

  13. Salaam alaikum, Bakir, how are you doing? 

    1. Bakir


      Been terribly busy but I am on vacations now heheh. And you?

    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Almost about to go to college. Miss talking to you, bro. Hope your vacation is a good one.

  14. Salaam alaikum,  reisiger. How are you doing today? I became a chat room mod a couple of days ago. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Yes, we do, brother. Anyway, I am going to be going to school in January next month. But we need to figure out how we can hang out, man.

    3. reisiger


      For sure.  CC?  I was thinking of checking into some courses there.  I really wish there was a proper Shi'a school or center here. Considering trying to learn Arabic and a, totally afraid of it!

    4. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Yeah, CC. I am taking an Arabic course for my humanities, while I am nervous, I am not the least bit afraid and hope to embrace it.

      Yeah, I would definitely go if there was a Shia school here!

  15. Salaam alaikum and Здравствуйте.

  16. Salaam alaikum, how are you doing today? Today's beautiful isn't it. My foot stopped bothering me, hope all is well with you. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      I am usually hang around the Narragansett -Galilee -Jerusalem area, sometimes the Kingston area. Although I have no idea where I'll be today. I fished for pumpkin seeds as practice in one of them ponds in Matunuck. 

    3. reisiger


      Cool man! That's awesome.  I love those spots.  Maybe one of these days we can hit lake Tiogue. 

    4. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Sure, I'll let you know when I show up at Lake Tiogue or when I fish.

  17. Salaam alaikum, good morning Reisiger,  how are you doing? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. reisiger


      Sorry to hear that, brother! What's going on?  You OK?

    3. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      I feel sore and hot ,plus I keep getting sharp pains in the heel of  my left foot.

    4. reisiger


      That doesn't sound like a good time at all.  Sorry to hear that.  I wish this bloody weather would just get cool and dry already!

  18. Salaam alaikum, bro 

    1. rinneganMahdi


      Wsalam brother I have returned after awakening the rinnegan 

    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Mash'Allah, now you can do Chibaku Tensei,  lol

    3. rinneganMahdi


      Haha I will chibaku tensei the nasibi and the zionists on this forum inshallah :D

  19. Salaam alaikum, thanks for following me sis.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gaius I. Caesar
    3. shiarevert_1628


      Lol! I have just seen this now but Alhamdulliah all well thanks, how about you?

    4. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      I could be better, thanks for asking. I am also a revert as well.

  20. Salaam alaikum, 

    How are you doing? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SlaveOfAllah14


      So how have u been doing bro? How's Ramadhan going for you?

    3. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      I am fine and trying to hang in there , Ramadan has been difficult for me right now. I am on a weird sleeping schedule and my family doesn't make fasting easy . My mom doesn't like it when I fast, she's afraid that I'll get sick and wither away  to the point of extreme weakness.I have been trying but I end up having to break it earlier than most people. 

      Sucks that I am the only Muslim in my family but at least I have support from Shiachat.

      Right now, all I ask my Lord is be able to keep my iman still and forgive my sins. I was keeping a good track until recently. I ended up sinning due to stress, now I am ashamed of myself. 

      Thanks for asking,  bro. 

    4. SlaveOfAllah14


      I understand you man. It's definitely harder for you. You struggle is similar to the struggle of the first muslims and companions of the prophet, some of which their parents made it hard on them for being a muslim.

      But at all times, don't forget that there is light at the end of the tunnel bro. And also that, Allah (SWT) knows what you are going through.

      Imagine a teacher giving one of his students a harder exam compared to other students, and then during the exam, he sees that one student stressing and struggling more than others. He gave him the harder exam, because it suited his level as he had higher potential, although the teacher knew that he had higher potential, but through this exam, he wanted that student himself to know and believe that he's different to others, more capable. 

      So bro, your circumstance is similar. You didn't create your circumstance, it is given to you due to the destiny of Allah, ie. that you aren't surrounded by muslim family and friends. But, as with the result of a harder exam, if you go through this well, inshallah you'll have a much better reward.

      Although in an exam, the most help one can get is to ask the teacher to read the question for us, but in the life exam, we can ask Allah (SWT) to guide us and even help us through certain problems. So don't forget to make dua to Allah. And don't forget to read lots of Quran, for indeed, the Quran through it's wisdom and stories of earlier prophets and their struggles, gives us a healing, hope and guidance.

      Lastly, take it easy on your self brother. See if you can make your sleeping schedule normal. See if you can explain to your parents that 1.5 billion people fast this month. See if you can explain to them the scientifically proven health benefits of fasting. 

      Wish you all the best brother, may Allah make this easier for you. Don't forget us in your duas too.

  21. Salaam, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your thoughts on your blog and posts. It is inspiring to read, sister.

    1. zainabamy


      Wa aleikum as salam! Thank you and the same applies to you as well :) I hope that Allah (swt) allows you to achieve all of your goals. 

  22. Struggling and need somebody to talk to,insha'Allah.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      General loneliness, and I am trying to find a partner to my share my life with and marry.

    3. Mzwakhe



      insha'Allah my brother. May Allah(swt) fulfill all your needs. In the mean time bare patiently hardships...


    4. Gaius I. Caesar

      Gaius I. Caesar

      Thanks for your kind words and advice. I wish I that a little more patient about this.

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