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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Status Replies posted by AbdusSibtayn

  1. How are you, Sheikh? Hope everything is fine at your end.

    1. AbdusSibtayn


      Wassalam ustadh, I have been trying to battle some inner demons all this time, hence taking some time off from the forum. Sometimes I slip, despair, and feel that it is a losing battle, but then I remember your encouraging words. Did not see you around for some time, hence thought about asking. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Nah, You guys done Kadhim dirty, Free the Mandem.


    1. AbdusSibtayn


      وَ مَنْ یَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّۃٍ شَرَّاً یَرَہُ

  3. دریغا! نیست ممدوحی سزاوار مدیح، دریغا! نیست معشوقی سزاوار غزل

    1. AbdusSibtayn


      Thank you so much Supreme Leader! I'm not that big though. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Eid Mubarak everyone.(Unless you're Khoja and will probably be doing it on Friday) I pray all of you have a lovely day. May All your fasts and good deeds be accepted. Love you all

    1. AbdusSibtayn


      شكرا جزيلا أيها القائد الأعلى. أتمنى لك نفس الشيء.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Eid Mubarak everyone.(Unless you're Khoja and will probably be doing it on Friday) I pray all of you have a lovely day. May All your fasts and good deeds be accepted. Love you all

    1. AbdusSibtayn


      Eid Mubarak, Suyeong. Please increase my Songbun, and pray that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) increases my Songbun too! 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. السلام علیک یا ابا عبد الله، وعلیٰ ارواح الّتي حلّت بفنائک۔۔۔ 

  7. السلام علیک یا ابا عبد الله، وعلیٰ ارواح الّتي حلّت بفنائک۔۔۔ 

  8.  الصلوٰۃ والسلام علیک یا ابا محمدٍ الجواد، اللٰھم رزقنا زیارتہٖ فی الدنیا والشفاعتہٖ فی الآخرة!  

    1. AbdusSibtayn


      ابا جعفرٍ الجواد*

  9. I'm new here. If anything like other gatherings I've attended, there's a lot of eyes going around and no one saying anything. Maybe the people are tired of the feds infiltrating? LOL. It's ok. I can laugh because I was locked up for over 10 years and considered a violent criminal. I protected my family and told the truth. So, of course I'd be punished in America! LOL. 

    I'm a Choctaw from the Nation of Oklahoma. I graduated from Haskell Indian Nations University in 2019.

    Recently, I approached the Imam of our mosque here in Topeka, communicating that I wanted to give back, do more, and be around the brothers. He literally told me to go online. LOL.

    Should probably spend more time searching around and reading, but just like anything else with life, I'd do better when I'm guided lol. 

    I started with an online tutor to work on my tajweed recently. I'm trying to make more time in my life to get back to studying the religion as I once did. If money wasn't an object, I'd rather spend my time raising my family, worshipping God, studying the deen, and helping others. Doesn't everyone??? LOL

    The age of materialism is beginning to eclipse. What is important will become more valuable than ever before.

    I'm grateful just for the opportunity to be alive, make the prayer, and recite the Qur'an. 

    A time is coming when those who travel light will be blessed!

    1. AbdusSibtayn


      Salam, wishing you a pleasant experience here. 

  10. محمد بن يحيى، عن محمد بن الحسين، عن ابن محبوب، عن إسحاق بن عمار قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: للقائم غيبتان: إحداهما قصيرة والأخرى طويلة، الغيبة الأولى لا يعلم بمكانه فيها إلا خاصة شيعته، والأخرى لا يعلم بمكانه فيها إلا خاصة مواليه


    1. AbdusSibtayn



      May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) grant us the tawfeeq to be included among those 'mawālī' , and to serve Ibn az-Zahra (aj)! 


  11. "Why don’t they want you to know history?Because it is a domino.When the domino falls,one falls after the other.

    Why do you think they don’t want you to know about Karbala?Why do they focus on the Shia 'hitting themselves'?

    Because they know that if the world focused on what Karbala was about,every domino would fall."

    -Dr.Syd' Ammar Nakshawani-

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