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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Posts posted by AbdusSibtayn

  1. 2 hours ago, Eddie Mecca said:

    Same can be said of Diddy, J. Lo, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, DJ Khaled etc. They might all be dragged to court and some may be facing prison time soon...seems to be a scandal of immense proportions...I've been meaning to start a thread for a while about what's been going with Diddy and Hella Weird (i.e. Hollywood) in general...but October 7th 2023, happened and everything else got sidelined and placed on the back burner...did you happened to see Kanye's interview with Alex Jones 2 or 3 years ago?...Ye's exotic behavior is his conscience crying out I believe

    I haven't seen the interview but Hollywood is the Shaytan's megaphone and projector and it is not a secret. 

    Waiting for the megathread. 

  2. On 2/10/2025 at 10:55 PM, Azadeh307 said:

    I don’t think it would be easy to recover from years with the narcissist Kardashian family. However, I think this was not as impulsive as it may seem, given he produced merchandise for his Yeezy brand to fit them them of his posts before he made them. Right now he is only selling a shirt with a swastika on it on his website. May Allah guide him to Islam and heal him. 

    He is also a textbook example of how the termites of modernism hollow out a person, and a civilization. He had a 'cool' career, was making spades of money, was married to a quintessential 'trophy wife' and was leading the hedonistic lifestyle to its fullest; everything looked picture perfect and yet we can see what all of that brought him. 

    He's probably going to rave like a lunatic by fits and starts, and vegetate for the rest of his life. 

    Such is the reality of this civilizational quagmire, that even its most 'successful' specimens are fending off insanity. 

  3. Your husband is a psychopathic, sadist m0π0n who deserves a bloody nose and a black eye. The only thing that I have to say about such men is- don't leave me alone in the a room with one of them. Only one of is going to walk out alright. 

    Please involve the relevant legal and religious authorities, and walk out of that hell. For the sake of your children. 


    20 hours ago, Mosaic said:

    I'm sorry you're going through this.  I have no advice for you but hope you realize this is not a healthy relationship and that you are not a bad wife based on what you've posted. What you described can be seen as emotional, financial and sexual abuse. No one should make you feel obligated to put up with someone who degrades you regularly by using names of the masoomeen ((عليه السلام).). 

    100% agreed. 

  4. On 1/22/2025 at 1:23 AM, Muhammad Hadi 15 said:

    @AbdusSibtaynThank you very much brother for your detailed comments. I am overwhelmed by your advices.

    May Allah keep you safe and well, and grant your parents a full recovery through the intercession and blessings of Ahlul Bayt.I want to connect with you personally. I don’t know if we are allowed to share our numbers on this forum. If you can drop your contact details in my inbox, please do so. I will very grateful. JazkaAllah khair

    No problem brother. If things feel overwhelming, do them gradually, one step at a time. 

    13 hours ago, Muhammad Hadi 15 said:


    Thank you very much brother for your detailed comments. I am overwhelmed by your advices.

    May Allah keep you safe and well, and grant your parents a full recovery through the intercession and blessings of Ahlul Bayt.I want to connect with you personally. I don’t know if we are allowed to share our numbers on this forum. If you can drop your contact details in my inbox, please do so. I will very grateful. JazkaAllah khair

    Thank you for your prayers and good wished. Wa iyyaka khair al-Jaza. 

    I don't use social media, but nonetheless I'll see if I can send you my contact details. 

    Fi amanillah. 

  5. On 1/23/2025 at 4:28 PM, Guest Guest Nadia A said:

    Salam everyone, 

    I met a person on an online platform and he promised marriage and this man was very genuine and interested, the only thing is that he asked for pics and this person is super religious (Sayed) he said that it's not haram because we are doing it for the purpose of marriage and he asked for not so modest pictures. I still have no idea if that is wrong or right - then we told me he would recite a couple things and we would become married and all I gotta do is type "yet I accept" as in him being my husband for a month. I know I'm stupid to have believed this or is this not wrong? 


    I'm a bit young so I don't know much - I know it's my job to ask and learn and I'm trying. 

    1. If a guy is serious about marrying you, he'll approach your father to ask your hand in marriage. Everything else is a scam. Always remember this golden rule. 

    2. Generally speaking, for the purpose of marriage, the prospective groom and his family are allowed to see the prospective bride, even without hijab. But if he is asking for 'not so modest' pictures, then it's self-explanatory, whatever he is up to. 

    3. He's trying to prey on you by misusing temporary marriage ie mut'ah. Sadly for the predator, mut'ah or even permanent marriage is not valid without the permission of the woman's father or paternal grandfather. So his true intentions stand exposed. 

    In sum, the guy is a predator and also a groomer (he must have realized that you are young and impressionable enough to be manipulated). He's a low-life. Block him everywhere, as the others have also suggested. Be careful of such men in the future. It's a good thing you asked. 


  6. 8 hours ago, Eddie Mecca said:

    There's evidence suggesting that the whole of Sunni Islamist leadership has been bought out for the past 150 years...for example, Muhammad Abduh was an open Freemason whose sole alligance to Islam is questionable...same with his teacher al-Afghānī

    They days of Abduh and Afghani are long gone. The 'reformists' have long lost the plot and the leadership of Sunni politics. Their more 'traditional' counterparts have also shown that they are only capable of going either the ISIS way (Syrian terrorists ,Dagestani/Chechen terrorists, ETIM terrorists, Libya,Sudan etc) , or the UAE-Turkey way (the whole of GCC, North Africa, Fatah/'PA' etc) , or some kind of a mix between the two (Taliban, HTS). Those who can actually do something meaningful are allied with the 'Rafida' (Hamas, PIJ etc). 

    I couldn't care less about whatever the Sunnis- Islamist or not- did to their own house- set it in order or set it on fire. The problem is that those who are compelled to live with and around them are also being forced to suffer the consequences of the choices they make. 

  7. Salam, 

    Please watch these two videos I'm linking below for an in-depth explanation of the sadl (arms by the side) vs qabd (arms folded) debate from a Sunni fiqh perspective. 

    Explanation from Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (Maliki Sunni) for why Sadl is right. 

    Shaykh Ahmad Taha Rayyan (professor at al-Azhar University, the highest ranking seminary in Sunni Islam) explaining the Maliki position on Sadl (also check out the description box in this video for more advanced arguments, which would take some degree of previous religious knowledge to understand). 

    A ruling is not necessarily a correct one because it is more famous, or even otherwise. We the Shi'a believe that praying with the hands by the side is how the Prophet (S) prayed, and that's how his immaculate family, the Ahl al-Bayt (ams) have learned the prayer from the Prophet and taught us. 

    The Shi'a evidence-




  8. 4 hours ago, PureExistence1 said:

    Salaam brother, could you please provide the definitions in the islamic sense to these?

    It'd be MUCH appreciated!



    I made a thread regarding this some years ago, and to be honest, I am still not very clear about their definitions, or how they differ from each other. 


    What I am led to believe is that apart from the seegha (the formula for reciting them) and the kaffarah (the penalty for not fulfilling them intentionally), there is no significant difference. 

  9. Well, if you considered him your equal (kufw) from both shar'i and urfi (customary) perspectives, then that's  a different matter and the marriage is valid. 

    As for the advice, there's not much  particularly to offer, Islamically or otherwise. It is you who need to decide if you want to stay married to him or to separate. It's a question of what you wish to prioritize, the life you wish to lead versus the one that you have now. Unfortunately, we cannot make that choice for you. That's a call you need to take yourself. 

    ...إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُوا۟ مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ ۗۗۗۗ... 

    "Indeed Allah doesn't change what (situation) it is with a people, unless they change what it is with themselves" (13:11) 

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