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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Blog Comments posted by AbdusSibtayn

  1. Assalam alaykum,

    Just saw this post. Once again, brother @Qa'im, I really really must congratulate you for having written this marvelous post, it is indeed regaling, to say the least! You have articulated in the most accurate and point-device manner what I, just like other university-going Muslim youth, have to come to grips with everyday. It is so very relatable!
    I am in total agreement with you. Our faith and identity have already sustained a horrific amount of damage from the intellectual onslaughts of these 'libertine missionaries'. To intellectually counter them is now a pressing need, and we are doing painfully little in this regard. It's well-nigh time that we wake up from our slumber and rise to the occasion by confronting this mortal threat, or else the horrifying prospect of losing an entire generation of ours to their delusional deceptions and perverse, corrupting enticements stares us in the face. We are already running out of time.

  2. Assalamu alaykum, 

    Dear brother Qa'im, I must really congratulate you on that information-rich, epistemologically sound masterpiece ! We hardly have such insightful works done nowadays. Keep up the good work !

    I suggest (if it's not too much of a trouble) that you make a similar classificatory study on the contemporary trends within our own Twelver Shi'i (imami) school. Whilst I am aware of the risks involved in this undertaking, such a study would nevertheless be immensely useful.

    Best wishes !!

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